
DeBunk: Rebutting False and Misleading Climate Narratives

About the Series

Misleading information is a major blocker of climate action. Over the coming months DeSmog will pilot the DeBunk project, a social media info service designed to correct false climate narratives, arm the public with science (and its sources) and expose serial misinformers and pro-fossil fuel agendas.

DeBunk will rebut high-profile examples of climate misinformation on Twitter and publish evergreen blogs with the killer facts to debunk arguments of climate denial and delay. To learn more, read our Introducing DeBunk blog. To stay in the loop, email [email protected].

In This Series


We correct false claims made on BBC Question Time about the solution to the UK's energy woes.

We correct false claims made on BBC Question Time about the solution to the UK's energy woes.
Series: DeBunk

We correct claims by haulage industry lobbyist Howard Cox on electric vehicles and expose his fossil fuel agenda.

We correct claims by haulage industry lobbyist Howard Cox on electric vehicles and expose his fossil fuel agenda.
Series: DeBunk

We correct the Global Warming Policy Foundation advisor's claims about walruses and arctic sea ice.

We correct the Global Warming Policy Foundation advisor's claims about walruses and arctic sea ice.
Series: DeBunk

We correct some oft-repeated misinformation from 2022 from Jordan Peterson, Michael Gove and others.

We correct some oft-repeated misinformation from 2022 from Jordan Peterson, Michael Gove and others.
Series: DeBunk

We correct the former Brexit minister's claims about the notorious climate science denial group.

We correct the former Brexit minister's claims about the notorious climate science denial group.
Series: DeBunk

We correct claims by the TalkTV pundit. Climate models do work, 2.8C warming would be very bad news, and the 2022 UK heatwave was linked to global warming.

We correct claims by the TalkTV pundit. Climate models do work, 2.8C warming would be very bad news, and the 2022 UK heatwave was linked to global warming.
Series: DeBunk

Heard it all before? So have we. That’s why we are trying out a new way to fight climate science denial.

Heard it all before? So have we. That’s why we are trying out a new way to fight climate science denial.
Series: DeBunk