Score Another Victory for Scientists, Michael Mann, and the Freedom of Inquiry


Yesterday in a Virginia courtroom, Michael Mannโ€”who is quickly becoming the Galileo of climate scienceโ€”triumphed over the conservative American Tradition Institute, and ongoing attempts atย scientist-harassment.

More specifically, Prince William County Circuit Court Judge Gaylord Finch both allowed Mann to join the case that ATI is pursuing against the University of Virginia to get Mannโ€™s emails, and allowed UVA to back out of an agreement with ATI to let it review some of Mannโ€™s emails that the university is nevertheless claiming are exempt fromย disclosure.

This is a bit technical, as is often the case in ongoing court proceedings, but letโ€™s remember why itย matters.

The ATI lawsuit is a follow-on to Virginia attorney general Ken Cuccinelliโ€™s outrageous harassment of Mann. And protecting Mannโ€™s emails from disclosure is critical for ensuring that ideological fishing expeditions that attack and harass scientists arenโ€™t permitted. The contrary result, as many scientific groups have asserted, could have a chilling effect on academic research and freedom of inquiry in controversialย areas.

Mann has been greatly supported by the Union of Concerned Scientists, the American Geophysical Union, and other organizations, and by grassroots fundraising efforts to support his legal expenses. To contribute see here.

Let us also add that there is no reason to think Mann has done anything wrong, scientifically or otherwise, or that his emails will reveal some malfeasance. To the contrary, Mann and other scientists involved in the pseudo-scandal of โ€œClimateGateโ€ have been repeatedly vindicated by independentย investigations.

Meanwhile, the connections between ATI and various other conservative and industry groups and funders have now been extensively documented.

I called Mann the โ€œGalileo of climate science,โ€ and increasingly, I think this is not mereย hyperbole.

Iโ€™ve been following climate science, and political attacks on it, for nearly a decade. Throughout that period, conservatives have been relentlesslyย attacking Mann because of the hockey stick graph. And starting in 2005, there have been attemptsโ€”first in Congress, then using the legal processโ€”to wrest information from Mann, information whose disclosure would simply allow conservative motivated reasoners to come up with new reasons to criticize and attackย him.

This is a beast that, at all costs, must not beย fed.

At the same time, all of this has surely exacted a serious toll on Mann himself in the form of personal stresses and, perhaps, legalย expenses.

Mann has risen to the occasion, however, and fought back admirably andย courageously.ย 

In the process, he has become a hero and a role model for standing up against the forces of ideology andย unreason.

And in turn, as this long and completely unnecessary legal process continues, we must continue to give him our full and absolutely unwavering support.

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