Monbiot’s column in the Guardian today lays out nicely just how far the climate change deniers are willing to stretch their definition of “sound science.” Junk scientists and their cadre of misfits gleefully filled Monbiots inbox with messages like “your scam exposed” and “how do you feel now asshole.” Unfortunately, the only scam to expose is the information climate change deniers pawn off as science. The scientific slam-dunk, according to Monbiot, was written by Christopher Monckton, a British aristocrat holding nothing more than a degree in the classics and a diploma in journalism. Check out Monbiot’s article, it is well worth the read and very telling of just how desperate the climate change “skeptic” movement is getting.
As usual, a blogging “echo chamber” has erupted, check here for some of the bloggers out there who actually use Monckton for their science:
Redstate (this one claims Monckton is a “distinguished scientist.”
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