
Western States Petroleum Association

Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA)


The Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA), founded in 1907, describes itself as the oldest petroleum trade association in the United States. WSPA maintains headquarters in Sacramento, California with additional offices across the western states.

Membership of WSPA includes large petroleum and energy companies such as Chevron, BP, ConocoPhillips, Exxon, Shell, and numerous others.1About,” WSPA. Archived September 28, 2017. URL:

WSPA President Catherine Reheis-Boyd is former chair of the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Initiative Blue Ribbon Task Force designed to create “marine protected areas in Southern California.” Counterpunch wrote these areas, created under her leadership, “fail to protect the ocean from fracking, offshore oil drilling, oil spills, pollution, military testing, energy projects and all human impacts on the ocean other than sustainable fishing and gathering.”2Dan Bacher. “Western States Petroleum Association Continues to Top CA Lobbying Expenses,” CounterPunch, August 19, 2016. Archived September 28, 2017. URL:

While WSPA‘s official climate policy statement supports “market mechanisms” such as a cap-and-trade program, the organization has fought against bills designed to reduce GHG emissions through a cap and trade system. For example, leaked documents revealed the WSPA‘s plan to create a network of “citizen activist” groups combatting California’s AB 32 Low Carbon Fuel Standards (LCFS) in California, Oregon and Washington State.3Bradford Wieners. “Leaked: The Oil Lobby’s Conspiracy to Kill Off California’s Climate Law,” Bloomberg Businessweek, November 25, 2014. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

WSPA projects have included the California Drivers Alliance, a group claiming to represent the “voice of consumers, farmers, small businesses and fuel suppliers in California”4Homepage, California Driver’s Alliance. Archived February 9, 2015. URL: while focusing on opposing Senate Bill 350, which would reduce petroleum use in California by 50% while increasing renewables.5About,” California Driver’s Alliance, Archived January 1, 2015. Archive URL: The group’s website,, appears to have ceased operating in the summer of 2017.6About,” California Drivers Alliance. Archived January 1, 2017. URL: 7” Internet Wayback Machine snapshot.

The independent UK-based non-profit InfluenceMap gives the WSPA a poor, or “F” score on climate policy, noting it has specifically lobbyied against policy in U.S state legislatures in California, Oregon, and Washington.8Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA),” Archived September 30, 2017. URL:

Stance on Climate Change


According to its website, WSPA supports cap-and-trade programs while opposing any direct regulations of greenhouse gas emissions:9Climate Change,” WSPA. Archived September 29, 2017. URL:

WSPA supports market mechanisms such as a well-designed cap-and-trade program as a cost-effective approach to reducing emissions and achieving stringent greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals […]

WSPA opposes direct command-and-control regulations which have a tendency to drive up compliance costs while having less environmental benefit.”

Notably, while WSPA has publicly presented this position, leaked documents reported by Bloomberg show they have also rallied to fight against California’s AB 32 cap and trade system.10Bradford Wieners. “Leaked: The Oil Lobby’s Conspiracy to Kill Off California’s Climate Law,” Bloomberg Businessweek, November 25, 2014. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.


WSPA‘s membership has included some of the largest oil, pipeline, and energy companies in the United States such as BPChevronConocoPhillipsExxonMobilMarathon OilShellValero and numerous others. View all member companies below.

990 Forms


WSPA has been described as the most powerful corporate lobbying group in Sacramento, spending over $14 million between January 2015 and August 2016.11Dan Bacher. “Western States Petroleum Association Continues to Top CA Lobbying Expenses,” CounterPunch, August 19, 2016. Archived September 28, 2017. URL:

The WSPA was at the top of the list of California lobbying groups in 2017, spending almost $1.4 million in the first quarter.12Dan Bacher. “Western States Petroleum Association Leads Lobbying Spending This Year,” Daily KOS, May 15, 2017. Archived September 28, 2017. URL:

The Sacramento Bee noted that a majority of the WSPA‘s lobbying expenditures were “under a catch-all ‘other’ category that requires no detailed disclosure showing who benefited or how the money was spent.”13Oil industry doubled spending on lobbying in California last year,” The Sacramento Bee, February 4, 2015. Archived September 29, 2017. URL:

Below is a summary of Lobbying data, based on disclosures at the California Secretary of State’s website:14Lobbying Activity: WESTERN STATES PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION,” California Secretary of State Alex Padilla. Accessed September 29, 2017.

