
List of Global Warming and Climate Change Experts for Media

We know how hard it can be for a journalist on deadline to find a reputable source on the science of global warming.

Here’s our ever-growing list of well-published scientists in the fields related to climate change who are currently employed at the top scientific institutions around the world.

If you would like to suggest the addition of any names, please email us at: editor at desmog .com.

Contact List for Climate Change and Global Warming Scientists in North America

Go to:

Australian/NewZealand Contact List of Global Warming Scientists

European Union Contact List of Global Warming Scientists

Dr. Andrew Weaver

University of Victoria

School of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Phone:  250-472-4006

Expertise: Climate Modelling and Forecasting

Dr. Lonnie Thompson

Ohio State University

School of Earth Sciences

Phone: 614-292-6652

Expertise: Effects of climate change on glaciers

Dr. James Hansen

NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies

Phone: 216-678-5500

Expertise: Atmospheric Science and Climate Change

Dr. Tim Barnett

Research Marine Physicist

Scripps Institute of Oceanography

Email: [email protected]

Expertise: Oceans and climate change

Dr. Virginia Van Sickle-Burkett

Chief Scientist for Global Change Research

U.S. Geological Survey

E-mail: [email protected]

Expertise: Impacts of climate change

Dr. Terry Prowse

Chair in Climate Impacts on Water

Water and Climate Impacts Research Center

University of Victoria

Tel: 250-363-3067

E-mail: [email protected]

Expertise: Impacts of climate change on water (i.e. floods and droughts)

Dr. Kathleen Miller

Institute for the Study of Society and Environment

National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado

Phone: (303) 497-8115

Expertise: the economic and social impacts of climate change

Dr. Aiguo Dai

Climate and Global Dynamics Division

National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder Colorado

Phone: 303-497-1357

Email: [email protected]

Expertise: atmosheric science, clouds, climate change modeling

Dr. Linda Mortsch

Department of Environmental Studies

University of Waterloo

Phone: 519-888-4567

Expertise: adapting to the effects of climate change

Dr. Thomas Wilbanks

Environmental Sciences Division

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Phone: 865-574-5515

Email: [email protected]

Expertise: Energy and environmental policy, developing countries, global change, technology and society, institution-building.

Dr. Roger G. Barry

Director, World Data Center for Glaciology

National Snow and Ice Data Center, Boulder, CO

Phone: 303-492-5488

Email:[email protected]

Expertise: Arctic climate

Dr. Richard Armstrong

Interim Director

National Snow and Ice Data Center, Boulder, CO

Phone: 303-492-1828

Email: [email protected]

Expertise: remote sensing of ice and snow, snow cover and glacier mass/extent as indicators of climate change

Dr. Caspar Ammann

Climate and Global Dynamics Division – Paleoclimatology

National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO

Phone: 303-497-1705

Email: [email protected]

Expertise: historical climate change

Dr. Gavin Schmidt

Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York, NY

Phone: 212-678-5627

Email: [email protected]

Expertise: Climate change and oceans computer modelling

Contact List for Climate Change and Global Warming Scientists in Australia and New Zealand

Dr. Bradley Opdyke

Department of Earth and Marine Sciences

Australian National University

Phone: +61 2 612 54205

Email: [email protected]

Expertise: Climate change and coral reefs, carbon cycle modelling

Dr. Greg Bodeker

National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research

New Zealand

Phone: +64 3 440 0438

Email: [email protected]

Expertise: Climate change and ozone

Contact List for Climate Change and Global Warming Scientists in the European Union

Dr. Martin Beniston

Department of Climatic Change and Climate Impacts

University of Geneva

Phone: +41 (0) 22 379 0769

Email: [email protected]

Expertise: Impacts of climate change

Dr. Eva Bauer

Earth System Analyst

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research


Phone: +49 (0) 331 288 2588

Email: [email protected]

Expertise: Earth system modelling, climate change

Dr. Terje Bernsten

Center for International Climate and Environmental Research

Oslo, Norway

Phone: +47 22 85 87 71

Email: [email protected]

Expertise: Regional effects of chemically active greenhouse gases

Dr. Heinz Blatter

Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science

Swiss Federal Institute of Technolog, Zurich

Phone: +41 44 632 82 85

Email: [email protected]

Expertise: Climate modeling of climate change effects on sea ice and glaciers