Freeman Dyson

Freeman Dyson (Deceased)



Freeman Dyson was a physics professor known for his work in the area of electrodynamics. Dyson formerly worked as a professor of physics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. He passed away at 96 years old in February 2020.6โ€œfreemon dyson: professor emeritus, sns,โ€ Accessed December 6, 2011. 7โ€œFreeman Dyson, Math Genius Turned Visionary Technologist, Dies at 96,โ€ The New York Times, February 28, 2020. Archived March 4, 2020. URL:

According to Dyson’s profile at the Institute for Advanced Study, โ€œHis most useful contribution to science was the unification of the three versions of quantum electrodynamics invented by Feynman, Schwinger and Tomonaga. Cornell University made him a professor without bothering about his lack of Ph.D.โ€8โ€œfreemon dyson: professor emeritus, sns,โ€ Accessed December 6, 2011.

Dyson held honorary degrees from a number of universities, and has received numerous prizes for his work in the area of physics.9โ€œFreeman J. Dyson – Biography (detailed)โ€ (PDF), retrieved from

In 2009, The New York Times reported on โ€œDyson’s coming ‘out of the closet as far as global warming is concerned’,โ€ with his views that โ€œwhatever inflammations the climate was experiencing might be a good thing because carbon dioxide helps plants of all kinds grow.โ€10โ€œThe Civil Heretic,โ€ The New York Times, March 25, 2009.

Stance on Climate Change

April 2015

In an interview by โ€œConversations that Matter,โ€ Dyson argued that CO2 is beneficial due to โ€œgreeningโ€ vegetation and that continuing to burn fossil fuels will probably โ€œdo us goodโ€:11โ€œFreeman Dyson on the Global Warming Hysteria April, 2015,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user โ€œ1000frolly,โ€ April 6, 2016. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

โ€œThe fact is, carbon dioxide will increase. We will continue to burn oil and coal, and probably it does us good. The Earth will get greener as a result.โ€

โ€œCO2 is so beneficial [โ€ฆ] it would be crazy to try to reduce it,โ€ Dyson said. โ€œMan-made climate change is, on the whole, good.โ€

August 2007

In an essay at Edge, Dyson wrote:[4]

โ€œMy first heresy says that all the fuss about global warming is grossly exaggerated. Here I am opposing the holy brotherhood of climate model experts and the crowd of deluded citizens who believe the numbers predicted by the computer models.โ€12โ€œFreeman Dyson on the Global Warming Hysteria April, 2015,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user โ€œ1000frolly,โ€ April 6, 2016. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

According to Dyson, โ€œEveryone agrees that the climate is changing, but there are violently diverging opinions about the causes of change, about the consequences of change, and about possible remedies.โ€13โ€œFreeman Dyson on the Global Warming Hysteria April, 2015,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user โ€œ1000frolly,โ€ April 6, 2016. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

[โ€ฆ] โ€œThere is no doubt that parts of the world are getting warmer, but the warming is not global.โ€14โ€œFreeman Dyson on the Global Warming Hysteria April, 2015,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user โ€œ1000frolly,โ€ April 6, 2016. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

[โ€ฆ] โ€œOpinions differ on the relative importance of the physical and biological effects, and on whether the effects [of increased atmospheric CO2], either separately or together, are beneficial or harmful.โ€15โ€œFreeman Dyson on the Global Warming Hysteria April, 2015,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user โ€œ1000frolly,โ€ April 6, 2016. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

May 15, 2003

In a review of Vaclav Smilโ€™s The Earthโ€™s Biosphere: Evolution, Dynamics, and Change in the The New York Review of Books, Dyson described global warming as a โ€œmisleading phraseโ€:

โ€œAs a result of the burning of coal and oil, the driving of cars, and other human activities, the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing at a rate of about half a percent per year [โ€ฆ] the physical effects of carbon dioxide are seen in changes of rainfall, cloudiness, wind strength, and temperature, which are customarily lumped together in the misleading phrase ‘global warming.’โ€16Freeman Dyson. โ€œWhat a World!โ€, The New York Review of Books, May 15, 2003.

Key Quotes

October 2015

Dyson wrote a foreword for a Global Warming Policy Foundation (GPWF) report on โ€œthe good newsโ€ on carbon dioxide:

โ€œI am hoping that the scientists and politicians who have been blindly demonizing carbon dioxide for 37 years will one day open their eyes and look at the evidence.โ€17โ€œCarbon Dioxide: The Good News,โ€ The Global Warming Policy Foundation, October 11, 2015. Archived November 16, 2015.

