
Polluters Are Melting the Winter Sports They Sponsor

Would a chicken run be sponsored by foxes, or a mouse party by cats? Not only would that be extremely provocative, it would join actors whose survival interests are in fundamental conflict. So, why is sponsorship from major climate polluters pouring into winter sports like an oil slick, just as snow sports’ very existence is […]

Big Oil Firms Touted Algae as Climate Solution. Now All Have Pulled Funding

By Amy Westervelt, The Guardian. This story originally appeared in The Guardian and is part of Covering Climate Now, a global journalism collaboration strengthening coverage of the climate story. One by one, big oil firms have touted their investments in algae biofuels as the future of low-carbon transportation – and one by one, they have […]

Majority of Academics Behind EV-Sceptic Paper Are Petrol or Diesel Specialists

Over two thirds of academics who recently wrote to the EU disputing the climate benefits of electric cars are petrol or diesel specialists, with a third having worked in the motor industry, DeSmog can reveal. The International Association of Sustainable Drivetrain and Vehicle Technology Research (IASTEC) wrote to the European Commission in June, claiming the […]

‘Historic Moment’: ‘Ecocide’ Definition Unveiled By International Lawyers

A team of international lawyers has unveiled a definition of “ecocide” that, if adopted, would treat environmental destruction on a par with crimes against humanity. After six months of deliberation, a panel of experts yesterday published the core text of a legal document that would criminalise “ecocide” if taken on by the International Criminal Court […]

Labour and Conservative Councils Criticised Over £7.5 Billion Investments In Fossil Fuel Pensions

Local council pension funds in England controlled by the Labour and Conservative parties together hold £7.5 billion in fossil fuel shares, a new analysis has found. Environmental campaigners Platform and climate consultancy Transition Economics ranked political parties according to their local council pension fossil fuel investments, finding that Labour-controlled councils hold £3.9 billion in investments […]