Vote now on your favorite quote from the absolutely brilliant ABC Australia Tony Jones interview of “Great Global Warming Swindle” director, Martin Durkin.
I know, there’s so many to choose from. I’ve picked five, and gave them each a descriptive title. See below the poll for details.
1. Everyone is Wrong but Durkin
Jones: “So the US government, the British government, the governments of Canada and Australia, most of the EU governments and the scientific advisors. They’re all just wrong and in the thrawl of some kind of swindle. Is that right?
Durkin: “Yes”
2. Climate Scientist Don’t Understand Even the Basics
Durkin: “Some of the most basic bits of evidence that you would look to establish the truth of man-made global warming are simply not there.”
3. Dude, What’s Up With Your Graph?
Jones: “I have a very simple question about your use of this [temperature] graph, because it’s says it’s a chart of the temperature over 1,000 years right up to now. Now to me means 2007, but in fact this graph doesn’t go anywhere near 2007, does it?
4. Oh, I Forgot My Graph Was 25 Years Old!
Jones: “Why didn’t you just continue that graph [solar activity and temperature] on to the present day? Because there are graphs available which do that.”
Durkin: “Well first, the graph we were using was created by Professor Friiss-Christensen from the Danish Space Agency, so..”
Jones: “What year?”
Durkin: “I can’t remember of the top of my head.”
Jones: “25 years ago.”
5. No Flaws, No Flaws, No Flaws
Jones: “Martin Durkin we thank you for agreeing to go under the microscope and talk about pros and cons of this documentary and flaws and try and explain them.”
Durkin: “No flaws, no flaws, no flaws.”
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