Agractie is a Dutch farmers’ protest group founded in 2019 by sheep farmer Bart Kemp in direct response to the Dutch government’s plans to reduce the country’s nitrogen pollution by cutting livestock numbers.1Sanne Schelfaut. “Verschillende boerenclubs, dezelfde boodschap: ‘Weg met het stikstofbeleid’,” Het Parool, July 4, 2022. Archived May 2, 2023. Archive URL: Kemp stepped down as chairman of Agractie on March 1, 2024 citing personal reasons.2Johan Wissink. “Bart Kemp stopt als voorzitter van Agractie,” NieweOogst, January 24, 2024. Archived May 23, 2024. Archive URL:
The group has organised at least thirteen farmers protest actions across the Netherlands,3“Acties,” Agractie. Archived May 28, 2024. Archive URL: beginning with a protest on October 1, 2019 involving at least 2,200 tractors.4“Boerenprotest Den Haag voorbij, 2200 trekkers terug naar huis,” NOS Nieuws, October 1, 2019. Archived June 8, 2023. Archive URL:
In June 2022, the group staged a protest which attracted over 40,000 farmers, during which Kemp said “the state of the Netherlands is at war with the republic of farmers” and that farmers had to “fight without weapons”.5Jurriaan Nolles. “Agractie-voorman Bart Kemp is tegen geweld, maar: ‘Wij blijven de druk zetten die nodig is’,” Gelderlander, July 23, 2022. Archived October 9, 2022. Archive URL:
In the weeks following his speech, a number of farmers staged an action at the house of Christianne van der Wal — the minister responsible for implementing the government’s nitrogen policy plans — during which the protesters rammed police barricades, smashed the window of a police car, and emptied a slurry tank near the house.6“FDF-voorman krijgt werkstraf voor protest bij huis stikstofminister,” NOS Nieuws, November 11, 2022. Archived June 2, 2023. Archive URL: According to reporting by de Gelderlander, Kemp initially did not distance himself from the violence at farmers’ protests, but later said that “actions must be within the limits of the law, although the edges may be searched”.7Jurriaan Nolles. “Agractie-voorman Bart Kemp is tegen geweld, maar: ‘Wij blijven de druk zetten die nodig is’,” Gelderlander, July 23, 2022. Archived October 9, 2022. Archive URL:
Agractie’s protest actions influenced government policy to such an extent that in 2022 it was invited to speak with an independent mediator that had been appointed to mediate between “warring [political] parties” over nitrogen policy, which the group refused.8 “Terugblik op 2022,” Agractie, December 24, 2022. Archived December 10, 2023. Archive URL: Later that year, Agractie was invited by Piet Adema, the Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, to participate in discussions to “clarify the future of the [agricultural] sector” with an “Agriculture Agreement”. Agractice agreed to participate in the discussions.9“Terugblik op 2022,” Agractie, December 24, 2022. Archived December 10, 2023. Archive URL:
A major Dutch newspaper, De Volkskrant, wrote that the period between the middle of 2022 until the beginning of 2024 could be defined by “relative calm” in relation to farmers protests,10Maarten Albers. “Geïnspireerd door buitenlandse collega’s gaan boeren de weg op uit protest tegen het mestbeleid,” de Volkskrant, February 4, 2024. Archived February 8, 2024. Archive URL: a period in which Agractie engaged in almost no protest action.11“Acties,” Agractie. Archived May 28, 2024. Archive URL:
In February of 2024, Bart Kemp told De Volkskrant that the electoral success of the right-wing PVV party and farmer-citizen party BBB in Dutch parliament gave him “perspective on more realistic policies” for the agricultural sector.12Maarten Albers. “Geïnspireerd door buitenlandse collega’s gaan boeren de weg op uit protest tegen het mestbeleid,” de Volkskrant, February 4, 2024. Archived February 8, 2024. Archive URL: Kemp added that the parties’ success was why Agractie did not take part in the pan-European farmers protests that began in January 2024.
However, in April 2024 Agractie organised a protest in Brussels to highlight “the despair and anger that farmers currently feel about how the [EU’s] manure policy works out on the farmyard”.13Jasper Schel. “Agractie protesteert op 16 april in Brussel,” NieweOogst, April 9, 2024. Archived April 9, 2024. Archive URL: A report from news outlet NieweOogst said Agractie also planned to meet the EU’s commissioner for environment, Virginijus Sinkevicius.
