The Conservative Woman (CW) is a conservative blog established in 2014 as a “counter-cultural offensive against the forces of Leftism, feminism and modernism.”1“About Us,” The Conservative Woman. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
The CW aims to challenge what it describes as “the left-liberal cultural zeitgeist” and the “anti-family, authoritarian identity politics and ‘equality and diversity’ ideology” that its editors say have “swept through the country’s institutions.”2“About Us,” The Conservative Woman. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
The blog was co-founded by former TV features editor, Kathryn Gyngell and former barrister Laura Perrins who act as the website’s editors.3“Conservative Woman – Company No 09224574,” Companies House. Archived July 20, 2020. URL: 4“Kathy Gyngell – co-editor, The Conservative Woman,” Battle of Ideas. Archived August 17, 2020. URL: 5“The Editors,” The Conservative Woman. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
The CW opposes what it calls “climate quackery,” and regularly publishes work by the Global Warming Policy Foundation, the UK’s principal climate science denial organisation.6“The Conservative Woman 2020 crowdfunder,” The Conservative Woman. February 18, 2020. Archived August 17, 2020. URL: 7Kathryn Gyngell. “Coffee crisis? No, a global warming storm in a tea cup,” Conservative Woman,” The Conservative Woman. August 6, 2019. Archived July 20, 2020. URL: 8Kathryn Gyngell. “Stoking the flames of panic over the Amazon?,” The Conservative Woman. August 27, 2019. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
Gyngell is a Trustee and Director of the GWPF, and the CW publishes regular articles by GWPF figures, including Ruth Lea, Harry Wilkinson, and John Constable. Lea is a GWPF Trustee and Director while Wilkinson and Constable are the Head of Policy and Energy Editor for the Global Warming Policy Forum, the group’s campaigning arm.9“THE GLOBAL WARMING POLICY FOUNDATION,” Companies House. Archived April 16, 2019. URL: 10“Board of Trustees,” Global Warming Policy Foundation. Archived October 30, 2019. URL: 11“Who we are,” Global Warming Policy Forum. Archived January 23, 2020. URL: 12“Harry Wilkinson,” The Conservative Woman. Archived August 14, 2020. URL: 13“John Constable,” The Conservative Woman. Archived July 20, 2020. URL: 14“Ruth Lea,” The Conservative Woman. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
The CW is also closely linked to the anti-BBC and climate science denying group, News-watch, and the Westminster-based PR Firm, Media Intelligence Partners (MIP).
MIP and its chairman Nick Wood were previously listed as Directors of the CW alongside Gyngell and Perrins, and MIP lists the CW as a former client. Perrins has a page on MIP’s website, but it is not clear what role she has played at the organisation.15“Conservative Woman – Company No 09224574,” Companies House. Archived July 20, 2020. URL: 16“Clients,” Media Intelligence Partners. Archived July 20, 2020. URL: 17“Laura Perrins,” Media Intelligence Partners. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
Director of News-watch David Keighley is on the editorial board of the CW, and he and Gyngell co-founded News-watch’s predecessor organisation in 1999.18“About News-watch,” News-watch. Archived April 10, 2019. URL: 19“The Editors,” The Conservative Woman. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
Gyngell and Perrins have accused the BBC of what they call “remainer bias and woke climate evangelism”.20“The Conservative Woman 2020 crowdfunder,” The Conservative Woman. February 18, 2020. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
The CW is firmly pro-Brexit, with its editors seeing Brexit as an opportunity for the UK to free itself from the “shackles of the anti-democratic EU.” CW commentators include the vocal Eurosceptic and Leave Means Leave co-founder, John Longworth.21“About Us,” The Conservative Woman. Archived July 20, 2020. URL: 22“John Longworth,” The Conservative Woman. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
Longworth is also the Executive Director of the Centre for Brexit Policy and was a Brexit Party MEP from May 2019 to December 2019 before being sacked by leader Nigel Farage for “repeatedly undermining” the Party’s general election strategy.23“Our Leadership,” The Centre for Brexit Policy. Archived June 30, 2020. URL: 24Asa Bennett. “Nigel Farage embroiled in defection row with Brexit Party stalwart John Longworth,” The Telegraph. November 5, 2019. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. 25Rob Parsons. “Brexit Party Yorkshire MEP John Longworth has whip removed for ‘repeatedly undermining’ party’s election strategy,” The Yorkshire Post. December 4, 2019. Archived August 16, 2020. URL
Gyngell and her late husband, Bruce Gyngell, were close friends with former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Since 2006, Kathy Gyngell has been a research fellow at the Centre for Policy Studies, an influential free-market think tank that Thatcher co-founded.26Maggie Brown. “Bruce Gyngell Obituary,” The Guardian. September 9, 2000. Archived July 20, 2020. URL: 27Kathy Gyngell, “Mrs Thatcher, the woman I met and got to know – and like,” Centre for Policy Studies. Archived July 20, 2020. URL: 28“Kathy Gyngell,” LinkedIn. Accessed July 20, 2020. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. 29“About,” Centre for Policy Studies. Archived June 30, 2020. URL:
The CW has a monthly readership of 900,000 according to its website. Both Perrins and Gyngell have been influential voices in the UK media, writing for right-leaning outlets including the Daily Mail, Telegraph and Conservative Home.30“The Conservative Woman 2020 crowdfunder,” The Conservative Woman. February 18, 2020. Archived August 17, 2020. URL: 31“The Editors,” The Conservative Woman. Archived August 17, 2020. URL: 32“Kathy Gyngell,” The Daily Mail. Archived July 20, 2020. URL 33“Kathy Gyngell,” The Telegraph. Archived July 20, 2020. URL: 34“Kathy Gyngell,” Conservative Home. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
In an interview with the Irish Times in 2018, Perrins said the website had found a gap for a “Marmite strand of thinking, which is to say one that is either loved or hated.”35Shane Hickey. “The Irish woman who became a leading Brexiteer,” The Irish Times. Feb 3, 2018. Archived July 22, 2020. URL:
Stance on Climate Change
March 26, 2022
In an article titled “Two years that trampled on freedoms earned over centuries”, James Rogers argued that “the concept of ‘man-made climate change’ has always been a complete falsehood” and that it “makes no rational sense” that carbon dioxide is a “problem”.36James Rogers. “Two years that trampled on freedoms earned over centuries”, TCW, March 26, 2022. Archived May 21, 2022. Archive URL:
He continued: “Why are we constantly being made to feel bad about being white? […] Because governments use ‘racism’ as a method of dividing and conquering […] Similarly, all the tripe about LBGTQ”.
Rogers also wrote:
“Those who ‘went green’ are the same people who insist that Britain is a ‘racist country’, the same people who voted ‘remain’ and demanded the result of a democratic referendum be overturned, the same people who hated Trump, declared that he would bring about disaster and were happy when a senile man became leader of the free world. They are the same people who wear masks and demand that you get jabbed, the same people who demanded lockdown regulation and cheered the £400 billion spent on it all, the same people who are holding fundraisers for Ukraine. They are the same people who believe in the ‘toxic privilege of white males’ and the same people who believe that gender is not a matter determined by nature and science.”
February 11, 2021
An article in The Conservative Woman by columnist Charlie Spedding which criticised Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plans to decarbonise the economy also disputed the causal impact of increased atmospheric CO2 concentration on climate change. It stated:37Charlie Spedding. “Johnson’s ignorance on climate change is dangerous,” The Conservative Woman, February 11, 2021. Archived February 15, 2021. URL:
“Carbon dioxide is a trace gas with a concentration of 0.04 percent of the atmosphere. It has the ability to absorb a narrow band of energy and prevent that particular wavelength of heat from escaping to space. It can, therefore, be called a greenhouse gas. However, its effect on the climate is so small as to be insignificant when compared with water vapour and, more importantly, the sun.”
It added:
“Boris Johnson’s belief that he can turn down the thermostat of the entire planet by tweaking the level of CO2 is naïve and unproven. It ignores the recent decline in solar activity which has created a Grand Solar Minimum; an event likely to decrease global temperatures.”
The article cited a post on the website Electroverse, a climate sceptic blog which according to its Patreon “has been set up to wade against the mainstream propaganda and accurately document Earth Changes as two world-altering climatic events unfold simultaneously”. The post stated: “For the well-being of society and your children, grandchildren, etc., it falls to us to deny the fake ‘consensus’ (of CLIMATE scientists only).”38Dr. Roger Higgs. “Deny the Fake Consensus – By Dr. Roger Higgs,” Electroverse, December 19, 2020. Archived February 15, 2021. URL: 39“Electroverse,” Patreon. Archived February 15, 2021. URL:
February 18, 2020
In a statement promoting the CW’s work to readers, Gyngell and Perrins stated:
“The ‘anti-racist’ witch-hunters are still out there: piffle about white privilege is genuflected to; the crime of so-called Islamophobia sometimes seems to be treated on a par with the crime of terrorism; climate change quackery is the order of the day. We are taught to apologise for our country’s ‘shameful’ past rather than proclaim its astonishing qualities, while any sense of national belonging or identity is pilloried as fascist.”40“The Conservative Woman 2020 crowdfunder,” The Conservative Woman. February 18, 2020. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
May 3, 2019
In a comment for the CW, entitled “Keep calm and carry on ignoring the climate scaremongers”, Perrins wrote:
“St Greta continues her crusade to get us all to survive on kale, which prompted Ed Miliband to make a fool out of himself on the Today programme, collapsing into finger-stabbing hysterics to tell us we should declare war on this climate emergency and not to eat as many bacon butties or fly as much as he does (19,000 air miles I do believe).
“…If we do not do as he commands then we are all going to die, either in a massive flood not seen since the time of Noah or a fiery hell not seen since Dante.
“…I am deeply sceptical when a very firm orthodoxy takes hold in any area, and this City Journal piece explains why climate change has become the science of dogma, and that environmental correctness has got a grip.
“Judith Curry, a true climatologist, explains the basics. She headed the department of earth and atmospheric sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology until she gave up on the academy so that she could express herself independently. ‘Independence of mind and climatology have become incompatible,’ she says. She continues: ‘There is warming, but we don’t really understand its causes. The human factor and carbon dioxide, in particular, contribute to warming, but how much is the subject of intense scientific debate.”41Laura Perrins. “Keep calm and carry on ignoring the climate scaremongers,” The Conservative Woman. May 3, 2019. Archived August 25, 2020. URL:
The CW states that it is “run by volunteers” and encourages readers to donate through its website. In February 2020, the website appealed for funding from its readership, saying that a previous crowdfunding effort had “achieved only half of the £25,000 we aimed for, the sum we calculated we needed to put us on a firmer footing and to pay for the help we need”.42“Donate,” The Conservative Woman. Archived July 20, 2020. URL: 43“The Conservative Woman 2020 crowdfunder,” The Conservative Woman. February 18, 2020. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
In 2019, the CW held assets worth £20,722 and had capital reserves amounting to £23,201.44“The Conservative Woman Limited – Filing History,” Companies House. Archived July 20, 2020. Archived .pdf of the financial statement on file at DeSmog.
