Art Horn

Art Horn


Degree in meteorology from Lyndon State College.1โ€œArt Horn’s Biography,โ€ The Art of Weather. Accessed January, 2012.


Art Horn is a meteorologist and runs a website called the โ€œArtโ€ of Weather.

Horn has a Bachelor of Science degree in meteorology from Lyndon State College and used to work as a TV weatherman for WVIT-TV Hartford.

Stance on Climate Change

โ€œAt times the temperature has gone up and at times it has gone down. Even with carbon dioxide levels increasing there has been no rise in global temperature for 10 years.โ€2โ€œGlobal warming in the schools,โ€, June 16, 2009. Archived December 13, 2009.

Key Quotes

โ€œA very important component of our future energy development direction and production will come not necessarily from the truth but what is perceived to be the truth. Make no mistake, what todayโ€™s young people are being taught in school about energy and its relationship to global warming will determine what direction we go in developing the critical energy resources we need.โ€3โ€œWhat Are Schools Teaching Kids About Our Energy Future?โ€, The Art of Weather, June 28, 2011.

Key Deeds


On Horn’s website, he advertises his weather program for high school students titled โ€œUnderstanding Global Warming.โ€ If you invite Horn to your school, he will demonstrate โ€œclearly with vivid graphics how computer model forecasts are not able to predict the climate 50 to 100 years in the future.โ€

His PowerPoint presentations explain how โ€œlong term changes in solar activity have a strong relationship to global temperature,โ€ how โ€œthe earth is now in it’s eighth year of global coolingโ€ and why โ€œchanges in the sun and the oceans are causing this.โ€

Horn believes his programs are vital in educating students to make the right decisions on political issues:

โ€œToday’s students will soon be tomorrow’s voters and they will need to know the science, not the politics of this major issue to make educated choices. My program will give them that.โ€

Horn also hosts another program, โ€œHow the Weather Works,โ€ in elementary and middle schools where he has recently added a section on global warming โ€œtowards the end.โ€

Not all schools received Horn’s global warming presentations favorably, however. He has received complaints from parents, and a principal once called his presentation โ€œvery one sided.โ€ Out of 160 schools Horn proposed his program to, โ€œonly two responded favourably.โ€4Art Horn. โ€œClosed Doors and Deaf Ears,โ€ originally published in Pajamas Media, December 2009. Republished by The Art of Weather.

May 2010

Art Horn was a speaker at the Heartland Institute’s Fourth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC4) in Chicago, IL. His speech was titled โ€œWhen Prophecies Failโ€:5โ€œArt Horn, ICCC4,โ€ International Conferences on Climate Change. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog. URL:

DeSmog concluded 19 of the 65 sponsors (including Heartland itself) had received a total of over $40 million in funding since 1985 from ExxonMobil, Koch Industries family foundations or Scaife foundations.6Brendan DeMelle. โ€œDenial-a-palooza Round 4: ‘International Conference on Climate Change’ Groups Funded by Exxon, Koch Industries,โ€ DeSmog, May 13, 2010.

March 2โ€“4, 2008

Horn attended the Heartland Institute’s 2008 International Conference on Climate Change and signed the subsequent Manhattan Declaration on Climate Change.7โ€œENDORSERS OF THE DECLARATION PRESENT AT THE CONFERENCE IN NEW YORK CITY,โ€ International Climate Science Coalition. Accessed January, 2012.

The Manhattan Declaration declares that โ€œ’Global warming’ is not a global crisis,โ€ and that โ€œthere is no convincing evidence that CO2 emissions from modern industrial activity has in the past, is now, or will in the future cause catastrophic climate change.โ€

The Declaration argues that adaptation is โ€œmassively more cost-effective than any attempted mitigation,โ€ asks world leaders to reject the views of the IPCC, and demands that โ€œall taxes, regulations, and other interventions intended to reduce emissions of CO2 be abandoned forthwith.โ€

Co-sponsors for the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change included prominent climate change denial groups (many funded by the oil industry) including the Committee For a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), the Frontiers of Freedom Institute, The International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC), the George C. Marshall Institute, the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP), The Science and Public Policy Institute (SPPI) and numerous others.


Horn provides public presentations where he argues that global warming is a myth. According to a 2007 Hartford Advocate news article, โ€œHorn has been giving the presentation Global Warming: Fact or Fiction, since last fall, at libraries and other public meeting places throughout Connecticut, Massachusetts and Florida.โ€8Adam Bulger, โ€œDon’t Need a Weatherman,โ€ Hartford Advocate, July 26, 2007. Archived February 4, 2009.



Art Horn hosts a one-hour long PowerPoint presentation titled โ€œGlobal Warming Exposed!โ€ where he says โ€œI will expose the myths and the lies of those who say carbon dioxide is a dangerous pollutant. You will see how changes in the sun and ocean temperatures have ruled the climate in the past and continue to do so today.โ€9โ€œProgarms,โ€ The Art of Weather. Accessed January 14, 2012.

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