Bart Kemp stepped down as chairman of Agractie on March 1, 2024 for personal reasons, saying that “the work is not finished”.14Johan Wissink. “Bart Kemp stopt als voorzitter van Agractie,” NieweOogst, January 24, 2024. Archived May 23, 2024. Archive URL:
Stance on Climate Change
Agractie has often been sceptical of Dutch and European environmental policies.
In May 2024, Agractie lauded the new Dutch coalition government’s environmental plans, which were criticised by climate experts and activists for undermining the Netherlands’ progress towards climate targets.15Vroege Vogels. “Wat betekent het hoofdlijnenakkoord voor het natuur- en klimaatbeleid?,” NPORadio1, May 19, 2024. Archived May 28, 2024. Archive URL: A press release from Agractie said the plan demonstrated that “idealism gives way to realism”.16“Idealisme maakt plaats voor realisme,” Agractie, May 16, 2024. Archived May 16, 2024. Archive URL: While the plans were being formed in February 2024, Agractie stated that any climate targets should be “realistic and achievable”, while suggesting targets should be made less ambitious.17“Inbreng t.b.v. coalitieakkoord,” Agractie, February 19, 2024. Archived February 24, 2024. Archive URL:
In December 2023, Agractive published a document outlining its “vision” for the future of agriculture in the Netherlands, which found “the environmental issue” to be a defining problem for the sector.18“Naar perspectief voor agrarisch Nederland,” Agractie, December 1, 2023, page 21. Archived December 16, 2023. Archived URL: A section titled “How can we reach nature and environmental targets?” stated: “clean water, clean air, we want it all.”
In an October 2023 post on X, Bart Kemp criticised Wopke Hoekstra, the EU Commissioner for climate action, for saying that the “planet might boil over” if fossil fuel use continues, adding “what a mockery that man makes of himself”.19Bart Kemp. “‘Anders kookt de planeet over’.. Wat maakt die man zich bespottelijk zeg🤦♂️,” X post from user @BartKempEde, October 16, 2023. Archived May 30, 2024.
In February 2023, Kemp posted on X, writing that he “loves” the “beautiful green meadows in winter” brought about by climate change.20Bart Kemp. “Klimaatverandering = mooie groene weiden in de winter. Ik hou d’rvan👌Nieuwe wei voor de jonge ooitjes,” X post by user @BartKempEde, February 11, 2023. Archived May 30, 2024.
In another X post from January 2023, Kemp applauded a report which claimed that Dutch citizens wanted less “whining” about the influence of agriculture on climate and nature.21Bart Kemp. “Ik lees uit de resultaten dat men duidelijk de kloof benoemd en op welke punten die ligt. Ik lees ook dat de meerderheid van de burgers vind dat er minder gezeurd moet worden over de invloed van boeren op natuur en klimaat.. Dat is positief, doe er wat mee👍,” X post from user @BartKempEde, January 27, 2023. Archived May 30, 2024.
Agribusiness links
Agractie is linked to a number of agribusinesses, particularly through sponsorship of farmers’ protests it has organised.
Dutch agribusinesses Agrifirm and ForFarmers – a Dutch animal feed producer with €3.315 million in annual revenue in 202222“ForFarmers 2022 results,” ForFarmersFebruary 23, 2023. Archived September 26, 2023. Archive URL: – sponsored farmers’ protests part-organised by Agractie in 2022, according to a report from Dutch news outlet NRC.23Jorg Leijten & Juliet Boogaard. “Veevoerbedrijven steunen de boeren: dit zijn de grootste sponsoren,” NRC, June 22, 2022. Archived November 27, 2023. Archive URL:
In a 2019 interview with Dutch news outlet, Kemp said that ForFarmers had supported Agractie since its inception, saying: “When I was still all alone, the chair of ForFarmers approached me. The company shared my goals and didn’t hesitate to support me.”24Lisa Peters. “Woede of marketing? Hoe een veevoergigant boerenprotesten een zet gaf,”, December 27, 2019. Archived May 30, 2024. Archive URL:
Agractie lists three agribusinesses as “partners” on its website, including Dutch animal feed producers De Heus, E.J. Bos Diervoeding, and Theeuwes Mengvoeders.25“Partners,” Agractie. Archived March 28, 2024. Archive URL:
Opposition to Netherlands’ nitrogen policy
Opposing the Dutch government’s former plans to cut the country’s nitrogen pollution is central to Agractie’s mission.
