Consumer Action for a Strong Economy

Consumer Action for a Strong Economy (CASE)


Consumer Action for a Strong Economy (CASE) is an advocacy group that describes itself as โ€œthe nation’s foremost non-profit, non-partisan organization devoted to the singular cause of promoting consumer interests through the advancement of free-market principles.โ€ CASE works as an โ€œaggressive and vocal advocate for less government interference with American enterprise and industry.โ€1โ€œAbout,โ€ CASE. Archived February 11, 2019. URL:

CASE originally incorporated in 2016 under the name Consumers Alliance for a Strong Economy LLC.2Articles of Incorporation for Consumers Alliance for a Strong Economy, LLC. Commonwealth of Virginia State Corporate Commission, September 19, 2016. The LLC shut down,3Articles of Incorporation for Consumers Alliance for a Strong Economy, Inc. Commonwealth of Virginia State Corporate Commission, September 22, 2016. followed shortly by the incorporation of Consumers Alliance for a Strong Economy, Inc. CASE was later renamed Consumer Action for a Strong Economy.4Articles of Amendment for Consumers Alliance for a Strong Economy, Inc. Commonwealth of Virginia State Corporate Commission, February 10, 2017.

CASE is run by Matthew Kandrach, former executive vice president of the 60 Plus Association.5Jim Martin. โ€œAffordable energy is key,โ€ 60 Plus Association, September 24, 2014. URL: Disclosure search for โ€œKandrach, Matthewโ€ performed February 11, 2019. Archived .pdfs on file at DeSmog. Kandrach lobbied for 60 Plus as recently as 2015 before moving to a position at CASE. Gerry Scimeca, Vice President of CASE, was also formerly associated with 60 plus.6Jerome R. Corsi. โ€œFounder of ‘conservative AARP‘ sues his organization,โ€, March 2, 2016. Archived February 15, 2019. URL

CASE fights against regulation and government involvement in a range of sectors including energy, healthcare, agriculture, banking, and property rights

Stance on Climate Change

According to its website, the Clean Power Plan is a set of โ€œrecklessโ€ regulations, and the group opposes โ€œunprovenโ€ green technologies:7โ€œEnergy,โ€ CASE. Archived February 11, 2019. URL:

โ€œCASE is fighting back against reckless regulations, such as the EPAโ€™s Clean Power Plan, which shutters power plants while producing scant benefit for our environment. We oppose government handouts and subsidies to expensive and unproven ‘green’ technologies that cost taxpayers billions, and support expanding areas for safe exploration and extraction of our energy assets. We further reject the never-ending calls for even higher taxes on the energy Americans rely on. CASE champions energy freedom that allows Americaโ€™s energy producers to provide the power we need, safely, abundantly, leading to lower costs for industry and Americaโ€™s energy consumer.โ€


Consumer Action for a Strong Economy does not publicly list its funding sources. In a phone interview with Jalopnik, Gary Scimeca, vice president of CASE, refused to answer questions about CASE‘s involvement with other groups, and asserted its policy to not reveal its clients.8Jason Torchinsky. โ€œThis Bizarre Beef Is The Real Story Behind Those Anti-Volkswagen Political Attack Ads (UPDATED),โ€ Jalopnik, July 3, 2018. Archived February 12, 2019. URL:

990 Forms

Key Documents

Key People

Matthew Kandrach โ€” President 9โ€œAbout,โ€ CASE. Archived February 11, 2019. URL:

Matthew Kandrach is the former executive vice president of the 60 Plus Association, a โ€œseniors advocacy groupโ€ focusing on free enterprise, and opposing government action on a variety of issues including climate change.10Jim Martin. โ€œAffordable energy is key,โ€ 60 Plus Association, September 24, 2014. URL: Kandrach was appointed vice president of 60 Plus in 2011, and first began working with the group in 2009. While working with 60 Plus, Kandrach opposed the Clean Power Plan, citing a report by the coal industry group American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE).11โ€œNew Vice President At 60 Plus,โ€ 60 Plus, November 1, 2011. Archived February 11, 2019. URL:

A search of lobbying disclosures shows that Kandrach performed lobbying services for the 60 Plus Association between 2012 and 2016. His lobbing areas included telecommunications, judicial nominations, internet gambling, offshore drilling and energy exploration, among other issues.12Lobbying Disclosure search for โ€œKandrach, Matthewโ€ performed February 11, 2019. Archived .pdfs on file at DeSmog.

