Federal Reserve Policy Keeps Fracking Bubble Afloat and That May Change Soon


In August 2005, the U.S. Congress and then-President George W. Bush blessed the oil and gas industry with a game-changer: the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The Actย exempted the industry from federal regulatory enforcement of the Safe Drinking Water Act,ย the Clean Water Actย and theย National Environmental Policy Act.

Whileย the piece of omnibus legislation is well-known to close observers of the hydraulic fracturing (โ€œfrackingโ€) issue โ€” especially the โ€œHalliburton Loopholeโ€ โ€” lesser known is another blessing bestowed upon shale gas and tight oil drillers: near zero-percent interest rates for debtย accrued during the capital-intensive oil and gas production process.

Or put more bluntly, near-free money from the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank. That trend may soon come to a close, as the Federal Reserve recently announced an end to its controversial $3 trillion bond-buying program.

In response to the economic crisis and near collapse of the global economy,ย the Federal Reserve dropped interest rates to between 0 percent and .25 percentย onย December 16, 2008, a record low percentage. It also began its bond-buying program, described in a recent Washington Post article as implemented to provide a โ€œbooster shotโ€ to the economy.

โ€œThe Federal Reserve will employ all available tools to promote the resumption of sustainable economic growth and to preserve price stability,โ€ the Fed stated in a press release announcing the maneuver. โ€œIn particular, the [Federal Reserve]ย anticipates that weak economic conditions are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate for someย time.โ€

That free money, known by economics wonks asย quantitative easing, helps drilling companies finance fracking an increasingly massive number of wells to keep production levels flat in shale fieldsย nationwide.

But even with the generous cash flow facilitated by the Fed, annual productivity of many shale gas and tight oil fields have either peaked or are in terminal decline. This was revealed in Post Carbon Institute‘s recently-published report titled, โ€œDrilling Deeper: A Reality Check on U.S. Government Forecasts for a Lasting Tight Oil & Shale Gas Boom.โ€ย 

Were it not for the Federal Reserve’s policy, the ever-accelerating drilling treadmill would likely slow down, making shale oil and gas production a far less lucrative endeavor for oil and gas companies and the financiers bankrollingย it.

Some articles in the business press, including in the Houston Chronicle and Bloomberg, speculate the Fed could lift interest rates on debt in 2015. That would sharply hinder many smaller and mid-level independent oil and gasย companies.ย 

Junk Debt Keeps Drillers onย Treadmill

A June article published in the Houston Chronicle highlighted the heavy reliance drillers have on โ€œjunk debtโ€ to stay on the drilling treadmill. That is, the ever-increasing number of wells drilled to keep production numbers flat on a field-by-field basis, measured monthly orย annually.

โ€œ[T]he gatekeeper of the nation’s money supply already has signaled it is planning to end its multibillion-dollar bond-buying program by the end of the year, and then begin to raise short-term interest rates toward historically typical levels from the near-zero rates that helped jump-start the recovery,โ€ย wroteย Chronicle energy reporter Collin Eaton.

That bond-buying program,ย Bloomberg pointed out,ย helps frackers to โ€œstay on [the] treadmill.โ€ย The combination of the end of the bond-buying and raising of interest rates is no small matter forย drillers.ย 

โ€œHigher interest rates might make risky new bond issues by shale producers less attractive, and a flight of investor capital could leave the producers short on a commodity even more precious than oil: Cash,โ€ explained Eaton.

Junk debt earned the name for a reason: it means risky business for investors, but also a higher yield of the cut if the bet goes well. It also means the cash needed for frackers to do exploration and production and the drill baby, drillย process.

According to Bloomberg Businessweek, the horizontal drilling process for a single well can cost betweenย $3.5 million to $9 million perย well.ย 

โ€œWhat that tells us is it’s an operation heavily dependent on debt,โ€ Vivendra Chauhan, an analyst for Energy Aspects,ย told the Chronicle.ย โ€œAny cash you’re bringing in is being consumed by capital expenditures. This becomes a 2015, 2016 story about what happens when interest rates do rise. If they stop lending, you’ll get a pullback in productionย growth.โ€

Theย acceleratingย treadmill comes at a steep ecological cost even if the cash has come free of charge via theย Fed.

โ€œWeโ€™re concerned about what riding out the accelerating treadmill means,โ€ย Hugh MacMillan, senior researcher for Food and Water Watch and author of the report โ€œThe Urgent Case for a Ban on Fracking,โ€ told DeSmogBlog.ย 

Hugh MacMillan, Food and Water Watch; Photo Credit:ย Food and Waterย Watch

โ€œIt means tens of thousands of new wells each year, for decades, playing out as waves of systematic, widespread and intensive targeting of communities as years go by and as local economies go boom and bust. It means far more climate pollution than we can afford, and it means a legacy of risk to vital sources of drinking water forย generations.โ€

โ€œMelting Ice Cubeย Businessโ€

According to Eaton, U.S. independent oil and gas producers sold $2.3 billion worth of bonds in the first quarter of 2014 alone. And Bloomberg reported thatย the number of bonds issued by oil and gas companies has grown by a factor of nine since 2004.

Critics within the world of finance say some investors have erred when it comes to shale, falsely assuming production levels would stay high despite the contrary facts on theย ground.

โ€œThereโ€™s a lot of Kool-Aid thatโ€™s being drunk now by investors,โ€ Tim Gramatovich, chief investment officer and founder of Peritus Asset Management LLC, told Bloomberg in an April article.

โ€œPeople lose their discipline. They stop doing the math. They stop doing the accounting,โ€ he continued. โ€œTheyโ€™re just dreaming the dream, and thatโ€™s whatโ€™s happening with the shaleย boom.โ€ย 

If production levels do not stay high and if the price of oil continues to drop, it could mean a real financial squeeze for investors, as well as the demise of smaller, independent oil and gas companies.

โ€œThis is a melting ice cube business,โ€ Mike Kelly, an energy analyst at Global Hunter Securities, explained to Bloomberg back in April. โ€œIf youโ€™re not growing production, youโ€™reย dying.โ€

0% Interest Rates: Not for Averageย People

While U.S. oil and gas companies have benefitted from near zero percent interest rates for loans, average people have not been soย lucky.

A case in point: federal student loans for university students have interest rates ranging from 3.4 percent to 8.5 percent. Another example: credit cards in the U.S. generally have interest rates ranging fromย 7 percent to 36 percent.

Indeed, an entire activist movement offshoot of Occupy Wall Street started because of the debt crisisย faced byย average people. That movement coined itself Strike Debt.

Carl Gibson, founder of the anti-austerity group US Uncut, believes it is a trend emblematic of a greaterย whole.

Carl Gibson, US Uncut; Photo Credit: Carlย Gibson

โ€œThe benefits these drilling companies get are the result of a quid-pro-quo system of government. The more they put in, the more the U.S. government puts out,โ€ Gibson said. โ€œWhen you don’t have the means to shower Congress with millions in campaign donations or hire armies of lobbyists to rig the rules in your favor, the system will always be stacked againstย you.โ€

Photo Credit: isak55ย | Shutterstock

Steve Horn is the owner of the consultancy Horn Communications & Research Services, which provides public relations, content writing, and investigative research work products to a wide range of nonprofit and for-profit clients across the world. He is an investigative reporter on the climate beat for over a decade and former Research Fellow for DeSmog.

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