
Tom Harris Pops Up Down Under


In an article titled the Sad Demise of On-Line Opinion, Australian Clive Hamilton, writes:

“The editors’ appeal to the principles of good journalism to defend the publication of denialist anti-science, but have failed their readers by breaking another tenet of journalistic ethics. The lead author of ‘The UN climate change numbers hoax”, Tom Harris, is described by On Line Opinion at the end of the article as “an Ottawa-based mechanical engineer and Executive Director of the International Climate Science Coalition’.

What readers were not told is that Harris is a paid lobbyist for energy companies, that he has tried to change his Wikipedia entry to conceal the fact that he is or has been employed by the PR company High Park Group, and that at least one other website has pulled his articles because he is a paid political lobbyist.”

None of this information is hard to find. See, for example here.”

Thanks for the link Clive, you can also find more about Tom Harris and his climate denial resume in our research database. 

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