According to filings at the Florida Department of State, a Matthew Kandrach is also listed as the chairperson of Consumers for Energy Fairness, an active political committee.13โ€œCommittee Tracking System: Consumers for Energy Fairness,โ€ Florida Department of State. Archived .pdf documents on file at DeSmog.

Gerard Daniel Scimeca โ€” Vice President14โ€œAbout,โ€ CASE. Archived February 11, 2019. URL:

According to his CASE profile, Scimeca has specialized in campaign strategy and โ€œconsulted or managed over three dozen political campaigns on the local, state and federal level, including working as part of the creative direct-mail team for a winning presidential campaign.โ€15โ€œAbout,โ€ CASE. Archived February 11, 2019. URL:

Scimeca was formerly listed as a contact16โ€œCURB Lifeline Act Puts Cutting Waste and Lower Cell Phone Fees on Speed Dial for Taxpayersโ€ (PDF), 60 Plus Association, April 11, 2016. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. and described as a former director of media relations for the 60 Plus Association.17Jerome R. Corsi. โ€œFounder of ‘conservative AARP‘ sues his organization,โ€, March 2, 2016. Archived February 15, 2019. URL

Allen Miller โ€” Director (according to 2018 annual report)


April 6, 2020

CASE, represented by Matthew Kandrach, was signatory to an American Energy Alliance letter to President Donald Trump supporting the Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule which would scrap federal fuel economy mandates under the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) program.18CAFE-Coaliton-to-Trump-April-2020-9 (PDF)American Energy Alliance.

Describing CAFE, the letter contends: โ€œThose families and individuals who prefer or need trucks, SUVs, and crossovers pay more to subsidize those who buy smaller vehicles or electric vehicles under the existing mandate. This significant, needless, and unjust cost is a very real regressive tax on American families that has made our country worse off.โ€19CAFE-Coaliton-to-Trump-April-2020-9 (PDF)American Energy Alliance.

January 4, 2020

CASE president Matthew Kandrach praised a recent decision by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to change the way energy generators are financed in the nationโ€™s largest electricity market.20Matthew Kandrach. โ€œCan Illinoisโ€™s electricity market become competitive again?โ€, January 4, 2020. Archived January 5, 2020. URL:

FERCโ€™s adjustment of the Minimum Offer Price Rule (MOPR) could divert public funds away from renewable energy sources like wind and solar to conventional generation methods like gas-fired power plants.21Ivan Moreno. โ€œPRESS RELEASE: New Federal Rule Undermines Illinoisโ€™ Clean Energy, Increases Costs,โ€ Natural Resources Defense Council, December 19, 2019. Archived December 20, 2019. URL:

Kandrach suggested the move would create โ€œa more level playing fieldโ€ in the energy sector, while suggesting the FERCโ€™s expansion of the MOPR was because existing renewable subsidies risk โ€œupending and overwhelming the nationโ€™s electricity markets.โ€22Matthew Kandrach. โ€œCan Illinoisโ€™s electricity market become competitive again?โ€, January 4, 2020. Archived January 5, 2020. URL:

โ€œIf wind and solar power are indeed growing cheaper, they should be able to compete on their own merits,โ€ Kandrach argued. โ€œMaking renewable energy truly cheap is the path forward, not more market manipulation and subsidies. Conversely, enabling less reliable and more expensive power is hardly progress. FERCโ€™s decision can help to restore market competition and produce the best results for Americaโ€™s consumers.โ€23Matthew Kandrach. โ€œCan Illinoisโ€™s electricity market become competitive again?โ€, January 4, 2020. Archived January 5, 2020. URL:

May 9, 2019

Consumer Action for a Strong Economy, represented by Matthew Kandrach, signed on to an open letter organized by the American Energy Alliance designed to fight against an electric vehicle tax credit.24โ€œDear Senator Grassley, Senator Wyden, Representative Neal and Representative Brady:โ€ May 9, 2019. Retrieved from The Daily Caller.

