I’m here again at the Heartland Institute’s climate change conference in New York – or as I like to call in DenialPalooza Take 2 – and what really strikes me so far is that it’s the same people attending and talking about the same things they did last year.
I’ve been to a lot of different conferences over the years and there’s always excitement in the sharing of new studies published and hearing the lastest discoveries. After all that’s what conferences are about, a time to share and advance knowledge. You wouldn’t go to a mainstream conference one year and then go the next just to be presented the same information by the same people you heard last year.
That is, unless there’s really nothing new to share. And that appears to be the case with this year’s climate chage DenialPalooza. The schedule of speakers and the panel topics are almost a carbon copy of last year.
Take a look at the 2008 schedule and compare it to the 2009 one – same people, same topics, nothing really new.
So what’s this conference about?
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