Lawson's Break with Thatcher Over Her Free Market Zealotry


Lawson is almost always introduced as Thatcher’s chancellorย โ€”ย but he was instrumental in her downfall. And once again, the tobacco- and oil-funded Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) and its radical free market ideology was at the heart of theย debacle.ย 

Margaret Thatcher’s chancellor Lord Nigel Lawson’s last public engagement as chancellor was at the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), where he was joined by Sir Geoffrey Howe: โ€œIt was a happy if piquant occasion,โ€ Lawson wouldย remember.

โ€œHere were the two ministers who, of all Margaret’s cabinet colleagues, had probably done most over the previous ten years to roll back the frontiers ofย socialism.โ€

Secretly, however, both Lawson and Geoffrey Howe were on the verge of breaking withย Thatcher.

Howe confirms: โ€œWhat Nigel and I knew โ€”ย but our friends and the IEA did not โ€”ย was just how badly frayed now were the bonds that had once bound the three of usย together.โ€

โ€œThe situation, Nigel told me that day, was becoming ‘preposterous’ and he was ‘close to the end of hisย tether’.โ€

Lawson had that year delivered the annual keynote speech for the now-called Hayekย Lecture.

He used the opportunity to defend his record of deregulation in the financial markets: โ€œThe abolition of the corset and other controls on the behaviour of the banks and building societies has greatly increased the flexibility of the financial markets and widened the choices available toย consumers.โ€

โ€œAnd coupled with that, the changes associated with the Big Bang have given the London markets the freedom they need to maintain and enhance London’s role as the financial centre certainly of Europe, and possibly theย world.โ€

The IEA lecture was sponsored by the newly privatised British Airways.

Marketย Absolutism

Ironically, it was the free market absolutism of the IEA that was the root cause of Lawson’s dramatic and tempestuous falling out with the primeย minister.

Thatcher, following the advice of Sir Alan Walters of the IEA, wanted to leave the value of the pound entirely at the whim of theย markets.

Lawson, perhaps influenced by his civil servants at the treasury, believed this ideological orthodoxy would be ruinous for the country and was then spending millions of taxpayers’ money buying up the pound to ensure it kept itsย value.

Lawson wanted Britain to join the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) which would involve its governments collectively protecting their currencies against speculators and theย markets.

The prime minister simply refused. Back in November 1985, Lawson persuaded everyone in the cabinet that Britain must join โ€”ย everyone exceptย Thatcher.

โ€œIf you join,โ€ Thatcher hit out, โ€œyou will have to do so withoutย me.โ€

According to Lawson: โ€œThere was an awkward silence, and the meeting brokeย up.โ€

The row had a profound effect on the chancellor: โ€œI was extremely depressed.โ€ Lawson had a choice. He could give up on his ERM ambitions or defy his primeย minister.

โ€œI gave the green light to a secret mission I had planned in advance in the hope of a favourable outcome of the meeting. Accordingly, on 7 December, Peter Middleton, Geoff Littler and (from the Bank) Anthony Loehnis went on a highly confidential visit to Bonn to discuss contingency planning in the event of Britain deciding to join the ERM.โ€

Lawson would recall a further major row with Thatcher: โ€œJoining the ERM, as she saw it, had become a battle of wills between her and me. But it was the ominous ‘I must prevail’ that was still ringing in my ears as I left theย room.โ€

The split between the two most powerful ministers of state was beginning to leak. More seriously, the boom initiated by Lawson’s deregulation and sell offs was starting to dangerouslyย overheat.

By the time of the Conservative party conference in October 1989, interest rates had hit 15 perย cent.

โ€œA financially deregulated economy, while more efficient and dynamic, is also probably less stable,โ€ Lawson laterย admitted.

But this was not going to wash with the voters, or the MPs, at the conference, fearing the loss of theirย seats.

In the same month Lawson shocked his colleagues by announcing his resignation, seriously undermining his government and unleashing a series of events that would lead to Thatcher’sย downfall.