โ€œThe American Energy Alliance has organized a coalition to proclaim in one unified voice that there should be no expansion of the misguided electric vehicle tax credit,โ€ Thomas Pyle wrote in a statement, quoted at The Daily Caller. โ€œThere is no question that the electric vehicle tax credit distorts the auto market to no gain.โ€25Christ White. โ€œCONSERVATIVES WARN LAWMAKERS: TESLAโ€™S TAX CREDITS โ€˜OVERWHELMINGLY BENEFIT THE RICHโ€™,โ€The Daily Caller, May 9, 2019. Archived May 9, 2019. URL

According to Pyle and others who signed the letter, electric vehicle tax credits โ€œoverwhelmingly benefit the rich.โ€ DeSmog’s Koch vs. Clean project has systematically debunked this, among other well-rehearsed talking points and misinformation put forward by industry about electric vehicles.26Christ White. โ€œCONSERVATIVES WARN LAWMAKERS: TESLAโ€™S TAX CREDITS โ€˜OVERWHELMINGLY BENEFIT THE RICHโ€™,โ€The Daily Caller, May 9, 2019. Archived May 9, 2019. URL

The letter cites research by the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a group that has received over $600,000 from ExxonMobil and millions from โ€œdark moneyโ€ groups DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund

December 26, 2018

Writing for InsideSources, Matthew Kandrach praised amendments to the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rules that would reduce regulations designed to protect US waterways from pollution.27Matthew Kandrach. โ€œLetโ€™s Not Pollute Our Waterways With Unnecessary Federal Regulation,โ€ Inside Sources, December 26, 2018. Archived February 11, 2019. URL:

โ€œItโ€™s a positive step that rejects the heavy-handed, overzealous definition imposed during the Obama years that defined each body of water โ€” whether they be ditches, gullies or isolated wetlands โ€” as requiring protection under the Clean Water Act,โ€ Kandrach wrote.28Matthew Kandrach. โ€œLetโ€™s Not Pollute Our Waterways With Unnecessary Federal Regulation,โ€ Inside Sources, December 26, 2018. Archived February 11, 2019. URL:

He notes in the piece that among those who will benefit most from the regulatory reductions include โ€œreal estate developers, golf club owners, ranchers, mining companies and oil and gas producers.โ€29Matthew Kandrach. โ€œLetโ€™s Not Pollute Our Waterways With Unnecessary Federal Regulation,โ€ Inside Sources, December 26, 2018. Archived February 11, 2019. URL:

November 30, 2018

In an op-ed at Morning Consult, Matthew Kandrach described tax credits for electric vehicles as an โ€œunnecessary burden on American taxpayers.โ€30Matthew Kandrach. โ€œElectric Vehicle Tax Credits Are an Unnecessary Burden on American Taxpayers,โ€ Morning Consult, November 30, 2018. URL:

November 1, 2018

Matthew Kandrach, representing CASE, was a signatory on an open letter by FreedomWorks and allied conservative groups to congress calling for the investigation of lawsuits brought against energy companies by state Attorneys General.31โ€œDear Members of Congress:โ€ (PDF), FreedomWorks, November 1, 2018. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. 32(Press Release). โ€œFreedomWorks and Allied Conservative Groups Urge Congress to Investigate Ex-Mayor Bloombergโ€™s Financial Influence over State AG Offices,โ€ FreedomWorks, November 1, 2018. Archived February 15, 2018. URL:

โ€œUsing taxpayers resources, Special Assistant Attorneys General operatives attempt to extract billions of dollars from American energy companies in the name of climate change. Though all attempts have been unsuccessful so far, the lawsuits and investigations brought by these operatives represent a major threat to American businesses, economic growth and job creation. Congress should exercise its federal oversight authority to investigate the misuse of taxpayer resources to subsidize state law enforcement in these Democratic state AG offices,โ€ Patrick Hedger, FreedomWorks Director of Policy, wrote.33(Press Release). โ€œFreedomWorks and Allied Conservative Groups Urge Congress to Investigate Ex-Mayor Bloombergโ€™s Financial Influence over State AG Offices,โ€ FreedomWorks, November 1, 2018. Archived February 15, 2018. URL:

In February 2018, CASE‘s Gerard Scimeca wrote op-ed at the Washington Times claiming โ€œ There is zero evidence the oil companies hid research related to climate change.โ€34Gerard Scimeca. โ€œSue here, sue now,โ€ Washington Times, February 26, 2018. Archived February 15, 2019. URL:

โ€œAnd despite legal allegations against them of knowing and intentional harm, as of this moment there still is no definitive consensus regarding long-term climate forecasts, including the contributory percentages of its causes or the degree of its impact on the planet on which these mayors claim to live,โ€ Scimeca added.

September 2018

CASE ran a targeted advertising campaign fighting against a carbon tax.35Facebook Ad Archive search for โ€œConsumer Action for a Strong Economy.โ€ Performed February 11, 2019.

According to Facebook’s archive of ads with political content, CASE ran a set of ads targeting the states of Florida, Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Utah36Facebook Ad Archive search for โ€œConsumer Action for a Strong Economy.โ€ Performed February 11, 2019. โ€” the same states of Republicans who had voted against a Scalise/Mckinley anti-carbon tax resolution.37Marianne Lavelle. โ€œHouse Votes to Denounce Carbon Taxes. Where Was the Climate Solutions Caucus?โ€ Inside Climate News, July 19, 2018. Archived February 15, 2019. URL:

CASE Anti-Carbon-Tax Facebook Ad

โ€œProposed carbon tax legislation would not only dramatically increase your energy expenses, it would create extreme regulatory uncertainty and contribute to the growth of government bureaucracy,โ€ one ad reads. 

The ads target a bill proposed by Republican lawmaker Carlos Curbelo of Florida and link to the website, which lists itself as โ€œa project of CASE.โ€38โ€œTake Action: Oppose the Carbon Tax!โ€ No Carbon Tax. Archived February 11, 2019.

In August, Matthew Kandrach also wrote an op-ed at Real Clear Energy opposing the carbon tax bill.39โ€œConsumer Alert! Say No to Misguided Republicans Trying to Hike Your Energy Costs,โ€ RealClear Energy, August 21, 2018. Archived February 21, 2018. URL:

โ€œAny impact on global climate change, which is the purported goal of a carbon tax, would be insignificant even according to the climate models. The Curbelo carbon tax bill is antithetical to conservatism and should be roundly rejected by all those who would like to see Congress pass legislation that is market-based and consumer-focused,โ€ Kandrach concluded.40โ€œConsumer Alert! Say No to Misguided Republicans Trying to Hike Your Energy Costs,โ€ RealClear Energy, August 21, 2018. Archived February 21, 2018. URL:

July 27, 2018

CASE president Matthew Kandrach wrote an op-ed describing renewable energy sources as part of a โ€œthree-headed monsterโ€ that was causing the closure of coal and nuclear power plants. Kandrach describes the closure of coal plants as โ€œcause for deep concern.โ€41Matthew Kandrach. โ€œMatthew Kandrach | Coal retirements could be devastating for grid resiliency and consumer costs,โ€ The Tribune-Democrat, July 27, 2018. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

โ€œ[W]e canโ€™t lose sight of the fact that coal plants are our most resilient sources of power,โ€ he wrote. โ€œWind and solar power are intermittent sources of energy, meaning they generate power only when conditions are right. Nuclear power plants, while reliable, run full-out all the time. They canโ€™t ramp up additional generation when demand spikes.โ€

โ€ โ€ฆ The cost of not taking action to preserve our baseload coal power plants is far greater than providing them with needed support.โ€

In May 2018, at Real Clear Energy, Kandrach wrote another op-ed defending the coal industry, which he described as facing dangers such as โ€œCheap natural gas, in conjunction with a regulatory onslaught.โ€42โ€œStop the Bleeding. Preserve the Coal Fleet.โ€ RealClear Energy, March 28, 2018. Archived February 13, 2019. URL:

โ€œCongress can do its part by approving a measure that would provide a 30 percent tax credit for operating a coal plant for up to five years,โ€ he wrote.