SessionTotal Lobbying
Grand Total


WSPA Lobbying Year over Year

According to a sample 2018 lobbing report filed at California Secretary of State, WSPA‘s lobbying focus from January to April 2018 included bills AB378 and implementation of AB398, the former regarding the social cost of carbon emissions due to greenhouse gases and the latter which added statements to the Health and Safety Code including that “Global warming poses a serious threat to the economic well-being, public health, natural resources, and the environment of California.” Among numerous other bills, WSPA also lobbied on the low carbon fuel standard rulemaking and cap and trade regulations.15Western States Petroleum Association Form 635 for January 1 2018 to April 31, 2018. Retrieved from California Secretary of State.

Key People

Kevin Buchan YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYManager, Bay Area Region
Suzanne Noble YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYDirector, Production Operations
Jodie Muller   YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYVice President of Government & External Affairs
Steve Slakey           YYYYYYYYYYYYChief Financial Officer
Catherine Reheis-Boyd        YY Y YYYYYYYYYYPresident
William Ferrari             YYYYYYYYYYDirector, Information Technology
Patty Senecal              YYYYYYYYYDirector, Southern California Operations
Kris Hollinger                  YYYYYManager, Finance and Accounting
Jessica Spiegel                   YYYYManager, Northwest Climate Change & Legislative Policy
Tiffany Roberts                   YYYYDirector, Regulatory & Legislative Policy
Tom Umenhofer                   YYYYVice President, Operations
Bob Brown                    YYYDirector, Bay Area Operations
Bob Poole        YY Y YY      YYDirector, Production State & Coastal Issues
Bridget McCann                     YYManager, Southern California Region
Julie Berge                     YYManager, Public Relations
Kara Siepmann                     YYManager, Media Relations
Kevin Slagle                     YYVice President, Strategic Communications
Oyango Snell                     YYGeneral Counsel
Argelia León                      YManager, Strategic Partnerships
Luis Sanchez                      YManager, California Policy Advocate
Margo Parks                      YManager, California Policy Advocate
Sophie Ellinghouse                      YAssociate Counsel
Frank HolmesYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Director, Northwest Operations
Jenifer Pitcher                  YYYY Senior Coordinator, San Joaquin Valley Region
Brenna Butler Garcia                    YY Manager, Association Marketing & Constituencies Development
Henry T. Perea                     Y Senior Vice President, Policy and Strategic 
Barbara Chichester        YY Y YYYYY     Senior Analyst, Finance and Accounting
Elaine Delgadillo        YY Y YYYYY     Administrative Assistant, South Coast Region and Associates
Gina Grey        YY Y YYYYY     Vice President, Strategic Policy, Fuels, Southwest and Hawaii Regions
Joey Martinelli        YY Y YYYYY     Executive Assistant, Headquarters
Lisa Venegas        YY Y YYYYY     Executive Assistant, Government Affairs and Leadership
Michael D. Wang        YY Y YYYYY     Manager, Cross Regional Issues and Legal Affairs
Sherlee Bailey        YY Y YYYYY     Administrative Assistant and SJV External Affairs Assistant
Tupper Hull         Y Y YYYYY     Vice President, Strategic Communications
Marti Tennant           Y YYYYY     Administrative Assistant, Northwest Region
Guy Bjerke              YYYY     Manager, Bay Area Region and State Safety Issues
Lisa Hom               YYY     Administrative Assistant, Headquarters
Nick Ortiz               YYY     Manager, Production Regions and Property Tax Issues
Sandra Burkhart               YYY     Senior Coordinator, Coastal Region, State Marine and Waste Issues
Joe Sparano        YY Y YY        Executive Advisor to the Chairman of the Board
Michaeleen Mason           Y YY        Director, Climate Change Policy
Steve Schuyler             YY        Senior Coordinator, South Coast Region Environmental Marketing
Dennis Bolt        YY Y Y         Manager, Bay Area Region
John Quirk        YY Y           Coordinator, Finance and Accounting
State Waste Issues           Y            
Ronald Wilkniss        YY             Senior Coordinator, South Coast Issues
Springer Chandler        YY             Administrative Assistant
Steven Arita        YY             Director of Operations and Cross Regional Issues
Jeffrey B. Wilson        Y              Manager, External Affairs and South Coast Advocacy

Board of Directors

The following is based on publicly available 990 forms:

Catherine Reheis-BoydYY YYYYYYYYYDirector
Suzanne Noble   YYYYYYYYYVP Chief of Staff
Todd Stevens   YYYYYYYYYDirector
Jodie Muller    YYYYYYYYVP Gov Affairs
Max Ocansey    YYYYYYYYDirector
Steve Slakey    YYYYYYYYOfficer
Frank Holmes   YY  YYYYYManager
Brant Fish         YYYDirector
Dan Yoder         YYYDirector
Jay Churchill    YY    YYDirector
Bob Allendorfer          YYDirector
Christina Sistrunk          YYChairman
David Sanders          YYVice Chair
John McGinnis          YYDirector
Keith Casey          YYDirector
Bob Poole           Y 
Jeff Dill           YDirector
Tom Rizzo           YDirector
Tom Umenhofer           YManager
Michael Barr  YYYYYYYYY Director
Gina Grey   YYYYYYYY VP Strategic Pol
Michael Wang   YYYYYYYY Manager-Cross Reg
R Tupper Hill    YYYYYYY Officer
Aamir Farid Y    YYYYY Director
Barry McMahanYYYYYYYYYY  Director
Gaurdie Banister  YYYYYYYY  Director
Jeff Pitzer        YY  Director
Lane Riggs        YY  Director
Brian Coffman         Y  Director
Mike Kenney         Y  Director
Gary Yesavage Y YYYYYY   Director
Alan J. Cabodi   YYYYYY   Director
Chris Chandler        Y   Director
Dan Romasko        Y   Director
Crystal Ashby   YYYYY    Director
Bill Bodnar      YY    Director
Jean Bernier      YY    Director
Rand Swenson      YY    Director
Joe SparanoYYYYYYY      
Will Ferrari     YY     Manager NW
Steve Rathweg  YYYY       
Lynn Westall   YYY      Vice Chair
Doug Comeau    YY       
Thomas Moeller  YY        Director
Larry ZiembaYY Y        Director
Sal Viscontini   Y        Director
Tupper Hull   Y        Director of Communications
Thomas A. MarkinYYY          
Rich MarcoglieseYYY          
J.W. “Bill” HaywoodYYY          
Thomas C. TempleYYY          
Bill Albrecht  Y          
Paul Richmond  Y          
Eugene J. VoilandYY           
Ian ScobleYY           
Ken Dillon Y           
Carmine FalconeY            
John AllenY            
Phillip GobeY            
William HauschildtY            


February 9, 2022

WSPA opposed legislation that would ban offshore drilling in California. WSPA spokesperson Kevin Slagle told the Los Angeles Times:16Phil Willon. “Huntington Beach oil spill inspires legislation to ban California offshore drilling,” Los Angeles Times, February 9, 2022. Archived November 7, 2022. Archive URL:

“Eliminating existing offshore production will lead to importing even more of the energy we need from foreign sources and putting California at significant risk for takings claims,” Slagle said.

September 26, 2020

Catharine Reheis Boyd, the president of the WSPA, wrote an article for the Sacramento Bee responding to an executive order signed by the Governor of California that would ban the sale of gas-only cars within 15 years to combat climate change.17Catharine Reheist-Boyd,” Gov. Gavin Newsom’s climate change orders reflect panic, will cost California families,” The Sacramento Bee, September 26, 2020. Archived October 8, 2020. Archive URL:

The article stated, “when you completely surrender to panic, and dismiss the science and data that have long governed our approach to environmental and energy policy, it only does one thing: it sets California back, increases income inequality and damages an already fragile economy. The economy and our climate-centric environmental policies can work in harmony, but not with one-off executive orders that fail to meet the current reality.”

July 2017

WSPA president Catherine Reheis-Boyd discussed some of her group’s positions in an interview with Oregon Business. Some excerpts below:18Linda Baker. “‘Projections don’t match aspirational goals‘,” Oregon Business, July 25, 2017. Archived October 7, 2017. URL:

On the renewable fuel standard (RFS)

“I hate the low carbon fuel standard. A low carbon fuel standard requires you to blend in gasoline a fuel that has a lower carbon intensity. Right now it’s ethanol. But as the standard ramps up, the low carbon fuel will be harder and harder to find. Because we haven’t cracked the nut. We can’t figure out what’s less carbon intensive than what we have. The minute you can’t get to the next increment — you’re going to pay more. The low carbon fuel standard is a regulation, and it’s not a regulation you can comply with.”19Linda Baker. “‘Projections don’t match aspirational goals‘,” Oregon Business, July 25, 2017. Archived October 7, 2017. URL:

On cap and trade:

“We would support discussing a cap and trade. You can have a well-designed cap and trade and a poorly designed cap and trade. It could be designed worse than the low carbon fuel standard. If Oregon goes down the cap and trade route we hope they will take look at low carbon fuels standard. Because otherwise it is duplicative.”20Linda Baker. “‘Projections don’t match aspirational goals‘,” Oregon Business, July 25, 2017. Archived October 7, 2017. URL:

On a carbon tax:

“We have members in both camps: cap and trade and carbon tax. We won’t support both.”21Linda Baker. “‘Projections don’t match aspirational goals‘,” Oregon Business, July 25, 2017. Archived October 7, 2017. URL:

January 10, 2017

WSPA President Catherine Reheis-Boyd released a statement on Governor Brown’s proposal of continued authorization of a cap-and-trade program in California beyond 2020. According to Reheis-Boyd, achieving GHG reductions targets set in 2016 for California “will be difficult and costly” while “achieving the reductions through a well-designed cap-and-trade program will minimize those costs.”22President’s Statement on Cap and Trade – Governor’s Proposal,” WSPA, January 10, 2017. Archived October 7, 2017. URL:

“Where today’s proposal falls short is that it simply layers the cap-and-trade program on top of costly and counter-productive command-and-control measures, disregarding the increasingly important role of cost containment,” she said.23President’s Statement on Cap and Trade – Governor’s Proposal,” WSPA, January 10, 2017. Archived October 7, 2017. URL:

September 16, 2016

WSPA released a statement suggesting methane emissions regulations proposed by California Air Resources Board (CARB) be extended by at least one year. WSPA also recommended annual as opposed to quarterly inspections of oil and gas production facilities.24WSPA Comments On Clean Air Rule,” WSPA, September 27, 2016. Archived September 29, 2017. URL:

August 2015

WSPA released mailers and radio spots to fight against California bill SB 350 (De León-Leno), or the Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act of 2015. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists’ (UCS) Adrienne Alvord, who described the WSPA‘s campaign as “one of the most extreme examples of fossil fuel-interest misinformation I’ve ever seen,” the bill was designed to increase California’s share of renewable energy sources to 50%, increase building energy efficiency 50%, and cut California’s usage of oil in half. The mailer was attributed to “California Drivers Alliance,” one of the WSPA‘s “many well-documented astroturf groups.”25Adrienne Alvord. “WSPA Lies: Oil Companies Are At It Again… And California Is The Target,” Union of Concerned Scientists, August 19, 2015. Archived October 6, 2017. URL:

WSPA also co-signed a letter to members of the California State Senate to oppose the bill, calling it a “job killer” and claiming it would make Californian business less competitive.26SB 350 (DE LEON) CLEAN ENERGY AND POLLUTION REDUCTION ACT OF 2015 OPPOSE – JOB KILLER,” Amy Mmagu, California Chamber of Commerce et al, June 3, 2015. Retrieved from CapitolTrack.

East Bay Express reported the California Drivers Alliance campaign included “conspiracy theories of mostly false and misleading claims about SB 350, […] designed to scare voters and get them to contact the moderate Dems so that they’ll vote ‘no’ on the climate bill.”27Robert Gammon. “California’s Missing Climate Hawk,” East Bay Express, September 2, 2015. Archived October 7, 2017. URL:

California Senate leader Kevin de Leon accused the campaign of “fear-mongering,” The Los Angeles Times reported:28Patrick McGreevy. “California Senate leader says oil industry ‘fear-mongering’ on SB 350,” The Los Angeles Times, August 19, 2015. Archived October 7, 2017. URL:

There is a major campaign of fear-mongering that is very visceral. That’s driven at an emotional level,” he said.29Patrick McGreevy. “California Senate leader says oil industry ‘fear-mongering’ on SB 350,” The Los Angeles Times, August 19, 2015. Archived October 7, 2017. URL:

The Sacramento Bee reported that WSPA‘s lobbying expenditures topped $6.7 million, more than double what it spent in the past two quarters, during the final section of the Legislature’s calendar. It was around this time that WSPA was actively fighting against SB 350 and running its ad campaign.30Jeremy B. White. “Oil industry’s spending surged as it fought California climate bill,” The Sacramento Bee, November 2, 2015. Archived October 7, 2017. URL:

April 17, 2015

WSPA signed on to a letter with other California business groups opposing the California Global Solutions act of 20016 (SB 32, Pavley). The letter claimed the bill, which would mandate reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to 80% below 1990 levels by 2050, took “no consideration of the economic side effects.”31“SB 32 (PAVLEY) CALIFORNIA GLOBAL SOLUTIONS ACT OF 2006 SET FOR HEARING – APRIL 29, 2015  OPPOSE/JOB KILLER – AS AMENDED MARCH 16, 2015” (PDF), California Chamber of Commerce et al, April 17, 2015. Retrieved from CapitolTrack.


The California Drivers Alliance launched a campaign titled “Stop the Hidden Gas Tax,” which warned motorists that gas prices could rise by as much as 76 cents per gallon when provisions under California’s climate law came into effect. UCS noted that, despite these claims, gas prices actually went down on January 1 due, in part, to other factors.32Adrienne Alvord. “WSPA Lies: Oil Companies Are At It Again… And California Is The Target,” Union of Concerned Scientists, August 19, 2015. Archived October 6, 2017. URL:

November 11, 2014

A leaked PowerPoint presentation crafted by the WSPA, a copy which was obtained by Bloomberg Businessweek, revealed the group’s plans to throttle AB 32 (the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006) as well as efforts to fight low carbon fuel standards (LCFS) in California, Oregon, and Washington State.33Bradford Wieners. “Leaked: The Oil Lobby’s Conspiracy to Kill Off California’s Climate Law,” Bloomberg Businessweek, November 25, 2014. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. 34“WSPA Priority Issues” (PDF), Western States Petroleum Association, November 11, 2014. Retrieved from

The presentation deck, by WSPA President Catherine Reheis-Boyd, lays out an astroturf campaign with the creation of orchestrated “grassroots” groups such as the Oregon Climate Change Campaign, Washington Consumers for Sound Fuel Policy, and AB 32 Implementation Group.35“WSPA Priority Issues” (PDF), Western States Petroleum Association, November 11, 2014. Retrieved from

The environmental community is used to sky-is-falling analysis from fossil fuel interests in response to clean energy initiatives, so that part isn’t surprising,” commented Tim O’Connor, a senior attorney at the Environmental Defense Fund to whom Bloomberg sent a copy of the presentation. “But it’s eye-opening to see the lengths [the WSPA] has gone to push back rather than move forward. I don’t think anybody knew how cross-jurisdictional, cross-border, and extensive their investment is in creating a false consumer backlash against [climate legislation].”36“WSPA Priority Issues” (PDF), Western States Petroleum Association, November 11, 2014. Retrieved from

January 20, 2012

WSPA, the American Petroleum Institute, and the National Petroleum Refiners Association (now American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers or AFPM) filed a petition with the EPA, asking to retroactively waive the 2011 biofuel requirement made under the renewable fuel standard (RFS).37Kris Bevill. “EPA denies oil’s request to waive cellulosic RFS, lawsuit pending,” Ethanol Producer Magazine, May 30, 2012. Archived October 6, 2017. URL:

In June 2012, WSPA and AFPM went on to file a lawsuit against the EPA‘s RFS, challenging their mandate to blend domestic fuel with ethanol.38RENEWABLE FUELS STANDARDS (RFS) CHALLENGES UNDER THE ENERGY POLICY ACT OF 2007,” Center for Climate and Energy Solutions. Archived October 6, 2017. URL:

California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce (CAHCC)

WSPA and the California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce (CAHCC) have participated in a number of events together and have also shared an overlap of staff members.

A press release announcing former San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (SJCHCC) CEO Brenna Butler would be promoted to a position at Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA) also lists WSPA as a “Chamber Champion.”39SJC Hispanic Chamber Launches Search for ‘The Next Big CEO’ as Butler-Garcia is Promoted to Western States Petroleum Association,” San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, December 18, 2015.


In August 2018, Argelia Leon—Manager of Strategic Partnerships for WSPAparticipated in a panel hosted by the Latino Leadership & Policy Forum at the 2018 CAHCC Convention.40Great panel re #poweringCalifornia with Margita Thompson -California Resourced Corporation, Argelia Leon -Western States Petroleum Association, Mark Lomeli -Andeavor at @CAHispanic convention.#CAVoice,” Twitter post by user “@latinoLPForum. Archived .png on file at DeSmog.

In March 2017, WSPA co-hosted a “legislative day” in Sacramento with the San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.41The San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber of commerce@ WSPA legislative day in Sacramento #WSPA #sjchcc,” Twitter Post by user “@CarlosVillapud1,” March 8, 2017. Archived .png on file at DeSmog.

Staff Overlap

Other Organizations

WSPA Member Companies

Alaska Tanker CompanyYYYYYYYYYYYYY  
Andeavor             YY
Arguello, Inc.  YYYY         
Ashland Oil CompanyYYYYYYYY       
Berry Petroleum  YYYYYYYYYYY  
Big West of California, LLC          YY   
BP/Olympic Pipeline Company   YYY         
CALNEV Pipe Line CompanyYYY            
CENCO Refining CompanyYYY            
ChevronYYY       YYYYY
Chevron Pipelines      YYYYYYY  
Chevron Products Company   YYYYYYY     
Chevron Shipping      YYYYYYY  
Conoco Inc./Yellowstone Pipe Line Company   YYYYYYY     
ConocoPhillips    YYYYYYYYYYY
Equilon Enterprises LLCYYY            
ExxonMobil Pipelines      YYYYYYY  
GATX Terminals CorporationYY             
Giant Industries Inc.YYY            
HollyFrontier            Y  
Kinder Morgan Energy Partners      YY       
Kinder Morgan LP/Santa Fe Pacific Pipeline Co   YYY         
Lloyd PropertiesYYYYYYYYYYYY   
Marathon Oil Company   YYY         
Mobil Oil CorporationYY             
Navajo Refining CompanyYYYYYYYYYYYY   
Noble Energy, Inc.    YYYYYYYYY  
Nuevo Energy Company  YYYYYYYY     
Occidental of Elk Hills, Inc.   YYYYYYY     
Occidental Oil and Gas CorporationYYY       YYY  
Olympic Pipeline CompanyYYY   YYYYYYY  
Pacific Operators OffshoreYYYYYYYYYYYYY  
PBF Energy             YY
Pennzoil CompanyYY             
Phillips 66   Y         YY
Plains Exploration and Production Company      YYYYYY   
Polar Tanker, Inc.  YYYYYYYY     
Poseidon Petroleum, LLCYYYYYYYYYY     
Samedan Oil CorporationYYYY           
Santa Fe Pacific Pipeline Company/Kinder Morgan  Y            
Santa Maria Energy             YY
Santa Maria Pacific            Y  
Sante Fe Pacific Pipeline CompanyYY             
Shell Pipeline      YYYYYYY Y
Texaco Exploration & Production, Inc.YYY            
Torch Operating CompanyYY             
Tosco CorporationYYY            
U.S. Oil & Refining CompanyYYYYYYYYYY   YY
Ultramar Diamond Shamrock CorporationYYY            
US Oil & Refining          YYY  
Western Refining  YYYYYYYYYYY  
Yellowstone Pipe Line Company  Y            
California Resources Corporation             YY

Contact & Address

Western States Petroleum Association51Contact,” WSPA. Archived October 8, 2017. URL:
1415 L Street, Suite 600
Sacramento, CA 95814

Phone: (916) 498-7750

Media Contacts

Kara Siepmann
Manager, Media Relations
(916) 325-3110
[email protected]

Kevin Slagle
Director, Strategic Communications
(916) 498-9203
[email protected]

Social Media

Other Resources


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