The Register reporter Steve Goddard is admitting today that his article last week on melting Arctic Sea Ice (Arctic ice refuses to melt as ordered) is incorrect.
Too bad the damage has already been done.
In his article, Goddard claimed that National Snow and Ice Data Center plot of Arctic Sea Ice Extent was wrong and that,
Today, Goddard is retracting the claim:
“… it is clear that the NSIDC graph is correct, and that 2008 Arctic ice is barely 10% above last year – just as NSIDC had stated.”
But as Joe Romm at ClimateProgress points out it may be too little too late. Goddard’s article has already caught fire in the climate denier-sphere with over 70 references to the story according to blog search engine Technorati, with titles like:
- Arctic Ice Grows 30 Per Cent In a Year
- The Global Warming Theory takes a hit
- Fishy Data From the Government
- Here’s another installment about the silliness of “global warming” as posited by politicians and “environmentalists”.
- Cooking the Books to Cook the Ice
- Global Warming is about global government and depopulation
Unless Goddard, or intrepid DeSmog readers, have the time to go out and urge bloggers to correct this latest misinformation, it will be popping up as yet another false piece of information on the true state of our planet and the realities of global warming for some time to come. And as the old adage goes , “If you repeat something long enough it eventually becomes true.”
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