Marlo Lewis, Jr.

Marlo Lewis, Jr.


  • Ph.D. in Government from Harvard University and a B.A. in Political Science from Claremont McKenna College.1โ€œMarlo Lewis, Jr.โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute. Archived January 2, 2017. URL:


Marlo Lewis is a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), a group that has received funding from a range of energy industry groups and conservative foundations such as the Koch family foundations, ExxonMobil, Texaco, Arch Coal, and the American Petroleum Institute (API) among others.2โ€œCompetitive Enterprise Institute,โ€ Conservative Transparency. Data retrieved May 27, 2016. 3โ€œCompetitive Enterprise Institute,โ€ Capital Research Center. Archived July 2, 2003. 4ExxonSecrets Factsheet: Competitive Enterprise Institute, CEI. Data retrieved August, 2016. Most recent data on file at Desmog. 5COMPETITIVE ENTERPRISE INST,SMITH,FL JR. COMPETITIVE ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE. 1994 March. Philip Morris.

Lewis has also served in various governmental positions, working briefly as a policy analyst in the State Department during the Reagan administration. His position at the CEI, where disclosures show he is payed approximately $100,000-a-year, also allows him influence over elected officials. For example, he was given access to Congress when he was permitted to give a rebuttal to Al Goreโ€™s film โ€œAn Inconvenient Truthโ€ to the assembly. Lewis was also allowed to present the supposed โ€œdangersโ€ of the Kyoto Protocol to Congress in 1998.6โ€œMarlo Lewis Joins CEI As Senior Fellow,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, March 31, 2002. Archived January 2, 2017. URL: 7Competitive Enterprise Institute 990 Forms. Retrieved from DocumentCloud. 8โ€œAl Gore’s Science Fiction,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, March 16, 2007. Archived January 5, 2017. URL: 9โ€œTestimony on Why Kyoto Is Not an Insurance Policy, House Small Business Committee,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, July 29, 1998. Archived July 2, 2002. URL:

The CEI pays for and maintains the website of the Cooler Heads Coalition (CHC), a global warming denial group that Lewis formerly chaired and remains a prominent contributor to.10โ€œAbout,โ€ Cooler Heads Coalition. Archived January 2, 2017. URL: Lewis has previously defended the โ€œbenefitsโ€ of Keystone XL pipeline and the Canadian tar sands.11โ€œEight Reasons to Love the Keystone XL Pipeline,โ€, August 26, 2011. Archived January 2, 2016. URL:

Cooler Heads Coalition

Marlo Lewis served as the former Chairman of the Cooler Heads Coalition (CHC), a group describing itself as an โ€œinformal and ad-hoc group focused on dispelling the myths of global warming.โ€œ SourceWatch notes that the Cooler Heads Coalition originally had close ties to the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) where Lewis is now a senior fellow.12โ€œFreedom 21 National Conference,โ€ Freedom21. Archived August 13, 2001. URL: 13โ€œAbout,โ€ Cooler Heads Coalition. Archived January 2, 2017. URL:

Stance on Climate Change

November 2013

The following are summarized points from a presentation Lewis gave to train new interns at the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) on why he believes that โ€œclimate change is not a ‘crisis’ or ‘planetary emergency.’โ€14โ€œUpdated Antidote to Climate Hysteria,โ€ Global, November 5, 2013. Archived January 3, 2017. URL:

โ€œMy thesis, then and now, is that climate change is not a ‘crisis’ or ‘planetary emergency.’ Hereโ€™s a quick overview:

  • ‘Worse than we thought’ is a political mantra pretending to be a scientific finding. The state of the climate is better than they told us.
  • An unanticipated 17-year warming pause, the growing divergence between model predictions and observed warming, and a pile of recent studies indicate that ‘consensus’ science overestimates the key variable: climate sensitivity. Lower sensitivity means less warming and smaller impacts.
  • The scariest parts of the ‘planetary emergency’ narrative โ€“ dire warnings about ocean circulation shutdown triggering a new ice age, ice sheet disintegration raising sea levels up to 20 feet, malaria epidemics coming to a neighborhood near you, mass extinctions from runaway warming โ€“ are science fiction, not science.
  • The only card left in the alarmist deck is extreme weather. However, there has been no long term trend in the strength or frequency of hurricanes, tornadoes, U.S. floods and drought.
  • Heat waves have become more frequent but, paradoxically, the more common hot weather becomes, the more heat-related mortality declines: People adapt!
  • There is no long-term trend in ‘normalized’ extreme weather damages (losses adjusted for increases in wealth, population, and the consumer price index).
  • Globally, mortality rates and aggregate mortality related to extreme weather have declined by 98% and 93%, respectively, since the 1920s.
  • The state of the world keeps improving as CO2 emissions increase.โ€

December 2008

Lewis told BBC News in December 2008:

โ€œThere has been no net warming of the planet since 1998, or if you want to pick a more fair baseline, since 2001.โ€15โ€œMarlo Lewis on Global Warming & The Economy,โ€ YouTube Video uploaded by user Competitive Enterprise Institute, December 18, 2008. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.


In testimony to congress in 1998, Lewis declared:

โ€œThere are several reasons why we shouldnโ€™t worry about global warming. [โ€ฆ] [T]he probability of catastrophic warming is low. Indeed, it is not clear global warming is something we should prevent, even if that were easy and cost little. Spending trillions to avoid better weather and a greener planet would make no sense at all.โ€16โ€œTestimony on Why Kyoto Is Not an Insurance Policy, House Small Business Committee,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, July 29, 1998. Archived July 2, 2002. URL:

Key Quotes

January 2017

Marlo Lewis wrote in The Daily Times:

โ€œThe Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) so-called Clean Power Plan (CPP) is an unlawful power grab that will increase consumer electricity prices, reduce U.S. job and economic growth, and have no discernible impacts on global warming or sea-level rise.

โ€œTo overturn the CPP, Trump should direct the Justice Department to side with the 28 states and numerous industry and nonprofit petitioners challenging the Plan as unlawful and unconstitutional, if the litigation reaches the Supreme Court.โ€17Myron Ebell. โ€œDonald Trump and environmental regulation,โ€ Daily Times, January 2, 2017. Archived January 6, 2017. URL:

December 2016

Lewis wrote in Fox News on why he believes Trump should repudiate the Paris climate agreement:

โ€œThe election of Donald J. Trump to be the next president will soon enable congressional advocates of pro-growth energy policy to go on the offense for the first time in eight yearsโ€”and they should, for the sake of our Constitution, among other things.โ€18Marlo Lewis. โ€œHere’s why the Senate should help Trump repudiate the Paris climate agreement,โ€ Fox News, December 20, 2016. Archived January 4, 2017. URL:

January 2015

Writing at the Cooler Heads Coalition’s blog, Lewis denounced President Obama’s State of the Union speech:

โ€œThe State of the Union speech? Yeesh. The energy and climate stuff was disingenuous and dumb.โ€19Marlo Lewis. โ€œSOTU on Energy and Climate: Disingenuous and Dumb,โ€ Global, January 21, 2015. Archived January 2, 2017. URL:

โ€œCap-and-trade, carbon taxes, renewable energy mandates, and the like will accomplish little except to centralize power and transfer wealth from consumers to special interests.โ€20Marlo Lewis. โ€œSome Free Market Talking Points on the Keystone XL Pipeline Amendments,โ€ Global, January 13, 2015. Archived January 2, 2017. URL:

โ€œAs energy analyst Alex Epstein puts it, fossil energy companies did not take a safe climate and make it dangerous, they took a dangerous climate and made it much safer.โ€21Marlo Lewis. โ€œSome Free Market Talking Points on the Keystone XL Pipeline Amendments,โ€ Global, January 13, 2015. Archived January 2, 2017. URL:

November 2014

According to Lewis, writing at the Cooler Heads Coalition blog, โ€œThe President should have approved the KXL long ago. The Keystone controversy is completely artificial โ€” a fabrication of green politics.โ€22Marlo Lewis. โ€œNo Brainer: Senate Should Approve Keystone XL,โ€ Global, November 17, 2014. Archived January 2, 2017. URL:

July 2014

Writing at the Cooler Heads Coalition’s Blog, Lewis outlined portions of his โ€œLas Vegas Slide Showโ€ presentation at the Heartland Institute’s 9th International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC9):

โ€œA ‘conservative’ carbon tax is so loopy that at times I half believe it must be a passing fad, a bad joke, or a piece of blackboard econometric foppery rather than a grimly-determined political agenda,โ€ Lewis wrote.23Marlo Lewis. โ€œMy Las Vegas Slide Show on the โ€˜Conservativeโ€™ Case for a Carbon Tax,โ€ Global, July 9, 2014. Archived January 3, 2017. URL:

June 2014

Marlo Lewis criticizes the American Lung Association (ALA)’s campaign to promote the Clean Power Plan. In his โ€œfact check,โ€ Lewis provides his reasons that CO2 should not be described as pollution:

โ€œ[M]ercury emissions from power plants do not poison anyoneโ€™s air. [โ€ฆ] The case is somewhat similar for arsenic. [โ€ฆ] More importantly, carbon dioxide (CO2), the substance targeted by EPAโ€™s Clean Power Plan, is non-toxic to humans and animals at multiple times todayโ€™s atmospheric concentration [โ€ฆ]โ€24Marlo Lewis. โ€œAmerican Lung Association Manipulates ‘Maternal Instinct’ to Sell EPA Power Grab,โ€ Global, June 15, 2014. Archived January 3, 2017. URL:

May 2014

Writing at the Cooler Heads Coalition’s blog, Marlo Lewis criticizes a column Michael Mann wrote on the Keystone XL pipeline:

โ€œDespite climategate, the death of cap-and-trade, the 17-year warming pause, the epic failure of climate models, and the growing popularity of skeptic blogs, Hockey Stick inventor Michael Mann still tries to pull rank and tell policymakers what to do because, after all, he and his ‘colleagues’ in the climate alarm movement are ‘scientists.’ [โ€ฆ]

I will let others with the relevant expertise debate whether Prof. Mann is a competent paleo-climatologist. His writings on the Keystone XL pipeline are indistinguishable from those of a political hack.โ€25โ€œMichael Mannโ€™s Hatchet Job on Keystone XL,โ€ Global, May 13, 2014. Archived January 3, 2017. URL:

January 2014

Writing at the Cooler Heads Coalition’s โ€œ,โ€ Lewis declared:

โ€œDivorced from analysis of carbonโ€™s social benefits, SCC [Social Cost of Carbon] estimation even at its theoretical best is partisan advocacy posing as objective research.โ€26Marlo Lewis. โ€œAt Last: A Report on the Social Benefits of Carbon,โ€ Global, January 22, 2014. Archived January 3, 2017. URL:

October 2013

According to Marlo Lewis, writing at the Cooler Heads Coalition’s blog, global warming is โ€œnot even closeโ€ to the world’s biggest problem. He writes:

โ€œIf global warming is the worldโ€™s most hyped problem, global warming alarm may well be the worldโ€™s most underrated problem.

[โ€ฆ] In the global warming debate, there has been far too little discussion of whether the proposed cure is worse than the alleged disease.โ€27Marlo Lewis. โ€œGlobal Warming: Planet’s Most Hyped Problem,โ€ Global, October 9 , 2013. Archived January 3, 2017. URL:

October 2012

Writing in an October 25, 2012 Forbes opinion column, Lewis declared:

โ€œThe big attraction of carbon taxes these days is not as a global warming policy but as a revenue enhancer.โ€28โ€œCarbon Tax: Will Tweedle Dum Snatch Defeat From the Jaws of Victory?โ€ Forbes, October 25, 2012. URL:

January 1, 2009

In an interview, Lewis outlines what he believes would be negative impacts of California’s greenhouse gas reduction law (A.B. 32). See video at [0:34]:

โ€œI predict that if we implemented AB32 over the next several years, as the increased energy costs kick in, you will begin to see job flight and capital flight from California.โ€29โ€œMarlo Lewis on California’s Global Warming Regulation,โ€ YouTube Video uploaded by user Competitive Enterprise Institute, January 1, 2009. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

May 2, 2008

Lewis told Fox News that the idea of ExxonMobil and the Rockerfeller family moving investment to more green fuels was โ€œridiculousโ€:

โ€œThis idea that renewable fuels or alternative energy is the wave of the future is ridiculous,โ€ he said in the interview.30โ€œMarlo Lewis on ExxonMobil and the Rockefeller Family,โ€ YouTube Video uploaded by user Competitive Enterprise Institute, May 2, 2008. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

July 2007

Marlo Lewis was featured on a โ€œDebateโ€ at Fox News opposing David Roberts. Video below:

โ€œThe big question here is whether our children and our grandchildren will inherit a world that is energy rich, or energy poor,โ€ Lewis said. โ€œAnd if we put people like Al Gore in charge, and especially if we put Robert Kennedy in charge, this world is going to be put on an energy diet when much of the world is already energy starved.โ€31โ€œMarlo Lewis Debates Global Warming (7/11/07),โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user Competitive Enterprise Institute, July 12, 2007. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

June, 1998

Marlo Lewis delivered a June, 1998 testimony to the Committee on Small Business where he opposed the Kyoto Protocol:

โ€œThere is no a priori reason to assume that global warming, on net, would be harmful rather than beneficial,โ€ Lewis stated. โ€œMillions of Americaโ€™s senior citizens adapt to climate change every decade โ€“ when they move from the Snow Belt to the Sun Belt.โ€32โ€œTestimony before the Committee on Small Business, Hearing on the Kyoto Protocol,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, June 4, 1998. Archived July 4, 2002. URL:

โ€œYet precisely because carbon dioxide emissions may linger in the atmosphere for a century or longer, it makes no practical difference in the long run whether carbon withdrawal policies are implemented now or a decade or more from now.โ€33โ€œTestimony before the Committee on Small Business, Hearing on the Kyoto Protocol,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, June 4, 1998. Archived July 4, 2002. URL:

โ€œThe road to Hell, we all realize, is often paved with good intentions. The global warming debate illustrates that maxim very well; even a baby step on this destructive path should be avoided.โ€34โ€œTestimony before the Committee on Small Business, Hearing on the Kyoto Protocol,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, June 4, 1998. Archived July 4, 2002. URL:

Key Deeds

April 20, 2018

Lewis wrote an article before Earth Day titled โ€œThe Blessing of fossil fuels.โ€ โ€œAnthropogenic global warming is real. However, that doesnโ€™t mean the planet, and more important the people who inhabit it, are in peril,โ€ Lewis wrote at The Times and Democrat.35Marlo Lewis. โ€œBlessing of fossil fuels,โ€ Times and Democrat, April 20, 2018. Archived April 24, 2018. URL:

According to Lewis, climate change isn’t as bad as we thought:36Marlo Lewis. โ€œBlessing of fossil fuels,โ€ Times and Democrat, April 20, 2018. Archived April 24, 2018. URL:

โ€œThe warming rate is gradual and fairly constant, not rapid and accelerating, as itโ€™s often claimed. Climate change is not ‘worse than we thought,’ itโ€™s better than they told us,โ€ he wrote.37Marlo Lewis. โ€œBlessing of fossil fuels,โ€ Times and Democrat, April 20, 2018. Archived April 24, 2018. URL:

Lewis cites fossil fuel proponent Alex Epstein to argue for more fossil fuel use:38Marlo Lewis. โ€œBlessing of fossil fuels,โ€ Times and Democrat, April 20, 2018. Archived April 24, 2018. URL:

โ€œAs fossil fuel consumption increased, the environment became more livable and human civilization more sustainable. Thatโ€™s not a coincidence. Energy scholar Alex Epstein explains: human beings using fossil fuels did not take a safe climate and make it dangerous; they took a dangerous climate and made it safer.โ€39Marlo Lewis. โ€œBlessing of fossil fuels,โ€ Times and Democrat, April 20, 2018. Archived April 24, 2018. URL:

Lewis concluded:

โ€œThanks in no small part to fossil fuels, the world today is healthier, wealthier and safer than ever before in history. And thereโ€™s no evidence the economic and social progress is about to stop.

Unfortunately, most Earth Day protesters wonโ€™t see it this way โ€” even though the results are right in front of them.โ€40Marlo Lewis. โ€œBlessing of fossil fuels,โ€ Times and Democrat, April 20, 2018. Archived April 24, 2018. URL:

October 22, 2016

Marlo Lewis spoke at the 20th Annual National Conference on Private Property Rights held in Albany, NY.41โ€œTwentieth Annual National Conference on Private Property Rights,โ€ Property Rights Foundation of America, October 22, 2016. Archived November 5, 2016. URL:

DeSmog reported on Lewis’s talk, which was titled โ€œStanding for Accuracy About Global Warming.โ€ After Lewis argued that Obamaโ€™s Clean Power Plan and the signing of the Paris Agreement were equivalent to a โ€œburning of the constitution,โ€ he outlined the three main points of his presentation:42Justin Mikulka. โ€œInsights Into the Thinking of Trump Advisor Myron Ebellโ€™s Competitive Enterprise Institute on Climate Change,โ€ DeSmog, November 27, 2016.

โ€œOne is that however strong the scientific case may have appeared at one time for alarm about global warming, thereโ€™s really nothing to it.โ€

โ€œAnother key point that all of these folks forget about is that fossil fuels have actually done more to make our climate a livable system than any other force on this planet. If it werenโ€™t for fossil fuels our lives would all be nasty, brutal, and short.โ€

โ€œMy final point is that all of these emission reduction policies, which they claim are necessary to save the world, are one of two things. Theyโ€™re either all pain for no gain, in other words, theyโ€™re a highly costly exercise in symbolism, or theyโ€™re a cure thatโ€™s worse than the alleged disease. They are a humanitarian disaster in the making.โ€

Lewis then ran through a PowerPoint presentation โ€œdisprovingโ€ climate science.

โ€œThe other thing is if this were really the terrible crisis that we canโ€™t adapt to that they say, then the population shifts in the United States should have all been moving in the other direction, which is what my next slide shows. It shows that the states that are warmest are the states that have had the most rapid population growth over the last fifty years. People are voting with their feet by the millions to embrace and endure more climate warming in a short space of time than even these outlandish models predict will happen in a century. If you move from Albany to Florida or to Texas, the climate is really going to change for you.โ€

February 25, 2016

Marlo Lewis authored a โ€œpolicy paperโ€ (PDF) document claiming that the Paris Agreement is a treaty as opposed to an executive agreement. As a treaty, Lewis argues that it would be โ€œwould be dead on arrivalโ€ in the senate.43โ€œThe Paris Climate Agreement Is a Treaty Requiring Senate Review,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, February 24, 2016. Archived January 4, 2017. URL: 44โ€œThe Paris Climate Agreement Is a Treaty Requiring Senate Review,โ€ On Point No. 213 (February 24, 2016). Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

โ€œFar from being toothless, the Paris Agreement is the framework for a multi-decade global campaign of political pressure directed chiefly against Republican leaders, Red State voters, and the fossil fuel industry,โ€ Lewis warns. โ€œTo safeguard Americaโ€™s economic future and capacity for self-government, congressional leaders must expose Obamaโ€™s climate diplomacy as an attempted end-run around the Constitutionโ€™s treaty-making process.โ€45โ€œThe Paris Climate Agreement Is a Treaty Requiring Senate Review,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, February 24, 2016. Archived January 4, 2017. URL:

September 23, 2015

Marlo Lewis appeared on Fox Business to discuss EPA fuel standards and Volkswagen’s cheating on emissions tests.46โ€œMarlo Lewis discusses EPA fuel standards on Fox Business,โ€ YouTube Video uploaded by user Competitive Enterprise Institute, March 25, 2016. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

โ€œMaybe we also need to rethink the fuel economy standards, for example,โ€ he said, โ€œso that companies aren’t tempted to do this sort of thing.โ€

June 23, 2015

Marlo Lewis participated in a panel discussion hosted by the Heritage Foundation and moderated by David Kreutzer titled โ€œThe Social Cost of Carbon: A Controversial Tool for Misguided Policy.โ€ Climate Change deniers Jim Inhofe and Patrick Michaels also spoke on the panel. Lewis’s powerpoint presentation can also be viewed here (PDF).47Marlo Lewis. โ€œComputer-Aided Sophistry: My Power Point on the Social Cost of Carbon,โ€ Global, June 23, 2015. Archived January 2, 2017. URL: 48โ€œSocial Cost of Carbon: A Controversial Tool for Misguided Policy,โ€ The Heritage Foundation, June 23, 2015. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog. Archived January 2, 2017. URL: 49โ€œSocial Cost of Carbon: Computer-Aided Sophistry, Menace to Societyโ€ (PDF), Competitive Enterprise Institute, June 23, 2015. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

June 11โ€“12, 2015

Marlo Lewis appeared on Panel 4, โ€œThe Social Costs of Carbon Dioxideโ€ at the Heartland Institute‘s Tenth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC10) in Washington, DC.50โ€œMarlo Lewis, ICCC10 (Panel 4),โ€ International Conferences on Climate Change. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog. Archived January 2, 2017. URL:

September 22, 2014

Marlo Lewis took part in a media conference call where he advocated for the rollback of 2014 renewable fuel standard (RFS) targets. Others Lewis said were on the call included:51Marlo Lewis. โ€œOMB Should Uphold Proposed Rollback of 2014 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Targets,โ€ Global, September 22, 2014. Archived January 2, 2017. URL:

  • Kristin Sundell โ€” Director of Policy and Campaigns, Action Aid.
  • Former Senator Wayne Allard โ€” VP for Government Relations, American Motorcycle Association.
  • Nicole Wood โ€” Program Manager, Government Affairs, Boat U.S.
  • Ben Schreiber โ€” Climate and Energy Program Director, Friends of the Earth.
  • Emily Cassidy โ€” Biofuels Research Analyst, Environmental Working Group.
  • Nan Swift โ€” Federal Government Affairs Manager, National Taxpayers Union.

July 7โ€“9, 2014

Marlo Lewis was a speaker at the Heartland Institute‘s Ninth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC9) in Las Vegas, Nevada. His speech was titled โ€œIs a Carbon Tax a Conservative Idea Whose Time Has Come?โ€œ52โ€œMarlo Lewis, ICCC9,โ€ International Conferences on Climate Change. Archived January 2, 2017. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog. URL:

Lewis was also on a Q&A Panel with Ken Haapala and David Kreutzer:

November 7, 2013

Marlo Lewis testified at a public listening session at the EPA’s headquarters in Washington D.C. where he emphasized that coal power plants should not be shut down:53โ€œWhat I Told EPA at Its D.C. ‘Listening Session’,โ€ Global, November 8, 2013. Archived January 3, 2017. URL:

โ€œDonโ€™t use the guidelines either to shut down existing coal plants, or to enact a national clean energy standard through the regulatory back door,โ€ Lewis said in a summary of his comments. He added that the EPA needed to be careful that โ€œguidelines for reducing CO2 emissions from existing power plants do not adversely affect the economic viability of existing coal power plants.โ€54โ€œWhat I Told EPA at Its D.C. ‘Listening Session’,โ€ Global, November 8, 2013. Archived January 3, 2017. URL:

November 5, 2013

Marlo Lewis, Jr. outlines a global warming presentation that he gives to new interns at the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), teaching them the reasons why he believes that โ€œclimate change is not a ‘crisis’ or ‘planetary emergency.’โ€55โ€œUpdated Antidote to Climate Hysteria,โ€ Global, November 5, 2013. Archived January 3, 2017. URL:

In is presentation, titled โ€œClimate Change: Be Not Afraid!โ€ (PDF), Lewis cites the debunked โ€œglobal warming pause,โ€ says there is no link between extreme weather and climate change, and suggests that โ€œThe state of the world keeps improving as CO2 emissions increase.โ€56Marlo Lewis. โ€œClimate Change: Be Not Afraid!โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, November 6, 2013. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

August 26, 2011

According to Marlo Lewis, we should all โ€œloveโ€ the Keystone XL pipeline. He provided eight reasons in a post on the Cooler Head Coalition’s website. Excerpts below:57โ€œEight Reasons to Love the Keystone XL Pipeline,โ€, August 26, 2011. Archived January 2, 2016. URL:

โ€œA win for Keystone XL is a defeat for the global warming movement. Green groups view Keystone as an opportunity to regain momentum and offset their losses after the death of cap-and-trade. If friends of affordable energy win this fight, which seems likely, the greenhouse lobby will take another hit to its prestige, morale, and influence.

Keystone XL strains relations between Obama and his environmentalist base. If Obama approves the pipeline, greenies will be less motivated to work for his re-election. If he disapproves, Republicans and moderate Democrats will hammer him for killing job creation and increasing pain at the pump. Either way, the prospects for new anti-energy legislation should be dimmer.

Keystone XL is bringing aging, New Lefties out of the woodwork, where they can misbehave and get themselves arrested.โ€

August 10, 2011

When he made a trip to Canada to view the existing Keystone pipeline. Lewis documented his trip in a post at the Cooler Heads Coalition website in a post titled โ€œMy Excellent Journey to Canadaโ€™s Oil Sands.โ€58Marlo Lewis. โ€œMy Excellent Journey to Canadaโ€™s Oil Sands,โ€, August 10, 2011. Archived January 2, 2016. URL:

March 8โ€“10, 2009

Marlo Lewis was a speaker at the Heartland Institute‘s Second International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC2) in New York. His speech was titled โ€œEconomic Train Wreck: Regulating CO2 Emissions Under the Clean Air Act.โ€59โ€œMarlo Lewis, ICCC2,โ€ International Conferences on Climate Change. Archived January 2, 2017. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog. URL:

DeSmog researched the funding behind Heartland’s Second International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC2) and found sponsor organizations had received over $47 million in funding from energy companies and right-wing foundations, with 78% of that total coming from Scaife Family Foundations.60โ€œHeartland Institute’s 2009 Climate Conference in New York: funding history of the sponsors,โ€ Desmog.

February 2009

Marlo Lewis appeared on CNN to debate global warming policy with Kert Davies from Greenpeace. Video and partial transcript below.61โ€œMarlo Lewis Debates Global Warming,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user Competitive Enterprise Institute, February 3, 2009. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

Commentator: โ€œIs it the case that you don’t believe in global warming at all, or do you consider it merely to be global alarmism?โ€

Marlo Lewis: โ€œI do believe there is global warming, although global warming has slowed down over the last decade, which I think is interesting because none of the climate models used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to forecast global warming over the 21st century anticipated a roughly 10 year period with no net global warming. Which suggest that those models may be too sensitive or too hot.โ€

C: โ€œIf it’s slowed, by which mechanism are you using to evaluate that?โ€

ML: โ€œThe Hadley data and the data which is land-surface data mostly. And also the Alabama-Huntsville satellite data. So two datasets confirm that basically there’s basically been no net warming since 2001. And or none since 1998 if you want to include a year with a very big El Nino.

C: โ€œOk, now Kert Davis From Greenpeace, I expect you’re going to disagree with that. Do you believe that global warming has stagnated or almost slowed since 2001?

Kurt Davies: โ€œNo. Marlo, people living in the real world see global warming every day and in fact what the science is telling us is that it’s worse than we thought. All of the modelling projects exactly what we’re seeing. That is, extremes in weather, extremes heat waves like we’re seeing in the winter in California, loss of snow cover, the protracted drought in the southeast in the United States. And all around the worldโ€”extreme typhoons, hurricanesโ€”things are getting worse, not better.

It’s also a misnomer to look at just warming. In fact, the warming is worse at the poles. We’re watching the icecaps break apart, polar bears are being left without ice to walk and feed and live on. And this is affecting people in their lives. Farmers are not planting crops in California this year. That means the food supply is threatened. In fact, what the IPCC found was that poor people around the world are going to be affected first and worst by global warming. That means their lives are at risk. It’s a dangerous distraction to say that global warming does not affect people or is not as bad as we think it is.โ€

C: โ€œKert Davies, so presumably then you’re not going for Marlo Lewis’s assertion about the kind of data that he follows and recommends.โ€

KD: โ€œMarlo Lewis is not a scientist. He comes from a think tank that also worked for the tobacco industry to deny that smoking causes damage. He took money from Exxon for over a decadeโ€”two million dollars plusโ€”even Exxon dropped Competitive Enterprise Institute from its funding ranks because they were out of touch with reality.โ€62โ€œMarlo Lewis Debates Global Warming,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user Competitive Enterprise Institute, February 3, 2009. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.


Marlo Lewis was one of the โ€œexpertsโ€ to appear in a video funded by the Cascade Policy Institute titled โ€œClimate Chains.โ€ Cascade describes the video as โ€œ22-minute documentary that exposes extreme environmentalism and the misguided pursuit of cap-and-trade legislation. Climate Chains not only explains the dangers of this legislation but offers an alternative to top-down regulation in the form of free market environmentalism.โ€63โ€œAbout Climate Chains,โ€ Climate Chains. Archived October 20, 2009. URL:

The full list of experts was as follows:64โ€œAbout the Experts,โ€ Climate Chains. Archived October 21, 2009. URL:

June 25, 2008

Marlo Lewis testified before the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming (PDF), arguing against fuel economy standards. Some notable quotes below.65โ€œStatement of Marlo Lewisโ€ (PDF), Competitive Enterprise Institute, June 25, 2008. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

โ€œThe new mpg standards enacted in December 2007 will do nothing to measurably cool the atmosphere.โ€

โ€œGlobal warming policies can adversely affect human health and life expectancy.โ€

[โ€ฆ] Please note, I am not saying that global warming is a myth or that there are no health, environment, and safety risks associated with climate change. What I am saying is that there are also risks associated with global warming policy.โ€

โ€œThe global warming debate suffers from a profound lack of balance. Proponents of carbon suppression policies spotlight, trumpet, and even exaggerate the risks of climate change but ignore or deny the risks of climate change policy.

This one-sided perspective dominates recent attempts to link global warming to national security concerns. The remotest possibility of abrupt climate change is seized upon as a rationale for policies with enormous potential to harm people, the economy, and, indeed, national security. This hearing will have served a valuable purpose if it begins to redress the balance.โ€

March 2โ€“4, 2008

Marlo Lewis was a speaker at the Heartland Institute‘s First International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC1) in New York. His speech was titled โ€œThe Economic and Regulatory Perils of Massachusetts v. EPA.โ€66โ€œMarlo Lewis, ICCC1,โ€ International Conferences on Climate Change. Archived January 2, 2017. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog. URL:

October 12, 2007

Marlo Lewis appeared on CNBC where he discussed his โ€œSkeptic’s Guideโ€ to An Inconvenient Truthโ€ and Al Gore’s Nobel Peace Prize.67โ€œMarlo Lewis Discusses Al Gore & the Nobel Prize (10/12/07),โ€ YouTube Video uploaded by user Competitive Enterprise Institute, Oct 15, 2007. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

โ€œA preponderance of scientists do believe that the recent warming, the warming of the past 30 years, is largely the result of the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere,โ€ Lewis admitted. โ€œI would say that most scientists, though, understandโ€”even if they don’t publicly sayโ€”that there isn’t a whole lot we can do about it.โ€

Lewis also appeared on CNN to further discuss why he believes that Al Gore does not deserve the Peace Prize:68โ€œMarlo Lewis on Al Gore’s Nobel Peace Prize 2 (10/12/07),โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user Competitive Enterprise Institute, October 12, 2007. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

โ€œAn Inconvenient Truth is basically a lawyer’s brief for a political agenda. It’s completely one-sided. Gore only mentioned or cites studies that support his point of view, then he exaggerates in many cases the evidence that he presents, โ€ Lewis said. โ€œHe is presenting global warming as a planetary emergency [โ€ฆ] and that is simply not based on science.โ€

August 20, 2007

Marlo Lewis testified in the Senate before the Environment and Public Works Committee. Video and partial transcript below.69โ€œMarlo Lewis Testifies in the Senate on Global Warming,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user Competitive Enterprise Institute on Aug 20, 2007. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

โ€œJonah Goldberg, the columnist, notes that the earth warned about 0.7 degrees Celsius in the 20th century while global GDP increased by some 1800 percent.

For the sake of argument, says Goldberg, lets agree that all of the warming was anthropogenic; the result of economic activity. And let’s further stipulate that the warming produced no benefits, only harms. That’s still an amazing bargain, Goldberg remarks.

Average life expectancies doubled in the 20th century. The human population nearly quadrupled, yet per-capita food supplies increased. Literacy, medicine, measure, and even in many respects the environment improved, at least in the prosperous west.

This suggests a thought experiment. Suppose you had the power to travel and time and impose carbon caps on previous generations. How much growth would you be willing to sacrifice to avoid how many tenths of a degree of warming? Would humanity be better off today if the twentieth century had half as much warming, but also a half or a third, or even a quarter less growth? I doubt anyone on this committee would say yes.

A poorer planet would also be a hungrier, sicker planet. Many of us might not even be alive. How much future growth are you willing to sacrifice to mitigate global warming? That is not an idle question.โ€

[โ€ฆ] โ€œRegulatory climate strategies put the policy cart before the technology horse.โ€70โ€œMarlo Lewis Testifies in the Senate on Global Warming,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user Competitive Enterprise Institute on Aug 20, 2007. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

August 15, 2007

Marlo Lewis appeared on NBC News In-Depth to talk about climate change.71โ€œMarlo Lewis on Global Warming Skeptics (8/15/07),โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user Competitive Enterprise Institute, August 23, 2007. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

Discussing funding from the oil industry including companies like ExxonMobil which funded the Competitive Enterprise Institute, Lewis said:

โ€œWe don’t take that position because they invest. It’s the other way around. And any environmental group that is honest and has any familiarity with us knows that to be the case.โ€

May 2, 2007

Marlo Lewis appeared appeared on Glenn Beck’s special โ€œExposed: The Climate of Fear,โ€ a program that contended climate change was not a man-made ecological crisis.72โ€œExposed: The Climate of Fear,โ€ SourceWatch. URL:

March, 2007

Marlo Lewis published a โ€œCongressional Working Paperโ€ titled โ€œA Skeptic’s Guide to An Inconvenient Truthโ€ (PDF) with the Competitive Enterprise Institute. The paper describes Al Gore’s film as โ€œScience Fiction.โ€73Marlo Lewis, Jr. โ€œAl Gore’s Science Fiction: A Skeptic’s Guide to An Inconvenient Truthโ€ (PDF), Competitive Enterprise Institute. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

Along with the paper, Lewis also released โ€œA Skeptic’s Primerโ€ on the film, and a so-called โ€œguideโ€ to supposed โ€œDistortions, Misleading Statements, Exaggerations, and Errorsโ€ in the film.74Marlo Lewis. โ€œA Skepticโ€™s Primer on Al Goreโ€™s An Inconvenient Truthโ€ (PDF), CEI on Point, March 15, 2007. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. 75Marlo Lewis, Jr. โ€œSome Convenient Distortionโ€ (PDF), CEI On Point, March 16, 2007. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

For example, Marlo Lewis claims that Gore failed to note the โ€œenvironmental, health, and economic benefits of climatic warmth and the ongoing rise in the airโ€™s carbon dioxide (CO2) content,โ€ a common myth among climate change skeptics.76Marlo Lewis, Jr. โ€œSome Convenient Distortionโ€ (PDF), CEI On Point, March 16, 2007. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

January 26, 2003

Marlo Lewis co-wrote a letter to President Bush with Fred Smith, discouraging Bush from supporting the McCain-Lieberman bill that would have regulated carbon dioxide emissions. Signatories represented a range of climate change denial think tanks and conservative foundations:77Fred L. Smith, Jr. โ€œCEI’s Fred Smith and Marlo Lewis Send Coalition Letter To President Bush On The Proposed Greenhouse Gas Registry,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, January 26, 2003. Archived January 3, 2017. URL:

October 2, 2002

Lewis co-wrote an open letter with Fred L. Smith, Jr. to President Bush opposing GHG reduction credit. The letter expresses concern โ€œthat the Administrationโ€™s plan to award regulatory credits for ‘voluntary’ greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions will strengthen pro-Kyoto forces here at home โ€“ interests adverse to your supply-side economic and energy policies.โ€78Marlo Lewis, Jr. and Fred L. Smith, Jr. โ€œAn Open Letter To President Bush About His Plan To Award Regulatory Credits For ‘Voluntary’ Greenhouse Gas Reductions,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, October 2, 2002. Archived November 9, 2002. URL:

July 1, 2002

Lewis gave a speech titled โ€œPrecautionary Foolishness,โ€ where he attempts to โ€œchallenge the pro-Kyoto coalition’s strongest argument in favor of an international climate treaty. This is the argument that, โ€˜if we do it smart,โ€โ€™ Kyoto will provide low-cost planet insurance for present and future generations.โ€79Marlo Lewis, Jr. โ€œPRECAUTIONARY FOOLISHNESS,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, July 1, 2000. Archived November 27, 2002. URL:

Lewis said that โ€œthe Precautionary Principle is incoherent, an ethical empty suit.โ€œ80Marlo Lewis, Jr. โ€œPRECAUTIONARY FOOLISHNESS,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, July 1, 2000. Archived November 27, 2002. URL:

โ€œ[D]o we have more to fear from Kyoto than from global warming itself? The purpose of the Precautionary Principle is to sweep such questions under the rug,โ€ he said.81Marlo Lewis, Jr. โ€œPRECAUTIONARY FOOLISHNESS,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, July 1, 2000. Archived November 27, 2002. URL:

On the subject of global warming, Lewis suggests that we have little to fear and goes on to discuss the science and he sees it:82Marlo Lewis, Jr. โ€œPRECAUTIONARY FOOLISHNESS,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, July 1, 2000. Archived November 27, 2002. URL:

โ€œA variety of empirical evidence suggests we have little or nothing to fear,โ€œ Lewis begins. โ€œ[M]uch of this century’s modest warming may be due to natural causes such as changes in solar energy output. Second, since the models overestimate the warming of the past 100 years, they likely also overestimate the warming of the next hundred years.83Marlo Lewis, Jr. โ€œPRECAUTIONARY FOOLISHNESS,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, July 1, 2000. Archived November 27, 2002. URL:

โ€œFrom such facts, we may conclude that the climate system is probably less โ€œsensitiveโ€ to โ€˜greenhouse forcingโ€™ than the climate models assume.โ€84Marlo Lewis, Jr. โ€œPRECAUTIONARY FOOLISHNESS,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, July 1, 2000. Archived November 27, 2002. URL:

When it comes to extreme weather events, he defers to fellow climate change deniers for evidence of a lack of connection:85Marlo Lewis, Jr. โ€œPRECAUTIONARY FOOLISHNESS,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, July 1, 2000. Archived November 27, 2002. URL:

โ€œWhat about extreme weather events, melting ice sheets, and the spread of tropical diseases? Here I would simply refer you to the work of hurricane scientists like Chris Landsea and William Gray, glaciologists like Howard Conway, and infectious disease experts like Paul Reiter. During the past fifty years, the period of the most rapid increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, the frequency and intensity of Atlantic hurricanes have declined.โ€86Marlo Lewis, Jr. โ€œPRECAUTIONARY FOOLISHNESS,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, July 1, 2000. Archived November 27, 2002. URL:

June 5, 2002

Writing on behalf of the CEI, Lewis urged President Bush to reconsider his proposal on Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Program, established under section 1605(b) of the 1992 Energy Policy Act:87Marlo Lewis, Jr. โ€œCEI Comments On The Department Of Energy’s Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reporting Proposal,โ€œ Competitive Enterprise Institute, June 5, 2002. Archived November 27, 2002. URL:

โ€œA crediting program would energize and expand the โ€œgreenhouse lobbyโ€ โ€“ the coalition of politicians, advocacy groups, and companies supporting the Kyoto Protocol and kindred energy rationing policies,โ€ Lewis said.88Marlo Lewis, Jr. โ€œCEI Comments On The Department Of Energy’s Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reporting Proposal,โ€œ Competitive Enterprise Institute, June 5, 2002. Archived November 27, 2002. URL:

September 25, 2002

Marlo Lewis co-authored an open letter with Myron Ebell to select senators, attempting to convince them to oppose the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), which they describe as โ€œa regressive and coercive policy.โ€89Myron Ebell and Marlo Lewis, Jr. โ€œAn Open Letter To Selected Senators On Their Support For The Renewable Portfolio Standard,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute. Archived November 5, 2002. URL:

July 29, 1998

Marlo Lewis testified on behalf of the Competitive Enterprise Institute to the House Small Business Committee on โ€œWhy Kyoto Is Not an Insurance Policy.โ€90โ€œTestimony on Why Kyoto Is Not an Insurance Policy, House Small Business Committee,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, July 29, 1998. Archived July 2, 2002. URL:

According to Lewis, โ€œThere are several reasons why we shouldnโ€™t worry about global warming.โ€ He adds โ€œthe probability of catastrophic warming is low. Indeed, it is not clear global warming is something we should prevent, even if that were easy and cost little. Spending trillions to avoid better weather and a greener planet would make no sense at all.โ€91โ€œTestimony on Why Kyoto Is Not an Insurance Policy, House Small Business Committee,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, July 29, 1998. Archived July 2, 2002. URL:

โ€œIn candid moments, Administration spokespersons will admit that the theory of catastrophic warming has not been validated by experimental or empirical evidence,โ€ Lewis claimed. โ€œTheyโ€™ll concede that scientists know too little about the underlying physics, that computer models are too slow, and that the evidence is too conflicted, to permit a genuine resolution of the global warming debate. In other words, theyโ€™ll admit, at least privately, that the science supporting the Kyoto Protocol isnโ€™t really clear, compelling, or โ€˜settled.โ€™ But they donโ€™t see this as a great liability. Indeed, in their view, our very ignorance about the extent of human influence on the climate system is reason enough to justify an enterprise like the Kyoto Protocol.โ€92โ€œTestimony on Why Kyoto Is Not an Insurance Policy, House Small Business Committee,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, July 29, 1998. Archived July 2, 2002. URL:

In another testimony document, dated June 1998, Lewis argues that there is โ€œno a priori reason to assume that global warming, on net, would be harmful rather than beneficial.โ€93โ€œTestimony on Why Kyoto Is Not an Insurance Policy, House Small Business Committee,โ€ Competitive Enterprise Institute, July 29, 1998. Archived July 2, 2002. URL:


Social Media


Marlo Lewis, Jr. has written for several publications including Tech Central Station (TCS), Washington Times, Investors Business Daily, the National Review and Interpretation, a journal of political philosophy.

Sample Publications

Selection of Cooler Heads Coalition Posts by Marlo Lewis

Other Resources


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