April 2012

In an interview with Big Think, Dyson said it would be โ€œfoolish to do anything spectactularโ€ to try to combat man-made climate change:18โ€œFreeman Dyson: Climate Change Predictions Are ‘Absurd’,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user โ€œBig Think,โ€ April 23, 2012. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

March 2009

Dyson was quoted in a 2009 profile at The New York Times:

โ€œ’The costs of what Gore tells us to do would be extremely large,’ Dyson said. ‘By restricting CO2 you make life more expensive and hurt the poor. Iโ€™m concerned about the Chinese’.โ€19โ€œThe Civil Heretic,โ€ The New York Times, March 25, 2009.

Key Deeds

August 13, 2019

Dyson appeared in a Nature Communications article that ranked 386 โ€œclimate change contrariansโ€ based on media visibility. The article also ranked bona fide climate scientists and found that deniers had nearly 50% more visibility in the media than mainstream scientists.20Alexander Michael Petersen, Emmanuel M. Vincent, Anthony LeRoy Westerling. โ€œDiscrepancy in scientific authority and media visibility of climate change scientists and contrarians,โ€ Nature Communications, August 13, 2019. Archived August 14, 2019. URL: Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

Dyson was ranked #39 among other noted deniers, including Marc Morano (#1), Sen. James Inhofe, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Judith Curry, Ross McKitrick, John Hinderaker, and Roy Spencer.21Alexander Michael Petersen, Emmanuel M. Vincent, Anthony LeRoy Westerling. โ€œDiscrepancy in scientific authority and media visibility of climate change scientists and contrarians,โ€ Nature Communications, August 13, 2019. Archived August 14, 2019. URL: Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

February 4, 2018

In January 2018, more than 200 scientists endorsed an open letter calling on the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) to remove climate change denier Rebekah Mercer from its board and to โ€œend ties to anti-science propagandists and funders of climate science misinformation.โ€ The New York Times reported that those among the AMNH letter calling for Mercer to step down were Michael E. Mann, director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University, and Katharine Hayhoe, director of the Climate Science Center at Texas Tech University.22Robin Pogrebin and Somini Sengupta. โ€œA Science Denier at the Natural History Museum? Scientists Rebel,โ€ The New York Times, January 25, 2018. Archived February 13, 2018. URL:

Dyson was among a group of climate change deniers who responded with their own open letter, calling for the AMNH โ€œnot to cave in to this pressure.โ€ The letter was signed by numerous individuals with ties to groups funded by the Mercer Family Foundation such as Will Happer of the CO2 CoalitionRichard Lindzen, a fellow at the Cato InstituteCraig Idso, the chairman of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change. There are a number of signatories affiliated with the Heartland Institute, which has received over $5.78 million from the Mercer Family Foundation since 2008.23Graham Readfearn. โ€œClimate Science Deniers Defend New Yorkโ€™s American Museum of Natural History From Calls to Drop Trustee Rebekah Mercer,โ€ DeSmog, February 6, 2018.

The letter reads:24mnh18-feb4-petitionletter (PDF – Untitled). Retrieved from Watts Up With That.

โ€œThe Earth has supported abundant life many times in the geological past when there were much higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It is quite likely that future generations will benefit from the enrichment of Earthโ€™s atmosphere with more carbon dioxide.

โ€œMake no mistake, the agitators are not defending science from quackery โ€” quite the contrary!โ€

February 23, 2017

Freeman Dyson was a signatory of a petition (PDF) organized by Richard Lindzen of the Cato Institute urging President Donald Trump to pull the United States out of the United Nations international convention on climate change (UNFCCC).25โ€œPETITIONโ€ (PDF), February 23, 2017. Richard Lindzen. PDF Archived at DeSmog.

โ€œIn just a few weeks, more than 300 eminent scientists and other qualified individuals from around the world have signed the petition below,โ€ Lindzen wrote in the letter.26โ€œPETITIONโ€ (PDF), February 23, 2017. Richard Lindzen. PDF Archived at DeSmog.

DeSmog investigated the list, and found that only a small handful of the signatories could be considered โ€œeven remotely โ€˜qualifiedโ€™ or โ€˜eminentโ€™ โ€” but not in the field of climate science.โ€ The list included individuals โ€œinterested in climate,โ€ and one signatory who only identified as an โ€œemailer who wished to sign the petitionโ€ while some signers provided no affiliation or address whatsoever.27Graham Readfearn. โ€œClimate Science Denier Richard Lindzen’s List of 300 โ€œScientistsโ€ Sent to Trump Is the Usual Parade of Non-Experts,โ€ DeSmog, February 27, 2017.