Key People
Kathryn Gyngell – Gyngell is editor and director of the CW. Gyngell started her career in television in the 1980s, before leaving after the birth of her second child with then TV-am chief Bruce Gyngell, a “maverick” who oversaw the growth of ITV”s first breakfast show at the channel.45“The Editors,” The Conservative Woman. Archived August 17, 2020. URL: 46Maggie Brown. “Bruce Gyngell Obituary,” The Guardian. September 9, 2000. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
In 1999, she co-founded the anti-BBC organisation, Minotaur Media Tracking, with now News-watch director David Keighley. In 2006, she became a research fellow at the free-market think tank, the Centre of Policy Studies, where she wrote predominantly on drugs and early-years policies.47“The Editors,” The Conservative Woman. Archived August 17, 2020. URL: 48“Kathy Gyngell,” LinkedIn. Accessed July 20, 2020. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. 49“Search: Gyngell,” Centre for Policy Studies. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
She has written regularly in the British press, including for the Daily Mail, the Telegraph and Conservative Home and was close friends with former Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. She is a Trustee and Director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation and obtained a Bachelor’s in social anthropology and a Master’s in sociology.50“Kathy Gyngell,” The Daily Mail. Archived July 20, 2020. URL 51“Kathy Gyngell,” The Telegraph. Archived July 20, 2020. URL: 52“Kathy Gyngell,” Conservative Home. Archived July 20, 2020. URL: 53Kathy Gyngell, “Mrs Thatcher, the woman I met and got to know – and like,” Centre for Policy Studies. Archived July 20, 2020. URL: 54“Board of Trustees,” Global Warming Policy Foundation. Archived October 30, 2019. URL: 55“THE GLOBAL WARMING POLICY FOUNDATION,” Companies House. Archived April 16, 2019. URL: 56“Author: Kathy Gyngell,” Centre for Policy Studies. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
Laura Perrins – Perrins is co-editor and director of the CW. Perrins is a trained barrister and political commentator, opposing what she has described as a politically correct culture, and the “destructive nonsense” of feminism.57“The Editors,” The Conservative Woman. Archived August 17, 2020. URL: 58Shane Hickey. “The Irish woman who became a leading Brexiteer,” The Irish Times. Feb 3, 2018. Archived July 22, 2020. URL:
She rose to prominence in 2013 after clashing with then Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg in a radio interview, during which she said the government was “discriminating” against single mothers. She has frequently been compared to right-wing commentator Katie Hopkins for her controversial views on issues including on feminism, race and LGBTQ rights.59Laura Perrins, “The Government is ‘discriminating’ against stay-at-home mothers,” The Telegraph. April 13, 2017. Archived July 20, 2020. URL: 60Shane Hickey. “The Irish woman who became a leading Brexiteer,” The Irish Times. Feb 3, 2018. Archived July 22, 2020. URL:
She has written for The Telegraph, the Daily Mail, Conservative Home and the Catholic Herald as well as appearing on the BBC’s Question Time, Newsnight and the Daily Politics.61“The Editors,” The Conservative Woman. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
Editorial Board
- David Keighley – Director of News-watch
- Alan Ashworth
- Margaret Ashworth62“About News-watch,” News-watch. Archived April 10, 2019. URL: 63“The Editors,” The Conservative Woman. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
April 21, 2023
TCW writer Paul Homewood argued that the Climate Change Committee (CCC), an independent advisory body to the UK government, are “scaremongers” that have intentionally misrepresented climate policy.
Homewood claimed that “the CCC have deliberately underplayed the true cost of their climate agenda”.
Homewood also asserted that the CCC sought to misrepresent the costs of mitigating climate change because “in reality [the CCC] are closely linked to the climate lobby” and “consequently they have a myopically one-sided view”.
Later in the piece, Homewood accused the World Health Organization (WHO) of “lies” and “misinformation” regarding their reporting of increased heatwave-related deaths in India due to climate change. Homewood argued that “the reality is that there have always been heat-related deaths in India”, which is proof that “they are not caused by global warming”.64Paul Homewood. “The climate scaremongers: The ‘independent’ committee driving Net Zero policy,” TCW Defending Freedom, April 21, 2023. Archived April 21, 2023. Archive URL:
April 21, 2023
TCW writer John Ellwood argued that “the New World Order are in the ascendency” because they are “bolstered by the success of their COVID-19 Bioweapon” and “climate nonsense”.65John Ellwood. “When madmen lead the blind,” TCW Defending Freedom, April 21, 2023. Archived April 21, 2023. Archive URL:
February 20, 2023
In a comment piece for TCW, James Delingpole claimed that earthquakes in eastern Turkey and north Syria on February 6, 2023 could have been man-made and deployed deliberately against the then-Turkish president Erdogan because “he refused to toe the globalist line.”
He said of the earthquakes: “the Powers That Be have both the means and the motive to have caused them.”66James Delingpole. “Was the Turkish earthquake man-made? Well the technology exists…,” TCW Defending Freedom, February 20, 2023. Archived April 6, 2023. Archive URL:
November 10, 2022
In an article titled “Net Zero is a low-key way of killing us off”, Iain Hunter wrote:
“I think most readers of TCW would agree that anthropogenic climate change is a provable lie. Atmospheric carbon dioxide does not influence the planet’s climate and the renewable unreliable energy industry, decarbonisation and Net Zero policies are therefore deeply fraudulent. The adoption of them represents a political error, coup even, of gargantuan proportions”.67Iain Hunter. “Net Zero is a low-key way of killing us off”, TCW, November 10, 2022. Archived November 11, 2022. Archive URL:
The “Great Climate Lie”, Hunter wrote, was “born at the Rio Earth Summit of 1992” and “is about wrecking Western economies”. He added:
“The Net Zero push has nothing to do with atmospheric CO2, which doesn’t affect the climate in any case. That’s just the convenient excuse. As well as being economically disastrous, Net Zero is a low-key way of helping to keep the population in some discomfort as it destroys Western economies and contributes to keeping the death rate higher than normal”.
He continued: “Each of these globalist measures will contribute in its own small, unspectacular way to the overall aim of reducing our numbers […] The minds behind this assault on us are truly evil”.
October 25, 2022
In an article titled “The global parasites who do your thinking for you”, John Ellwood criticised politicians, “privileged narcissists” and “transatlantic elite[s]” who are “only too eager to help you by taking away the trouble and inconvenience of your independence of thought”. 68John Ellwood. “The global parasites who do your thinking for you”, TCW, October 25, 2022. Archived November 30, 2022. Archive URL:
Ellwood wrote:
“To join this bunch of parasites it is necessary to have that word ‘sustainability’ attached to your job title or recent publication. If you are a Professor of Sustainable Development or some such at an obscure university, you can book your ticket to the next meeting equipped with your best holistic solution.”
He added:
“The instruction from the megalomaniac parasite class is: don’t think about the Scamdemic; don’t think about the Climate Scam; don’t think about Central Bank Digital Currencies; and don’t think about the American proxy war in Ukraine. You concentrate on Strictly and the Premier League and we will think for you.”
In concluding, Ellwood wrote: “If you take part in the charade they will become increasingly emboldened in their agenda to manipulate and enslave us”.
September 30, 2022
In an article titled “The climate scaremongers: Fact Checking Ed Miliband’s Fracking Claims”, Paul Homewood criticised Ed Miliband for speaking out against the government’s plan to lift the moratorium on fracking, saying “it is highly irresponsible of Miliband to try to alarm the public in this way” and that “Miliband’s obsession with wind and solar power is a dangerous illusion, a naive fantasy” that “will put our energy security at risk, cost jobs and cripple the UK economy”.69Paul Homewood. “The climate scaremongers: Fact Checking Ed Miliband’s Fracking Claims”, TCW, Archived October 1, 2022. Archive URL:
Homewood also quoted GMB Union’s Gary Smith, who “told the New Statesman that Labour must back fracking, hydrogen and new nuclear power plants to solve the energy crisis rather than bowing to the ‘bourgeois environmental lobby’, declaring that a ‘sprint for renewables just doesn’t cut it”.
September 12, 2022
In an article titled “Exposed: the ‘97% of scientists agree with manmade global warming’ lie”, David Craig wrote: “Our government is imposing draconian limitations on our lifestyles, our economy and our finances to save the planet from supposed catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW), now renamed ‘climate change’”.70David Craig. “Exposed: the ‘97% of scientists agree with manmade global warming’ lie”, TCW, September 12, 2022. Archived October 11, 2022. Archive URL:
He criticised the 97 percent figure, saying: “To call the ‘97 per cent of scientists endorse AGW result ‘garbage’ could be seen as insulting to garbage”.
September 10, 2022
In an article titled “We’re heading for Net Zero ruin because our politicians are science dunces”, Ivor Williams wrote:
“UK efforts to reduce our one per cent contribution to emissions are not only crippling our economy and increasing our reliance on imported energy, but are utterly meaningless when set against the ever-rising emissions from countries desperately needing cheap power”.71Ivor Williams. “We’re heading for Net Zero ruin because our politicians are science dunces”, TCW, September 10, 2022. Archived September 10, 2022. Archive URL:
In addition to his claim that “there is an almost complete absence of scientific understanding in both Houses of Parliament”, Williams called for politicians to heed what he described as the “sound and well-argued advice” from Net Zero Watch, saying “its reports and papers […] are much more tied in to the real-world situation than the blinkered output from the Climate Change Committee”.
Williams also suggested that the websites of both Anthony Watts and Paul Homewood, two TCW contributors and climate deniers, “provide two more welcome doses of reality, each trying to calm the growing media hysteria over what is being headlined as ‘catastrophic climate change’”.
“All our worries about energy costs go back to the lack of scientific knowledge in our government and in its advisory committees. No one thought to ask the right questions because they didn’t know what the right questions were”.
August 9, 2022
In an article titled “One-sided teaching that gives students eco-nightmares”, Dr Deborah Ancell wrote:
“If educators continue teaching unchallenged and biased climate knowledge, they do a disservice to students, humanity, civilisation and ultimately truth. Current teaching fails students and explains their eco-anxiety. Educators have a duty to end their suffering.”72Dr Deborah Ancell. “One sided-teaching that gives students eco-nightmares”, TCW, August 9, 2022. Archived December 5, 2022. Archive URL:
Referring to the UK curriculum, Ancell said: “Humans are responsible for 3 per cent of CO2 emissions. There is no mention of Mother Nature’s remaining 97 per cent”.
