So I thought I would remind everyone about our comment policy here on DeSmogBlog.
I love the comments, I love a great discussion, but please keep our comment policies in mind – it takes me about 2 seconds to hit the “delete” button. For people who continue to ignore our comment policies, it takes me an additional 1 second to tag your username and email as spam and share this information with every other blog user the same spam software, which is about 9 million or so.
Here’s our comment policies:
DeSmogBlog does not censor comments based on political or ideological points of view. However, we will delete comments that are abusive, off-topic or use offensive language.
When speaking to the state of climate change science, we encourage commenters to include links to supporting information as this helps enrich the conversation. Users who make unsubstantiated claims can expect their posts to be deleted and, if they persist, their account to be deactivated.
Petty name-calling and/or a pattern of disrespect towards other DeSmogBlog users will also result in account deactivation.
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