Australian Climate Science Coalition

Australian Climate Science Coalition (ACSC)


The Australian Climate Science Coalition (ACSC) has been described as an offshoot of the the Australian Environment Foundation (AEF), a group in turn created by the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA). ACSC was largely funded by the International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC). The ACSC website is no longer online, and it is unclear if the group is still in operation.1Ben Cubby. “Web Leak shows trail of climate sceptic funding,” The Sydney Morning Herald, February 18, 2012. Archived August 21, 2017. URL:

ACSC was formed by a “group of professional people interested in encouraging continued scientific research into the world’s climate and in particular into the effects of increased concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere” and it “works closely with the International Climate Science Coalition.” ICSC described the ACSC as an “affiliate.”2About Us,” Australian Climate Science Coalition. Archived July 25, 2011. URL: 3“International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC)” (PDF), International Climate Science Coalition, June 12, 2011. Retrieved from

According to the group’s founding media release, members of the ACSC questioned “where is the evidence for dangerous human caused global warming?” The release describes ACSC as a “apolitical, not-for-profit affiliate of the AEF.”4“AUSTRALIAN CLIMATE SCIENCE COALITION LAUNCHES” (PDF), Australian Climate Science Coalition, October 13, 2008.

ACSC’s list of scientific advisors included a range of prominent climate change deniers including David ArchibaldBob Carter (deceased), David EvansViv ForbesWilliam KininmonthCliff OllierIan PlimerTom Quirk and numerous others. Max Rheese, former Executive Director of the Australian Environment Foundation, held the same position at ACSC.5Max Rheese,” LinkedIn. Accessed August 22, 2017. 6The Team,” Australian Environment Foundation. Archived December 30, 2006. URL:

Stance on Climate Change

John Nicol, Chairman of the ACSC, issued the following statement at the group’s formation:

“We do not believe that past and current climates are sufficiently well understood to enable projections of future climate changes to be accurately predicted.  Our purpose is to exchange scientific ideas and to encourage proper political and social debate on this intriguing subject.”7“AUSTRALIAN CLIMATE SCIENCE COALITION LAUNCHES” (PDF), Australian Climate Science Coalition, October 13, 2008.


The Sydney Morning Herald reported in February 2012 that in 2009, the ACSC accepted $60,699 (almost all of its $62,910 budget that year) from the American CSC. The American CSC is an offshoot of the International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC).8Ben Cubby. “Web Leak shows trail of climate sceptic funding,” The Sydney Morning Herald, February 18, 2012. Archived August 21, 2017. URL:

In 2010, financial statements to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission show the ACSC again accepted a donation of $46,343.23 from the American CSC, but no further funds appear to have been received from that source since then.9Ben Cubby. “Web Leak shows trail of climate sceptic funding,” The Sydney Morning Herald, February 18, 2012. Archived August 21, 2017. URL:

Financial documents suggest the activities of the ACSC were heavily wound back after the American donations ended. In the tax period ending July 2011, the ACSC had only $296 in its bank account and an income of just $126 that year, compared to an income of $50,920 the previous year.10Ben Cubby. “Web Leak shows trail of climate sceptic funding,” The Sydney Morning Herald, February 18, 2012. Archived August 21, 2017. URL:

Key People

Scientific Advisory Panel

Bob Carter (Now Deceased)YY 
Cliff OllierYY 
David ArchibaldYY 
David Evans YY 
Ian PlimerYY 
John McLeanYY 
John NicolYYChairman
Lance Endersbee  AOY  
Tom QuirkYY 
Viv Forbes YY 
Walter StarckYY 
William Kininmonth YY 


August 10, 2009

The ACSC Luncheon hosted two guest speakers, Jay Lehr from the Heartland Institute and Robert Carter. Marcus Suresh, supported by Ron Manners and the Mannkal Economic Education Foundation, wrote a summary of Lehr’s and Carter’s views at the event.12Marcus Suresh. “AN INQUIRY INTO GLOBAL WARMING AND CARBON EMISSIONS FROM HUMAN ACTIVITIES:REALITY, OR SHOULD WE SIMPLY MOVE ON FROM ANY FALSE ASSUMPTION” (PDF),, September 21, 2009.

In his exposition, Suresh claims that “so called environmental zealots or global warming alarmists” have distributed “propaganda materials” and “dubious media coverages” leading to the “commercialization” of the science of global warming and carbon emissions. His paper aims to present “a summary of arguments against man-made global warming” as “presented during the 2009 Australian Climate Science Coalition Luncheon.”13Marcus Suresh. “AN INQUIRY INTO GLOBAL WARMING AND CARBON EMISSIONS FROM HUMAN ACTIVITIES:REALITY, OR SHOULD WE SIMPLY MOVE ON FROM ANY FALSE ASSUMPTION” (PDF),, September 21, 2009.

He summarizes Jay Lehr’s views that “Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant but an essential building block of life,” and that “climate is volatile and independent of man.” Suresh interprets Carter’s speech as primarily covering adaptation to “natural climate change” and he declares that “We must abandon the rhetoric to ‘stop climate change’ from propagandists.”14Marcus Suresh. “AN INQUIRY INTO GLOBAL WARMING AND CARBON EMISSIONS FROM HUMAN ACTIVITIES:REALITY, OR SHOULD WE SIMPLY MOVE ON FROM ANY FALSE ASSUMPTION” (PDF),, September 21, 2009.

February 1, 2009

Lord Christopher Monckton was a speaker at a luncheon lecture titled “Apocalypse? NO! ‘Global Warming’ is not a Global Crisis” co-hosted by the Australian Climate Science Coalition and the Institute for Private Enterprise. Ian Plimer accompanied Monckton.15Monckton luncheon,” Quardrant Online, January 8, 2010. Archived August 22, 2017. URL:

August 2009

The ACSC organized a “whistlestop tour on climate and the ETS” of Australia to counter a proposed emissions trading scheme. Representatives included, Jay Lehr of the Heartland Institute, and Australian climate change skeptic Bob Carter.16“Doubting Australia: The roots of Australia’s climate denial” (PDF), Climate Action Network Australia, May, 2010.

Lehr wrote an editorial in Brisbane’s Courier Mail during the tour while Bob Carter went to Canberra to lobby MP’s.17Jay Lehr. “Real heat generated by vested interests,” The Courier-Mail, August 12, 2009. URL:

November 2008

William Kininmonth, “Science Advisor” to the ACSC, spoke about “Climate Change and how he believes it is just a cycle – based on historical facts.” View the five-part video series, via YouTube, below:18Climate Change – William Kininmonth, Australian Climate Science Coalition Part 1,” YouTube video uploaded by user “jetvideoproductions,” November 19, 2008. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

October 11–12, 2008

According to the group’s formative press release, guests at the Australian Environment Foundation’s (AEF’s) third Annual Conference were introduced to the newly formed Australian Climate Science Coalition.19“AUSTRALIAN CLIMATE SCIENCE COALITION LAUNCHES” (PDF), Australian Climate Science Coalition, October 13, 2008.The press release read:

“Members of the ACSC, like many scientists in Australia and overseas, encourage people to discuss, question and debate key climate change issues and, in particular ask: where is the evidence for dangerous human caused global warming?”20“AUSTRALIAN CLIMATE SCIENCE COALITION LAUNCHES” (PDF), Australian Climate Science Coalition, October 13, 2008.

Contact & Address

As of May 5, 2012 the main contact address was:21Contact Us,” Australian Climate Science Coalition. Archived December 26, 2008. URL:

Max Rheese
Executive Director
Australian Climate Science Coalition
PO Box 274 Deakin West ACT 2600
Phone: 03 5762 6883

The postal address given on ACSC’s website matches that of the Australian Environment Foundation (AEF), a spin-off group created by the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA).

Executive Director Max Rheese of ACSC also serves as the Executive Director of the AEF.22The Team,” Australian Environment Foundation. Archived December 30, 2006. URL:

According to WHOIS results, accessed by SourceWatch, the ACSC’s website was originally registered by William Maxwell Rheese with the listed email contact address being the same as the general AEF email address.23Australian Climate Science Coalition,” Sourcewatch. Archived August 22, 2017. URL:

Other Resources


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