
DeSmog UK Joins Fifth Episode of DeSmogCAST to discuss COP20 Expectations


I’m excited to announce that DeSmog UK has made its debut in the weekly DeSmogCAST where I talk about what to expect from the Lima climate talks.

I join my Canadian colleagues in the fifth episode of DeSmogBlog’s new webscast series featuring our writers, experts and invited guests.

Each week we’ll discuss breaking stories and engage in analysis of politics, energy and environment issues in the UK, US and Canada.

In this week’s episode of DeSmogCAST we cover a new report in Canada that shows the clean energy sector making huge gains in investment and job-creation, despite a lack of strong support at the federal level.

We also discuss a new study from Environment Canada that shows toxic pollutants from the Alberta oilsands’ tailings ponds are being emitted into the atmosphere at much higher rates than previous estimated. Finally we turn our attention to the UNFCCC COP20 underway in Lima, Peru and ask what we can expect to see in the next week’s top level, international climate negotiations.

Hosted by DeSmogBlog contributor Farron Cousins, this episode features DeSmog Canada’s executive director Emma Gilchrist as well as managing editor and director of research, Carol Linnet and yours truly.

For more episodes of DeSmogCAST visit our DeSmogBlog Youtube page.

See below for articles mentioned in this episode:  

Clean Energy Provided More Jobs Last Year Than Oilsands: Report

Geothermal Offers Cheaper, Cleaner Alternative to Site C Dam: New Report

Three Decades and Counting: How B.C. Has Failed to Investigate Alternatives to Site C Dam

Environment Canada Study Reveals Oilsands Tailings Ponds Emit Toxins to Atmosphere at Much Higher Levels than Reported

What Can We Expect From the Lima Climate Talks?

Kyla is a freelance writer and editor with work appearing in the New York Times, National Geographic, HuffPost, Mother Jones, and Outside. She is also a member of the Society for Environmental Journalists.

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