โ€œAlthough the short-term picture for coal is challenging, the long-term picture is cause for optimism. The U.S. has the worldโ€™s largest coal reserves โ€” and our coal fleet is cleaner than ever. Coal should not be seen asa [sic] problem to be fixed but rather part of the solution to our nationโ€™s current energy challenges.โ€

July 17, 2018

Matthew Kandrach, representing CASE, was signatory to an open letter signed by 41 conservative groups supporting a Scalise/McKinley anti-carbon tax resolution:43โ€œ41 Conservative Groups Urge Support for Scalise/McKinley Anti-Carbon Tax Resolution,โ€ The Club Growth, July 17, 2018. Archived February 12, 2019. URL:

โ€œWe oppose any carbon tax. We oppose a carbon tax because it would lead to less income and fewer jobs for American families,โ€ the letter reads (emphasis in original). 

Other signatories include representatives of Americans for Tax Reform, the 60 Plus Association, American Conservative Union, American Energy Alliance, Competitive Enterprise InstituteEnergy & Environmental Legal Institute, Frontiers of Freedom, FreedomWorks, Independent Women’s Forum, and numerous others.44โ€œ41 Conservative Groups Urge Support for Scalise/McKinley Anti-Carbon Tax Resolution,โ€ The Club Growth, July 17, 2018. Archived February 12, 2019. URL:

February 26, 2018

CASE President Matthew Kandrach published an article in The Daily Caller supporting offshore energy production as able to โ€œprovide key revenue to our coastal states for our crumbling infrastructure and struggling public school systems, while allowing U.S. consumers to reap the rewards of reliable and affordable energy for their homes and cars.โ€45Matthew Kandrach. โ€œINCREASED REVENUE SHARING OF OFFSHORE ENERGY MAKES GOOD CONSUMER SENSE,โ€ The Daily Caller, February 26, 2018. Archived February 12, 2019. URL:

โ€œThe Interior Departmentโ€™s proposed five-year plan for offshore energy development would provide access to nearly all of our offshore acreage. But this plan will only get us halfway there if we canโ€™t build public support behind new exploration. We urge Congress to consider the benefits of offshore energy coupled with the case for revenue sharing for consumers and their families in our coastal states, when analyzing the newly announced offshore leasing plan,โ€ Kandrach wrote.46Matthew Kandrach. โ€œINCREASED REVENUE SHARING OF OFFSHORE ENERGY MAKES GOOD CONSUMER SENSE,โ€ The Daily Caller, February 26, 2018. Archived February 12, 2019. URL:

February 12, 2018

Matthew Kandrach, representing CASE, was a signatory to an open letter organized by Americans for Prosperity (AfP) and a coalition of groups opposing a federal gas tax increase.47โ€œAmericans For Prosperity Leads Coalition Against Gas Tax Hike,โ€ Americans for Prosperity, February 12, 2018. Archived February 20, 2018. URL

โ€œRaising the gas tax is a bad idea. It will make the burden of government on families and businesses heavier,โ€ the coalition’s open letter read.48โ€œDear Representative:โ€ (PDF), Americans for Prosperity, February 12, 2018.

April 2018

CASE launched an advertising campaign targeting Volkswagen, urging President Trump not to allow the automaker to sell its bought-back vehicles on the US market. The vehicles were bought back following Volkswagen’s emissions scandal after the company pled guilty to cheating on emissions tests with their diesel engines.49โ€œConsumer Group TV Ad Campaign Urges President Trump to Stand Firm Against Volkswagen Dumping Cheap Cars on the U.S. Market,โ€ MarketWatch, April 27, 2018. Archived February 12, 2019. URL:

CASE President Matthew Kandrach said: โ€œWe are all for consumers getting a great deal, but the situation with Volkswagen is very concerning in the wake of the emissions scandal which led to their overflowing inventory of vehicles. Flooding our streets with heavily discounted or below-cost vehicles could lead to a tremendous disruption of our automotive market and be especially harmful to U.S. automakers. This would also punish foreign automakers who not only played by the rules, but also invested heavily in building U.S. factories and hiring tens of thousands of American workers.โ€50โ€œConsumer Group TV Ad Campaign Urges President Trump to Stand Firm Against Volkswagen Dumping Cheap Cars on the U.S. Market,โ€ MarketWatch, April 27, 2018. Archived February 12, 2019. URL:

Ads ran on Fox News Channel, CNN, MSNBC and Fox Business News, and CASE also ran a Facebook Advertising Campaign, linking to a copy of a full-page ad in the Washington Post, New York Times, Politico, Wall Street Journal, The Hill, and Los Angeles Times.51โ€œFraud. Corruption. Conspiracy.โ€ CASE, November 15, 2018. Archived February 12, 2019. URL:

Jalopnik reported on the CASE campaign, writing โ€œThe problem is that suggesting Volkswagen and the German government had this grand scam planned to dump cheap German cars into the market is just absurd.โ€ Jalopnik also suggests that the true reason for the CASE campaign may actually be a dispute between the ARTOC Group for Investment and Development and Volkswagen.52Jason Torchinsky. โ€œThis Bizarre Beef Is The Real Story Behind Those Anti-Volkswagen Political Attack Ads (UPDATED),โ€ Jalopnik, July 3, 2018. Archived February 12, 2019. URL:

According to a letter from Volkswagen’s chief external U.S. lawyer, Robert J. Giuffra Jr., to U.S. Reps Lamar Smith and Dana Rohrabacher of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Volkswagen believed the campaign against them, including videos such as that by CASE, was part of an attempt by ARTOC to have Volkswagen pay to settle the Skoda distribution dispute in Egypt.53Jason Torchinsky. โ€œThis Bizarre Beef Is The Real Story Behind Those Anti-Volkswagen Political Attack Ads (UPDATED),โ€ Jalopnik, July 3, 2018. Archived February 12, 2019. URL:

Gary Scimeca, vice president of CASE, refused to answer whether he was working with the ARTOC Group in a phone interview with Jalopnik. Instead, he cited CASE‘s policy to not reveal its clients.54Jason Torchinsky. โ€œThis Bizarre Beef Is The Real Story Behind Those Anti-Volkswagen Political Attack Ads (UPDATED),โ€ Jalopnik, July 3, 2018. Archived February 12, 2019. URL:

March 28, 2018

As DeSmog reported, CASE was among a coalition of groups pushing for then-EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to take away California’s right to set its own, stricter emissions standards for automobiles. Matthew Kandrach, president of Consumer Action for a Strong Economy, was among the signatories of the open letter organized by the American Consumer Institute (ACI) calling for the repeal of the Clean Air Act waiver in California.55Ben Jervey. โ€œKoch vs. California: These Groups Are Pushing Pruitt to Undo the Stateโ€™s Right to Regulate Auto Emissions,โ€ DeSmog, April 10, 2018. 56โ€œDear Administrator Pruitt:โ€ (PDF), March 28, 2018. Retrieved from

December 7, 2017

CASE vice president Gerard Scimeca appeared on an episode of the โ€œConservative Commandosโ€ radio show to discuss the topic of why โ€œRolling back ‘net neutrality’ is essential to the free internet’s future.โ€57โ€œ#CONSERVATIVE COMMANDOS #Gerard Scimeca #ROBERT ALT #Taxpayers Protection Alliance #David Williams 12-6-17,โ€ Spreaker, December 7, 2017. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

Scimeca described net neutrality as โ€œjust a power grab from the government.โ€ He added: โ€œAnd it’s, it’s simply a power grab from the left. Just as with healthcare and with everything else designed to control a significant part of the economy.โ€58โ€œ#CONSERVATIVE COMMANDOS #Gerard Scimeca #ROBERT ALT #Taxpayers Protection Alliance #David Williams 12-6-17,โ€ Spreaker, December 7, 2017. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

The Herald Group

According to social media advertising disclosures at Twitter, The Herald Group has handled ad insertion for CASE for at least $5,100.59โ€œCASE,โ€ Twitter Ads Transparency Center. Accessed February 15, 2019.

Contact & Address

According to the CASE website, as of 2019:60โ€œContact Information,โ€ CASE. Archived February 11, 2019. URL:

CASE for Consumers
 2221 S. Clark Street, Arlington, VA 22202

Social Media

Other Resources


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