She added: “Fear is also spread by academic journals which publish only one side of the AGW [anthropogenic global warming] hypothesis […] The peer-reviewed process builds on journal core knowledge – a process which prevents challenges to the AGW core. This perpetuates groupthink and confirmation bias”.
Ancell continued:
“With the European Union’s reclassification of nuclear and natural gas as ‘green’, and the UK likely to follow, the Government’s policies are outpacing and undermining their educational texts. Is this a tacit admission that ploughing resources into AGW is wrong? Or is it a pragmatic policy change overriding a confected crisis in which Government’s never really believed? (A re-run of Covid and Partygate perhaps?)”
August 1, 2022
During the Conservative leadership election, TCW published an article by Andrew Montford titled, “Energy: Is reality starting to dawn?” in which he wrote: “one can’t help but wonder if members of the Green Blob have belatedly started to come to terms with the scale of the disaster they have unleashed upon the country.”73Andrew Montford. “Energy: Is reality starting to dawn?”, TCW, August 1, 2022. Archived August 8, 2022. Archive URL:
He continued:
“The web of green measures that are quickly strangling the economy and driving households into penury were put in place in response to the Climate Change Act […] Repealing the Act may therefore be the single most important step for the new administration”.
Otherwise, Montford wrote, “the Climate Change Act will continue to grind British families into the dust”.
July 30, 2022
In an article titled “Mass hypnosis and the gateway to tyranny”, John Roberts criticised “the idea that a small increase in the atmosphere of a trace gas which is essential to life is responsible for rising global temperatures, storms, mass extinctions, diseases, and I could go on but you’ve heard it all before”.74John Roberts. “Mass hypnosis and the gateway to tyranny”, TCW, July 30, 2022. Archived August 8, 2022. Archive URL:
July 29, 2022
In his article titled “The climate scaremongers: Was it really an unprecedented heatwave?”, Paul Homewood labelled reporting about the UK’s heatwave “idiotic” and “over-the-top”.75Paul Homewood. “The climate scaremongers: Was it really an unprecedented heatwave?”, TCW, July 29, 2022. Archived August 8, 2022. Archive URL:
He added: “The BBC and the MSM [mainstream media] have been blaming [the heat wave] on climate change, with suitably scary colours to ram the message home”, claiming that “nowadays we are told to panic over a couple of days of hot weather!”
Homewood cited a “recent study” which “found that global temperatures even now would be 0.5C to 1.1C higher if pollution were to suddenly disappear”, and said “it is cold that kills, not heat”.
Taking aim at the BBC, Homewood wrote “the BBC are afraid to tell its readers the truth” and that “the BBC have shown their contempt for ordinary people who dare to question the climate dogma”. He added:
“To the climate extremists at the BBC, it is heresy to claim that weather was worse in the past! […] They dismiss anybody who disagrees as ignorant ‘deniers’”.
July 20, 2022
In an article titled “As XR idiots run riot, Europe faces ruin from its climate insanity”, Kathy Gyngell wrote: “It is not climate change that is pushing us to mass extinction, but the policies that this type of aggressive and alarmist eco-fundamentalism has pushed”.76Kathy Gyngell. “As XR idiots run riot, Europe faces ruin from its climate insanity”, TCW, July 20, 2022. Archived August 8, 2022. Archive URL:
She also criticised what she called “naive climate warriors” and the “BBC’s heatwave climate fearmongering”, and included a link to a report written by the Global Warming Policy Foundation’s John Constable.
July 15, 2022
In an article titled “The climate scaremongers: A manifesto for a new Prime Minister”, written during the Conservative leadership election, Paul Homewood suggested that: “Boris Johnson made the huge error of enthusiastically embracing the Net Zero strategy from the start of his premiership”.77Paul Homewood. “The climate scaremongers: A manifesto for a new Prime Minister”, TCW, July 15, 2022. Archived September 23, 2022. Archive URL:
Homewood proposed that the next Prime Minister use this “ideal opportunity to reverse course, away from […] a hard left eco-agenda” by adopting a manifesto with a preamble that calls net zero “ruinously expensive” and “suicidal”.
Homewood’s draft manifesto sets out additional policy recommendations which argue that the UK’s “decarbonisation should not be at a faster rate than the rest of the world”, that “all Carbon Budget targets should be suspended”, and that “the proposed ban on petrol/diesel cars should also be postponed”.
Homewood added that the government should “put a stop to all new subsidies for renewable energy”, “fully commit to a long-term future for North Sea oil and gas”, “end the ban on fracking, and lift all unnecessary restrictions which were previously in place”, “immediately approve the proposed Cumbria coal mine”, and “put an immediate stop on plans to force landlords to meet higher energy efficiency and low-carbon standards”.
Citing a speech made by Sri Lanka’s President Rajapaksa in November 2021 at COP26 – months before Sri Lanka’s economic collapse – Homewood wrote: “Politicians like Rajapaksa love to grandstand on the world stage. But it is always their people who pay the price”.
June 21, 2022
In an article titled “Put the Climate Change Act on ice, Mr Johnson”, Dr Deborah Ancell – a lecturer in applied management at the University of Westminster – addressed a letter to the Prime Minister which argued that the Climate Change Act 2008 was based on “exaggerated claims” that “global warming can be cured by reducing anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide”.78Dr Deborah Ancell. “Put the Climate Change Act on ice, Mr Johnson”, TCW, June 21, 2022. Archived July 13, 2022. Archive URL: 79“Dr Deborah Ancell”, University of Westminster. Archived January 6, 2023. Archive URL:
She added that “there is no evidence” that carbon dioxide drives global warming, writing:
“How could it? CO2 is plant food. It commits no harm. It’s not a pollutant. Increased CO2 is beneficial, so why chase ‘net zero’?”
June 17, 2022
Paul Homewood began an article titled “The climate scaremongers: The real cause of the energy crisis”, by citing a Forbes article which claimed that the “oil and gas sector in the West has been starved of investment as a result of Government climate policies, pressure on banks from governments […] the activities of eco-activist investors, woke hedge funds, judicial decisions, environmental roadblocks and a lot more”.80Paul Homewood. “The climate scaremongers: The real cause of the energy crisis”, TCW, June 17, 2022. Archived June 25, 2022. Archive URL: 81Tilak Doshi. “The Revenge Of The Fossil Fuels”, Forbes, June 10, 2022. Archived June 21, 2022. Archive URL:
Elsewhere in the article, Homewood said that net zero policies were “all in the name of a baseless fear”, he labelled net zero a “suicidal path” and spoke of “The Climate Alarmist Cult”.
May 27, 2022
In an article titled “The climate scaremongers: It Ain’t Half Hot, Mum!”, Paul Homewood labelled the Met Office’s claim that “the 2010 heatwave in Northern India was made 100 times more likely by climate change” as “nonsense”.82James Rogers. “Two years that trampled on freedoms earned over centuries”, TCW, March 26, 2022. Archived May 21, 2022. Archive URL:
Under a subheading titled “Who funds the Green Blob”, Homewood argued that “money from billionaires in the US is funding a massive propaganda effort in Europe, designed radically to restructure our society regardless of the wishes of the public”, adding that “left-wing organisations are happy to collaborate with billionaires who act against the wishes of the working classes the left are supposed to represent”.
He also criticised The New Scientist publication, for seeming “to be under the impression that the rest of the world gives a damn about climate change”.
May 11, 2022
In an article titled “Will new GCSE just be climate propaganda? Tell the truth, Mr Zahawi”, Paul Buckingham argued that the new natural history GCSE was an “intended ‘climate cult’ indoctrination of children”.83Paul Buckingham. “Will new GCSE just be climate propaganda? Tell the truth, Mr Zahawi?”, TCW, May 11, 2022. Archived May 24, 2022. Archive URL:
Quoting from a letter he wrote to education secretary Nadhim Zahawi, Buckingham wrote: “I am sure you would not wish to see schoolchildren being taught pseudoscience”.
Asking for “the scientific evidence that any such teaching must be based on”, Buckingham said that the UK’s Committee on Climate Change and the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change “will not suffice, as both have already failed to provide the evidence required”.
April 20, 2022
In an article titled “America’s climate hypocrisy”, Thomas Lane called people concerned about climate change “weather worrywarts” and criticised politicians like John Kerry for “preaching that we must lower greenhouse gas emissions” while flying via private jets.84Thomas Lane. “America’s climate hypocrisy”, TCW, April 20, 2022. Archived May 24, 2022. Archive URL:
He wrote: “If one tells me that he believes in climate change, then proceeds to drive off in an SUV or purchase a home on the ocean or fly in a private plane, then I don’t believe that he believes in climate change” [emphasis original].
April 19, 2022
In a letter addressed to the Prime Minister titled “Net zero – a grim fairy tale”, Dr Deborah Ancell wrote:
“There is no known harm from CO2. Consequently, there is no enemy to fight to attain ‘net zero’ […] no need to cover the land in environmentally damaging and unsightly solar farms or wind turbines (your ‘white Satanic mills’)”.85Dr Deborah Ancell. “Net zero – a grim fairy tale”, TCW, April 19, 2022. Archived May 23, 2022. Archive URL:
She criticised the IPCC for “‘polishing’ the UN’s climate reports to ensure they continue the drama of ‘climate emergency’ (or some such doomsday title)” and suggested that there is “no evidential basis” for restricting carbon emissions “to pursue <2C temperature rise by 2050”.
Ancell also wrote that “CO2 is not our enemy. With no enemy, we have no need to fight. The pursuit of distant ‘net zero’ resembles fraud on a massive, taxpayer subsidised scale”. Instead, she claimed that “a slight warming accompanying increased CO2 should deliver a positive impact improving agricultural output” and that “increased warming should reduce winter heating costs (something you favour).”
March 20, 2022
In an article titled “How we defied death threats to speak out against Net Zero insanity”, TCW writer “Bridget Jones” chronicled the cancellation of a Reform Party rally “to drum up support for a referendum” on the UK Government’s “disastrous Net Zero strategy”.86Bridget Jones. “How we defied death threats to speak out against Net Zero insanity”, TCW, March 20, 2022. Archived May 21, 2022. Archive URL:
Jones also repeated comments made by Richard Tice at the rescheduled event that “we are only at ‘base camp’ on the climb to decarbonisation lunacy” and that Britain has a “national treasure” in the form of shale gas.
She also mentioned arguments made by Net Zero Watch authors Andrew Montford and John Constable, and suggested that “pain and poverty” would be the result of net zero.
She concluded: “Even more sinister than the catastrophic effects […] of the Government’s disastrous climate agenda is the censorship effected by a group of bullies to shut down a public conversation around Net Zero”.