In November 2023, Agractie published a report titled “The Netherlands Unlocked” in which the group pushed for a different approach to tackle the country’s nitrogen pollution crisis and downplayed the extent of the problem.26“Nederland van het slot,” Agractie. Archived December 10, 2023. Archive URL: A central claim of the report was that the Dutch government had overestimated the impact of nitrogen pollution on the country’s nature reserves, and that “all factors” harming nature reserves should be examined – a point Kent had made in an October 2023 post on X.27Bart Kemp. “Je begrijpt het niet. Ik betwist de KDW niet als INDICATOR voor stikstof belasting. Het zegt echter NIETS over de Staat van Instandhouding (SVI) en is nooit bedoeld als harde waarde om beleid op te baseren. Goed natuurbeleid houdt rekening met alle factoren inclusief stikstof.,” X post from user @BartKempEde, October 31, 2023. Archived 31 May, 2024.
In the report, Agractie also stated that farmers operating beyond a certain distance from nature reserves could not be blamed for contributing to nitrogen pollution, because they were too far away to have an impact.28“Nederland van het slot,” Agractie. Archived December 10, 2023. Archive URL:
Agractie also suggested that government efforts focus primarily on encouraging and implementing technological innovations to tackle nitrogen pollution.29“Nederland van het slot,” Agractie. Archived December 10, 2023. Archive URL:
In January 2024, Bart Kemp reposted a speech by a Dutch member of parliament who said that “without a doubt” the Dutch have to reduce nitrogen emissions, but that they have to do it in a different way.30Bart Kemp. “Ein – de – lijk iemand met gedegen kennis van zaken met betrekking tot stikstof in de Tweede Kamer🥳@NwSocContract @PieterOmtzigt @RosanneHertzberger Graag ook nog even de uitgangspunten van het #NPLG bestuderen.,” X post by user @BartKempEde, January 31, 2024. Archived May 31, 2024.
Links to far-right parties
Agractie’s former leader Bart Kemp has publicly discussed potential collaboration with far-right Dutch political parties.
In a February 2024 interview with Dutch radio station NPO Radio 1, Kemp didn’t deny the possibility of becoming an agriculture minister for the newly-formed government made up of the far-right Party for Freedom (PVV), if he were asked by Caroline van der Plas – the leader of far-right farmers’ party, BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB), which is a member of the PVV’s coalition.31Peter Wisser. “Boerenactiegroep Agractie: ‘Linksom of rechtsom snel nieuw kabinet nodig’,” NPO Radio 1, February 22, 2024. Archived February 22, 2024. Archive URL:
During the interview, Kemp was also asked whether he had advised Van der Plas during government coalition negotiations following the October 2023 general election. He responded, “I talk with Caroline, of course”, and added that he didn’t know if Van der Plas sees him as an advisor but that they have “constructive conversations” about the future of agriculture.
In a press release following the Dutch parliamentary elections in 2023, Agractie congratulated PVV leader Geert Wilders on his victory, saying that the organisation would “gladly” work together with the PVV and other coalition parties to build “realistic agricultural policy”.32Agractie. X post from user @agractie, November 22, 2023. Archived May 30, 2024. In the press release, Kemp was quoted saying: “Geert, you have fought for this for years, and you were there for every farmer’s protest! Now we will go forward together!”
According to the “Donations” page on its website, Agractie is funded in part by its agribusiness partners and in part by individual donations,33“Doneren,” Agractie. Archived 31 May, 2024. Archive URL: but it is unclear to what extent the organisation is funded by whom.
