
90 "Real" Scientists Concerned About Climate Change


This is the list of petitioners who signed the letter, above:

Canadian Climate Science Leaders


Dr. Philip H. Austin

Associate Professor, Earth and Ocean Sciences University of British ColumbiaPrincipal Investigator, NSERC/CFCAS Clouds and Climate Research Network


Dr. David Barber
Canada Research Chair in Arctic System Science
Faculty of EnvironmentUniversity of Manitoba.


Dr. Danny BlairAssociate ProfessorPARCMB Hydro Climate Change Research Professor Department of Geography, University of Winnipeg


Dr. Jean-Pierre BlanchetProfesseur au Département des sciences de la Terre et de l’atmosphère,Institut des sciences de l’environnement,Université du Québec à Montréal


Dr. George J. BoerSenior Scientist, Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and AnalysisEnvironment Canada


Dr. James Bruce, O.C., FRSC[empty-para]Canadian Policy RepresentativeSoil and Water Conservation Society


Dr. William Mark Buhay

Assistant Professor
Department of GeographyCenter for Forest Interdisciplinary ResearchUniversity of Winnipeg


Dr. Ian Burton, FRSC[empty-para]Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto.Independent Scholar and Consultant.Scientist Emeritus, Meteorological Service of Canada


Dr. Andrew B.G. BushCo-Editor, Atmosphere-OceanDept. of Earth and Atmospheric SciencesUniversity of Alberta


Dr. Stephen Calvert, FRSC[empty-para]Professor EmeritusDepartment of Earth and Ocean SciencesUniversity of British Columbia


Dr. Eddy CarmackSenior Scientist, Institute of Ocean Sciences Fisheries and Oceans Canada


Dr. Daniel CayaDirector, Climate SimulationsOuranos ConsortiumMontreal


Dr. Quentin ChiottiSenior ScientistPollution ProbeToronto


Dr. R Allyn Clarke Scientist Emeritus, Bedford Institute of Oceanographyand Chair, Board of Directors, Canadian CLIVAR Research Network 


Dr. Garry K.C. Clarke, FRSC[empty-para]Professor of Geophysics, Earth & Ocean SciencesUniversity of British Columbia


Dr. Irena CreedAssistant ProfessorDepartment of BiologyUniversity of Western Ontario


Dr. John J. CullenKillam Chair of Ocean StudiesDalhousie University


Dr. Ken Denman, FRSC[empty-para]Senior Scientist, Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis, and Institute of Ocean Sciences, Fisheries and Oceans Canada


Dr. Jacques DeromeProfessor, Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences McGill University


Dr. Andrew E. DerocherProfessorDepartment of Biological SciencesUniversity of Alberta


Dr. Anne de VernalProfessorGEOTOP UQAM-McGillUniversité du Québec à Montréal


Dr. William F. DonahueFreshwater Research Ltd.Edmonton


Dr. Marianne DouglasCanada Research Chair in Global ChangeAssociate Professor, Department of GeologyUniversity of Toronto


Dr. James R. Drummond, FRSC[empty-para]Professor, Department of PhysicsUniversity of Toronto


Dr. Thomas J. DuckAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Physics and Atmospheric Science Dalhousie University


Dr. John EnglandProfessor & NSERC Northern ChairDepartment of Earth & Atmospheric SciencesUniversity of Alberta


Dr. Ian Folkins Associate Professor)         Dept of Physics & Atmospheric ScienceDalhousie University       Dr. Louis Fortier
Canada Research Chair on the response of marine arctic ecosystem to climate change
Scientific Director of ArcticNet
Université Laval


Dr. Howard J. FreelandSenior Scientist, Institute of Ocean SciencesFisheries and Oceans CanadaCo-Chairman of the international Argo Program.


