
Alain Préat

Alain Préat



  • 2000-present Professor at the Free University of Brussels
  • 1990-1999 Lecturer at the Free University of Brussels
  • 1988-1989 First Assistant, Senior Lecturer at the Free University of Brussels
  • 1986-1988 Director of the “Laboratorio de Pesquisas” of Angola in Luanda for PETROFINA (Belgium), Laboratory Staff: 22 persons (biostratigraphy, petrophysics, sedimentology, geochemistry and logs)
  • 1980-1985 Assistant in sedimentary geology at the Free University of Brussels
  • 1979 Coordinator at the Geological Survey of Belgium of a multi-university(UCL, ULB, FPMs) EEC program R & D of uranium exploration in the Paleozoic of Belgium (radiometric gamma bedrock, fluorimetry water, soil geochemistry)
  • 1978 Researcher at the Free University of Brussels, Contract with the European Commission, for uranium exploration in eastern Belgium (3 months)
  • 1978 Free University of Brussels, Expert on behalf of GEOMINES Society, research of tungsten bearing minerals in Precambrian sandstones and shales of Rwanda (9 months)
  • 1976-1977 Assistant, Free University of Brussels (bilateral agreements Algeria-Belgium) at the University of Constantine (Algeria), Mining Geology”2Alain R.Y. Préat,” Accessed on May 1, 2013.

Stance on Climate Change

Alain Préat, a known climate skeptic, has been quoted saying [climate] science lost its ‘capital S’ in the 1990s when it became a politicized and “economic issue.”3Laurence Van Ruyumbeke, ”Global Warming: The underside of controversy.” Accessed May 1, 2013.

He also believes that unanimity in science, results in a lack of credibility in the scientific community.4Laurence Van Ruyumbeke, ”Global Warming: The underside of controversy.” Accessed May 1, 2013.

Préat believes that the scientific community is divided on the issue of climate change5Alain Préat, ”Climate “proxies” of the Current geological time state of affairs. Accuracy and representativeness of temperature anomalies (and other climate indicators). Accessed May 1, 2013., when in fact 97% of climate scientists agree humans are the “forcer.”

Key Quotes

“All sectors of our society are affected and affect both demographics, industries, energy choices, biodiversity, etc.. Faced with this complexity related to too many players operating in very remote disciplines, the issue of climate change is present today in the form of a clear message. In addition, the scientific community is divided and throws a disorder in the media and political connections that do not have the skills to resolve peacefully. Climate change has become familiar to many people who identify as a major current issues. Why so much passion?”6Alain Préat, ”Climate “proxies” of the Current geological time state of affairs. Accuracy and representativeness of temperature anomalies (and other climate indicators). Accessed May 1, 2013.

“I find it very surprising that already in the work of the IPCC, we ask scientists to reach consensus on the texts. Scientists lose all credibility if they are unanimous.”7Laurence Van Ruyumbeke, ”Global Warming: The underside of controversy.” Accessed May 1, 2013.

“The “climate skeptics” do not belong to any international organization (they are not subsidized), it is many university professors or high schools, who argue their studies through scientific articles rank -A (“peer-to-peer”), books and interviews. According to them another source of climate change should be considered and the current change, they do not deny, is fleeting.”8Alain Préat, ”Climate “proxies” of the Current geological time state of affairs. Accuracy and representativeness of temperature anomalies (and other climate indicators). Accessed May 1, 2013.

Key Deeds

April 13, 2013

Alain Préat publishes his co-authored paper entitled, “Double Standards in Climate Change” on the Global Warming Policy Foundation’s website. The journal claims, “Questioning the impact of mankind on climate change is evidently still a taboo in the French-speaking world.”9István E. Markó, Alain Préat, Henri Masson and Samuel Furfari, “Belgian Scientists: Double Standards in Climate Change.” Accessed May 1, 2013.



  1. TAIT J, DELPOMDOR F, PREAT A, TACK L, STRAATHOF G & KANDA V 2011. Neoproterozoic Sequences of the West Congo and Lindi/Ubangi supergroups in the Congo Craton, Central Africa. In: Arnaud, E., Halverson, G. P. & Shields-Zhou, G.A. (eds) The Geological Record of Neoproterozoic glaciations. Geological Society of London, Memoir, 00, 000-000 (in press).
  2. PREAT A, DELPOMDOR F, KOLO K, GILLAN D & PRIAN JP 2011. Stromatolites and cyanobacterial mats in peritidal evaporitive environments in the Neoproterozoic of Bas-Congo (Democratic Republic of Congo) and South Gabon. J Seckbach and VC Tewari (Eds) Stromatolites : Interaction of microbes with sediments, Series : Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, Springer Verlag, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-0397-1_3, pp.43-63.
  3. PREAT A, DE JONG J, DE RIDDER C & GILLAN D 2011 Possible Fe isotope fractionation during microbiological processing in ancient and modern marine environments. J. Seckbach and VC Tewari (Eds) Stromatolites : Interaction of microbes with sediments, Series : Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, , Springer Verlag, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-0397-1_29, pp.651-673.
  4. THIÉBLEMONT D., PRIAN J.P., GOUJOU J.C., GOUIN J., TEGYEY M., COCHERIE A., GUERROT C., PRÉAT A., BOULINGUI B., EKOGHA H., KASSADOU A.B. 2009. Notice explicative de la Carte géologique de la République du Gabon à 1/200 000, feuille Fougamou. Editions DGMG – Ministères des Mines, du Pétrole, des Hydrocarbures. Libreville.
  5. BOUTON P., THIEBLEMONT D., SIMO NDOUNZE S., GOUJOU J.C., KASSADOU A. B., WALEMBA A., BOULINGUI B., EKOGHA H., MOUSSAVOU M., LAMBERT A., ROBERTS D., DESCHAMPS Y., PREAT A. 2009. Carte géologique de la République du Gabon à 1/200 000, feuille Franceville – Boumango. Editions DGMG – Ministères des Mines, du Pétrole, des Hydrocarbures. Libreville.
  6. BOUTON P., THIEBLEMONT D., GOUIN J., COCHERIE A., GUERROT C., TEGYEY M., PREAT A., SIMO NDOUNZE S., KASSADOU A. B., BOULINGUI B., EKOGHA H., MOUSSAVOU M. 2009. Notice explicative de la Carte géologique de la République du Gabon à 1/200 000, feuille Franceville – Boumango. Editions DGMG – Ministères des Mines, du Pétrole, des Hydrocarbures. Libreville.
  7. BOUTON P., THIEBLEMONT D., SIMO NDOUNZE S., AGENBACHT A., WALEMBA A., MOUSSAVOU M., LAMBERT A., DESCHAMPS Y., PREAT A. 2009. Carte géologique de la République du Gabon à 1/200 000, feuille Okondja. Editions DGMG – Ministères des Mines, du Pétrole, des Hydrocarbures. Libreville.
  8. BOUTON P., THIEBLEMONT D., GOUIN J., COCHERIE A., GUERROT C., TEGYEY M., PREAT A., SIMO NDOUNZE S., MOUSSAVOU M. 2009. Notice explicative de la Carte géologique de la République du Gabon à 1/200 000, feuille Okondja. Editions DGMG – Ministères des Mines, du Pétrole, des Hydrocarbures. Libreville.
  9. PRIAN J.P., THIEBLEMONT D., PREAT A., WALEMBA A., SIMO NDOUNZE S., GOUJOU J.C., EKOGHA H., KASSADOU A. B. 2009. Carte géologique de la République du Gabon à 1/200 000, feuille Ndendé. Editions DGMG – Ministères des Mines, du Pétrole, des Hydrocarbures. Libreville.
  10. PRIAN J.P., THIEBLEMONT D., PREAT A., COCHERIE A., GUERROT C., GOUJOU J.C., EKOGHA H., SIMO NDOUNZE S. 2009. Notice explicative de la Carte géologique de la République du Gabon à 1/200 000, feuille Ndendé. Editions DGMG – Ministères des Mines, du Pétrole, des Hydrocarbures. Libreville.
  11. THIEBLEMONT D., CASTAING C., BILLA M., BOUTON P., PREAT A., ET COLLABORATEURS 2009. Notice explicative de la Carte géologique et des Ressources minérales de la République gabonaise à 1/1 000 000. Editions DGMG, Ministère des Mines, du Pétrole, des Hydrocarbures. Libreville, 384 p.
  12. MAMET B & PREAT A 2007 Eifelian-Givetian stromatoporoid-coral reefs, Belgium. Chapter Devonian, p.191-193, in Facies from Paleozoic reefs and bioaccumulations, Vennin E, Aretz M, Boulvain F, Munnecke A eds. Mémoire du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 195 : 341p.
  13. PREAT A, KOLO K, MAMET B, GORBUSHINA A & GILLAN D 2003 Fossil and subrecent fungal communities in three calcretes series from the Devonian of the Canada Rocky Mountains, Carboniferous of northern France and Cretaceous of Central Italy,Chapter 19, 307-323. In Krumbein WE, Paterson DW, Zavarzin, GA eds: Fossil and recent Biofilms A natural History of Life on Earth. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 480p
  14. MAMET B & PREAT A 1997 Geology of Belgium. In: Encyclopedia of Earth Science Series, European and Asian Regional Geology. E.M. Moores & R.W. Fairbridge (Eds) Chapman & Hall:78-83
  15. RAVENNE C, GALLI & PREAT A 1994 Reservoir modeling: Poulseur/CBA, the Reference Model. In: K. Helbig (Ed.) “Modeling the Earth for Oil Exploration”, Commission of the European Communities, DGXII, Science, Research and Development, Pergamon (795pp.), p. 91-96
  16. PREAT A & MENNIG JJ 1994 Reservoir modeling: Poulseur/CBA, Data Acquisition and Digitization. In: K. Helbig (Ed.) “Modeling the Earth for Oil Exploration”, Commission of the European Communities, DGXII, Science, Research and Development, Pergamon, (795pp), p. 56-60
  17. PREAT A & MENNIG JJ 1994 Reservoir modeling: the Poulseur/Bois d’Anthisnes quarries. In: K. Helbig (Ed.) “Modeling the Earth for Oil Exploration”, Commission of the European Communities, DGXII, Science, Research and Development, Pergamon (795pp), p. 39-4311Alain R.Y. Préat,” Accessed on May 1, 2013.

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