David Rothbard

David Rothbard (Deceased)


  • Graduate of Fairfield University in Connecticut, with a degree in political science.1โ€œCFACT Staff,โ€ Cfact. Archived October 13, 2017. Archive.is URL: https://archive.is/J9sPD


David Rothbard co-founded the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) with Craig Rucker in 1985 and served as chairman and president. Rothbard passed away on March 30, 2018 after a long illness.2โ€œReflections on David Rothbard, 1964-2018,โ€ CFACT, April 3, 2018. Archive.is URL: https://archive.li/KCqVs

When founding CFACT, Rothbard and Rucker approached the Chemical Manufacturers Association (CMA) in 1989 to request โ€œcorporate involvement and support.โ€ According to CMA documents, CFACT was established to โ€œfight the Public Interest Research Groups (PIRG) and Ralph Nader-type organizations.โ€3โ€œCFACT Staff,โ€ Cfact. Archived October 13, 2017. Archive.is URL: https://archive.is/J9sPD 4โ€œChemical Manufacturers Association Minutes,โ€ Chemical Industry Archives, March 16, 1989. Archived March 14, 2015.

According to his CFACT profile, Rothbard โ€œtestified before Congress and various state legislatures; is a regular speaker on college campuses and at policy gatherings in the U.S. and around the world; and has led delegations to numerous UN environmental summitsโ€ while serving as CFACT chairman and president.5โ€œCFACT Staff,โ€ Cfact. Archived October 13, 2017. Archive.is URL: https://archive.is/J9sPD

CFACT believes the Earth has not warmed in over 18 years and that โ€œslightly higher atmospheric CO2 levels cannot possibly supplant the numerous complex and inter-connected forces that have always determined Earthโ€™s climate.โ€ CFACT has received more than $7 million in funding from the secretive DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund, as well as over $400,000 from ExxonMobil.6โ€œClimate Truth File 2016โ€ (PDF), CFACT, October 4, 2016. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. 7โ€œCommittee for a Constructive Tomorrow,โ€ Conservative Transparency. Accessed May 1, 2017. Data on file at DeSmog.

Rothbard co-hosted the CFACT radio commentary program โ€œJust the Factsโ€ that aired since 1993 with the stated purpose of โ€œeducating the publicโ€ and to โ€œexplain the relevance of science to everyday life and its impact on public policy.โ€8โ€œJust the Facts Radio,โ€ CFACT. Archived December 23, 2017. Archive.is URL: https://archive.is/ovM5B

Stance on Climate Change

December 8, 2015

Rothbard and Craig Rucker co-wrote an article at The Washington Times, declaring:9David Rothbard and Craig Rucker. โ€œMeasuring the climate models and hype,โ€ The Washington Times, December 8, 2015. Archived October 13, 2017. Archive.is URL: https://archive.is/zyfT7

โ€œOur planet and humankind have been challenged by climate change and extreme weather throughout history. The sunโ€™s changing energy output and other natural forces have brought little ice ages, floods, droughts, powerful storms, and periods of prolonged warmth and bounteous harvests.

โ€œTo assert that natural forces no longer play a role, that fossil fuel emissions now control climate change, or that humans can now determine planetary temperatures and climate by regulating atmospheric carbon-dioxide levels is sheer hubris. To say we should abandon the hydrocarbon energy that has brought technology, prosperity, health and longevity to billions is sheer insanity.โ€10David Rothbard and Craig Rucker. โ€œMeasuring the climate models and hype,โ€ The Washington Times, December 8, 2015. Archived October 13, 2017. Archive.is URL: https://archive.is/zyfT7

February 7, 2015

Rothard promoted the idea of a โ€œwarming pauseโ€:11David Rothbard. โ€œSatellites: Warming pause continues & 2014 not the hottest,โ€ CFACT, February 7, 2015. Archived December 22, 2017. Archive.is URL: https://archive.is/2OBGz

โ€œThere was nothing special about the temperature of the Earth in 2014. In fact, there has been no meaningful warming since last century.โ€

