The Rear Guard: 1,100 Lobbyists Wait to Block Copenhagen Success


Thanks to the consistently brilliant work of the Center for Public Integrity, there is now an extensive online resource searchable for all the special interest groups and companies lobbying Congress on climate change (and on otherย issues).

The database is searchable by lobbyist, sector, time frame, or money (you can type in a dollar amount and find lobbying expenses at that amount orย higher).

These are the people who will work to sabotage any reasonable agreement that happens (against the odds?) to emerge from this negotiation. Inspired by the deniersphere (which will argue that no action is necessary) and funded by fossil fuel industries that must, by necessity, roll back their businesses if the world is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, they will be determined to stop the U.S. from implementing any commitments that are made here thisย week.

Now, at least, we can know who they are.

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