Green Festival Report Out


Blogging from the airplane, flying back to Vancouver from Washington, DC, via Montreal. The weekend in DC for the Green Festival was a great trip, and certainly worthwhile for the DeSmogBlog. We even spent an evening with one of our favorite writers, the infamous Chris Mooney, who is in the thick of writing his new book about hurricanes.

We had the chance to connect with so many other people concerned about climate change, and it was extremely affirming to talk to so many people excited about what we’re doing. Many were excited to learn about such a resource, and some were eager to go home and read up in preparation for discussions with the climate change contrarians in their lives. Skeptics of the world, beware!
My personal best moment came in the form of a journalist from New Hampshire, who stopped by the booth to talk. He told me that he had found our site just last week, as he was writing an op-ed. He thanked me and said that he had known that the skeptics he was writing about weren’t credible, but hadn’t known where to find the information to prove it. Enter the DeSmogBlog, without which he couldn’t have written his piece, he told me. I was tickled pink to hear his story… because that’s exactly what we’re here for.

So I’d just like to send out a little petition to our readers. As our archives grow, so does our value as a resource for journalists. If you know of any writers who might be interested to learn about what we’re doing, please let them know! And if you know of any events in your area that the DeSmogBlog ought to be at, please let us know. We’re eager to spread the word.

Thanks to everyone we chatted with at the Festival – and if you’re visiting the site for the first time as a result, please keep coming back. We’re set to launch our new site – along with a few other exciting things – in the very near future, so stay tuned!

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