Key Quotes

May 2, 2016

Promoting Marc Morano‘s film, Climate Hustle, Rothbard said:12โ€œTonightโ€™s the night! ‘Climate Hustle’ Monday May 2nd,โ€ CFACT, May 2, 2016. Archived October 13, 2017. Archive.is URL: https://archive.is/Supnk

โ€œAn opportunity to bring people together to debunk a propaganda campaign as massive as ‘climate change’ is rare and special.โ€

November 13, 2013

In an article promoting the Heartland Institute‘s NIPCC report, Rothbard said:13David Rothbard. โ€œPressing ahead on climate salvation,โ€ CFACT, November 13, 2013. Archived December 22, 2017. Archive.is URL: https://archive.is/42pvA

โ€œIn reality, the climate and weather events, trends and cycles of recent years are essentially the same as humans have been dealing with for centuries. There is no evidence that we face imminent catastrophic man-made climate change.โ€

Key Deeds

April 3, 2018

Rothbard co-wrote an Op-Ed with Craig Rucker in the Reno Gazette Journal where they criticized electric cars and renewable energy. The Op-Ed was published on April 3, 2018, the same day Rothbard passed away.14โ€œIs your neighbor’s Tesla costing you money?: Rothbard, Rucker,โ€ Reno Gazette Journal, April 3, 2018. Archived April 15, 2018.

โ€œThere may be hidden costs in the pursuit of ‘clean energy,’ and they may affect consumers more than expected,โ€ the Rucker and Rothbard wrote in the opinion piece, pointing the finger at Californiaโ€™s Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) mandate.15โ€œIs your neighbor’s Tesla costing you money?: Rothbard, Rucker,โ€ Reno Gazette Journal, April 3, 2018. Archived April 15, 2018.

โ€œRealistically, the ZEV mandate means cash-strapped consumers in heartland America will be paying more to buy a conventional car,โ€ they wrote. โ€œIf ZEV mandates increase, more Americans could be compelled to purchase electric cars โ€” or face escalating auto prices. That could mean even middle class Americans struggling to afford a car. But that might well be the grand intention of those pushing so hard for electric cars โ€” to simply price conventional automobiles out of reach for everyday Americans.โ€16โ€œIs your neighbor’s Tesla costing you money?: Rothbard, Rucker,โ€ Reno Gazette Journal, April 3, 2018. Archived April 15, 2018.

September 28, 2017

In a fundraising letter obtained by Greenpeace, Rothbard calls on readers to help fund CFACT’s program to influence students in American schools and colleges. The document also featured an introduction by John Coleman.17โ€œCommittee for a Constructive Tomorrow CFACT Weather Channel Mailer 2017-09-28,โ€ DocumentCloud.

Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow CFACT (Text)

โ€œI write to you today to ask for your support of CFACT,โ€ Rothbard wrote. โ€œOur plans are urgent. A new school year is now underway. Together, we must make sure CFACT’s programs – especially designed to push back against Green indoctrination in America ‘s classrooms – are fully funded and ready to immediately counteract Left-wing climate alarmism in classrooms and on campuses across America.โ€18โ€œCommittee for a Constructive Tomorrow CFACT Weather Channel Mailer 2017-09-28,โ€ DocumentCloud.

The letter cited so-called โ€œclimate indoctrinationโ€ in modern classrooms. โ€œTo make matters worse, our tax dollars are being used to indoctrinate America’s children – and shut out any views that challenge climate alarm orthodoxy,โ€ Rothbard wrote.19โ€œCommittee for a Constructive Tomorrow CFACT Weather Channel Mailer 2017-09-28,โ€ DocumentCloud.

He cited examples of this โ€œindoctrinationโ€ as materials distributed by Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN), the U.S. Global Change Research Program, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the National Science Foundation, and NASA.20โ€œCommittee for a Constructive Tomorrow CFACT Weather Channel Mailer 2017-09-28,โ€ DocumentCloud.