Agractie has been funded by farmers’ cooperative Agrifirm and feed producers De Heus and ForFarmers in the past,34Lisa Peters. “Woede of marketing? Hoe een veevoergigant boerenprotesten een zet gaf,”, December 27, 2019. Archived May 30, 2024. Archive URL: and continues to list three agribusinesses as “partners” on its website.35“Partners,” Agractie. Archived March 28, 2024. Archive URL:
According to reporting from a journalist who followed and interviewed Bart Kemp for three weeks in 2022, Kemp was unwilling to discuss the organisation’s funding.36Jurriaan Nolles. “Bart Kemp spreekt taal van de boeren maar begrijpt ook overheid: ‘Hij is de enige die het kan’,” AD, July 23, 2022. Archived October 24, 2022. Archive URL:
The Agractie website lists an option to donate to the organisation, showing the latest and largest donations.37“Doneren,” Agractie. Archived 31 May, 2024. Archive URL:
- BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB) – In an interview with Dutch radio station NPO Radio 1, Kemp didn’t deny the possibility of becoming an agricultural minister in the party if he was asked by BBB leader Caroline van der Plas.38Peter Wisser. “Boerenactiegroep Agractie: ‘Linksom of rechtsom snel nieuw kabinet nodig’,” NPO Radio, February 22, 2024. Archived February 22, 2024. Archive URL:
- ForFarmers – Multi billion dollar animal feed producer that has funded Agractie.39Lisa Peters. “Woede of marketing? Hoe een veevoergigant boerenprotesten een zet gaf,”, December 27, 2019. Archived May 30, 2024. Archive URL:
- De Heus – Animal feed producer listed as a “partner” on Agractie’s website.40“Partners,” Agractie. Archived March 28, 2024. Archive URL:
- Agrifirm – Dutch cooperative animal feed producer that has funded Agractie.41Lisa Peters. “Woede of marketing? Hoe een veevoergigant boerenprotesten een zet gaf,”, December 27, 2019. Archived May 30, 2024. Archive URL:
Social media
- Facebook: Agractie_nl
- Instagram: Agractie Nederland
Other Resources
- 1Sanne Schelfaut. “Verschillende boerenclubs, dezelfde boodschap: ‘Weg met het stikstofbeleid’,” Het Parool, July 4, 2022. Archived May 2, 2023. Archive URL:
- 2Johan Wissink. “Bart Kemp stopt als voorzitter van Agractie,” NieweOogst, January 24, 2024. Archived May 23, 2024. Archive URL:
- 3“Acties,” Agractie. Archived May 28, 2024. Archive URL:
- 4“Boerenprotest Den Haag voorbij, 2200 trekkers terug naar huis,” NOS Nieuws, October 1, 2019. Archived June 8, 2023. Archive URL:
- 5Jurriaan Nolles. “Agractie-voorman Bart Kemp is tegen geweld, maar: ‘Wij blijven de druk zetten die nodig is’,” Gelderlander, July 23, 2022. Archived October 9, 2022. Archive URL:
- 6“FDF-voorman krijgt werkstraf voor protest bij huis stikstofminister,” NOS Nieuws, November 11, 2022. Archived June 2, 2023. Archive URL:
- 7Jurriaan Nolles. “Agractie-voorman Bart Kemp is tegen geweld, maar: ‘Wij blijven de druk zetten die nodig is’,” Gelderlander, July 23, 2022. Archived October 9, 2022. Archive URL:
- 8“Terugblik op 2022,” Agractie, December 24, 2022. Archived December 10, 2023. Archive URL:
- 9“Terugblik op 2022,” Agractie, December 24, 2022. Archived December 10, 2023. Archive URL:
- 10Maarten Albers. “Geïnspireerd door buitenlandse collega’s gaan boeren de weg op uit protest tegen het mestbeleid,” de Volkskrant, February 4, 2024. Archived February 8, 2024. Archive URL:
- 11“Acties,” Agractie. Archived May 28, 2024. Archive URL:
- 12Maarten Albers. “Geïnspireerd door buitenlandse collega’s gaan boeren de weg op uit protest tegen het mestbeleid,” de Volkskrant, February 4, 2024. Archived February 8, 2024. Archive URL:
- 13Jasper Schel. “Agractie protesteert op 16 april in Brussel,” NieweOogst, April 9, 2024. Archived April 9, 2024. Archive URL:
- 14Johan Wissink. “Bart Kemp stopt als voorzitter van Agractie,” NieweOogst, January 24, 2024. Archived May 23, 2024. Archive URL:
- 15Vroege Vogels. “Wat betekent het hoofdlijnenakkoord voor het natuur- en klimaatbeleid?,” NPORadio1, May 19, 2024. Archived May 28, 2024. Archive URL:
- 16“Idealisme maakt plaats voor realisme,” Agractie, May 16, 2024. Archived May 16, 2024. Archive URL:
- 17“Inbreng t.b.v. coalitieakkoord,” Agractie, February 19, 2024. Archived February 24, 2024. Archive URL:
- 18“Naar perspectief voor agrarisch Nederland,” Agractie, December 1, 2023, page 21. Archived December 16, 2023. Archived URL:
- 19Bart Kemp. “‘Anders kookt de planeet over’.. Wat maakt die man zich bespottelijk zeg🤦♂️,” X post from user @BartKempEde, October 16, 2023. Archived May 30, 2024.
- 20Bart Kemp. “Klimaatverandering = mooie groene weiden in de winter. Ik hou d’rvan👌Nieuwe wei voor de jonge ooitjes,” X post by user @BartKempEde, February 11, 2023. Archived May 30, 2024.
- 21Bart Kemp. “Ik lees uit de resultaten dat men duidelijk de kloof benoemd en op welke punten die ligt. Ik lees ook dat de meerderheid van de burgers vind dat er minder gezeurd moet worden over de invloed van boeren op natuur en klimaat.. Dat is positief, doe er wat mee👍,” X post from user @BartKempEde, January 27, 2023. Archived May 30, 2024.
- 22“ForFarmers 2022 results,” ForFarmersFebruary 23, 2023. Archived September 26, 2023. Archive URL:
- 23Jorg Leijten & Juliet Boogaard. “Veevoerbedrijven steunen de boeren: dit zijn de grootste sponsoren,” NRC, June 22, 2022. Archived November 27, 2023. Archive URL:
- 24Lisa Peters. “Woede of marketing? Hoe een veevoergigant boerenprotesten een zet gaf,”, December 27, 2019. Archived May 30, 2024. Archive URL:
- 25“Partners,” Agractie. Archived March 28, 2024. Archive URL:
- 26“Nederland van het slot,” Agractie. Archived December 10, 2023. Archive URL:
- 27Bart Kemp. “Je begrijpt het niet. Ik betwist de KDW niet als INDICATOR voor stikstof belasting. Het zegt echter NIETS over de Staat van Instandhouding (SVI) en is nooit bedoeld als harde waarde om beleid op te baseren. Goed natuurbeleid houdt rekening met alle factoren inclusief stikstof.,” X post from user @BartKempEde, October 31, 2023. Archived 31 May, 2024.
- 28“Nederland van het slot,” Agractie. Archived December 10, 2023. Archive URL:
- 29“Nederland van het slot,” Agractie. Archived December 10, 2023. Archive URL:
- 30Bart Kemp. “Ein – de – lijk iemand met gedegen kennis van zaken met betrekking tot stikstof in de Tweede Kamer🥳@NwSocContract @PieterOmtzigt @RosanneHertzberger Graag ook nog even de uitgangspunten van het #NPLG bestuderen.,” X post by user @BartKempEde, January 31, 2024. Archived May 31, 2024.
- 31Peter Wisser. “Boerenactiegroep Agractie: ‘Linksom of rechtsom snel nieuw kabinet nodig’,” NPO Radio 1, February 22, 2024. Archived February 22, 2024. Archive URL:
- 32Agractie. X post from user @agractie, November 22, 2023. Archived May 30, 2024.
- 33“Doneren,” Agractie. Archived 31 May, 2024. Archive URL:
- 34Lisa Peters. “Woede of marketing? Hoe een veevoergigant boerenprotesten een zet gaf,”, December 27, 2019. Archived May 30, 2024. Archive URL:
- 35“Partners,” Agractie. Archived March 28, 2024. Archive URL:
- 36Jurriaan Nolles. “Bart Kemp spreekt taal van de boeren maar begrijpt ook overheid: ‘Hij is de enige die het kan’,” AD, July 23, 2022. Archived October 24, 2022. Archive URL:
- 37“Doneren,” Agractie. Archived 31 May, 2024. Archive URL:
- 38Peter Wisser. “Boerenactiegroep Agractie: ‘Linksom of rechtsom snel nieuw kabinet nodig’,” NPO Radio, February 22, 2024. Archived February 22, 2024. Archive URL:
- 39Lisa Peters. “Woede of marketing? Hoe een veevoergigant boerenprotesten een zet gaf,”, December 27, 2019. Archived May 30, 2024. Archive URL:
- 40“Partners,” Agractie. Archived March 28, 2024. Archive URL:
- 41Lisa Peters. “Woede of marketing? Hoe een veevoergigant boerenprotesten een zet gaf,”, December 27, 2019. Archived May 30, 2024. Archive URL: