
Tim Worstall

Image credit: @worstall Twitter

Tim Worstall


  • London School of Economics and Political Science, 1984 – 1987. (Subject unknown).1Tim Worstall,” LinkedIn. Archived May 5, 2020.


Tim Worstall is a writer and Senior Fellow of the Adam Smith Institute, a UK-based free-market think tank with strong links to the Institute of Economic Affairs and the Centre for Policy Studies, all of which have cast doubt on climate science and green energy regulations.2Fellows and Senior Fellows,” Adam Smith Institute. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

Worstall mainly writes via his self-titled blog and the news site Continental Telegraph which he founded. He has also contributed to various news outlets including CapX, the Telegraph, and the Times.3Fellows and Senior Fellows,” Adam Smith Institute. Archived May 5, 2020. URL: 4The Continental Telegraph,” Adam Smith Institute. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

On climate change, Worstall has expressed doubts “about a lot of it” and has previously argued that we should “be doing less about climate change than some are urging us to do.”5Tim Worstall. “Extinction Rebellion Should Shut Up And Go Home,” Continental Telegraph, November 1, 2019. Archived May 5, 2020. URL: 6Tim Worstall. “Climate Change Is Now Less of a Problem. So We Need To Do Less About Climate Change,” Forbes, March 29, 2013. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

He has claimed that the UK government’s climate advisers, the Committee on Climate Change, don’t “understand the underlying science being discussed”. He has also described the climate activism of Extinction Rebellion (XR) and Greta Thunberg as “hair shirtery” and argued that “the way to deal with climate change is to frack for natural gas.”7Tim Worstall. “Emissions targets are the wrong way to solve climate change,” CapX, May 1, 2019. Archived May 5, 2020. URL: 8Tim Worstall. “The crisis exposes the hollow fantasies of Greta and Extinction Rebellion,” CapX, April 15, 2020. Archived May 5, 2020. URL: 9Tim Worstall. “How To Properly Beat Climate Change – Get Fracking,” Continental Telegraph, October 14, 2018. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

Worstall has previously expressed his scepticism on offshore wind farms and has said he is not convinced that a turbine “repays its own energy cost in time before the salt water rots it away”.10Tim Worstall. “Have we already found the solution to climate change?CapX, October 29, 2019. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

He has also claimed there is “no real evidence that electric cars have fewer emissions than internal combustion ones”.11Tim Worstall. “Emissions claims about microwave ovens are a lot of hot air,” CapX, January 18, 2018. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

In 2009, Worstall unsuccessfully stood as a London MEP candidate for the UK Independence Party (UKIP).12London candidates for the European Elections 2009,” BBC. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

The following year, Worstall published a book titled “Chasing Rainbows: How the Green Agenda Defeats Its Aims”, arguing that preoccupations of the environmental movement causes self-destructive policies.13Chasing Rainbows: How the Green Agenda Defeats Its Aims,” Google Books. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

Worstall spent most of the 1990’s living and working in Russia and claims to have, at the time, been the world’s biggest dealer in the rare-earth element Scandium.14Freedom’s Fighters with Tim Worstall,” YouTube video uploaded by user Adam Smith on November 1, 2018. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

Stance on Climate Change

November 1, 2019

On his blog, Continental Telegraph, Worstall wrote:15Tim Worstall. “Extinction Rebellion Should Shut Up And Go Home,” Continental Telegraph, November 1, 2019. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

“It’s time someone explained to St Greta and Extinction Rebellion that they are simply wrong about the world we inhabit. No, this is not an attempt to deny climate change. Nor to say that the science underlying it is all wet. I have my doubts about a lot of it, can point to gross errors in what is being said and how that scientific work is being done.”16Tim Worstall. “Extinction Rebellion Should Shut Up And Go Home,” Continental Telegraph, November 1, 2019. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

February 25, 2016

In a blog post for the Adam Smith Institute titled “People Still Aren’t Understanding Climate Change,” Worstall wrote:17Tim Worstall. “People Still Aren’t Understanding Climate Change,” Adam Smith Institute, February 25, 2016. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

“It’s the people insistent that they know all about climate change who are getting it wrong at a basic logical level. As ever here, we’ll start from the idea that the IPCC is correct, that we’ve a problem, we’re causing it and we should do something. Even then these people are still wrong.”18Tim Worstall. “People Still Aren’t Understanding Climate Change,” Adam Smith Institute, February 25, 2016. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

November 30, 2015

In a blog post about COP21, Worstall wrote:19Tim Worstall. “Something to remember about COP21,” Adam Smith Institute, November 30, 2015. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

“The truth or not of climate change is not the important point. Politics is about what people believe, not the truth. Thus we’ve been advocating a carbon tax on the grounds that we know they’re going to do something so we might as well tell everyone to do what will cure the problem, if it exists, at least cost.”20Tim Worstall. “Something to remember about COP21,” Adam Smith Institute, November 30, 2015. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

Key Quotes

April 15, 2020

While discussing different approaches to tackling climate change, Worstall wrote:21Tim Worstall. “The crisis exposes the hollow fantasies of Greta and Extinction Rebellion,” CapX, April 15, 2020. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

“The currently fashionable claim… [is] that we must eviscerate modern society right now and retreat back to a much lower standard of living as our method of reducing those emissions. For that is what a ‘zero carbon’ society by 2030, or even 2050 is liable to mean in real terms – the guarantee of immediate penury for millions of people.”22Tim Worstall. “The crisis exposes the hollow fantasies of Greta and Extinction Rebellion,” CapX, April 15, 2020. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

October 29, 2019

On offshore wind farms, Worstall wrote:23Tim Worstall. “Have we already found the solution to climate change?CapX, October 29, 2019. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

“I’ve not yet even been convinced that an offshore turbine repays its own energy cost in time before the salt water rots it away, but I’m entirely willing to accept that I might be wrong about that.”24Tim Worstall. “Have we already found the solution to climate change?CapX, October 29, 2019. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

August 5, 2019

In a CapX article advocating for industrial scale agricultural farming, Worstall wrote:25Tim Worstall. “Why industrial agriculture is crucial to fighting climate change,” CapX, August 5, 2019. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

“The counter-intuitive truth is that to help combat climate change we need more industrial farming and less organic. The reason being that if we want to save us much land as possible for wildlife, trees and all that good stuff, we should be as economical as possible in our use of land.”26Tim Worstall. “Why industrial agriculture is crucial to fighting climate change,” CapX, August 5, 2019. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

November 13, 2018

In a CapX article, Worstall wrote:27Tim Worstall. “Central planners won’t solve climate change,” CapX, November 13, 2018. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

“The biggest problem with the climate change debate is that those most insistent that something must be done are those most insistent that the wrong something is done.”28Tim Worstall. “Central planners won’t solve climate change,” CapX, November 13, 2018. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

October 14, 2018

On fracking, Worstall wrote:29Tim Worstall. “How To Properly Beat Climate Change – Get Fracking,” Continental Telegraph, October 14, 2018. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

“One of the more interesting absurdities of climate change is that the best-known method of actually dealing with it in the here and now is to use more of a particular fossil fuel. To go out and use a new method – newish perhaps – of extracting it too. The very method that every environmentalist insists we never should use at all.

That is, the way to deal with climate change is to frack for natural gas.”30Tim Worstall. “How To Properly Beat Climate Change – Get Fracking,” Continental Telegraph, October 14, 2018. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

November 20, 2013

In a blog post for the Adam Smith Institute, Worstall wrote:31Tim Worstall. “Why a carbon tax would work,” Adam Smith Institute, November 20, 2013. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

“If we are to believe that climate change is happening, that it is indeed something we must do about and further, that it is us causing the problem, then the answer is a carbon tax at that social cost of carbon emissions.”32Tim Worstall. “Why a carbon tax would work,” Adam Smith Institute, November 20, 2013. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

Key Deeds

May 10, 2021

Worstall wrote an article for The Washington Examiner, which criticised US President Joe Biden for advocating for the domestic production of wind turbines in a speech to Congress, where he stated: “There is simply no reason why the blades for wind turbines can’t be built in Pittsburgh instead of Beijing. No reason. None. No reason.”33Tim Worstall. “Biden offers hot air on wind turbine imports,” The Washington Examiner, May 10, 2021. Archived May 11, 2021. Archive URL: 34Remarks by President Biden in Address to a Joint Session of Congress,The White House, April 29, 2021. Archived May 12, 2021. Archive URL:

In response, Worstall wrote: “Biden’s claim is one of ignorant economics. There is a reason that we buy imports; they’re the entire purpose of trade, the point being to gain access to those things that foreigners do better, or cheaper, or faster, than we do.” He concluded: “Exactly because these Chinese products are cheaper we will achieve more climate change prevention by using imports.”35Tim Worstall. “Biden offers hot air on wind turbine imports,” The Washington Examiner, May 10, 2021. Archived May 11, 2021. Archive URL:

November 19, 2020

In an article for The Washington Examiner entitled, “Rejoice! Climate change is solved (except not really),” Worstall disputed the cost implications of implementing renewable technologies, writing: “It isn’t true that those new and wondrous solar and wind technologies are, as yet, cheaper than fossil fuels. At least we can’t be certain of it. If those renewables aren’t cheaper yet, then they’re not the solution yet either, are they?”36Tim Worstall. “Rejoice! Climate change is solved (except not really)”, The Washington Examiner, November 19, 2020. Archived November 24, 2020. URL:

April 15, 2020

During the coronavirus pandemic, Worstall argued that, due to the lockdown measures used to help stop the spread of the virus, “we’re testing the St Greta method of beating climate change” and “not liking it very much at all”.37Tim Worstall. “The crisis exposes the hollow fantasies of Greta and Extinction Rebellion,” CapX, April 15, 2020. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

Worstall went on to write:38Tim Worstall. “The crisis exposes the hollow fantasies of Greta and Extinction Rebellion,” CapX, April 15, 2020. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

“We know pretty well we could reverse the problem if we all agree to become as poor as church mice, or return to being peasants in the fields.”39Tim Worstall. “The crisis exposes the hollow fantasies of Greta and Extinction Rebellion,” CapX, April 15, 2020. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

He also wrote that “instead of the hair shirtery favoured by the Gretas of this world” or the “shrill eschatology of the modern green movement” the best solution to beat climate change is to focus on technological and economic advancements.40Tim Worstall. “The crisis exposes the hollow fantasies of Greta and Extinction Rebellion,” CapX, April 15, 2020. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

One article caption offered up for readers to share on Twitter stated, “We’ve had a taste of Extinction Rebellion’s world – and no one likes it”.41Tim Worstall. “The crisis exposes the hollow fantasies of Greta and Extinction Rebellion,” CapX, April 15, 2020. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

Environmentalists, however, have been quick to suggest that measures seen in the coronavirus pandemic will not work in solving climate change.42Adam Jacobson. “COVID-19 pandemic response temporarily combating CO2 emissions, but systemic change needed, experts urge,” CBC, March 14, 2020. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

May 1, 2019

In a CapX column, Worstall argued that the Committee on Climate Change, the UK’s climate advisory body, didn’t “understand the underlying science being discussed” and suggested that it was “unaware” of the “basic logic of the economics of climate change”.43Tim Worstall. “Emissions targets are the wrong way to solve climate change,” CapX, May 1, 2019. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

October 8, 2018

In an article about a Green Party proposal for a four-day working week, Worstall wrote:44Tim Worstall. “Green Party policies would give us less leisure time – not more,” CapX, October 8, 2018. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

“To achieve the leisure time the Greens want, we need to really open up the economy to globalisation, ditch recycling targets, stop trying to grow our own food and get serious about building nuclear plants. All the sort of policies the Greens themselves advocate increase the human labour we have to perform, leaving us with less leisure time.”45Tim Worstall. “Green Party policies would give us less leisure time – not more,” CapX, October 8, 2018. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

January 18, 2018

In a CapX article about microwaves, Worstall wrote that there was “no real evidence that electric cars have fewer emissions than internal combustion ones”.46Tim Worstall. “Emissions claims about microwave ovens are a lot of hot air,” CapX, January 18, 2018. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

However, a study published in the scientific journal Nature Sustainability found that electric cars produce less CO2 than conventional cars and fossil fuel heating, even when considering the generation of electricity through fossil fuels.47Fiona Harvey. “Electric cars produce less CO2 than petrol vehicles, study confirms,” Guardian, March 23, 2020. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

July 26, 2017

In a CapX article, Worstall took issue with the proposal to ban the sale of new diesel and petrol cars from 2040, arguing that the market should be left to “allow innovation to let rip”.48Tim Worstall. “Let the market drive innovation, Mr Gove,” CapX, July 26, 2017. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

Emphasising that he didn’t want to “rehash those very tired arguments about whether climate change is happening or not”, Worstall suggested that we would “be left looking really very stupid indeed” if we went ahead with the proposal prematurely.49Tim Worstall. “Let the market drive innovation, Mr Gove,” CapX, July 26, 2017. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

June 2, 2017

Worstall wrote “it doesn’t matter a damn” that President Donald Trump had pulled the US out of the Paris Agreement, because “of what we’ve already done about it [climate change]”.50Tim Worstall. “Don’t worry about Paris – let the market save the planet,” CapX, June 2, 2017. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

January 7, 2016

Worstall took issue with the way the EU has dealt with climate change and wrote, “assuming, for the sake of argument, that there is a problem that needs solving”, “we here at the [Adam Smith Institute] have always been in favour of a carbon tax. We know very well that, whatever the reality of climate change, some fool somewhere is going to do something. So, let’s make sure that what is done is minimally damaging and might even have some useful side effects”.51Tim Worstall. “The EU’s method of dealing with climate change always was insane,” Adam Smith Institute, January 7, 2016. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

December 29, 2015

Worstall suggested there were “two very different tales” as to why there was flooding happening in the North of England; either due to climate change, or “that the bureaucrats have been deliberately designing the flow of rivers so that floods do occur”.52Tim Worstall. “We really need to get this story about rivers and flooding straight,” Adam Smith Institute, December 29, 2015. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

December 13, 2015

As the Paris Agreement on climate change was being negotiated, Worstall wrote:53Tim Worstall. “Entirely the wrong decision on climate change in Paris,” Adam Smith Institute, December 13, 2015. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:

“What is so maddening about this climate change kerfluffle [sic] is that everyone, but everyone, seems to be determined to make the wrong decisions, entirely ignoring everything they are being told by the scientific consensus on the subject. There’ve been a number of reports chewing over what should be done, assuming that the case for doing anything has been made, and they all say much the same thing.54Tim Worstall. “Entirely the wrong decision on climate change in Paris,” Adam Smith Institute, December 13, 2015. Archived May 5, 2020. URL:


Social Media


According to a search on Good Reads, Worstall is the author of several books, including:

  • Chasing Rainbows: How the Green Agenda Defeats its Aims, Stacey International, 2010.
  • 23 Things We Are Telling You About Capitalism, ASI, 2014.
  • The No Breakfast Fallacy: Why the Club of Rome was wrong about us running out of minerals and metals, ASI, 2015.

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