โ€œConfronting the Green Left’s massive indoctrination effort aimed at our young people is almost certainly the hardest challenge we have ever faced at CFACT,โ€ Rothbard added, going on to cite some โ€œvictoriesโ€ for โ€œthe climate realist communityโ€:21โ€œCommittee for a Constructive Tomorrow CFACT Weather Channel Mailer 2017-09-28,โ€ DocumentCloud.

โ€œFor example, as you know. President Trump has committed to pulling the United States out of the ill-conceived Paris climate accord. The White House has also scrubbed climate alarm propaganda from government websites. This is good news!

โ€œFurther, federal programs designed to fund climate alarmism have been frozen and are under review. And Barack Obama’s job-killing and economy disrupting ‘Clean Power Plan’ has effectively been cancelled.โ€22โ€œCommittee for a Constructive Tomorrow CFACT Weather Channel Mailer 2017-09-28,โ€ DocumentCloud.

However, Rothbard lamented that โ€œthese victories are only temporary setbacks to the climate agenda.โ€23โ€œCommittee for a Constructive Tomorrow CFACT Weather Channel Mailer 2017-09-28,โ€ DocumentCloud.

It is an agenda that claims to be about ‘climate’ and ‘science’ โ€ฆ but consistently favors an ideology of socialism and collectivism over capitalism. An agenda demanding a massive transfer of wealth from ‘rich nations’ to ‘poor nations.’

โ€œAnd itโ€™s an agenda demanding a headlong rush into expensive and unreliable ‘renewable energy.’ An agenda of ‘carbon taxes’ and what amounts to โ€œcarbon indulgencesโ€ that punish the poor and middle class while enriching Green millionaires and billionaires.

โ€œTheirs is โ€“ I believe โ€“ an agenda with an ultimate goal of drastically reducing the human population around the world.โ€

Rothbard proposed a multi-part plan to fight back against the โ€œGreen Left agendaโ€ of โ€œindoctrinating our children and grandchildren in the schools with their radical Green, climate alarmist dogma.โ€

This includes a study to determine what children are being taught in schools, with an estimated cost of $35,000. The second part of the CFACT plan is to identify and โ€œexpose these worst offenders through every means at our disposal. This includes our widely read Climate Depot news and information service, our โ€œJust the Factsโ€ daily national radio commentary, and more.โ€24โ€œCommittee for a Constructive Tomorrow CFACT Weather Channel Mailer 2017-09-28,โ€ DocumentCloud.

โ€œThe third part of our plan is a public policy solution.โ€ This solution being to sway school boards to inject climate change denial into their courses, based on what Rothbard describes as a successful CFACT effort in West Virginia, which he hopes to โ€œserve as a model for similar programs in other states.โ€25โ€œCommittee for a Constructive Tomorrow CFACT Weather Channel Mailer 2017-09-28,โ€ DocumentCloud.

The fourth part is to โ€œgo around the in-classroom indoctrination and open our own communication channel to students outside of schoolโ€ โ€” targeting students through YouTube and other social media.

โ€œWe have plans to dramatically expand our social media presence, especially to young people,โ€ Rothbard noted, also pointing to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitch. โ€œThatโ€™s where they [young people] go for news and information and thatโ€™s where we will be, too!โ€26โ€œCommittee for a Constructive Tomorrow CFACT Weather Channel Mailer 2017-09-28,โ€ DocumentCloud.

The fifth part of Rothbard’s plan is to spread the CFACT Collegian’s program, which already has chapters at 44 colleges and universities. โ€œCFACT Collegians is the only program in America solely dedicated to confronting global warming hysteria and other misinformation spewed by the radical environmentalists in America’s colleges and universities.โ€27โ€œCommittee for a Constructive Tomorrow CFACT Weather Channel Mailer 2017-09-28,โ€ DocumentCloud.