Thatcher wrote to Howe who had been in the Commons: โ€œI am the bearer of bad news. Nigel has decided to resign as Chancellor and I have not been able to dissuade him in spite of intensive efforts. It is a great shock โ€”ย he has been such a goodย Chancellor.โ€


During a television interview she kept saying: โ€œNigel was Chancellor, Nigel’s position was unassailable,ย unassailable.โ€

Lawson observed that she used the word โ€œunassailableโ€ so many times that โ€œit acquired a new and ironic meaning in Westminster parliamentaryย discourseโ€.

The reaction to Lawson’s betrayal was robust. The Sun ran the headline โ€œGood Riddanceโ€. The Daily Mail screamed โ€œThis bankruptย Chancellorโ€.

Lawson, the first chancellor to resign in three decades, was accused of betraying his prime minister, betraying his party and betraying the Britishย people.

Lawson over the next few months was able to reflect on his decade as chancellor. He had transformed Britain into a veritable tax haven, with lower corporation tax than any developed country in the world: โ€œCompanies would on the balance enjoy substantial reductions in their tax bills,โ€ he wouldย boast.

He halved and then halved again the tax on shares, feeding a frenzy of speculation in the City ofย London.

In 1988 he had slashed income tax from 60 to 40 per cent for Britain’s highest earners. He removed all taxation on home sales for the first ยฃ30,000 and fuelled the housing boom. He unleashed โ€œa credit revolutionโ€ and subsequent heatedย economy.

Value Added Tax, a regressive tax hitting the poorest hardest, was increased. โ€œNigel the Tax Terminatorโ€ would be his favourite headline in any newspaper during his time at Numberย 11.

House prices, as all newspapers love to report, went through the roof with increases reaching 22 per cent aboveย inflation.

He then cut taxes on corporate donations to charities, such as those by BP and British American Tobacco to the IEA.

Lawson can also claim credit for ending Britain’s nuclearย programme.

He prevented the sale of nuclear plants to the private sector when he realised the cost of clean-up wasย astronomical.

Thanks to his intervention, the taxpayer would pay the multi-billion pound bill for the legacy of the nuclearย experiment.

Ledย Astray

โ€œThe moral of the whole episode is twofold,โ€ according to Lawson. โ€œFirst, that Ministers can always be led astray by scientific experts. Second, that the dangers of state ownership are greater than even the Thatcher Government hadย realised.โ€

Lawson’s greatest mistake, he would accept, was failure to control theย boom.

As chancellor, he turned his back on โ€œthe discredited neo-Keynesian idea of cutting the Budget deficit by raising tax rates to curb a boomโ€ claiming that it would have โ€œmerely destabilised taxย ratesโ€.

He also failed to use interest rates to control the market: โ€œMy central mistake was undoubtedly to underestimate the strength and duration of the boom of the late 1980s, and thus of the inflationary forces it unleashed,โ€ he wrote in his memoirs four years after hisย resignation.

โ€œAt the start of that resurgence I described it on one occasion as a ‘blip’, an unfortunate expression in the circumstances and one which I was not allowed to forget.โ€ He added: โ€œLooking back, it may be argued that I should have deliberately gone in for shock treatment, and raised interest rates much more sharply in the early stagesโ€ฆ Hindsight is a wonderfulย thing.โ€

Lawson’s resignation had come at considerable personal cost.ย The former chancellor would have to move out of Dorneywood where he had spent โ€œeighteen happy monthsโ€ funded by the taxpayer enjoying the house, its extensive grounds, swimming pool and dedicatedย staff.

There would be no more nights out with finance ministers watching โ€œhighly trained and unfailingly solicitous geishaย girlsโ€.

Nor would he be able to raid the Government Hospitality Service wine cellars and enjoy claret โ€œof such splendour that [the French finance minister] Balladur talked longingly about it whenever he saw me for monthsย afterwards.โ€

From now on, Lawson would concentrate on making money for his own personal treasury. And he would turn to the mass privatisation of Eastern Europe to make hisย fortunes.

At the end of his political career, what was it all about? โ€œThere was one basic principle which guided my own efforts,โ€ Lawson tells us. โ€œThe Tory belief should be the opposite one: that income or property belongs to the people who earn it or who have legitimately acquired it, and that a case has to be made for taxing itย away.โ€

โ€œWhen the trumpets and drums are silent, and the last revisionist tract is off the Press, this is the abiding rift which remains between Left andย Right.โ€

Photo: Google Creativeย Commons

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