
James Madison Institute

James Madison Institute (JMI)


The James Madison Institute (JMI) is a Florida-based 501(c)(3) libertarian think tank founded in 1987 with the mission of keeping “the citizens of Florida informed about their government and to shape our state’s future through the advancement of practical free-market ideas on public policy issues.”1About JMI,” The James Madison Institute. Archived April 7, 2016. URL:

Notable JMI people include two Gulf Power CEOs: current board member Stan Connally,2Board of Directors,” The James Madison Institute. April 7, 2016. URL: President & CEO of Gulf Power, and former JMI director Mark Crosswhite,.3Board of Directors,” The James Madison Institute. Archived May 25, 2012. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. URL: now CEO and President of Alabama Power and former President of Gulf Power4Mark A. Crosswhite,” Bloomberg executive profile. Accessed April 7, 2016. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

James Madison Institute’s research advisory council includes James Taylor, the Heartland Institute’s senior fellow for environmental policy. JMI has also supported the Heartland Institute as a sponsor of it’s International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC).5Research Advisory Council,” The James Madison Institute. Archived April 7, 2016. URL:

State Policy Network Member

JMI is a member of the State Policy Network (SPN), a group of free market think tanks designed to “educate the general public and policy makers in every state to embrace market-friendly policies that maximize liberty and opportunity.”6Directory,” State Policy Network. Accessed September 18, 2015. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. URL:

The SPN has received over $15 million from DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund, two secretive funding groups described as the “Dark Money ATM” of the conservative movement in the US.7Exposed: The Dark-Money ATM of the Conservative Movement,” Mother Jones, February 5, 2013. Archived July 23, 2015. URL:

The State Policy Network donated at least $364,000 to the James Madison Institute between 2002 and 2013.8State Policy Network,” Conservative Transparency Project Search. Accessed September 15, 2015. URL:

Stance on Climate Change


“Today, the scientists and the research associated with global warming have lost the credibility and authority with which they have argued their point. By arguing forcefully and loudly for more than 20 years that the data are “certain” and that the world’s scientific community is ‘unified’ in its belief that global warming is a man-made phenomena and will lead to a global environmental apocalypse, they have destroyed their position as an honest, dispassionate broker of knowledge. They have done a disservice to themselves and to science at large.”9Robert J. Bebber. “‘Climategate’ Provides Lessons for Policy Makers” (PDF), The Journal of the James Madison Institute, Summer 2010.


“[S]tudies suggest that less than half of all published scientists endorse ‘Global Warming’ theory… . we do not yet understand what ‘Global Warming’ is, whether it is a natural occurrence or that human activity is having a direct impact. […] [T]he evidence also shows that the temperature was rising hundreds of years before carbon dioxide levels were rising. This contradicts the theory that rising CO2 levels cause an increase in the earth’s temperature.”10Robert Bebber. “The Cult of Global Warming” (PDF), James Madison Journal, Winter/Spring 2008.


November 1, 2009

“Should Florida’s government force the premature abandonment of cost-efficient energy sources, such as oil and natural gas, in favor of less-efficient energy sources like wind turbines and solar panels, the resultant spike in energy prices would be likely to cost far more jobs than the so-called ‘green economy’ would create.”

“Therefore, in any calculations of the economic costs and benefits, the economic benefits from, say, allowing more drilling for oil and gas in the Gulf far outweigh the fanciful estimates of the benefits from ‘green’ jobs such as installing solar panels or removing the dead birds and bats killed by wind turbines.” — Past JMI President Bob McClure.11Florida Commission Rejects Claim Higher Energy Costs Save Money,” Heartland Institute, November 1, 2009. Archived April 8, 2016. URL:


“Interest in a renewable energy policy is based partly on a myth. We will never run out of non-renewable energy sources, and not just because we keep discovering more.”12Randall G. Holcombe . “Renewable Energy Policy: Not as Good as It Sounds” (PDF), Point of View (James Madison Institute Journal), October 2007. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.


The following is based on data the Conservative Transparency project collected from publicly available 990 tax forms. Note that not all individual funding values have been verified by DeSmog for accuracy.13James Madison Institute,” Conservative Transparency. Data retrieved June 8, 2016.

To see additional details, view the attached spreadsheet on the James Madison Institute’s funding by year (.xlsx).

Donors Capital Fund$1,452,200
Lillian S. Wells Foundation$1,325,000
Dunn’s Foundation for the Advancement of Right Thinking$1,140,000
Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation$842,479
State Policy Network$445,322
John Templeton Foundation$437,841
The Roe Foundation$410,000
Jaquelin Hume Foundation$322,979
Walton Family Foundation$290,000
William H. Donner Foundation$208,500
JM Foundation$165,000
Friedman Foundation For Educational Choice$110,000
Cato Institute$100,000
Franklin Center for Government & Public Integrity$75,000
American Petroleum Institute$60,000
Castle Rock Foundation$50,000
Heartland Institute$50,000
Charles Koch Institute$45,000
Lovett and Ruth Peters Foundation$33,700
Hickory Foundation$25,000
The Randolph Foundation$25,000
Chase Foundation of Virginia$22,000
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation$15,000
Wodecroft Foundation$15,000
Neal and Jane Freeman Foundation$10,000
Exxon Mobil$5,000
National Christian Charitable Foundation$1,450
The Vernon K. Krieble Foundation$1,000
Leadership Institute$1,000
Grand Total$7,843,703

ExxonMobil Funding

ExxonSecrets reports that the James Madison Institute received it’s $5,000 contribution from ExxonMobil in 2001.14ExxonSecrets Factsheet: James Madison Institute, JMI. URL:

Koch Funding

The below is based on publicly available 990 forms. See also data collected by Greenpeace USA.15James Madison Institute (JMI): Koch Industries Climate Denial Front Group,” Greenpeace USA. Archived March 14, 2017. URL:

YearCharles G. Koch Charitable FoundationCharles Koch InstituteGrand Total
2007$6,850 $6,850
2008$39,462 $39,462
2009$9,667 $9,667
2010$7,500 $7,500
2011$20,000 $20,000
2012$25,000 $25,000
2013$40,000 $40,000
2017$166,000 $166,000
2018$197,000 $197,000
Grand Total$842,479$45,000$887,479

James Madison Institute 990 Tax Forms

Key People

View key people by year below, or view the attached spreadsheet for a full list of the James Madison Institute’s key People (.xlsx) including sources.


July 18, 2018

The James Madison Institute, represented by Sal J. Nuzzo, was among signatories of a letter supporting an anti-carbon tax resolution from House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Rep. David McKinley (R-W.Va.1641 Conservative Groups Support Scalise/McKinley Anti-Carbon Tax Resolution,” Americans for Tax Reform, July 18, 2018. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog

“We oppose any carbon tax. We oppose a carbon tax because it would lead to less income and fewer jobs for American families,” the letter read. “We support the House Concurrent Resolution in opposition to a job-killing carbon tax and urge members to co-sponsor and support this effort.”1741 Conservative Groups Support Scalise/McKinley Anti-Carbon Tax Resolution,” Americans for Tax Reform, July 18, 2018. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog

The resolution would call a carbon tax “detrimental to the United States economy.”E&E News reported it was similar to a measure that passed the House in 2016. Rep. Carlos Curbelo of Florida, co-chairman of the Climate Solutions Caucus, said he would not vote for the resolution.18Nick Sobczyk. “House voting on anti-carbon-tax measure: ‘Pass the popcorn’,” E&E News, July 16, 2018. Archived Aug 2, 2018. URL:

“Protecting our environment and economic growth are not mutually exclusive,” he said in a statement. “The resolution presents a false choice.”19Nick Sobczyk. “House voting on anti-carbon-tax measure: ‘Pass the popcorn’,” E&E News, July 16, 2018. Archived Aug 2, 2018. URL:

The Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) issued a point-by-point rebuttal of the measure when it was first introduced.20Teaching opportunities from House Concurrent Resolution 119 (H.Con.Res.119)” (PDF), Citizens’ Climate Lobby, April 30, 2018.

April 2, 2016

The James Madison Institute was a presenter at a “free market environmentalism” conference at Florida Gulf Coast University. The event was sponsored by Students for Liberty at FGCU, a student organization created with the help of a donor agreement between FGCU, BB&T, and the Charles Koch Foundation, Liberation News reports. Between 2009 and 2014, FGCU received at least $200,000 from Koch and $600,000 from BB&T.21Bryan Ellis. “Florida activists disrupt pro-fracking Koch-funded conference,” Liberation News, April 3, 2016. Archived April 10, 2016. URL:

Activists interrupted the Koch-funded conference during a keynote presentation title “Friends Don’t Let Friends Ban Fracking.” Other organizations presenting at the conference included the Heartland Institute, and Reason Foundation—two organizations which have also received Koch industry funding.22Bryan Ellis. “Florida activists disrupt pro-fracking Koch-funded conference,” Liberation News, April 3, 2016. Archived April 10, 2016. URL:

August 2015

The James Madison Institute (JMI) released a “backgrounder” (PDF) on US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) rule to revise the definition of “waters of the United States.” Authors listed are M. Reed Hopper and Mark Miller23M. Reed Hopper and Mark Miller. “’Waters of the United States:’A Case Study in Government Abuse” (PDF), The James Madison Institute, August 2015. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. of the Koch-funded Pacific Legal Foundation.24Pacific Legal Foundation,” SourceWatch. URL:

According to JMI, the application of the Clean Water Act ”threatens to unleash a flood of federal regulations over people’s land and their lives, from one end of the continent to the other” and “this power grab will come at a monumental cost to Florida’s economy.”25M. Reed Hopper and Mark Miller. “’Waters of the United States:’A Case Study in Government Abuse” (PDF), The James Madison Institute, August 2015. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

According to the EPA, the rule will ensure “waters protected under the Clean Water Act are more precisely defined and predictably determined, making permitting less costly, easier, and faster for businesses and industry.” The rule is grounded in law and the latest science, and is shaped by public input.“26(Press Release). “Clean Water Rule Protects Streams and Wetlands Critical to Public Health, Communities, and Economy,” The United States Environmental Protection Agency, May 27, 2015. Archived April 8, 2016. URL:

“For the water in the rivers and lakes in our communities that flow to our drinking water to be clean, the streams and wetlands that feed them need to be clean too,” said EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy. “Protecting our water sources is a critical component of adapting to climate change impacts like drought, sea level rise, stronger storms, and warmer temperatures – which is why EPA and the Army have finalized the Clean Water Rule to protect these important waters, so we can strengthen our economy and provide certainty to American businesses.”27(Press Release). “Clean Water Rule Protects Streams and Wetlands Critical to Public Health, Communities, and Economy,” The United States Environmental Protection Agency, May 27, 2015. Archived April 8, 2016. URL:


In their seasonal journal, JMI issued a plea to Florida state legislators not to bring forward policies on global warming following “Climategate.”28Robert J. Bebber. “‘Climategate’ Provides Lessons for Policy Makers” (PDF), The Journal of the James Madison Institute, Summer 2010.

According to the summer 2010 issue of the James Madison Journal (PDF):

“Today, the scientists and the research associated with global warming have lost the credibility and authority with which they have argued their point. By arguing forcefully and loudly for more than 20 years that the data are ‘certain’ and that the world’s scientific community is “unified” in its belief that global warming is a man-made phenomena and will lead to a global environmental apocalypse, they have destroyed their position as an honest, dispassionate broker of knowledge.”29Robert J. Bebber. “‘Climategate’ Provides Lessons for Policy Makers” (PDF), The Journal of the James Madison Institute, Summer 2010.

December 2009

The James Madison Institute and the Beacon Hill Institute released a backgrounder opposing Cap and Trade legislation in Florida in the American Clean Energy and Security Act, better known as the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill. According to the publication, any cap and trade proposal would “[I]nflict large negative impacts on the economy of Florida.”30Paul Bachman. “The Economic Effects of Proposed Cap-and-Trade Legislation on the State of Florida” (PDF) The James Madison Institute, December, 2009. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

September 2008

The James Madison Institute co-produced a report with the Beacon Hill Institute (BHI) on Florida’s climate change action plan. The Beacon Hill/Madison Institute report criticizes a prior report by the Governor’s Action Team on Energy and Climate (GATECC) that studies the issue in November, 2007.31“Phase II of Florida’s Plan for Energy and Climate Change:Avoiding the Mistakes Made by Others” (PDF), James Madison Institute, September, 2008. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

“Florida cannot afford to ignore the potential adverse impact of those errors because accurate assumptions and credible data are central to a fair evaluation of the costs and benefits of implementing recommendations for reducing greenhouse gases,” the BHI/JMI report reads.32“Phase II of Florida’s Plan for Energy and Climate Change:Avoiding the Mistakes Made by Others” (PDF), James Madison Institute, September, 2008. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

The report offers the following conclusion, suggesting that “the laws of economics” should be the factor to decide GHG reduction policies:

“Addressing Florida’s response to GHG emissions and energy consumption should be based on a thorough cost-benefit analysis that avoids the methodological issues and errors that permeate previous attempts in other states. Only then can Floridians make an informed decision about what policies, if any, should be enacted to mitigate GHG emissions in a manner that respects the laws of economics.” 33“Phase II of Florida’s Plan for Energy and Climate Change:Avoiding the Mistakes Made by Others” (PDF), James Madison Institute, September, 2008. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

James Madison Institute Contact & Location

As of June 2016, the James Madison Institute listed the following contact information in its website:34JMI Headquarters,” The James Madison Institute. Archived June 8, 2016. URL:

The James Madison Institute
The Columns
100 North Duval Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301

Toll Free: 1-866-340-3131
Local: 1-850-386-3131
Fax: 1-850-386-1807

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