
National Association of Scholars

National Association of Scholars (NAS)


The National Association of Scholars (NAS) was founded in 1987 “to confront the rise of campus political correctness.” The group describes itself as an “independent membership association of academics and others working to foster intellectual freedom and to sustain the tradition of reasoned scholarship and civil debate in America’s colleges and universities.”1“Mission and History” (PDF), National Association of Scholars, July 8, 2013. It has also described itself as “dedicated to keeping outside political influences from tainting teaching and learning on campuses.”2David Stout. “B. R. Gross, 58, A Professor Of Philosophy,” The New York Times, July 21, 1995. Archived November 16, 2018. URL:

Before becoming the National Association of Scholars, the group “had been meeting under the name Campus Coalition for Democracy.”3History of NAS,” NAS. Archived November 14, 2018. URL: 4David Stout. “B. R. Gross, 58, A Professor Of Philosophy,” The New York Times, July 21, 1995. Archived November 16, 2018. URL:

The New York Times reported in 1995 that the Campus Coalition for Democracy was co-organized by the late Barry R. Gross (1937-1995), a professor of philosophy at the City University of New York, “who was known as one of the earliest scholarly critics of affirmative action programs,” and had a “reputation as a skeptic of the effects, if not the motives, of affirmative action.” At the time of his death, Gross was the National Association of Scholars’ national program director and treasurer, as well as president of the New York City affiliate of NAS. 5David Stout. “B. R. Gross, 58, A Professor Of Philosophy,” The New York Times, July 21, 1995. Archived November 16, 2018. URL:

The group’s website lists affiliates in 46 states and the District of Columbia, as well as a “sister organization in Canada, the Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship.”6NAS Affiliates,NAS. Archived February 28, 2023. Archive URL:

According to an undated brochure, NAS publishes “studies that examine curricula and other aspects of higher education policy and practice.” The group also states that it files “friend-of-the-court briefs in legal cases, defending freedom of speech and conscience and the civil rights of educators and students alike.”7“Mission and History” (PDF), National Association of Scholars, archived September 19, 2013. Archive URL: NAS also publishes a quarterly journal titled Academic Questions, “an unorthodox journal studying the virtues & vices of the American higher education establishment.”

According to the National Association of Scholars, “college administrations are often more committed to diversity than to the pursuit of truth.” NAS has also suggested in the past that it could be “dangerous” to join the organization: “We recognize that graduate students and untenured faculty members run a risk if they join an organization that is famous for challenging campus orthodoxies. So we won’t tell your colleagues – or your dean, and we’ll mail Academic Questions to your home if you wish.”8Who We Are,” NAS. Archived May 17, 2008. URL:

“We uphold the principle of individual merit and oppose racial, gender, and other group preferences. And we regard the Western intellectual heritage as the indispensable foundation of American higher education,” reads a 2008 archive of the NAS website.

A 1996 report by People for the American Way (PFAW) described NAS as a “a network of conservative university professors dedicated to combating perceived ‘liberal bias’ on college campuses” and noted its significant funding from conservative foundations including Scaife Family Foundations.9Buying a Movement – Right-Wing Foundations and American Politics” (PDF)People for the American Way, September 11, 1996.

N.A.S. is nothing if not political. It is one of the most vocal advocates for the abolition of affirmative action in universities, both in faculty hiring and student admissions, most recently calling on the University of Massachusetts system to abandon its affirmative action goals,” the PFAW report noted.10Buying a Movement – Right-Wing Foundations and American Politics” (PDF)People for the American Way, September 11, 1996.

The National Association of Scholars has boasted of a long history of criticizing the sustainability movement. For example, a November 2015 NAS report titled “Inside Divestment: The Illiberal Movement to Turn a Generation Against Fossil Fuels,” authored by NAS research director Rachelle Peterson, noted that NAS “has observed and critiqued the campus sustainability movement over the last seven years” and claims to “offer the most thorough encyclopedia of collegiate fossil fuel divestment activism published to date.” On page 9 of the report, NAS thanks “the Arthur N. Rupe Foundation and the Weiler Foundation for making this project possible.”11Rachelle Peterson. “Inside Divestment: The Illiberal Movement  to Turn a Generation Against Fossil Fuels” (PDF), National Association of Scholars, November 2015. Archived January 26, 2019. Archive URL:

Stance on Climate Change

May 2018

The National Association of Scholars published a blog post by Edward Reid, referring to a recent NAS report titled “The Irreproducibility Crisis of Modern Science.” In his post, Reid argued that the climate is too complex to understand:12Edward Reid. “Irreproducibility and Climate Science,” May 17, 2018. Archived November 15, 2018. URL:

“The earth’s climate is a constantly changing, extremely complex chaotic system, driven by the sun and influenced by numerous external factors including the positions of the other planets in the solar system and cosmic radiation. Many of the factors which influence climate are not well understood. Therefore, while it is reasonable to assume that human activities can influence climate, it is not reasonable to assume that humans could effectively control a complex, chaotic system they do not understand.”

According to NAS, Edward A. Reid, Jr. “has fifty years of experience in the energy industry in technical research and development, market development, marketing and consulting” and “writes frequently on climate science.”13Form U5S Columbia Energy Group Annual report for holding companies [Section 5],” SEC, published 1997-04-30. Archived July 9, 2020. Archive URL: 1996/1997 SEC filings for the Columbia Energy Group list an Edward A. Reid, Jr. of Columbus, Ohio as vice president of Columbia Gas of Kentucky, Columbia Gas of Maryland, and Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania. Edward Reid has also filed a number of patents on behalf of Columbia Gas System Service Corporation..14Patents by Inventor Edward A. Reid, Jr.Justia Patents. Archived July 9, 2020. Archive URL:

As support for the claim that temperature records have been “adjusted,” NAS cited a graph from blogger Tony Heller, an electrical engineer who has formerly operated under the pseudonym Steven Goddard to operate ”The Deplorable Climate Science Blog.”15About Me,” Real Science. Archived January 10, 2012. URL:

The full NAS report, published on April 17, 2018, warns of how “sloppy procedures […] allow for progressive skews and inhibitions on scientific research, especially in ideologically driven fields such as climate science.” The report described the widespread consensus among scientists on climate change as “artificial”:16“The Irreproducibility Crisis of Modern Science” (PDF), NAS, April 17, 2018. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

“Over the thirty-one year span of NAS’s work, we have noted both the triumphs of contemporary science—and they are many—but also rising threats. Some of these threats are political or ideological. Some are, for lack of a better word, epistemic. The former include efforts to enforce an artificial ‘consensus’ on various fields of inquiry, such as climate science.”

November 2015

The National Association of Scholars released a report titled “Inside Divestment: The Illiberal Movement to Turn a Generation Against Fossil Fuels,” authored by NAS research director Rachelle Peterson. The report noted that NAS “has observed and critiqued the campus sustainability movement over the last seven years” and claimed to “offer the most thorough encyclopedia of collegiate fossil fuel divestment activism published to date.” On page 9 of the report, NAS thanks “the Arthur N. Rupe Foundation and the Weiler Foundation for making this project possible.”Rachelle Peterson. 17Inside Divestment: The Illiberal Movement  to Turn a Generation Against Fossil Fuels” (PDF), National Association of Scholars, November 2015. Archived January 26, 2019. Archive URL:

September 24, 2015

NAS director of research projects Rachelle Peterson claimed that the National Association of Scholars “takes no position” on climate change. “The National Association of Scholars takes no position on the validity of the various scientific claims made in the dispute over catastrophic anthropogenic global warming, but we applaud the [Associated Press] for ruling out the inappropriate and disrespectful term ‘climate change denier,’” Peterson wrote on the NAS blog.18AP Denies the ‘Denier’ Label,” NAS, September 24, 2015. Archived November 16, 2018. URL:

In this blog post, Peterson wrote that in this context, “denier” was “a derogatory epithet that disrespects climate change skeptics’ legitimate scientific concerns and jumps straight to stigmatization…[S]cientists who refuse to cow to the orthodoxy of dangerous anthropogenic global warming have had a rough go of it in academia.”

March 2015

In an article titled “Sustainability FAQs,” NAS claimed it held no position on climate change, but denounced the “denier” label, referred to “consensus” in quotation marks, and uncritically used the “alarmism” label:19Rachelle Peterson and Peter Wood. “Sustainability FAQs,” NAS, March 25, 2015. Archived November 15, 2018. URL:

“We take no position on whether global warming is real, man-made, or dangerous. The National Association of Scholars is not a body of climate scientists, and we leave these questions to those with the relevant expertise. We do, however, want a fair scientific debate on the topic—something that is stifled when one side is stigmatized as ‘deniers’ and the other is categorically praised as ‘consensus.’ Alarmism and the denunciation of open-mindedness over the possibility of climate change impedes, rather than advances, scientific progress.”


The following information is based on data collected by the Conservative Transparency project and by DeSmog from publicly available IRS Form 990 filings. Note that not all values have been verified by DeSmog.20National Association of Scholars,” Conservative Transparency. Accessed November 14, 2018.

See the attached spreadsheet for additional information on NAS funding by year (.xlsx).

Sarah Scaife Foundation$7,231,000
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation$2,969,655
John M. Olin Foundation$2,385,000
Castle Rock Foundation$580,000
Earhart Foundation$542,500
F.M. Kirby Foundation$510,000
Jaquelin Hume Foundation$350,000
The Randolph Foundation$250,000
John Templeton Foundation$221,876
Philip M. McKenna Foundation$214,500
Adolph Coors Foundation$180,000
The Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation$65,000
Charles G Koch Charitable Foundation$60,000
Alliance Defending Freedom$50,000
Diana Davis Spencer Foundation$35,000
Armstrong Foundation$29,500
William H. Donner Foundation$21,364
Robert and Nina Rosenthal Foundation$10,000
Thomas B. Fordham Foundation$2,500
Arthur N. Rupe Foundation$1,000
Richard Seth Staley Educational Foundation$300
Grand Total$15,730,695

Funding in the 1990s

According to a 1996 report by PFAW: “The National Association of Scholars (N.A.S.), a network of conservative university professors dedicated to combating perceived ‘liberal bias’ on college campuses, received $125,000 from Olin in 1994; Bradley granted $378,400 between 1990-9290 and authorized a two-year, $150,000 grant in 1994; the Scaife foundations have contributed more than $400,000 in recent years; and the Adolph Coors, J.M. and Smith Richardson foundations are also regular contributors.”21Buying a Movement – Right-Wing Foundations and American Politics” (PDF)People for the American Way, September 11, 1996.

IRS Form 990 Filings

According to a search of IRS Form 990 filings, NAS maintains affiliates in more than 40 states, many operating under separate employer identification numbers (EINs). According to the Economic Research Institute (ERI), they operate as subordinate in the NAS Form 990 filing.

NAS Brigham Young University

A single National Association of Scholars affiliate, operating out of Brigham Young University, appears to have made separate IRS Form 990 filings.

Key People

According to a review of records at the Internet Archive and public IRS Form 990 filings, many individuals either currently or formerly affiliated with the National Association of Scholars have also maintained connections to a wide range of conservative think tanks, inclusing The Heartland Institute, Hoover Institution, the American Enterprise Institute, the Manhattan Institute, the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution, The Claremont Institute, the American Council on. Science and Health, the Hudson Institute, and the Independent Women’s Forum.

Board of Directors

B. Nelson Ong Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 
Daniel Asia Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 
Gail L. Heriot Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 
George W. Dent, Jr. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 
Jay A. Bergman Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 
Keith Whitaker Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YActing Chairman
Steve Balch Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YFounder
Wight Martindale Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 
David Gordon  Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 
Peter Berkowitz  Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 
Richard Vedder  Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 
Amy L. Wax   Y Y Y Y Y Y 
Thomas Klingenstein   Y Y Y Y Y Y 
Ward Connerly   Y Y Y Y Y Y 
Bradley C.S. Watson Y Y Y  Y Y Y Y 
Anne D. Neal Y Y Y Y Y Y Y  
Barry Smith Y Y Y Y Y Y Y  
Candace De Russy Y Y Y Y Y Y Y  
Norman Rogers Y Y Y Y Y Y Y  
Sandra Stotsky Y Y Y Y Y Y Y  
Thomas K. Lindsay Y Y Y Y Y Y Y  
Robert C. Koons  Y Y Y Y Y Y  
Evelyn Avery Y Y Y Y Y Y   
Midge Decter   Y Y Y Y   
Barry Latzer Y Y Y Y  Y   
Herbert Ira LondonYY Y Y  Y  Former Member
David D. Mulroy Y Y Y      
Philip J. Clements Y Y Y      
R. H. Winnick  Y Y      
Christina Jeffrey Y Y       
Kenneth O. Doyle Y Y       
Philip Siegelman Y Y       
Mark Bauerlein  Y       
Bernard K. Gordon Y        
Dorothy Lang Y        
E. Christian Kopff Y        
Edward A. Rauchut Y        
Glenn M. Ricketts Y       Public Affairs Director
Jeffrey J. Poelvoorde Y        
Jeffrey Walllin Y        
John N. Mathys Y        
Michael I. Krauss Y        
Michael Schwartz Y        
Norman Fruman Y        
William A. Donohue Y        

Directors and Staff (via IRS Form 990 filings)

Steve Balch Y Y Y Y Y YFounder
Peter Wyatt Wood   Y Y Y YPresident
Stanley Rothman Y Y Y  Y Y 
Candace De Russy  Y Y   Y 
Adam Scrupski      YFormer Member
Anne D. Neal      Y 
Barry Latzer      Y 
Barry Smith      Y 
Bernard K. Gordon      Y 
Bradley C.S. Watson      Y 
Christina Jeffrey      Y 
Daniel Asia      Y 
David D. Mulroy      Y 
Dorothy Lang      Y 
Edward A. Rauchut      Y 
Evelyn Avery      Y 
Gail L. Heriot      Y 
George W. Dent, Jr.      Y 
Herbert I. London      Y 
Jay A. Bergman      Y 
Jeffrey Walllin      Y 
John N. Mathys      Y 
Keith Whitaker      YActing Chairman
Kenneth O. Doyle      Y 
Michael I. Krauss      Y 
Michael Schwartz      Y 
Norman Fruman      Y 
Philip Siegelman      Y 
Sandra Stotsky      Y 
Chester E. Finn, Jr.     Y  
Christina Hoff Sommers     Y  
Donald Kagan     Y  
Edward O. Wilson     Y  
Edwin J. Delattre     Y  
Eugene D. Genovese     Y  
Eugene Hickok     Y  
Gertrude Himmelfarb     Y  
Harry V. Jaffa     Y  
Harvey C. Mansfield     Y  
Irving Louis Horowitz     Y  
Jacques Barzun     Y  
James Q. Wilson     Y  
John Agresto     Y  
John H. Bunzel     Y  
John R. Silber     Y  
Leslie Lenkowsky     Y  
Mary R. Lefkowitz     Y  
Milton J. Rosenberg     Y  
Paul Hollander     Y  
Richard D. Lamm     Y  
Robert Jastrow     Y  
Robert P. George     Y  
Shelby Steele     Y  
Stephan Thernstrom     Y  
Walter Berns     Y  
Glenn M. Ricketts Y Y Y Y  Public Affairs Director
Barbara A. Gregory  Y Y Y  Operations Director
John Irving  Y  Y  Technical Coordinator
B. Nelson Ong Y Y Y    
Wanda Cooley   Y   Operations Director
Carol Iannon Y Y    Editor-at-Large, Academic Questions
Gary C. Brasor Y Y     
Joseph Horn Y Y     
Bradford P. Wilson Y      


Carol Iannon Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YEditor-at-Large, Academic Questions
Glenn M. Ricketts Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YPublic Affairs Director
Peter Wyatt Wood Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YPresident
Rachelle Peterson (Previously Dejong)   Y Y Y Y YPolicy Director
David Randall      Y Y YDirector of Research
Chance Layton        YMembership & Communications Coordinator
Christopher Kendall        YChief Development Officer
Dion J. Pierre        YResearch Associate
Jude Russo        YAdministrative Assistant
Seth Forman        YManaging Editor, Academic Questions
Ashley Thorne Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Executive Director
Felicia Sanzari Chernesky Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Managing Editor, Academic Questions
Ivan Vajdle     Y Y Y Controller
Spencer Kashmanian       Y Development Associate
Michael T. Toscano   Y Y Y   Director of Research Projects
Wanda Cooley Y Y Y Y    Operations Director
John Irving Y Y      Technical Coordinator
Robert L. Jackson Y Y       
Ashley M. Chandler  Y      Development Coordinator

Board of Advisors

Donald Kagan Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Edwin J. Delattre Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Gertrude Himmelfarb Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Harvey C. Mansfield Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
John Agresto Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Leslie Lenkowsky Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Paul Hollander Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Richard D. Lamm Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Shelby Steele Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Stephan Thernstrom Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Christina Hoff Sommers  Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Robert P. George     Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Virginia Thomas               Y Y
Milton J. Rosenberg   Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 
Chester E. Finn, Jr. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y  
Edward O. Wilson Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y   
Harry V. Jaffa Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y    
Walter Berns Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y    
James Q. Wilson Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y     
Eugene D. Genovese Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y      
Jacques Barzun Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y      
John R. Silber Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y      
Irving Louis Horowitz Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y       
John H. Bunzel Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y       
Mary R. Lefkowitz Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y        
Stanley Rothman Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y        
Irving Kristol Y Y Y Y Y Y Y         
Sir Hugh Lloyd-Jones Y Y Y Y Y Y Y         
Robert Jastrow Y Y Y Y Y Y          
James David Barber Y Y Y Y Y           
Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Y Y Y Y Y           
Nelson W. Polsby Y Y Y Y Y           
Seymour Martin Lipset Y Y Y Y Y           
Ernest van den Haag Y Y              
Leo Raditsa Y               
Willard V. Quine Y               


April 17, 2018

The National Association of Scholars published “The Irreproducibility Crisis of Modern Science: Causes, Consequences, and the Road to Reform.”22“The Irreproducibility Crisis of Modern Science” (PDF), NAS, April 17, 2018. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

The report said that climate science was an example of how “sloppy procedures […] allow for progressive skews and inhibitions on scientific research, especially in ideologically driven fields” and contended that the scientific consensus on climate change was “artificial”:

“Claudia Tebaldi and Reto Knutti concluded in 2007 that the entire field of probabilistic climate projection, which often relies on combining multiple climate models, had no verifiable relation to the actual climate, and thus no predictive value.”

NAS portrayed modern climate science as “groupthink,” and claimed that climate researchers “readily accept results that confirm a liberal world-view,” citing for evidence the work of American climatologist and climate skeptic Judith Curry:

“The overwhelming political homogeneity of academics has also created a culture of groupthink that distorts academic research, since researchers may readily accept results that confirm a liberal world-view while rejecting ‘conservative’ conclusions out of hand. Political groupthink particularly affects those fields with obvious policy implications, such as social psychology and climate science.


“Irreproducible research in several disciplines distorts public policy and public expenditure in areas such as public health, climate science, and marriage and family law.

The report’s conclusion recommended “the earliest possible reproducibility assessment of regulations concerning climate change (Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)); air pollution (EPA); pharmaceuticals approval (Food and Drug Administration); biological effects of nuclear radiation (Department of Energy); the identification and assessment of learning disabilities (Department of Education); and dietary guidelines (United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)).”

In addition to Judith Curry, the report cited well known climate change denier Patrick Michaels, who at the time was the director of the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute.23Patrick J. Michaels: Senior Fellow in Environmental Studies,” Cato Institute. Accessed October 25, 2016. URL:

November 2015

The National Association of Scholars published “Inside Divestment: The Illiberal Movement  to Turn a Generation Against Fossil Fuels,” authored by Rachelle Peterson. The report’s executive summary described the fossil fuel divestment movement as “an attack on freedom of inquiry and responsible social advocacy in American higher education.”24Rachelle Peterson. “Inside Divestment: The Illiberal Movement  to Turn a Generation Against Fossil Fuels” (PDF), NAS, November 2015.

March 2015

The National Association of Scholars released “Sustainability: Higher Education’s New Fundamentalism,” authored by Rachelle Peterson and NAS president Peter Wood. In a chapter titled “The Global Warming Debate,” the report presented the debunked “Climategate” scandal as evidence for reason to reject the scientific consensus that climate change has been caused by burning fossil fuels.25Rachelle Peterson and Peter W. Wood. “Sustainability: Higher Education’s New Fundamentalism” (PDF), NAS, March 2015.

While the report claimed that NAS “takes no position on the existence of global warming or subsidiary issues, including its causes,” it also stated that “claims advanced merely on the assumption that the theory of global warming is valid rest on highly insecure foundations.”

The report claimed to provide an even-handed treatment of climate issues. However, in the “Global Warming: Yes” section, it pivoted away from established science to discuss the sustainability movement and redistribution of wealth (“economic resources, too, are rationed and distributed equally, so that no one can hoard wealth or prevent the lowest rungs of society from climbing the economic ladder”), and attempted to tie climate change to controversial issues like gay marriage and abortion:

“To get to this better world, policies that uplift underprivileged groups such as women, racial minorities, the disabled, and those who identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual require special consideration. Contraception, abortion, policies to close wage gaps, the legal recognition of gay marriage, affirmative action, and other social measures are thus linked with social sustainability.”

In the “Global Warming: No” section, the report claimed that temperatures have not been rising, primarily citing prominent skeptics including David Whitehouse, Paul C. “Chip” Knappenberger, Patrick J. Michaels, Anthony Watts, James Taylor, Bjorn Lomborg, William Happer, Richard Lindzen, James Delingpole, Ross McKitrick, Steve Goreham, and Stephen McIntyre.

Some representative statements from that chapter:

“There are many distinct cases against the existence of global warming, man’s role in causing it, and the need to urgently stop it”


“Nor is it clear that recent temperatures have been skyrocketing or that 2014 was exceptionally hot. Many data sets indicate temperatures stabilizing and flattening since 1998. “ — SkepticalScience climate change myth #9


“Anthony Watts, a veteran broadcast meteorologist, found during a 2009 examination of temperature stations across the country that 89 percent were poorly situated.” — SkeptcalScience details on Watts’ “” project.


“The widely-circulated figure that 97 percent of all scientists believe global warming is dangerous and man-made also has been discredited.” — SkepticalScience climate change myth #4 and myth #130


“While it is true that today’s global surface temperature and lower atmospheric temperature are both slightly warmer than they were fifty years ago, the increase is mild and unlikely to continue much further.” — SkepticalScience climate change myth #108


“In fact, moderate warming may actually benefit the earth. Warmer temperatures and increased concentrations of carbon stimulate lush plant growth, while mild weather (as opposed to historically frigid eras) benefits human wellbeing. Bjorn Lomborg, the Danish environmental economist and founder of the Copenhagen Consensus, recognizes the existence of global warming but discounts its harms.” — SkepticalScience climate change myth #44</a>; also see Bjorn Lomborg’s DeSmog profile


“It’s also unclear how much warming is due to human influence. Richard S. Lindzen, an MIT professor of
meteorology, commented in the Wall Street Journal […]” — SkepticalScience climate change myth #56 and myth #59</a>; also see Richard Lindzen’s DeSmog profile


“The historical records show many periods of warming and cooling, many of them so ancient that it is unlikely man even had the technological capacity at the time to be responsible for them. And there is evidence that global temperature swings are caused by sun spots, changes in the sun’s electromagnetic activity because of variations in the intensity of solar wind, and the power of El Niño, which suppresses the cold upwelling off of South America. ” — SkepticalScience climate change myth #1, myth#2myth #57, and myth #118


“One cause for skepticism of anthropogenic global warming is because of high-profile scandals in the field of climatology. One of the best-known, “Climategate,” implicated some of the world’s top climate scientists […]” — SkepticalScience climate change myth #17

Contact & Address

As of February 2023, the National Association of Scholars listed the following contact information on its website:

National Association of Scholars
420 Madison Ave., 7th Floor
New York, NY 10017
(917) 551-6770

Social Media

Other Resources


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