March 10, 2022
In an article titled “Forget the global warming hype – the world’s getting colder”, Neil Bryce criticised the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and its “stubborn, outdated stance that CO2 is the primary cause of climate change”, arguing instead that “the sun is the major controlling influence on our climate”.87Neil Bryce. “Forget the global warming hype – the world’s getting colder”, TCW, March 10, 2022. Archived May 23, 2022. Archive URL:
Bryce also argued that belief in climate change is due to “a domino effect known as an Amplifying Cascade of Systemic Bias”, which, he claimed, is reinforced by a “tendency not to report negative results, to manipulate data, refuse to share it with known critics and failure to accede to the full peer review process”.
Bryce concluded by claiming that “we are crossing the threshold into a period known as a Grand Solar Minimum, ushering in a prolonged cooling period”. Consequently, he argued, “the net zero obsession will gradually fade” along with “pursuit of a pointless net zero pipedream”.
March 8, 2022
In an article titled “Go for fracking or the lights will go out”, Julian Flood argued that the downside of net zero and renewable energy is that “you’re going to be cold, you’re going to get poor and your granny is going to die of hypothermia if we get a hard winter”.88Julian Flood. “Go for fracking or the lights will go out”, TCW, March 8, 2022. Archived March 8, 2022. Archive URL:
Flood wrote that in contrast, “fracked gas will power everything you need”.
Concerning what he describes as “the vandalism of the solar developers”, Flood suggested that “at least 10,000 people will have their lives changed for the worse” by a new solar farm on the border of West Suffolk and East Cambridgeshire, adding “the true figure will be thousands more than they are admitting”.
Flood concluded: “There is one major problem in not going for fracked gas, one that trumps all others. If we keep on the path we’ve chosen it won’t be long before the lights go out”.
March 4, 2022
In an article titled “The climate scaremongers: BBC’s campaign against fossil fuels”, Paul Homewood claimed that “the BBC is doubling down in its campaign to fight fossil fuels”, writing “now they don’t even attempt to disguise it, so convinced are they of their moral superiority in the matter”.89Paul Homewood. “The climate scaremongers: BBC’s campaign against fossil fuels”, TCW, March 4, 2022. Archived May 24, 2022. Archive URL:
Accusing the UK’s Emissions Trading Scheme of “selling the UK steel industry down the river”, Homewood concluded: “The whole thing makes no sense whatsoever. It is just another senseless sacrifice to the Great Green God”.
February 26, 2022
In an article titled “Carry on driving, and eating beef”, Ivor Williams responded to advice that people limit their meat and dairy intake to “reduce [their] environmental impact on the planet” with the rebuttal that “making cows illegal would have no effect on the climate but would upset a lot of farmers”.90Ivor Williams. “Carry on driving, and eating beef”, TCW, February 26, 2022. Archived May 28, 2022. Archive URL:
In support of fracking and new North Sea oil drilling, Williams wrote: “we have all we need under our feet or at the bottom of the North Sea”.
May 14, 2021
An article in The Conservative Woman by columnist Julian Flood criticised Bill Gates’ plan to mitigate climate change by spraying chalk dust into the stratosphere to deflect the sun’s energy and cool the earth.91 Julian Flood. “Climate ‘crisis’: We need better guesses,” The Conservative Woman, May 14, 2021. Archived May 17, 2021. URL:
Disputing the veracity of models showing increased incidents of climate-induced extreme weather, Flood wrote: “The computer models which frighten us all with the prospect of disrupted monsoon and hydrological cycles, with increased rain and mega-droughts, are merely sophisticated guesses,” adding: “The data – the rate of warming as measured by balloon thermometers and satellites – does not match the models. The modelling guesses are wrong.”
Elsewhere in the article, he wrote: “Isn’t it odd how the green movement keeps telling us that we are threatened with the ultimate disaster but simultaneously opposes any realistic attempt, such as fracking or nuclear power, to reduce humanity’s carbon dioxide footprint?”
May 4, 2021
An article in The Conservative Woman by columnist Charlie Spedding criticised Secretary of State for business, energy and industrial strategy Kwasi Kwarteng, who had suggested that the adoption of vegan diets could contribute to combating climate change.92 Charlie Spedding. “Eat beef and butter to save the planet,” The Conservative Woman, May 4, 2021. Archived May 4, 2021. URL: 93 Joe Murphy. “Go vegan to help UK hit greenhouse gas targets, says Cabinet minister Kwasi Kwarteng,” Evening Standard, April 22, 2021. Archived May 4, 2021. URL:
Spedding disputed that cattle farming had deleterious effects on the environment, writing: “Universities and farmers around the world have proved that regular movement of herds of livestock to fresh grass, in a way which mimics nature, increases carbon storage in the ground and simultaneously improves soil fertility.” He added: “Wild herds of ruminants have been doing this for 50million years, a timescale which suggests to me that it is ‘sustainable.’”
Elsewhere in the article, Spedding downplayed the severity of climate change, arguing that media coverage had fuelled an overestimation of its impacts. He wrote: “Daily fearmongering across mainstream media has shown that people can be persuaded to believe implausible ideas if they have already been made to feel sufficiently scared.”
April 23, 2021
An article in The Conservative Woman written by clergyman and columnist Peter Mullen characterised climate change as part of a broad ideological conspiracy to undermine ‘traditional’ Western values and Christian morality. Mullen wrote: “Every ideology invents its own slogans in which to enshrine its prevailing mythology. The iconoclasts’ signature slogan is ‘Saving The Planet’ and their overarching myth is climate change.”94 Peter Mullen. “Christianity’s abject surrender to the world of woke,” The Conservative Woman, April 23, 2021. Archived April 26, 2021. URL:
March 9, 2021
An article in The Conservative Woman by retired chartered accountant and columnist Clark Cross criticised the government’s decision to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2030, stating: “This virtue-signalling and the horrendous cost of climate change expenditure is meaningless whilst other countries are doing very little.”95Clark Cross. “Twenty-five years of hot air,” The Conservative Woman, March 9, 2021. Archived March 9, 2021. URL:
Cross also wrote: “The whole global warming threat has been grossly exaggerated and the UK’s decarbonisation policies are not only futile but also expensive,” adding: “There have been hundreds of failed climate predictions over the last 30 years.”
March 3, 2021
An article in The Conservative Woman by columnist Ian Wilson criticised insurance companies such as Aviva and Legal & General, who had pledged to sell stock in companies which were insufficiently committed to counteracting climate change. Wilson stated: “What right have they to bully companies who may hold totally different views on climate? Indeed would such enterprises dare to express views contrary to the behemoths?”96Ian Wilson. “Big Finance bullies jump on the climate bandwagon,” The Conservative Woman, March 3, 2021. Archived March 8, 2021. URL:
Wilson also cited a letter written by Dutch climate science denial group the Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL) which contended that “There is no climate emergency.” The letter stated that “The world has warmed significantly less than predicted by IPCC on the basis of modeled anthropogenic forcing.”97“There is no climate emergency,” CLINTEL. Archived March 8, 2021. URL:
Wilson also disputed that CO2 was a primary driver of climate change, writing: “Managements of enterprises under threat might even have considered the implausibility of CO2 being a major driver of climate when the dinosaurs thrived for untold millions of years and saw ice ages come and go at levels of the gas ten or 15 times those of today.”
February 28, 2021
An article in The Conservative Woman by Methodist pastor and columnist Peter Simpson characterised environmentalism as a pseudo-religious fad and a consequence of the decline of religious faith in Britain.98Peter Simpson. “In God, not scientists, we trust,” The Conservative Woman, February 28, 2021. Archived March 1, 2021. URL:
He stated: “This is why there is so much anxiety about alleged climate change in our society, and it is why governments are vigorously embracing the green agenda to ‘save the planet,’” adding: “Such actions are a form of religious virtue signalling, akin to the way in which the Pharisees in the New Testament made their piety known by making it obvious to all around them that they were engaged in acts of fasting.”
February 27, 2021
A satirical article in The Conservative Woman by columnist Weaver Sheridan narrated a fictional episode of BBC children’s TV programme Blue Peter starring climate activist Greta Thunberg, implying that Thunberg’s proposed solutions to climate change were analogous to a Blue Peter project.99Weaver Sheridan. “Greta’s Green Peter project,” The Conservative Woman, February 27, 2021. Archived March 1, 2021. URL:
The article included instructions for building a “DIY” solution to climate change, including: “Glue together five million ice lolly sticks in a lattice pattern to make your turbine blades. If you can get sticks from Magnums, so much the better. But make sure there is no chocolate residue on them, which could affect the aerodynamics.” The article also stated: “Because concrete is environmentally unfriendly, make the foundations with papier mache pulped from unsold copies of The Guardian. These are plentifully available.”
February 22, 2021
An article in The Conservative Woman by columnist Michael St George argued that Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s efforts to decarbonise the economy through a ‘Green Industrial Revolution,’ represented a technocratic “Great Reset,” placing political power in the hands of unaccountable elites. It referred to environmentalism as a “Woke Shibboleth,” intended to “bring about the comprehensive revamping of all aspects of our societies and economies under a globalist, supranationalist, technocratic totalitarianism.”100Michael St George. “Woke Code – how Johnson virtue-signals to the Greens,” The Conservative Woman, February 22, 2021. Archived February 22, 2021. URL:
St George also criticised US President Joe Biden’s green policies, including his decision to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement, which he described as “costly but ineffective,” and Biden’s commitment to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050, which he described as “impractical and ruinously expensive.”
The article cited a press release by climate “lukewarmer” Bjorn Lomborg, which claimed that “the climate impact of all Paris INDC (Intended Nationally Determined Contributions) promises is minimal,” and an article written for ConservativeHome by Global Warming Policy Foundation Deputy Director Andrew Montford, which claimed that: “Johnson might protest that the tab for the pandemic was simply unavoidable, but when it comes to assigning the blame for runaway net-zero spending and the economic ruin and loss of liberty that his environmental policies will bring about, there will be nobody else to blame.”101(Press Release.) “Paris climate promises will reduce temperatures by just 0.05°C in 2100 (Press release),” Bjorn Lomborg. Archived February 22, 2021. URL: 102Andrew Montford. “Andrew Montford: Honesty is needed on the huge costs of attempting ‘net-zero,’” ConservativeHome, December 5, 2020. Archived February 22, 2021. URL:
February 17, 2021
In an article for The Conservative Woman, columnist David Langland argued that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had attempted to subvert Western institutions of government, and that the “extremely influential climate change lobby,” was an example of this collusion.103David Langland. “Beijing, capital of the world,” The Conservative Woman, February 17, 2021. Archived February 22, 2021. URL:
He wrote: “In the 1970s, the Canadian businessman and UN wheeler-dealer Maurice Strong became a friend of the CCP, later living in Beijing. He was at the forefront of the founding of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the political adoption of the anthropogenic warming hypothesis,” adding: “Now we in the West are having forced upon us the consequences of the hypothesised need to cut carbon emissions, in ways which will make energy very expensive and thereby lead to increasing levels of poverty.”
February 13, 2021
A satirical article in The Conservative Woman by columnist Tony Brown lampooned the alleged futility and hypocrisy of attempts to counteract climate change, encouraging the reader to commit to a hyperbolic ‘Climate Pledge.’ The article stated: “I pledge to assist my government in achieving ‘net zero carbon emissions’ by 2050, but due to the seriousness of the climate crisis I will try to achieve this by 2030 through changing my personal lifestyle to the frugal one existing before the Industrial Revolution 250 years ago.”104 Tony Brown. “Save our Planet! Sign the Climate Pledge,” The Conservative Woman, February 13, 2021. Archived February 15, 2021. URL:
The article also disputed the cost implications and effectiveness of renewable energy, stating: “I accept that by relying on weather-dependent renewables for power in my own country that the provision of energy will be intermittent and more expensive and will need to be rationed.”
Brown concluded by disputing the severity of recent episodes of climate change, stating: “However, I remain willing to reduce my standard of living and that of my children and grandchildren to save the planet from one of the variations in climate which have happened regularly over the estimated 4.5billion years of its existence.”
January 27, 2021
In an article for The Conservative Woman, columnist Ariane Leoning disputed that atmospheric CO2 concentration was causing climate change, stating that only a “miniscule amount” had entered the atmosphere, which she claimed “cannot have the slightest effect on global atmospheric temperatures or the planet’s climate”.105Ariane Loening. “Why do politicians listen to the fanatical Greens?” The Conservative Woman, January 27, 2021. Archived February 1, 2021. URL:
Loening then asserted that “there has been no atmospheric global warming for about 20 years,” citing an article in Electroverse, a climate science denial-promoting news and opinion website. According to its Patreon, the site was set up “to wade against the mainstream propaganda and accurately document Earth Changes as two world-altering climatic events unfold simultaneously”.106Cap Allon. “Substantial Early-December Snow Forecast to Blanket the UK and Europe,” Electroverse, December 2, 2020. Archived February 1, 2021. URL: 107“Electroverse,” Patreon. Archived February 4, 2021. URL:
Elsewhere in the article, Loening claimed that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) had been “established by globalist and fanatical ideologues in order to ‘prove’ that man-made carbon dioxide emissions cause global atmospheric warming”.
January 5, 2021
In an article for The Conservative Woman, the Global Warming Policy Foundation’s Energy Editor John Constable criticised the costs of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plans to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, writing: “Mr Johnson’s administration, in common with every UK government from Mr Blair to Mrs May, is failing to sanity-check the emissions reduction policies and is, indeed, quite deliberately avoiding the subject. This is all the more reprehensible because the sanity check isn’t that difficult.”108John Constable. “Johnson’s crazy Net Zero drive will cost so much more than it saves,” The Conservative Woman, January 5, 2021. Archived January 5, 2021. URL:
Constable cited a December paper he wrote for the Global Warming Policy Foundation, which stated: “Even assuming, as the government wrongly does, that offshore wind is already inexpensive and will become still cheaper in coming decades, the abatement costs per tonne of carbon dioxide are many times higher than mainstream estimates of the harms of climate change.” Constable also stated that the government’s policies would cause “terrible socio-economic harm”.109John Constable. “Who are they fooling? The UK Energy White Paper 2020,” The Global Warming Policy Foundation. Archived January 5, 2020. URL:
December 14, 2020
An article in The Conservative Woman praised DUP MP Sammy Wilson for his appearance on an episode of BBC Radio 4 panel show “Any Questions?” in which Wilson had criticised the government’s proposal to ban the sale of new diesel and petrol cars from 2030, comparing it to “a Stalinist Five-Year Plan.” The article stated that “not only will Johnson’s posturing plan make private transport unaffordable for poorer people, but banning vehicles which run on petrol and diesel vehicles will halt further development of fuel-efficient engines.”110Gary Oliver. “Savvy Sammy, a lone voice in the BBC wilderness,” The Conservative Woman, December 14, 2020. Archived January 25, 2021. URL:
December 12, 2020
In an article for The Conservative Woman, climate science sceptic Paul Homewood criticised the Committee on Climate Change (CCC)’s advice to the government on achieving decarbonisation by 2050. He disputed the efficacy of renewable technologies, asking: “And when the wind does not blow and the sun does not shine? We will have to fall back on gas power stations, with the proviso that they can capture and store the carbon dioxide produced, even though nowhere in the world has managed to do this at scale.”111Paul Homewood. “Gummer’s carbon crusade to bankrupt Britain,” The Conservative Woman, December 12, 2020. Archived January 25, 2021. URL:
Homewood also asserted that: “Eating less meat and dairy will of course cause great damage to British farming, as well as pushing up food bills for poorer families.”
December 4, 2020
In an article for The Conservative Woman, freelance writer and Royal Meteorological Society Fellow Ivor Williams criticised Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s 10-point plan for a Green Industrial Revolution. Williams suggested that following the implementation of renewable energy, “Your phone will last a day or two. Wood-burning stoves and open fires have been banned years ago, and without electricity to power your heat pump, no coal, gas or oil, your house will be an igloo in 48 hours. Batteries and carefully hoarded old camping gas cartridges and heaters will be fetching silly money by the end of the week. The only thing that will work is a wind-up clock.”112Ivor Williams. “In the Bleak Green Midwinter,” The Conservative Woman, December 4, 2020. Archived December 8, 2020. URL:
Williams also unfavourably compared renewable energy sources to nuclear power, writing: “But surely, you say, the government is promising to advance nuclear as a clean energy source, and by then we will have all those modular power stations as back-up? If so, I reply, why are we bothering with the ‘offshore wind which will power every home’? You can’t turn nuclear off and on if the wind blows too hard or the sun doesn’t shine. Welcome to our zero-emission future.”
November 24, 2020
An article in The Conservative Woman argued that China’s continued use of fossil fuels rendered any attempts by Britain to counteract climate change obsolete, stating: “So as global cooling occurs the Chinese will stay toasty warm while we will sit and shiver waiting for our expensive green power to be turned back on.”113Martin Ward. “It’s global cooling, not global warming, that worries China”, The Conservative Woman, November 24, 2020. Archived November 24, 2020. URL:
November 24, 2020
In an article for The Conservative Woman, journalist Roger Underwood disputed that a series of bushfires in California had been caused by climate change, writing that the idea had been “comprehensively demolished.”114Roger Underwood. “Bushfire inquiry fiddles while Australia burns,” The Conservative Woman, November 24, 2020. Archived November 24, 2020. URL:
The article also criticised a report by a Royal commission that looked into the cause of the fires, stating: “The commissioners appeared completely blind to the fact that the ‘climate-change-causes-bushfires’ position is not just flawed in terms of logic, science and history, it offers no solution to the current bushfire threat. What is blatantly obvious is that the climate alarmist lobby is using the bushfires to promote a political agenda. And the commission fell for it.”
November 23, 2020
In an article for The Conservative Woman entitled, “Lockdown is part of the grand, green, global design,” journalist John Mortimer criticised Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s 10 point plan for a “Green Industrial Revolution,” characterising it as a central part of the “Great Reset.” Mortimer stated that: “Johnson’s new Red and Green manifesto is not only totally unrecognisable from the one he was elected on last year; it goes vastly beyond anything that Corbyn ever put to the electorate.”115John Mortimer. “Lockdown is part of the grand, green, global design,” The Conservative Woman, November 23, 2020. Archived November 24, 2020. URL:
November 18, 2020
Writing for The Conservative Woman, GWPF deputy director Andrew Montford criticised Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plans for the expansion of wind energy, stating: “With wind speeds very low, the much-vaunted fleet of offshore wind turbines was dismally failing to pull the skin off the proverbial rice pudding, generating only a tiny fraction of its theoretical capacity.” Montford also stated that: “It seems clear that we will soon have no way to fill the void when the wind doesn’t blow. At that point, widespread power cuts will become the norm and Mr Johnson will have played his part in creating a second national disaster.”116Andrew Montford. “More Boris disasters waiting to happen,” The Conservative Woman, November 18, 2020. Archived November 23, 2020. URL:
November 1, 2020
The Conservative Woman published a satirical article parodying content warnings about BBC programmes. For David Attenborough’s “Blue Planet” series, the article stated: “Blue Planet. ‘Warning: This programme portrays Man-made climate change as being settled science when it is nothing of the kind and thousands of scientists worldwide have rejected the notion’”.117Weaver Sheridan. “All gas and BBC wokery”, The Conservative Woman, November 1, 2020. Archived November 2, 2020. URL:
October 30, 2020
Writing for The Conservative Woman, climate science denier Philip Foster referred to climate change as a “hobgoblin”. Foster characterised the environmentalist movement as a religious cult, stating: “it is no coincidence that ‘global warming’ became the new crisis in 1989, just as the Berlin Wall fell and the ‘Red Menace’ virtually disappeared overnight. We exchanged one hobgoblin for another. The result was a new religion, or a tweak of an older religion stemming from the so-called Enlightenment and the Romantics – a bunch of mostly drug-soaked poets and artists who in effect worshipped ‘Nature.’”118Peter Foster. “The cancel cultists frightening us with Covid hobgoblins”. The Conservative Woman, October 30, 2020. Archived November 3, 2020. URL:
Foster also claimed Rachel Carson’s 1962 book Silent Spring caused “more death and misery than Mein Kampf and Das Kapital put together”.
October 10, 2020
An article in The Conservative Woman claimed that the expansion of wind farms would have potentially fatal consequences for birds, stating: “no one knows how many birds are killed, and I would guess that any estimate which comes from the wind lobby can be multiplied by ten and still be way short.”119Margaret Ashworth. “Notes from the sticks: It’s an ill wind,” The Conservative Woman, October 10, 2020. Archived January 25, 2021. URL:
The article also alleged that wind turbines had a fatal impact on other forms of wildlife, stating: “this is not to mention the number of bats and insects killed by turbines, or the potential impact on marine animals such as whales and dolphins from the noise and vibration, or the fact that on days when there is little or no wind back-up generation will still be needed. A better source of power would be the limitless hot air coming out of Downing Street.”
October 5, 2020
In an article for The Conservative Woman entitled, “The market leaders in climate mythology”, Paul Homewood criticised a report from climate risk data firm, ‘Four Twenty Seven’, which warned about the link between climate change and more extreme weather. Homewood stated that, “it is, of course, a widely perpetuated myth that climate change is leading to more extreme weather. It is a pity that those behind Four Twenty Seven have chosen to base their work on this myth, instead of researching the facts for themselves.”120Paul Homewood, ‘The market leaders in climate mythology’, The Conservative Woman, April 30, 2020. Archived October 5, 2020. Archive URL:
September 19, 2020
Writing in The Conservative Woman, Paul Homewood argued that climate change was not to blame for California’s wildfires, suggesting that “Governor Newsom may blame climate change, but it has actually not been an unusually hot summer or dry summer in California this year, nor was last month’s heatwave out of the ordinary”. Homewood concluded that, “whether climate change is exacerbating wildfires is, in any event, irrelevant. There is nothing realistically that can be done to alter the climate in the short or medium term. There is, however, an awful lot which can and should be done now to manage the risk. Put simply, arm-waving and blaming climate change is a disgraceful dereliction of responsibility.”121Paul Homewood, The truth about California’s ‘climate apocalypse’, The Conservative Woman, September 19, 2020. Archived September 28, 2020. Archive URL:
August 25, 2020
An article in The Conservative Woman criticised the government’s decision to reject a planning application from Banks Mining to mine coal at a temporary surface site in Highthorn, Northumberland. It stated:122Stephen Speakman. “This crazy campaign against coal and jobs,” The Conservative Woman, August 25, 2020. Archived February 1, 2021. URL:
“Opposition to the scheme has been fierce and continuing, with Extinction Rebellion rattling sabres along with the Green Party. But coal is needed and the Conservatives should not be timid about granting permission to proceed because of vociferous green campaigns. Highthorn is about the greenest option that can be chosen since coal brought from far away massively increases the carbon footprint, and jobs for local people will come as a bonus.”
August 10, 2020
The CW published an article by Dr Rosemary Falcon, a South African scientist and contributor to a Global Warming Policy Foundation report, which argued that the continued use of coal in Africa was necessary to address energy poverty on the continent.
In her article Falconer argued that claims about stopping the burning of the fuel were “naive” and renewable energy technologies such as wind and solar were “not there yet.” The report was criticised by numerous regional climate and energy experts, with one stating the claims made in the GWPF report were “misleading and untrue.”123Dr Rosemary Falcon. “Clean coal: the commonsense answer to Africa’s energy crisis,” The Conservative Woman. August 10, 2020. Archived August 20, 2020. URL: 124Geoff Hill. “The Heart of Darkness: Why Electricity for Africa is a Security Issue,” Global Warming Policy Foundation. Archived July 1, 2020. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. 125Zak Derler and Maina Waruru. “African Energy Experts Dismiss UK Climate Science Denial Group’s ‘Misleading’ Report,” Desmog. July 1, 2020
August 4, 2020
The CW published an article by Global Warming Policy Forum Deputy Director, Andrew Montford which disputed scientific claims about the negative health effects of nuclear radiation.
Montford presented the arguments of a recent GWPF paper which argued that science claiming to show the health impacts of nuclear radiation had “serious flaws” and had been “exaggerated”. Montford argued that the linear-no-threshold model which posits that there is no safe limit of nuclear radiation was “plain wrong and even fraudulent” and called on the government to “commission a complete review of the question of radiation safety.”126Andrew Montford. “A blow to one of the green’s favourite lies,” The Conservative Woman. August 4, 2020. Archived August 20, 2020. URL: 127“Dangers of Nuclear Energy ‘Much Less Than Previously Thought,” The Global Warming Policy Foundation. June 17, 2020. Archived August 20, 2020. URL:
July 15, 2020
The Conservative Woman reported that Africans are “tired of being lectured by people in rich countries who have never lived a day without electricity, arguing that the imposition of World Bank rules preventing the burning of fossil fuels constituted an obstacle to Africa’s economic development. Geoff Hill stated that modern technology has made ‘clean coal’ one of the cheapest ways to generate electricity, and that Western enthusiasm for renewable energy is not shared in countries such as Nigeria and Zimbabwe.
Geoff Hill cites a report from the Global Warming Policy Foundation, the UK’s principal climate science denial campaign group. The report was widely discredited by African energy experts for being “misleading”. 128Geoff Hill, “World Bank’s green diktat stops clean coal powering Africa”, The Conservative Woman, July 15th, 2020. Archived on 07 September 2020. Archive URL:
April 14, 2020
The Conservative Woman reported that Public Health England had adopted as its official policy a 242- page report from its predecessor, the Health Protection Agency, based on a “nonsensical 5C warming by 2080”. TCW stated that, “more people die from cold, and in a warmer climate, more lives would be saved than lost.”
Characterising Public Health England as an inefficient State bureaucracy, TCW also attempted to portray the NHS’ targets net-zero carbon emissions as incompatible with medical proficiency, stating that, “we must also not forget that higher energy prices imposed by the Climate Change Act cost the NHS hundreds of millions of pounds every year, money which could be used for medical purposes” and that, “perhaps instead of wasting money fighting imaginary bogeymen, the medical establishment might have concentrated on today’s very real enemies.”129Paul Homewood, “NHS is more interested in the climate bogeyman than the real enemy”, The Conservative Woman, April 14th, 2020. Archived on 07 September, 2020. Archive URL:
Paul Homewood, the author of the article, has written reports for the UK’s principal climate science denial campaign group, the Global Warming Policy Foundation, and researched many of former Telegraph columnist Christopher Booker’s anti-environmental articles.
April 6, 2020
Writing in the Conservative Woman, Andrew Montford disputed the IPCC’s contention that increasing climate temperatures intensify the hydrological cycle, arguing that, “ the small changes that are exciting climate scientists today would not even have been discussed by ancient engineers, who would have seen them as just noise in the ever-changing patterns of hydrological cycles.” He concluded that, “it isn’t time that hydrologists shifted their attention away from prophecies of doom, and back on to making a real contribution to people’s lives?”130 Andrew Montford, Flood and drought predictions don’t hold water, The Conservative Woman, April 6, 2020. Archived on 15 September 2020. Archive URL:…
April 4, 2020
Writing in The Conservative Woman, Rhys Jaggar gave an anecdotal account of the improvement of his vegetable plots, stating that, “Yes, we must adapt our growing to our local climate but no, the sensitivity of food crops to climate is not so extreme that minor changes to climate will affect our growing patterns unduly.” Jagger proceeded to cite climate science denier Piers Corbyn, saying that, “he is not infallible, but is a worthwhile go-to source”.131 Rhys Jagger, “If the climate’s in chaos, why are my vegetables doing so well?”, The Conservative Woman, April 4th, 2020. Archive URL:
August 27, 2019
In August 2019, Gyngell accused the “mass media” of “stoking the flames of panic” and spreading misinformation about the burning of the Amazon rainforest.
She disputed claims that the Amazon was being burnt for use by illegal loggers, and wrote that “few appear to have stopped to question the accuracy of the initial reporting or the meaning of the original Nasa pictures”. She linked readers to a number of articles promoted by the GWPF claiming that the nature of the fires had been misrepresented by the media.132Kathryn Gyngell. “Stoking the flames of panic over the Amazon?,” The Conservative Woman. August 27, 2019. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
August 6, 2019
In a blog post, Kathryn Gyngell referred to claims that climate change could affect the production of coffee as “alarmist claptrap”. She said that the research released by experts at Australian non-profit the Climate Institute, and funded by the Fairtrade Foundation, amounted to “climate hysteria” and referred readers to a GWPF briefing on the issue.133Kathryn Gyngell. “Coffee crisis? No, a global warming storm in a tea cup,” Conservative Woman,” The Conservative Woman. August 6, 2019. Archived July 20, 2020. URL: 134Jonah Engel Bromwich. “Climate Change Threatens World’s Coffee Supply, Report Says,” The New York Times. September 22, 2016. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
May 3, 2019
In a post for the CW entitled “Keep calm and carry on ignoring the climate scaremongers,” Perrins said she was “deeply sceptical” of what she referred to as a “deep orthodoxy” surrounding climate science and saying that “environmental correctness” had a “grip”.
Perrins referred readers to a Twitter thread by Climate Resistance and Spiked commentator, Ben Pile, which accused the government’s independent monitoring body, the Climate Change Committee, of “cronyism,” and of being a “tool for a narrow group of interests to enrich themselves.” Perrins also linked to research by Judith Curry, a climatologist who rejects mainstream climate science.135Laura Perrins. “Keep calm and carry on ignoring the climate scaremongers,” The Conservative Woman. May 3, 2019. Archived August 25, 2020. URL: 136Ben Pile, “The CCC is the epitome of post-Blair, Brown-Miliband era politics…,” Twitter Thread by @clim8resistance, retrieved from Thread Reader. Archived July 22, 2020. URL: 137Michael D. Lemonick. “Climate Heretic: Judith Curry Turns on Her Colleagues,” Scientific American. October 25, 2010. URL:
November 30, 2018
To mark the 10th anniversary of the UK’s landmark Climate Change Act, the CW published an article by then Global Warming Policy Forum researcher, Harry Wilkinson, claiming the legislation had amounted to “ten years of punishing the poor,” and directing readers to a GWPF report authored by Rupert Darwall, which referred to the legislation as “foolish” and called it “history’s most expensive virtue signal.”138“WHO WE ARE,” The Global Warming Policy Forum. Archived December 10, 2018. URL: 139Harry Wilkinson. “The Climate Change Act: Ten years of punishing the poor,” The Conservative Woman. November 30, 2018. Archived July 20, 2020. URL: 140Rupert Darwall. “The Climate Change Act At Ten: History’s most expensive virtual signal,” Global Warming Policy Foundation. November 22, 2018. Archived July 8, 2020. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.<
April 13, 2018
Gyngell wrote in defence of GWPF president Nigel Lawson after the BBC was found to have breached its guidelines by media regulator Ofcom for not challenging false scientific claims made by Lord Lawson on the Today programme.141Kathryn Gyngell, “Lawson, the BBC and how Ofcom takes bias to a whole new level,” The Conservative Woman. April 13, 2018. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
Related Organisations
- Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF}– Gyngell is a Trustee and Director of the GWPF and the CW has published regular columns by Ruth Lea, Harry Wilkinson, and John Constable. Lea is a GWPF Trustee and Director while Wilkinson and Constable are, respectively, the Head of Policy and Energy Editor for the Global Warming Policy Forum, the GWPF’s campaigning arm. The CW and Gyngell have often promoted GWPF reports to the CW’s readership.142“Board of Trustees,” Global Warming Policy Foundation. Archived October 30, 2019. URL: 143“THE GLOBAL WARMING POLICY FOUNDATION,” Companies House. Archived April 16, 2019. URL: 144“Ruth Lea,” The Conservative Woman. Archived July 20, 2020. URL: 145“John Constable,” The Conservative Woman. Archived July 20, 2020. URL: 146“Harry Wilkinson,” The Conservative Woman. Archived August 14, 2020. URL: 147“Who we are,” Global Warming Policy Forum. Archived January 23, 2020. URL: 148Kathryn Gyngell. “Coffee crisis? No, a global warming storm in a tea cup,” Conservative Woman,” The Conservative Woman. August 6, 2019. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- Media Intelligence Partners (MIP) – The Westminster-based lobbying firm MIP and its chairman Nick Wood were previously listed as directors of the CW alongside Kathryn Gyngell and Laura Perrins. Wood was a regular contributor to the CW in 2014-2015 and Perrins has a page on MIP’s website, although this does not give details of her association with the firm. MIP’s website says it has provided consultancy to the CW but does not provide further details.149“Conservative Woman – Company No 09224574,” Companies House. Archived July 20, 2020. URL: 150“Author: Nick Wood,” The Conservative Woman. Archived 20 July, 2020. URL: 151“Laura Perrins,” Media Intelligence Partners. Archived July 20, 2020. URL: 152“Clients,” Media Intelligence Partners. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- News-watch – Director of News-watch, David Keighley, is a regular contributor to the CW, and has published over 200 articles including a regular “BBC Watch” column on the website. Keighley sits on the editorial board of the CW. In 1999, Keighley co-founded News-watch’s predecessor organisation, Minotaur Media Tracking, with Gyngell.153“About News-watch,” News-watch. Archived April 10, 2019. URL: 154“David Keighley,” The Conservative Woman. Archived April 10, 2019. URL: 155“BBC Watch,” The Conservative Woman. Archived July 20, 2020. URL: 156“The Editors,” The Conservative Woman. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
- Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) – In 2006, Gyngell became a research fellow at the Centre for Policy Studies where she worked particularly on drugs and early years policies. She was also close friends with CPS co-founder Margaret Thatcher.157“Kathy Gyngell,” LinkedIn. Accessed July 20, 2020. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. 158“Author: Kathy Gyngell,” Centre for Policy Studies. Archived August 17, 2020. URL: 159Kathy Gyngell, “Mrs Thatcher, the woman I met and got to know – and like,” Centre for Policy Studies. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
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- The Conservative Woman on Facebook
Other Resources
- 1“About Us,” The Conservative Woman. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 2“About Us,” The Conservative Woman. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 3“Conservative Woman – Company No 09224574,” Companies House. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 4“Kathy Gyngell – co-editor, The Conservative Woman,” Battle of Ideas. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
- 5“The Editors,” The Conservative Woman. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
- 6“The Conservative Woman 2020 crowdfunder,” The Conservative Woman. February 18, 2020. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
- 7Kathryn Gyngell. “Coffee crisis? No, a global warming storm in a tea cup,” Conservative Woman,” The Conservative Woman. August 6, 2019. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 8Kathryn Gyngell. “Stoking the flames of panic over the Amazon?,” The Conservative Woman. August 27, 2019. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 9“THE GLOBAL WARMING POLICY FOUNDATION,” Companies House. Archived April 16, 2019. URL:
- 10“Board of Trustees,” Global Warming Policy Foundation. Archived October 30, 2019. URL:
- 11“Who we are,” Global Warming Policy Forum. Archived January 23, 2020. URL:
- 12“Harry Wilkinson,” The Conservative Woman. Archived August 14, 2020. URL:
- 13“John Constable,” The Conservative Woman. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 14“Ruth Lea,” The Conservative Woman. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 15“Conservative Woman – Company No 09224574,” Companies House. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 16“Clients,” Media Intelligence Partners. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 17“Laura Perrins,” Media Intelligence Partners. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 18“About News-watch,” News-watch. Archived April 10, 2019. URL:
- 19“The Editors,” The Conservative Woman. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
- 20“The Conservative Woman 2020 crowdfunder,” The Conservative Woman. February 18, 2020. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
- 21“About Us,” The Conservative Woman. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 22“John Longworth,” The Conservative Woman. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 23“Our Leadership,” The Centre for Brexit Policy. Archived June 30, 2020. URL:
- 24Asa Bennett. “Nigel Farage embroiled in defection row with Brexit Party stalwart John Longworth,” The Telegraph. November 5, 2019. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 25Rob Parsons. “Brexit Party Yorkshire MEP John Longworth has whip removed for ‘repeatedly undermining’ party’s election strategy,” The Yorkshire Post. December 4, 2019. Archived August 16, 2020. URL
- 26Maggie Brown. “Bruce Gyngell Obituary,” The Guardian. September 9, 2000. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 27Kathy Gyngell, “Mrs Thatcher, the woman I met and got to know – and like,” Centre for Policy Studies. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 28“Kathy Gyngell,” LinkedIn. Accessed July 20, 2020. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 29“About,” Centre for Policy Studies. Archived June 30, 2020. URL:
- 30“The Conservative Woman 2020 crowdfunder,” The Conservative Woman. February 18, 2020. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
- 31“The Editors,” The Conservative Woman. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
- 32“Kathy Gyngell,” The Daily Mail. Archived July 20, 2020. URL
- 33“Kathy Gyngell,” The Telegraph. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 34
- 35Shane Hickey. “The Irish woman who became a leading Brexiteer,” The Irish Times. Feb 3, 2018. Archived July 22, 2020. URL:
- 36James Rogers. “Two years that trampled on freedoms earned over centuries”, TCW, March 26, 2022. Archived May 21, 2022. Archive URL:
- 37Charlie Spedding. “Johnson’s ignorance on climate change is dangerous,” The Conservative Woman, February 11, 2021. Archived February 15, 2021. URL:
- 38Dr. Roger Higgs. “Deny the Fake Consensus – By Dr. Roger Higgs,” Electroverse, December 19, 2020. Archived February 15, 2021. URL:
- 39
- 40“The Conservative Woman 2020 crowdfunder,” The Conservative Woman. February 18, 2020. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
- 41Laura Perrins. “Keep calm and carry on ignoring the climate scaremongers,” The Conservative Woman. May 3, 2019. Archived August 25, 2020. URL:
- 42“Donate,” The Conservative Woman. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 43“The Conservative Woman 2020 crowdfunder,” The Conservative Woman. February 18, 2020. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
- 44“The Conservative Woman Limited – Filing History,” Companies House. Archived July 20, 2020. Archived .pdf of the financial statement on file at DeSmog.
- 45“The Editors,” The Conservative Woman. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
- 46Maggie Brown. “Bruce Gyngell Obituary,” The Guardian. September 9, 2000. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 47“The Editors,” The Conservative Woman. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
- 48“Kathy Gyngell,” LinkedIn. Accessed July 20, 2020. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 49“Search: Gyngell,” Centre for Policy Studies. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 50“Kathy Gyngell,” The Daily Mail. Archived July 20, 2020. URL
- 51“Kathy Gyngell,” The Telegraph. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 52
- 53Kathy Gyngell, “Mrs Thatcher, the woman I met and got to know – and like,” Centre for Policy Studies. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 54“Board of Trustees,” Global Warming Policy Foundation. Archived October 30, 2019. URL:
- 55“THE GLOBAL WARMING POLICY FOUNDATION,” Companies House. Archived April 16, 2019. URL:
- 56“Author: Kathy Gyngell,” Centre for Policy Studies. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
- 57“The Editors,” The Conservative Woman. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
- 58Shane Hickey. “The Irish woman who became a leading Brexiteer,” The Irish Times. Feb 3, 2018. Archived July 22, 2020. URL:
- 59Laura Perrins, “The Government is ‘discriminating’ against stay-at-home mothers,” The Telegraph. April 13, 2017. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 60Shane Hickey. “The Irish woman who became a leading Brexiteer,” The Irish Times. Feb 3, 2018. Archived July 22, 2020. URL:
- 61“The Editors,” The Conservative Woman. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
- 62“About News-watch,” News-watch. Archived April 10, 2019. URL:
- 63“The Editors,” The Conservative Woman. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
- 64Paul Homewood. “The climate scaremongers: The ‘independent’ committee driving Net Zero policy,” TCW Defending Freedom, April 21, 2023. Archived April 21, 2023. Archive URL:
- 65John Ellwood. “When madmen lead the blind,” TCW Defending Freedom, April 21, 2023. Archived April 21, 2023. Archive URL:
- 66James Delingpole. “Was the Turkish earthquake man-made? Well the technology exists…,” TCW Defending Freedom, February 20, 2023. Archived April 6, 2023. Archive URL:
- 67Iain Hunter. “Net Zero is a low-key way of killing us off”, TCW, November 10, 2022. Archived November 11, 2022. Archive URL:
- 68John Ellwood. “The global parasites who do your thinking for you”, TCW, October 25, 2022. Archived November 30, 2022. Archive URL:
- 69Paul Homewood. “The climate scaremongers: Fact Checking Ed Miliband’s Fracking Claims”, TCW, Archived October 1, 2022. Archive URL:
- 70David Craig. “Exposed: the ‘97% of scientists agree with manmade global warming’ lie”, TCW, September 12, 2022. Archived October 11, 2022. Archive URL:
- 71Ivor Williams. “We’re heading for Net Zero ruin because our politicians are science dunces”, TCW, September 10, 2022. Archived September 10, 2022. Archive URL:
- 72Dr Deborah Ancell. “One sided-teaching that gives students eco-nightmares”, TCW, August 9, 2022. Archived December 5, 2022. Archive URL:
- 73Andrew Montford. “Energy: Is reality starting to dawn?”, TCW, August 1, 2022. Archived August 8, 2022. Archive URL:
- 74John Roberts. “Mass hypnosis and the gateway to tyranny”, TCW, July 30, 2022. Archived August 8, 2022. Archive URL:
- 75Paul Homewood. “The climate scaremongers: Was it really an unprecedented heatwave?”, TCW, July 29, 2022. Archived August 8, 2022. Archive URL:
- 76Kathy Gyngell. “As XR idiots run riot, Europe faces ruin from its climate insanity”, TCW, July 20, 2022. Archived August 8, 2022. Archive URL:
- 77Paul Homewood. “The climate scaremongers: A manifesto for a new Prime Minister”, TCW, July 15, 2022. Archived September 23, 2022. Archive URL:
- 78Dr Deborah Ancell. “Put the Climate Change Act on ice, Mr Johnson”, TCW, June 21, 2022. Archived July 13, 2022. Archive URL:
- 79“Dr Deborah Ancell”, University of Westminster. Archived January 6, 2023. Archive URL:
- 80Paul Homewood. “The climate scaremongers: The real cause of the energy crisis”, TCW, June 17, 2022. Archived June 25, 2022. Archive URL:
- 81Tilak Doshi. “The Revenge Of The Fossil Fuels”, Forbes, June 10, 2022. Archived June 21, 2022. Archive URL:
- 82James Rogers. “Two years that trampled on freedoms earned over centuries”, TCW, March 26, 2022. Archived May 21, 2022. Archive URL:
- 83Paul Buckingham. “Will new GCSE just be climate propaganda? Tell the truth, Mr Zahawi?”, TCW, May 11, 2022. Archived May 24, 2022. Archive URL:
- 84Thomas Lane. “America’s climate hypocrisy”, TCW, April 20, 2022. Archived May 24, 2022. Archive URL:
- 85Dr Deborah Ancell. “Net zero – a grim fairy tale”, TCW, April 19, 2022. Archived May 23, 2022. Archive URL:
- 86Bridget Jones. “How we defied death threats to speak out against Net Zero insanity”, TCW, March 20, 2022. Archived May 21, 2022. Archive URL:
- 87Neil Bryce. “Forget the global warming hype – the world’s getting colder”, TCW, March 10, 2022. Archived May 23, 2022. Archive URL:
- 88Julian Flood. “Go for fracking or the lights will go out”, TCW, March 8, 2022. Archived March 8, 2022. Archive URL:
- 89Paul Homewood. “The climate scaremongers: BBC’s campaign against fossil fuels”, TCW, March 4, 2022. Archived May 24, 2022. Archive URL:
- 90Ivor Williams. “Carry on driving, and eating beef”, TCW, February 26, 2022. Archived May 28, 2022. Archive URL:
- 91Julian Flood. “Climate ‘crisis’: We need better guesses,” The Conservative Woman, May 14, 2021. Archived May 17, 2021. URL:
- 92Charlie Spedding. “Eat beef and butter to save the planet,” The Conservative Woman, May 4, 2021. Archived May 4, 2021. URL:
- 93Joe Murphy. “Go vegan to help UK hit greenhouse gas targets, says Cabinet minister Kwasi Kwarteng,” Evening Standard, April 22, 2021. Archived May 4, 2021. URL:
- 94Peter Mullen. “Christianity’s abject surrender to the world of woke,” The Conservative Woman, April 23, 2021. Archived April 26, 2021. URL:
- 95Clark Cross. “Twenty-five years of hot air,” The Conservative Woman, March 9, 2021. Archived March 9, 2021. URL:
- 96Ian Wilson. “Big Finance bullies jump on the climate bandwagon,” The Conservative Woman, March 3, 2021. Archived March 8, 2021. URL:
- 97“There is no climate emergency,” CLINTEL. Archived March 8, 2021. URL:
- 98Peter Simpson. “In God, not scientists, we trust,” The Conservative Woman, February 28, 2021. Archived March 1, 2021. URL:
- 99Weaver Sheridan. “Greta’s Green Peter project,” The Conservative Woman, February 27, 2021. Archived March 1, 2021. URL:
- 100Michael St George. “Woke Code – how Johnson virtue-signals to the Greens,” The Conservative Woman, February 22, 2021. Archived February 22, 2021. URL:
- 101(Press Release.) “Paris climate promises will reduce temperatures by just 0.05°C in 2100 (Press release),” Bjorn Lomborg. Archived February 22, 2021. URL:
- 102Andrew Montford. “Andrew Montford: Honesty is needed on the huge costs of attempting ‘net-zero,’” ConservativeHome, December 5, 2020. Archived February 22, 2021. URL:
- 103David Langland. “Beijing, capital of the world,” The Conservative Woman, February 17, 2021. Archived February 22, 2021. URL:
- 104Tony Brown. “Save our Planet! Sign the Climate Pledge,” The Conservative Woman, February 13, 2021. Archived February 15, 2021. URL:
- 105Ariane Loening. “Why do politicians listen to the fanatical Greens?” The Conservative Woman, January 27, 2021. Archived February 1, 2021. URL:
- 106Cap Allon. “Substantial Early-December Snow Forecast to Blanket the UK and Europe,” Electroverse, December 2, 2020. Archived February 1, 2021. URL:
- 107
- 108John Constable. “Johnson’s crazy Net Zero drive will cost so much more than it saves,” The Conservative Woman, January 5, 2021. Archived January 5, 2021. URL:
- 109John Constable. “Who are they fooling? The UK Energy White Paper 2020,” The Global Warming Policy Foundation. Archived January 5, 2020. URL:
- 110Gary Oliver. “Savvy Sammy, a lone voice in the BBC wilderness,” The Conservative Woman, December 14, 2020. Archived January 25, 2021. URL:
- 111Paul Homewood. “Gummer’s carbon crusade to bankrupt Britain,” The Conservative Woman, December 12, 2020. Archived January 25, 2021. URL:
- 112Ivor Williams. “In the Bleak Green Midwinter,” The Conservative Woman, December 4, 2020. Archived December 8, 2020. URL:
- 113Martin Ward. “It’s global cooling, not global warming, that worries China”, The Conservative Woman, November 24, 2020. Archived November 24, 2020. URL:
- 114Roger Underwood. “Bushfire inquiry fiddles while Australia burns,” The Conservative Woman, November 24, 2020. Archived November 24, 2020. URL:
- 115John Mortimer. “Lockdown is part of the grand, green, global design,” The Conservative Woman, November 23, 2020. Archived November 24, 2020. URL:
- 116Andrew Montford. “More Boris disasters waiting to happen,” The Conservative Woman, November 18, 2020. Archived November 23, 2020. URL:
- 117Weaver Sheridan. “All gas and BBC wokery”, The Conservative Woman, November 1, 2020. Archived November 2, 2020. URL:
- 118Peter Foster. “The cancel cultists frightening us with Covid hobgoblins”. The Conservative Woman, October 30, 2020. Archived November 3, 2020. URL:
- 119Margaret Ashworth. “Notes from the sticks: It’s an ill wind,” The Conservative Woman, October 10, 2020. Archived January 25, 2021. URL:
- 120Paul Homewood, ‘The market leaders in climate mythology’, The Conservative Woman, April 30, 2020. Archived October 5, 2020. Archive URL:
- 121Paul Homewood, The truth about California’s ‘climate apocalypse’, The Conservative Woman, September 19, 2020. Archived September 28, 2020. Archive URL:
- 122Stephen Speakman. “This crazy campaign against coal and jobs,” The Conservative Woman, August 25, 2020. Archived February 1, 2021. URL:
- 123Dr Rosemary Falcon. “Clean coal: the commonsense answer to Africa’s energy crisis,” The Conservative Woman. August 10, 2020. Archived August 20, 2020. URL:
- 124Geoff Hill. “The Heart of Darkness: Why Electricity for Africa is a Security Issue,” Global Warming Policy Foundation. Archived July 1, 2020. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 125Zak Derler and Maina Waruru. “African Energy Experts Dismiss UK Climate Science Denial Group’s ‘Misleading’ Report,” Desmog. July 1, 2020
- 126Andrew Montford. “A blow to one of the green’s favourite lies,” The Conservative Woman. August 4, 2020. Archived August 20, 2020. URL:
- 127“Dangers of Nuclear Energy ‘Much Less Than Previously Thought,” The Global Warming Policy Foundation. June 17, 2020. Archived August 20, 2020. URL:
- 128Geoff Hill, “World Bank’s green diktat stops clean coal powering Africa”, The Conservative Woman, July 15th, 2020. Archived on 07 September 2020. Archive URL:
- 129Paul Homewood, “NHS is more interested in the climate bogeyman than the real enemy”, The Conservative Woman, April 14th, 2020. Archived on 07 September, 2020. Archive URL:
- 130Andrew Montford, Flood and drought predictions don’t hold water, The Conservative Woman, April 6, 2020. Archived on 15 September 2020. Archive URL:…
- 131Rhys Jagger, “If the climate’s in chaos, why are my vegetables doing so well?”, The Conservative Woman, April 4th, 2020. Archive URL:
- 132Kathryn Gyngell. “Stoking the flames of panic over the Amazon?,” The Conservative Woman. August 27, 2019. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 133Kathryn Gyngell. “Coffee crisis? No, a global warming storm in a tea cup,” Conservative Woman,” The Conservative Woman. August 6, 2019. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 134Jonah Engel Bromwich. “Climate Change Threatens World’s Coffee Supply, Report Says,” The New York Times. September 22, 2016. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 135Laura Perrins. “Keep calm and carry on ignoring the climate scaremongers,” The Conservative Woman. May 3, 2019. Archived August 25, 2020. URL:
- 136Ben Pile, “The CCC is the epitome of post-Blair, Brown-Miliband era politics…,” Twitter Thread by @clim8resistance, retrieved from Thread Reader. Archived July 22, 2020. URL:
- 137Michael D. Lemonick. “Climate Heretic: Judith Curry Turns on Her Colleagues,” Scientific American. October 25, 2010. URL:
- 138“WHO WE ARE,” The Global Warming Policy Forum. Archived December 10, 2018. URL:
- 139Harry Wilkinson. “The Climate Change Act: Ten years of punishing the poor,” The Conservative Woman. November 30, 2018. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 140Rupert Darwall. “The Climate Change Act At Ten: History’s most expensive virtual signal,” Global Warming Policy Foundation. November 22, 2018. Archived July 8, 2020. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.<
- 141Kathryn Gyngell, “Lawson, the BBC and how Ofcom takes bias to a whole new level,” The Conservative Woman. April 13, 2018. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 142“Board of Trustees,” Global Warming Policy Foundation. Archived October 30, 2019. URL:
- 143“THE GLOBAL WARMING POLICY FOUNDATION,” Companies House. Archived April 16, 2019. URL:
- 144“Ruth Lea,” The Conservative Woman. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 145“John Constable,” The Conservative Woman. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 146“Harry Wilkinson,” The Conservative Woman. Archived August 14, 2020. URL:
- 147“Who we are,” Global Warming Policy Forum. Archived January 23, 2020. URL:
- 148Kathryn Gyngell. “Coffee crisis? No, a global warming storm in a tea cup,” Conservative Woman,” The Conservative Woman. August 6, 2019. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 149“Conservative Woman – Company No 09224574,” Companies House. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 150“Author: Nick Wood,” The Conservative Woman. Archived 20 July, 2020. URL:
- 151“Laura Perrins,” Media Intelligence Partners. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 152“Clients,” Media Intelligence Partners. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 153“About News-watch,” News-watch. Archived April 10, 2019. URL:
- 154“David Keighley,” The Conservative Woman. Archived April 10, 2019. URL:
- 155“BBC Watch,” The Conservative Woman. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 156“The Editors,” The Conservative Woman. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
- 157“Kathy Gyngell,” LinkedIn. Accessed July 20, 2020. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 158“Author: Kathy Gyngell,” Centre for Policy Studies. Archived August 17, 2020. URL:
- 159Kathy Gyngell, “Mrs Thatcher, the woman I met and got to know – and like,” Centre for Policy Studies. Archived July 20, 2020. URL:
- 160“Contact us,” The Conservative Woman. Archived July 20, 2020. URL: