ABC Australia will be airing the UK-produced “Great Global Warming Swindle.” Following the show, Lateline host Tony Jones will interview the Swindle’s director, Martin Durkin. There will also be a panel discussion on the scientific validity of the Swindle claims that will include well-known denier Bob Carter.
According to media reports , the addition of the Tony Jones interview and the panel were a compromise after much editorial in-fighting over whether to air the documentary.
The documentary has been roundly criticized for its scientific flaws, which has led the film to be labeled “controversial” in the popular media. No doubt a label that has director Martin Durkin smiling, as it will ensure that his film continues to be aired around the world.
One of the major tenants of the Swindle film is the widespread myth that the sun is to blame for the current climate change. Coincidentally, a new study is set to be released in the prestigious Proceedings of the Royal Society that the Sun’s output has actually fallen over the past 20 years, while temperatures continue to rise.
Here’s a list of previous posts we have done on the Swindle.
And given ABC Australia’s newfound penchant for misinformation, here’s another “controversial video” that I would urge them to air (it’s actually a lot better done than Durkin’s!).
I would suggest that ABC conduct a panel of experts discussion after this video as well. Such a panel will not only help confuse the issue further, but it will really send the message home to viewers that there is in fact a controversy.
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