July 2017

Rothbard accompanied climate change denier Marc Morano and CFACT Executive Director Craig Rucker to an Australian screening of Morano’s film, Climate Hustle. Before the film’s Australian debut, Climate scientist Professor Will Steffen reviewed portions of the film for DeSmog.28Graham Readfearn. โ€œNotorious Climate Science Denier Marc Morano Flying to Australia With Misleading Climate Hustle Movie,โ€ DeSmog, July 6, 2017.

Steffen is an emeritus professor at Australian National University and a member of the not-for-profit Climate Council. He said: โ€œThis is just the usual rubbish from the usual suspects – a re-hash of misleading and downright incorrect arguments that denialists have trotted out for a long time.โ€29Graham Readfearn. โ€œNotorious Climate Science Denier Marc Morano Flying to Australia With Misleading Climate Hustle Movie,โ€ DeSmog, July 6, 2017.

Reviewing a section that downplays the role of carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, Steffen noted it โ€œmisrepresents how the carbon cycle worksโ€ by ignoring how oceans and land absorb CO2 โ€“ a very basic and well-known mechanism in the carbon cycle.30Graham Readfearn. โ€œNotorious Climate Science Denier Marc Morano Flying to Australia With Misleading Climate Hustle Movie,โ€ DeSmog, July 6, 2017.

Steffen added: โ€œWhat the film didn’t say is that both oxygen and nitrogen, which comprise about 99 per cent of the atmospheric gases, are transparent to UV, visible and heat radiation. They don’t play a role in the energy balance at the Earth’s surface.โ€31Graham Readfearn. โ€œNotorious Climate Science Denier Marc Morano Flying to Australia With Misleading Climate Hustle Movie,โ€ DeSmog, July 6, 2017.

Dr. Andrew King, a climate scientist at Monash University in Melbourne, also had an opportunity to look at the film. He described the section on carbon dioxide’s role as โ€œmuddled.โ€

โ€œWhilst there are certainly other potential drivers of changes in the climate we know that over the last century we have greatly increased the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere and, through detection and attribution analyses, we know that the rising levels of atmospheric CO2 and other greenhouse gases have driven the rise in global temperature,โ€ King said. โ€œChanges in other potential drivers, like solar activity, simply can’t explain the 1C rise in global temperature we have observed.โ€32Graham Readfearn. โ€œNotorious Climate Science Denier Marc Morano Flying to Australia With Misleading Climate Hustle Movie,โ€ DeSmog, July 6, 2017.

Climate denial blogger JoNova also listed some groups involved in organizing the trip included the Galileo Movement (once managed by former One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts), the Australian Environment Foundation, the Australian Tax Payers Alliance, and the Australian Institute for Progress.33โ€œFinally, see ‘Climate Hustle’ in Australia โ€” Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney.โ€ JoNova, June 27, 2017. Archived July 7, 2017. Archive.is URL: https://archive.is/nvByX

July 12, 2016

Rothbard was a signatory to a โ€œCoalitionโ€ open letter pushing back against what the Heartland Institute describes as an โ€œaffront to free speech.โ€ The groups were responding to the recent Web of Denial Resolution brought up in the Senate, calling out fossil fuel industry-funded groups denying climate change.34Jim Lakely. โ€œ#WebOfDenial Push by Senate Dems Exposes Their Hatred of Free Speech,โ€ Somewhat Reasonable (Heartland Institute Blog), July 12, 2016. Archived July 14, 2016. Archive.is URL: https://archive.is/eFCkh

According to the Climate Investigations Center, all but one of the open letter’s signatory organizations have taken money (totaling at least $92 million since 1997) from the โ€œclimate denial webโ€ including Koch Brothers’ various foundations, ExxonMobil, and two โ€œdark moneyโ€ organizations, Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund.35Cindy Baxter. โ€œFront Groups Attacking #WebofDenial Senate Action Took Over M in Dark, Dirty Money,โ€ Desmog, July 14, 2016. Originally posted at Climate Investigations Center.

May 18, 2016

Rothbard was a signatory to a full-page color advertisement in The New York Times titled โ€œAbuse of Powerโ€ (PDF) sponsored by The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI). The ad serves as an open letter from 43 signatories including organizations and individuals in response to New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, U.S. Virgin Islands Attorney General Claude Walker, and the coalition of Attorneys General investigating groups denying man-made climate change.36โ€œCEI Runs โ€œAbuse of Powerโ€ Ad In New York Times,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, May 18, 2016. Archived May 31, 2016 37โ€œAbuse of Power: All Americans have the right to support causes they believe inโ€ (PDF), Competitive Enterprise Institute. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

โ€œAttempts to intimidate CEI and our allies and silence our policy research are unconstitutional,โ€ said CEI president Kent Lassman. โ€œThe First Amendment protects us and everyone has a duty to respect it โ€“ even state attorneys general. CEI will continue to fight for all Americans to support the causes in which they believe.โ€38โ€œCEI Runs โ€œAbuse of Powerโ€ Ad In New York Times,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, May 18, 2016. Archived May 31, 2016

The Competitive Enterprise Institute received a subpoena from AG Walker on April 7, 2016. On April 20, CEI filed an objection to the subpoena calling it โ€œoffensive,โ€ โ€œun-American,โ€ and โ€œunlawful,โ€ and are contending that AG Walker is โ€œviolating CEIโ€™s First Amendment rights.โ€39โ€œCEI Runs โ€œAbuse of Powerโ€ Ad In New York Times,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, May 18, 2016. Archived May 31, 2016

The โ€œfreedom of speechโ€ argument was echoed by ExxonMobil’s legal team, as well as numerous other conservative groups including the Pacific Legal Foundation, and Heritage Foundation and the recently-formed Free Speech in Science Project, a group created by the same lawyers who defended the Competitive Enterprise Institute in the past.40Steve Horn. โ€œExxon’s Lawyer in Climate Science Probe Has History Helping Big Tobacco and NFL Defend Against Health Claims,โ€ DeSmog, May 10, 2016.

The CEI letter lists the following signatories:

August 5, 2014

Rothbard spoke at a CFACT event titled โ€œHow to Think and Talk about Climate and Energy Issuesโ€ that was held as part of the 41st annual national meeting of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).41David Rothbard. โ€œCFACT climate and energy workshop for legislators,โ€ CFACT, August 5, 2014. Archived December 22, 2017. Archive.is URL: https://archive.is/84zKJ

โ€œI was privileged to moderate the workshop that included CFACT senior policy analyst Paul Driessen; publisher and editor of ClimateDepot.com Marc Morano; and former national field director for CFACTโ€™s Collegians campus program Robert Harrelson.,โ€ Rothbard wrote at the CFACT blog.

November 2013

Rothbard spoke at an event in Poland co-sponsored by CFACT and the Institute for Globalization, Solidarity, and Polityka Narodowa, among others. The event was to coincide with the official UN Conference of the Parties (COP) 19 in Warsaw, Poland.42โ€œEuropeans sign Warsaw Declaration: want no part of UN climate treaty,โ€ CFACT, November 11, 2013. Archived January 12, 2018. Archive.is URL: http://archive.is/pTDJs

According to the CFACT blog post, โ€œDavid Rothbard took dead aim at the shoddy science the UN has relied on to support its claims of impending climate catastrophe. He pointed out that severe weather events such as floods, droughts and rising sea levels have been greatly exaggerated, and that virtually all climate models failed to account for the flat line in world temperatures over the last 17 years. Rothbard finished his remarks by leveling strong criticism at the proposed UN treaty for the crushing economic impacts it will impose on working people and the poor.โ€43โ€œEuropeans sign Warsaw Declaration: want no part of UN climate treaty,โ€ CFACT, November 11, 2013. Archived January 12, 2018. Archive.is URL: http://archive.is/pTDJs

July 12โ€“14, 2001

Rothbard was a speaker at the โ€œFreedom 21โ€ national conference in St. Louis. Sponsors included the American Policy Center, Sovereignty International, Liberty Matters, Eagle Forum, Environmental Conservation Organization, and the Heartland Institute.44โ€œConference Speakers,โ€ Freedom 21 National Conference. Archived July 12, 2003. Archive.is URL: https://archive.is/MndDD

May 2000

Rothbard has been described as โ€œa driving force behind the Cornwall Declaration,โ€ a document crafted by the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation (formerly the Interfaith Stewardship Alliance, before adopting the name of their landmark document).45โ€œConference Speakers,โ€ Freedom 21 National Conference. Archived July 12, 2003. Archive.is URL: https://archive.is/MndDD

Some of the key points of the Cornwall Declaration include:46โ€œThe Cornwall Declaration on Environmental Stewardship,โ€ The Cornwall Alliance. Archived July 22, 2015.

1. Humans are โ€œproducers and stewardsโ€ of the environment, and should not be viewed as โ€œconsumers and pollutersโ€ because โ€œthe application of human and material capital are integral to environmental improvement.โ€

2. It is โ€œhuman stewardship that unlocks the potential in creation for all the earthโ€™s inhabitants as good.โ€

3. Some environmental concerns are โ€œwithout foundation or greatly exaggerated.โ€ Examples of unfounded concerns โ€œinclude fears of destructive manmade global warming, overpopulation, and rampant species loss.โ€

April 1998

In 1998, Rothbard was listed among members of the โ€œGlobal Climate Science Communications Team,โ€ a group led by the American Petroleum Institute (API) to develop a 1998 Global Climate Science Communications Plan. The New York Times described the GCSCT as โ€œAn informal group of people working for big oil companies, trade associations and conservative policy research organizationsโ€ who oppose a treaty to fight global warming.47John H. Cushman Jr. โ€œINDUSTRIAL GROUP PLANS TO BATTLE CLIMATE TREATY,โ€ The New York Times, April 26, 1998. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Archive.is URL: https://archive.is/2fL08

The following is taken from the 1998 memo by the API describing the plan: (See full memo here).48โ€œGlobal warming: The campaign by the American Petroleum Institute,โ€ e_wesker. Archived May 30, 2016. Archive.is URL: https://archive.is/RwqPQ

โ€œVictory Will Be Achieved When

โ€œAverage citizens ‘understand’ (recognize) uncertainties in climate science; recognition of uncertainties becomes part of the โ€œconventional wisdomโ€
Media ‘understands’ (recognizes) uncertainties in climate science
Media coverage reflects balance on climate science and recognition of the validity of viewpoints that challenge the current โ€œconventional wisdomโ€
Industry senior leadership understands uncertainties in climate science, making them stronger ambassadors to those who shape climate policy
Those promoting the Kyoto treaty on the basis of extent science appears to be out of touch with reality.

โ€œCurrent Reality

Unless ‘climate change’ becomes a non-issue, meaning that the Kyoto proposal is defeated and there are no further initiatives to thwart the threat of climate change, there may be no moment when we can declare victory for our efforts. It will be necessary to establish measurements for the science effort to track progress toward achieving the goal and strategic success.โ€

Writing at The Guardian, Graham Readfearn also followed up on where many of the lobbyists listed in the original GCSC are today.49Graham Readfearn. โ€œWhat happened to the lobbyists who tried to reshape the US view of climate change?โ€ The Guardian, February 27, 2015. Archived December 23, 2017. Archive.is URL: https://archive.is/dle2k


Social Media


Rothbard has been โ€œa frequent guest on radio and television talk shows, and his work has been printed or critiqued in such publications as Newsweek, the Houston Chronicle, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Washington Times, and The Wall Street Journal,โ€ his CFACT profile notes.52โ€œCFACT Staff,โ€ Cfact. Archived October 13, 2017. Archive.is URL: https://archive.is/J9sPD

Rothbard has also been a regular contributor at CFACT’s website. Below are some sample articles or videos related to climate change:53โ€œDavid Rothbard: Author Archives,โ€ CFACT. Accessed October 13, 2017.

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