Dr. John FyfeSenior ScientistCanadian Centre for Climate Modelling and AnalysisScience and Technology BranchEnvironment Canada


Dr. Konrad GajewskiLaboratory for Paleoclimatology and Climatology Department of Geography/Département de géographie University of Ottawa/Université d’Ottawa


Dr. Barry Goodison   Senior Scientist Atmospheric Science and Technology DirectorateEnvironment CanadaandChair, Climate and Cryosphere Project (CliC),World Climate Research Programme


Dr. Richard J. Greatbatch,Professor and NSERC Industrial Research ChairDepartment of OceanographyDalhousie University


Dr. William HsiehProfessor, Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences Chair, Atmospheric Science Programme University of British Columbia


Dr. Colin JonesProfessor and Canada Research Chair in Regional Climate ModellingUniversité du Québec à Montréal


Dr. Dylan Jones Assistant ProfessorCanada Research ChairDepartment of PhysicsUniversity of Toronto


Dr. Jeffrey L. KavanaughAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Earth and Atmospheric SciencesUniversity of Alberta


Dr. Markus KienastAssistant ProfessorDepartment of  OceanographyDalhousie University


Dr. Paul KushnerAssociate ProfessorDepartment of PhysicsUniversity of Toronto


Dr. René Laprise ProfessorUniversité du Québec à MontréalPrincipal Investigator, Canadian Network on Regional Climate Modelling (CRCM)


Dr. David B Layzell,  FRSC[empty-para]CEO and Research Director,BIOCAP Canada Foundation, andProfessor and Queen’s Research Chair,Queen’s University,


Dr. Paul LeBlond, FRSC[empty-para]Professor EmeritusDepartment of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of British Columbia andChairman, Pacific Fisheries Conservation Council


Dr. Maurice LevasseurCanadian Research Chair on Climate Variability and Planktonic SystemsLaval UniversityDirector of Québec-OcéanChair of the Canadian Network on Surface Ocean – Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS)


Dr. Marlon R. LewisProfessor, Department of OceanographyDalhousie University


Dr. Charles LinProfessorDepartment of Atmospheric and Oceanic SciencesMcGill University


Dr. Edward LozowskiProfessor EmeritusDept. of Earth and Atmospheric SciencesUniversity of Alberta


Dr. Brian H. Luckman,Professor, Department of GeographyThe University of Western Ontario

Dr. Alan Manson
Chair, Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies (ISAS),
Professor, Department of Physics and Engineering Physics,University of Saskatchewan


Dr. Hank Margolis
Université Laval
Program Leader, Fluxnet-Canada Research Network


Dr. Robie W. Macdonald, FRSC[empty-para]Senior Research ScientistInstitute of Ocean Sciences Fisheries and Oceans Canada


Dr. Shawn Marshall
Associate Professor
Department of GeographyUniversity of Calgary andW. Garfield Weston Chair in Earth System Science, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research


Dr. Randall MartinAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Physics and Atmospheric Science Dalhousie University


Dr. J. C. McConnell, FRSC[empty-para]Distinguished Research Professor,Professor of Atmospheric Sciences York University


Dr. Gordon McBean, FRSC[empty-para]Professor, Institute for Catastrophic Loss ReductionUniversity of Western OntarioChair, Board of TrusteesThe Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences


Dr. Norman McFarlane
Director, SPARC International Project Office
Adjunct Professor
Department of Physics, University of TorontoScientist Emeritus
Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis
Environment Canada


Dr. Katrin J. MeissnerAssistant ProfessorSchool of Earth and Ocean SciencesUniversity of Victoria


Dr. Adam Monahan                  Assistant Professor                   School of Earth and Ocean SciencesUniversity of Victoria


Dr. G.W.K. MooreProfessor of Physics andChair of the Department of Chemical and Physical SciencesUniversity of Toronto at Mississauga


Dr. Paul MyersAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Earth and Atmospheric SciencesUniversity of Alberta


Dr. Lawrence A. Mysak, CM, FRSC[empty-para]Canada Steamship Lines Professor Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences McGill University


Dr. Desmond O’NeillConsultantHalifax


Dr. Lionel PandolfoAssistant Professor
Dept. of Earth & Ocean SciencesUniversity of British Columbia


Dr. Tim PapakyriakouAssistant ProfessorCentre for Earth Observation ScienceDepartment of Environment & GeographyUniversity of Manitoba


Dr. Thomas F. Pedersen, FRSC
School of Earth and Ocean SciencesAndDean of ScienceUniversity of Victoria


Dr. W.R. Peltier, FRSC[empty-para]Director, Centre for Global Change ScienceUniversity Professor and Professor of PhysicsDepartment of PhysicsUniversity of Toronto


Dr. Terry ProwseProfessor and Research Chair, Department of GeographyUniversity of Victoria


Dr. André G. RoyProfesseur titulaireChaire de recherche du Canada en dynamique fluviale Président de l’Association canadienne des géographesDépartement de géographieUniversité de Montréal


Dr. Nigel T. RouletJames McGill Professor of GeographyDirector, McGill School of Environment McGill University


Dr. David J. SauchynResearch ProfessorPrairie Adaptation Research Collaborative University of Regina


Dr. D. W. Schindler, O.C., F.R.S.C, F.R.S.Killam Memorial Chair and Professor of Ecology University of Alberta


Dr. Martin SharpProfessor and ChairDepartment of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences University of Alberta


Dr. Theodore G. ShepherdProfessor, Department of PhysicsUniversity of Toronto


Dr. John P. Smol, FRSC[empty-para]Professor and Canada Research Chair in Environmental Change Paleoecological Environmental Assessment and Research Lab Queen’s University


Dr. Ronald StewartProfessor and NSERC/MSC/ICLR Research Chair in Severe WeatherDept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences McGill UniversityPrincipal InvestigatorDrought Research InitiativeCFCAS Research Network Dr. Douw G. Steyn
Department of Earth and Ocean Sciencesand Associate Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies
The University of British Columbia


Dr. Vincent L. St.LouisAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Biological SciencesUniversity of Alberta


Dr. John M R Stone, Adjunct Research ProfessorDepartment of Geography and Environmental StudiesCarleton UniversityandVice-Chairman, IPCC Working Group II[empty-para]


Dr. Kimberly Strong, Associate Professor Department of PhysicsUniversity of Toronto


Dr. Gordon SwatersProfessor of Applied Mathematics University of Alberta

Dr. Peter A. TaylorProfessor and Graduate Programme Director Department of Earth and Space Science and Engineering York University


Dr. Helmuth ThomasCanada Research Chair in Marine Biogeochemistry Department of OceanographyDalhousie University


Dr. Keith R. ThompsonCanada Research ChairDepartments of Oceanography and Mathematics and Statistics Dalhousie University


Dr. Peter VictorProfessor, Faculty of Environmental StudiesYork UniversityPresident, Royal Canadian Institute for the Advancement of Science


Dr. Warwick F. Vincent, FRSC, FRSNZ[empty-para]Professeur & Chaire de Recherche du Canada
Dépt de Biologie & Centre d’Études Nordiques
Université Laval,


Dr. Claudia Wagner-RiddleAssociate ProfessorDept. Land Resource ScienceUniversity of Guelph


Dr. William WardProfessor, Department of Physics,University of New Brunswick


Dr. Andrew J. Weaver, FRSC[empty-para]Professor and Canada Research ChairSchool of Earth and Ocean SciencesUniversity of Victoria


Dr.  Elaine WheatonAdjunct Professor, ClimatologistUniversity of Saskatchewan


Dr. Douglas Whelpdale, FRSC[empty-para]Director, Climate Research DivisionScience and Technology BranchEnvironment Canada


Dr. Alexander P. WolfeAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences University of Alberta


Dr. Francis Zwiers, FRSC[empty-para]Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and AnalysisScience and Technology BranchEnvironment Canada


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