A Fresh Theory on Climate Change


We’re not entirely certain these people are serious, but when you look at the stuff that Amy Ridenour writes (see next post), you can’t be too certain:

The Church of the Flying Spagetti Monster has postulated that climate change is actually being caused by the decline in piracy. They even have a graph (Global Average Temperature vs Number of Pirates) that is at least as convincing as anything that Patrick Michaels has every produced.

All this is reminiscent of the religious affiliation once claimed by singing star Jim Stafford (Spiders and Snakes; My Girl Bill), who said that he was a devout Frisbeterian: he believed that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and you can’t get it down.

As with the attacks on climate science, this was never intended to advance anyone’s understanding of anything; it’s just a way to save people from talking about a subject they find difficult – or in this case, economically inopportune.

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