October 11, 2015

Freeman Dyson is interviewed in The Register‘s article, โ€œTop boffin Freeman Dyson on climate change, interstellar travel, fusion, and more,โ€ the same day the Global Warming Policy Foundation published โ€œCarbon Dioxide: The Good News,โ€ with the foreward written by Freeman Dyson.28โ€œTop boffin Freeman Dyson on climate change, interstellar travel, fusion, and more,โ€ The Register, October 11, 2015. Archived November 16, 2015. 29โ€œCarbon Dioxide: The Good News,โ€ The Global Warming Policy Foundation, October 11, 2015. Archived November 16, 2015.

In the foreward, Dyson argues that โ€œcarbon dioxide in the atmosphere does far more good than harm,โ€ and โ€œthat the benefits clearly outweigh the possible damage.โ€30โ€œCarbon Dioxide: The Good News,โ€ The Global Warming Policy Foundation, October 11, 2015. Archived November 16, 2015. Dyson concludes the foreward by stating, โ€œI am hoping that the scientists and politicians who have been blindly demonizing carbon dioxide for 37 years will one day open their eyes and look at the evidence.โ€31โ€œCarbon Dioxide: The Good News,โ€ The Global Warming Policy Foundation, October 11, 2015. Archived November 16, 2015.

March 1, 2015

Dyson was listed as a writer/endorser of a Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) briefing paper titled โ€œThe Small Print: What the Royal Society Left Outโ€œ that accused the Royal Society of โ€œpresenting a misleading picture of climate science.โ€32โ€œTHE SMALL PRINT: What the Royal Society Left Outโ€ (PDF), Global Warming Policy Foundation, 2015. 33(Press Release). โ€œRoyal Society Misrepresents Climate Science,โ€ Global Warming Policy Foundation, January 3, 2015. Archived August 17, 2014. URL:

โ€œAs an example, the Royal Society addresses the question of why Antarctic sea ice is growing,โ€ said Prof Ross McKitrick, the chairman of the GWPFโ€™s Academic Advisory Council, โ€œbut in doing so they present a recently proposed hypothesis as if it were settled science. Failing to admit when the answer to an important question is simply not known does a disservice to the public. We believe that this new paper does a much better job of presenting the whole picture to the public.โ€34โ€œTHE SMALL PRINT: What the Royal Society Left Outโ€ (PDF), Global Warming Policy Foundation, 2015.

The paper was written/endorsed by the following โ€œexpertsโ€:35โ€œTHE SMALL PRINT: What the Royal Society Left Outโ€ (PDF), Global Warming Policy Foundation, 2015.

March 25, 2009

Freeman Dyson is the feature of an 8000 word article in The New York Times titled โ€œThe Civil Heretic.โ€ The Times quotes Dyson as saying global warming may indicate that โ€œthe climate is actually improving rather than getting worseโ€ because increased carbon would promote forest growth and crop yields. However, the internationally-regarded IPCC concludes that โ€œclimate change is expected to lead to salinisation and desertification of agricultural land.โ€

Although Dyson is a brilliant mind, and is revered as a physicist, he does not have a background in climate science. DeSmog speculated how it seems strange that the Times would choose Nicholas Dawidoff, a sports writer (albeit an accomplished sports writer), to research and write an article on climate change.

June 12, 2008

Freeman Dyson publishes โ€œThe Question of Global Warmingโ€œ through The New York Review of Books. Dyson writes, โ€œthe only plausible explanation of the annual wiggle,โ€ of CO2’s PPM measurements, โ€œand its variation with latitude is that it is due to the seasonal growth and decay of annual vegetation, especially deciduous forests, in temperate latitudes north and south.โ€36Freeman Dyson. โ€The Question of Global Warming,โ€ The New York Review of Books, June 12, 2008.

November 1, 2005

Dyson spoke at a talk hosted by the Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future where her argued the problems of global warming are โ€œgrossly exaggeratedโ€ and โ€œtake away money and attention from other problems that are more urgent and more important.โ€37โ€œFreeman Dyson: Heretical Thoughts About Science and Society,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user โ€œBoston University,โ€ March 30, 2010. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.



According to a search of 22,000 academic journals, Dyson has published over 50 peer-reviewed articles mainly in the area of quantum mechanics.

Dyson has articulated his โ€œhereticalโ€ views on climate in an extensive article of his own40Freeman Dyson. โ€œHERETICAL THOUGHTS ABOUT SCIENCE AND SOCIETY,โ€ Edge, April 8, 2007. โ€“ which has been debunked on a point-by-point basis.41Michael Tobis. โ€œDyson Exegesis,โ€ Only In It For The Gold, August 12, 2007.

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