Patrick J. Michaels
- S.M. Biology, University of Chicago (1975).1“Patrick Michaels CV Plain Text File-Climate Change Guide/Skeptics and Contrarians,” Society of Environmental Journalists. Archived July 16, 2011. URL:
- Biological Sciences, University of Chicago (1971).2“Patrick Michaels CV Plain Text File-Climate Change Guide/Skeptics and Contrarians,” Society of Environmental Journalists. Archived July 16, 2011. URL:
- Special Graduate Committee on Ecological Climatology (1979).3“Patrick Michaels CV Plain Text File-Climate Change Guide/Skeptics and Contrarians,” Society of Environmental Journalists. Archived July 16, 2011. URL:
Patrick J. Michaels was a senior fellow in the Center for Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute.4“Patrick J. Michaels: Senior Fellow in Environmental Studies,” Cato Institute. Archived October 25, 2016. He died on July 15, 2022.5Emily Langer. “Patrick Michaels, outspoken climate change contrarian, dies at 72,” Washington Post, July 19, 2022. Archive URL:
He was formerly director of the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute6“Patrick J. Michaels: Senior Fellow in Environmental Studies,” Cato Institute. Archived October 25, 2016. URL: but left in 2019 following disagreements with officials in the organization, E&E News reported.7“Cato closes its climate shop; Pat Michaels is out,” E&E News, May 29, 2019. Archived May 30, 2019. URL: Michaels is a regular commentator on climate change issues on Fox News and other conservative news outlets.8“Scientist: Global Warming Evidence, Claims Exaggerated,” Fox News, February 25, 2009. Archived October 25, 2016. URL: 9“Patrick J. Michaels,” Competitive Enterprise Institute. Archived September 6, 2019. URL:
He also writes regularly for Forbes, contributes opinion articles to US newspapers and has written several books critical of climate change science and the risks of rising greenhouse gas emissions. Michaels’ columns often suggest climate scientists who accept the risks of rising greenhouse gas emissions are influenced by the availability of taxpayer funds.10“Contributor: Patrick Michaels,” Forbes. URL:
Mother Jones magazine reported in 2010 that “Michaels’ credibility on climate is called into question by a trove of documents from a 2007 court case that attracted almost no scrutiny at the time. Those documents show that Michaels has financial ties to big energy interests—ties that he’s worked hard to keep secret.”11Kate Sheppard. “Most Credible Climate Skeptic Not So Credible After All,” Mother Jones, February 26, 2010. URL:
In a leaked 2006 memo of the Intermountain Rural Electric Association (IREA), Michaels is listed as a recipient of at least $100,000 from IREA to combat global warming “alarmists.” The IREA memo outlines a coordinated strategy by Koch Industries, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, Michaels, and other key groups. “We have met with Koch, CEI and Dr. Michaels, and they meet among themselves periodically to discuss their activities,” NERA‘s General Manager Stan Lewandowski wrote.12IREA Letter (PDF), July 17, 2006. retrieved from The Public Interest Network. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
E&E News reported in the summer of 2019 that Michaels had joined the CO2 Coalition, a pro-CO2 group founded by William Happer.13Scott Waldman. “Former Cato climate critic lands at pro-CO2 group,” ClimateWire, August 5, 2019. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
New Hope Environmental Services
Patrick Michaels founded the consulting firm New Hope Environmental Services. Michaels described (PDF) the firm’s purpose as to “publicize findings on climate change and scientific and social perspectives that may not otherwise appear in the popular literature or media. This entails both response research and public commentary.”14“Green Mountain Chrysler Plymouth Dodge Jeep, et al. Plantiffs v. George crombie, et al. Defendants, Greenpeace, Inc. Intervenor” (PDF), United States District Court (District of Vermont) Case 2:05-cv-00302-wks, Document 521-4 (Filed 07/06/2007), Docket Nos. 02:25-CV-302, 02:05-CV-305 (Consolidated). Retrieved from
SourceWatch describes New Hope Environmental Services as “in effect … a PR firm.” New Hope is secretive about its funding sources, and fought a Greenpeace motion seeking disclosure. It is known to have received funds from electrical utilities in the past.15“New Hope Environmental Services,” SourceWatch. URL:
New Hope Environmental Services also ran a climate change bulletin titled The World Climate Report which was edited by Patrick Michaels and funded by coal group Western Fuels Association.16“Subscription Information,” Archived April 18, 1997. URL:
Analysis of the tax records of the Cato Institute found that in 2006 and 2007 the think tank paid Michaels’ New Hope more than $240,000 in fees.17Bob Burton. “The Cato Institute’s Generous Funding of Patrick Michaels,” PRWatch, May 24, 2009. URL:
Patrick Michaels & Tobacco
Pat Michaels was a “member scientist” and “individual supporter” at The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASCC), an organisation created and funded by the tobacco industry to fight anti-tobacco legislation.18“Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASSC) Supporters List,” June 30, 1993. Bates Number 2024233615/3618.
Michaels was also an “Academic Member” of the European Science and Environment Forum (ESEF), a group created by the tobacco industry to frame legitimate science as “junk science” on matters pertaining to health and environment, particularly secondhand smoke health impacts. Michaels was listed as an academic member on the ESEF‘s March 1998 working paper titled “Environmental Tobacco Smoke Revisited: The reliability of the evidence for risk of lung cancer and cardiovascular disease.”19“Environmental Tobacco Smoke Revisited: The reliability of the evidence for risk of lung cancer and cardiovascular disease.” Working paper produced by the European Science and Environment Forum, March 1998. Michaels is listed as an “academic member” of ESEF on pg. 30.
Fossil Fuel Funding
Patrick Michaels once estimated that “40 percent” of his funding comes from the oil industry.20Brad Johnson. “Cato’s Pat Michaels admits 40 percent of funding comes from big oil,” ThinkProgress, August 16, 2010. URL:
Stance on Climate Change
December 8, 2016
“Probably the best solution is to do nothing, because doing nothing is doing something.”21“Part 3 – At the Crossroads III: Energy and Climate Policy Summit,” YouTube video uploaded by user The Heritage Foundation, December 9, 2016. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
“Surface temperatures are indeed increasing slightly: They’ve been going up, in fits and starts, for more than 150 years, or since a miserably cold and pestilential period known as the Little Ice Age. Before carbon dioxide from economic activity could have warmed us up, temperatures rose three-quarters of a degree Fahrenheit between 1910 and World War II. They then cooled down a bit, only to warm again from the mid-1970s to the late ’90s, about the same amount as earlier in the century.”22Patrick J. Michaels. “The Climate Snow Job,” Wall Street Journal, January 24, 2016. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
“It’s hardly news that human beings have had a hand in the planetary warming that began more than 30 years ago. For nearly a century, scientists have known that increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide would eventually result in warming that was most pronounced in winter, especially on winter’s coldest days, and a cooling of the stratosphere. All of these have been observed… .
“… the best policy is to live with some modest climate change now and encourage economic development, which will generate the capital necessary for investment in the more efficient technologies of the future.”23“Live with Climate Change,” USA Today, February 2, 2007. Republished by the Cato Institute. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
Key Quotes
October 22, 2018
During an episode of the Fox News program “Life, Liberty & Levin” with Mark Levin, Michaels declared:24“Dr. Patrick Michaels on the truth about global warming,” Fox News, October 22, 2018. Archived October 24, 2018. URL:
“The polar bears are saving themselves. They’re growing in numbers.”
December 8, 2016
“You properly account for the fact that the earth is getting greener, the more co2 we put in—you can see it on satellite—it is God’s getting greener Earth. If you account for all of those, what happens is the social cost of carbon becomes the social benefit of carbon.”25“Part 3 – At the Crossroads III: Energy and Climate Policy Summit,” YouTube video uploaded by user The Heritage Foundation, December 9, 2016. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
December, 2016
“[Trump’s] nomination of Scott Pruitt is further evidence that the president-elect is serious, and circumstantial evidence that the influence of Al Gore’s recent visit was of little consequence.”26Patrick Michaels. “Trump’s EPA pick will make Obama regret his environmental overreach,” The Hill, December 8, 2016. Archived December 9, 2016. URL:
April 27, 2015
Patrick Michaels published a piece in the National Review one day prior to a meeting between Pope Francis and the Secretary-General at the Vatican to dicuss climate change. Michaels writes:
“The conference also has a moral duty to examine the corruption of science that can be caused by massive amounts of money. The United States has disbursed tens of billions of dollars to climate scientists who would not have received those funds had their research shown climate change to be beneficial or even modest in its effects. Are these scientists being tempted by money? And are the very, very few climate scientists whose research is supported by industry somehow less virtuous?”27Patrick J. Michaels. “If the Pope Wants to Have a Truly Moral Climate-Change Debate, Here Are a Few Ideas,” The National Review, April 27, 2015. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
June 3, 2014
Patrick Michaels wrote an opinion piece in The Washington Times one day following the EPA‘s release of its Clean Power Plan Proposed Rule:
“The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) own computer model easily shows that President Obama’s proposed regulations would reduce global warming by around 0.02 of a degree Celsius by the year 2100. Actually, the true number is probably even smaller because that calculation assumes a future rate of warming — there hasn’t been any for 17 years now — quite a bit higher than it is likely to be.”28Patrick Michaels, “Obama’s cold political calculus on global warming,” The Washington Times, June 3, 2014. Archived June 11, 2014. URL:
August 22, 2013
“The U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is nearing the final stages of its Fifth Assessment Report (AR5)—the latest, greatest version of its assessment of the science of climate change. Information is leaking out, with some regularity, as to what the final report will contain (why it is secretive in the first place is beyond us).”29Patrick J. Michaels. “IPCC Choose Option No. 3,” Cato Institute, August 22, 2013. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
The IPCC has three options: 1. Round-file the entire AR5 as it now stands and start again. 2. Release the current AR5 with a statement that indicates that all the climate change and impacts described within are likely overestimated by around 50%, or 3. Do nothing and mislead policymakers and the rest of the world. We’re betting on door number 3.”30Patrick J. Michaels. “IPCC Ar5 is in Real Trouble, Cato Institute, July 26, 2013. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
“Reports of rapid disintegration of Greenland’s ice ignore the fact that the region was warmer than it is now for several decades in the early 20th century, before humans could have had much influence on climate. Similar stories concerning Antarctica neglect the fact that the net temperature trend in recent decades is negative, or that warming the surrounding ocean can serve only to enhance snowfall, resulting in a gain in ice. Global warming affects hurricanes in both positive and negative fashions, and there is no relationship between the severity of storms and ocean-surface temperature, once a commonly exceeded threshold temperature is reached. Reports of massive species extinction also turn out to be impressively flawed.”31“Is the Sky Really Falling? A Review of Recent Global Warming Scare Stories,” Cato Institute, Policy Analysis no. 576 (August 23, 2006). Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
May 1, 2001
Patrick Michaels published an article in the Virginia Viewpoint, a publication of the Virginia Institute for Public Policy, titled “Win The Kyoto Fight, Save Your Money.”32“Win The Kyoto Fight, Save Your Money,” Virginia Viewpoint, May 1, 2001 (No. 2001-2). Archived February 6, 2016. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmogBlog. URL:
Michaels makes the following assertions:
- “Kyoto does nothing.”
- “Kyoto costs a fortune.”
- “Global warming is overblown. […] historical records show that about two-thirds of this warming will be
in the cold portion of the year, and the lion’s share will be in the coldest, most deadly air. Does this sound like something we should spend a fortune trying to stop?”
- “Kyoto is fiscally irresponsible. “
- “Kyoto would harm the environment. […] the feds are likely to take the taxes meant to force us to stop burning gasoline, and literally throw them at windmills, or burn them in one of our dumbest technologies (because it can’t ever work on a large scale), solar energy.”
In conclusion, Michaels says “[W]e could just save our dough because the climate change issue is an overblown bunch of hooey, which is why President Bush killed Kyoto.“33“Win The Kyoto Fight, Save Your Money,” Virginia Viewpoint, May 1, 2001 (No. 2001-2). Archived February 6, 2016. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmogBlog. URL:
In a short film funded in part by the Western Fuels Association, Michaels said: “People have to understand that the entire global climate change hysteria is driven by computer models; it is not driven by reality. Reality is not warming up like those models said it would.”
Key Deeds
September 24, 2020
Appearing in Marc Morano’s 2020 film Climate Hustle 2: Rise of the Climate Monarchy, produced by the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), Michaels criticised renewable energy, stating:34Climate Hustle 2: Rise of the Climate Monarchy. CFACT/ CDR Communications, Inc., 2020
“The fact is a modern society requires dense energy. Solar energy is diverse and diffuse. Wind is diverse, diffuse, and ugly.” Michaels claimed renewable energy advocates live “in a fact-free environment.”
January 8, 2020
During bushfires in Australia, Michaels co-wrote an article entitled “Australian wildfires were caused by humans, not climate change” in the Washington Examiner with Myron Ebell, also of the Competitive Enterprise Institute.35Mat Hope. “These Climate Science Deniers are Spreading Misinformation about the Australian Bushfires,” DeSmog, January 9, 2020. They said: “it’s very convenient for alarmist greens to blame the fires of Australia and California on global warming. In reality, the policies they themselves advocate are the culprits.” They argued that governments had been pressured into pursuing “bad [land] management policies” by environmental groups.36Patrick Michaels & Myron Ebell. “Australian wildfires were caused by humans, not climate change,” Washington Examiner, January 8, 2020. Archived January 15, 2020. URL:
Claims that environmental policies and arson were to blame for the bushfires have been debunked, though they continue to be propagated by social media bots and fringe websites such as Alex Jones’s InfoWars.37Mat Hope. “These Climate Science Deniers are Spreading Misinformation about the Australian Bushfires,” DeSmog, January 9, 2020.
September 23, 2019
Michaels appeared at a Heartland Institute panel discussion in New York City also featuring David Legates and Willie Soon, and moderated by John Stossel. The event was live-streamed to coincide with the UN’s Climate Summit and was announced with the tag line: “It’s time for both sides to make the case: What is happening to our climate and what can we do about it?”38“Climate Challenge: Bright Lights, Big City … Bigger Debate,” Heartland Institute, September 13, 2019. Archived September 13, 2019. URL: Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
During the discussion, Michaels said:
“What we have is a community that is extremely conformist. And certainly the pressures of monopoly funding provided by the federal government for essentially only one side of the issue will ensure that there’s a consensus. And someday something is going to happen to this and 97% of all scientists concerned are going to believe something else.”39“Climate Challenge: Bright Lights, Big City … Bigger Debate,” Heartland Institute, September 13, 2019. Archived September 13, 2019. URL: Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
September 19, 2019
Michaels spoke at an event at Georgetown University designed to rebut a nearby official climate change debate forum for 2020 Democratic presidential candidates.40Jenni Fink. “Georgetown College Republicans Host Rebuttal to Climate Forum Featuring 2020 Candidates,” Newsweek, September 19, 2019. Archived September 19, 2019. URL:
The rebuttal forum, sponsored by the Georgetown University College Republicans, also featured Marc Morano, CFACT’s Paul Driessen, Kenny Stein of the Institute for Energy Research, and Caleb Rossiter of the CO2 Coalition.41“Climate Forum: A Rebuttal,” Facebook, September 19, 2019. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
GUCR advertised the event on Facebook as “bringing five climate policy &[sic] climate science experts to provide an alternative perspective.”42“Climate Forum: A Rebuttal,” Facebook, September 19, 2019. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
As the forum began, student protesters disrupted the proceedings, causing campus police to remove everyone from the room. The event resumed when college staff prohibited protesters from holding signs, and with the promise of removal if they continued to disrupt the speakers.43Riley Rogerson. “College Republicans’ Climate Forum Rebuttal Met With Protests,” The Hoya, September 20, 2019. Archived September 25, 2019. URL: 44Annemarie Cuccia, Sarah Watson. “Protesters Disrupt Rebuttal to Climate Change Forum,” The Georgetown Voice, September 19, 2019. Archived September 20, 2019. URL:
August 2019
E&E News reported Michaels had joined the CO2 Coalition as a full-time employee. Michaels told E&E News that he had been essentially forced out of his role at the Cato institute. As a senior fellow at the CO2 Coalition, Michaels will “contribute to the group’s effort to help members of Congress question climate science,” Scott Waldman reported at E&E News.45Scott Waldman. “Former Cato climate critic lands at pro-CO2 group,” ClimateWire, August 5, 2019. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
“Obviously, it gives us a lot of credibility at least in the right-leaning space because he’s so prominent as a climatologist,” CO2 Coalition executive director Caleb Rossiter said of Michaels.46Scott Waldman. “Former Cato climate critic lands at pro-CO2 group,” ClimateWire, August 5, 2019. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
May 2019
E&E News reported Michaels had left the Cato institute earlier in the year, following disagreements with officials in the organization.47“Cato closes its climate shop; Pat Michaels is out,” E&E News, May 29, 2019. Archived May 30, 2019. URL:
“They informed me that they didn’t think their vision of a think tank was in the science business, and so I said, ‘OK, bye,’” Michaels said in an interview with E&E News on May 28. “There had been some controversy going around the building for some time, so things got to a situation where they didn’t work out.”48“Cato closes its climate shop; Pat Michaels is out,” E&E News, May 29, 2019. Archived May 30, 2019. URL:
A spokeswoman said that the closing of the Center for the Study of Science did not signify a change in Cato’s views regarding climate change.
“While it is true that, with the departure of Pat Michaels, we have deactivated our Center for the Study of Science, we continue to work on science policy issues,” Khristine Brookes, the spokeswoman, wrote in an email to E&E News.
March 20, 2019
Michaels was a guest speaker at an event titled “Climate Change: An Alternative Perspective and Policy Implications of Uncertainty,” hosted by the Faith and Public Policy Group in McLean, VA.49“Does the grass get greener when a ‘lukewarmer’ is in your backyard?,”, March 22, 2019. Archived March 22, 2019. URL:
During the presentation he repeated many of his past assertions about the exaggeration of climate change warnings, the beneficial effects of increased CO2 and warming, and the ability of humans to adapt to a changing climate.50“Does the grass get greener when a ‘lukewarmer’ is in your backyard?,”, March 22, 2019. Archived March 22, 2019. URL:
Confronted by an audience member who claimed that Michaels worked for the Koch-funded Heartland Institute and was therefore compromised by fossil fuel money, Michaels was paraphrased as replying:
“No, I work at CATO. We’re quite different. You shouldn’t trust anything about science from Heartland.”51“Does the grass get greener when a ‘lukewarmer’ is in your backyard?,”, March 22, 2019. Archived March 22, 2019. URL:
October 22, 2018
Michaels appeared on the Fox News program “Life, Liberty & Levin” with Mark Levin to discuss “the truth about global warming.” Some notable quotes below (view full transcript at Fox News):52“Dr. Patrick Michaels on the truth about global warming,” Fox News, October 22, 2018. Archived October 24, 2018. URL:
LEVIN: “All right, let’s get started. Climate change, global warming, global cooling – we’ve heard it all. What’s going on out there?”
MICHAELS: “Well, surface temperature of the planet is warmer than it was a hundred years ago about 9/10th of a degree Celsius.”
LEVIN: “Nine-tenth degree of a degree Celsius.”
MICHAELS: “That’s all.”
LEVIN: “Is that a lot?”
MICHAELS: “No. It’s not a lot. […] maybe half of that nine-tenths of the degree might be caused by greenhouse gases because when the planet warmed beginning in 1976, the temperature of the stratosphere started to drop and that’s the prediction of greenhouse theory that’s not intuitive.”
LEVIN: “The early 20th Century could not have produced this heat. So what did? Do we know?”
MICHAELS: “No. And you know, the three most important words in life may not be ‘I love you,’ It might be, ‘I don’t know.’ I don’t think anybody really knows what kicked off that warming. […]”
MICHAELS: “[The EPA] produced an endangerment finding, 2009, and the endangerment finding for its prospective climate is 100 percent, I didn’t say 90 percent, I said 100 percent based on those models. So if you can demonstrate that those models systematically are not working, you can take down the endangerment finding, and that would be the basis for all those policies that came out of the Obama administration.
LEVIN: “Which would mean you don’t get to regulate …”
MICHAELS: :”Absolutely.”
LEVIN: “… carbon dioxide.”
MICHAELS: “Absolutely, the endangerment finding is the heart of the matter. […]”
LEVIN: “So you’re telling us that we have a massive bit of public policy that has enormous effect on society that’s built on – I’ll use my words, phony models.”
MICHAELS: “It’s built on a house of cards. The models really don’t work.”
MICHAELS: “Ayn Rand was right. Part of the plan was to get us off our energy stream, to get us off of oil and onto so- called renewables, renewables that don’t provide nearly enough energy, and it’s intermittent so that they take down the technology.
“What Ayn Rand was talking about is what actually happened. As a result of Roosevelt and Vannevar Bush, we created the State Science Institute. And if you remember in ‘Atlas Shrugged,’ it was the State Science Institute that destroyed the innovation of the society.”
MICHAELS: “So what’s happened as it’s warmed this half a degree in the late 20th Century and the CO2 has gone up and up in the atmosphere, well, what we’ve done is we’ve created a greener and greener planet and the greening of the planet earth is profound.”
LEVIN:”So even though it’s warming just a little bit, it has an enormous positive impact on the planet.”
MICHAELS: “Because the main reason for that is because the way the greenhouse changes work is they warm the coldest temperatures preferentially to warming the warmer ones, so the growing season, which ends with the first frost in autumn and begins with the last frost in the spring, the growing seasons get longer and longer and longer, the greenhouse effect also affects nighttime temperatures more than it affects daytime temperatures, that’s when the cold temperatures are.”
“MICHAELS: The polar bears are saving themselves. They’re growing in numbers. […]”
September 28, 2018
As reported by the Climate Investigations Center (CIC) in a summary of Michaels’ “30 years of climate denial,” Michaels was scheduled to speak before the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines regarding the impacts of climate change on Filipinos, but cancelled without explanation.53“Patrick Michaels’ 30 Years of Climate Denial,” Climate Investigations Center, October 1, 2018. Archived October 23, 2018. URL:
His appearance was to follow former NASA scientist James Hansen, who critiqued Michaels’ failure to employ the scientific method.
June 21, 2018
Michaels co-wrote a Wall Street Journal Op-Ed titled “Thirty Years On, How Well Do Global Warming Predictions Stand Up?” Claiming the Earth has not warmed as fast as prior predictions made in the 1980s.54Patrick Michaels and Ryan Maue. “Thirty Years On, How Well Do Global Warming Predictions Stand Up?” Wall Street Journal, June 21, 2018. URL:
“Global surface temperature has not increased significantly since 2000, discounting the larger-than-usual El Niño of 2015-16. Assessed by Mr. Hansen’s model, surface temperatures are behaving as if we had capped 18 years ago the carbon-dioxide emissions responsible for the enhanced greenhouse effect,” Michaels and Ryan Maue claimed, discounting climate models made by climate scientist James Hansen.
The Guardian reported that to come up with this conclusion, “Michaels deleted Hansen’s Scenarios B and C – the ones closest to reality – and only showed Scenario A to make it seem as though Hansen had drastically over-predicted global warming.”55Dana Nuccitelli. “30 years later, deniers are still lying about Hansen’s amazing global warming prediction,” The Guardian, June 25, 2018. Archived June 27, 2018. URL:
These scenarios ranged from “business as usual,” scenario A, to Scenario B with moderate emissions cuts, and “draconian emissions cuts” in Scenario C.
“The actual 1988–2017 temperature increase was about 0.6°C. Hansen’s 1988 global climate model was almost spot-on,” The Guardian wrote.
May 29, 2018
Patrick Michaels spoke at a conference of the Institute of Engineering of Spain. Hhis talk translated to the “The Benefits of moderate heating.” According to Emilio de las Heras who attended the conference and offered a thorough rebuttal in Spanish, the conference was “surreal” and included innumerable falsehoods.56“Surrealism in the IIE,” Climate Change and Economy, May 29, 2018. Archived June 7, 2018. URL:
Michaels claimed “The UN climate models (IPCC) are all rigged” with the exception of one from a Russian scientist. Michaels reiterated many of his regular talking points, utilizing data from Roy Spencer, to argue that “the world is greener” thanks to CO2‘s effect “as a natural fertilizer.”57“Surrealism in the IIE,” Climate Change and Economy, May 29, 2018. Archived June 7, 2018. URL:
Spencer is an advisor to the Cornwall Alliance, an evangelical Christian group that claims environmentalism is “one of the greatest threats to society and the church today.” He has argued that climate change isn’t something we should be terribly worried about.58“Part 5 – At the Crossroads III: Energy and Climate Policy Summit,” YouTube video uploaded by user The Heritage Foundation, December 9, 2016. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
“The Social Cost of Carbon is negative if correct discount rates are used,” Michaels argued. He also contended there have been “fewer tornadoes in the US and fewer people die” due to the capacity for human adaptation, citing the fourth National Climate Assessment as supposed evidence “there is no link between extreme [weather] events and warming.” Emilio noted the NCA4 report’s findings were diametrically opposed to Michaels’ claim.59“Surrealism in the IIE,” Climate Change and Economy, May 29, 2018. Archived June 7, 2018. URL:
April 25, 2018
Michaels promoted a study by climate change deniers Nic Lewis and Judith Curry. Writing at the Cato Institute, Michaels wrote that the paper found equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) would be roughly half that found by mainstream scientific sources like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).60“Some More Insensitivity about Global Warming,” Cato Institute, April 25, 2018. Archived April 27, 2018. URL:
“It seems the long-range temperature forecast most consistent with these findings would be about half of what the IPCC is forecasting. That would put total human warming to 2100 right around the top goal of the Paris Accord, or 2.0⁰C,” Michaels claimed.
April 17, 2018
Patrick Michaels spoke at an American Enterprise Institute (AEI) event titled “What did they know, and when did they know it? The municipal climate litigation, the fossil-fuel industry, and the municipal bond market” to discuss the ongoing legal actions as cities and municipalities sue large oil companies for damage caused by fossil fuels. Michaels using his time to criticize the reliability of climate models. See video below:61“What did they know, and when did they know it? The municipal climate litigation, the fossil-fuel industry, and the municipal bond market,” American Enterprise Institute, April 17, 2018. Archived April 23, 2018. URL:
On extreme weather, Michaels claims we are adapting, saying for death statistics of tornadoes in the United States where “you can see this wonderful example of adaptation.”
“You have more people living in the way of bad weather and all of a sudden around the 1950s, the deaths begin to drop,” Michaels said.
“As heat waves become more frequent in urban areas, and they do with or without global warming, in the United States, the mortality from heat waves drop. People get used to them and they adapt.”62“What did they know, and when did they know it? The municipal climate litigation, the fossil-fuel industry, and the municipal bond market,” American Enterprise Institute, April 17, 2018. Archived April 23, 2018. URL:
In conclusion, Michaels declared:
“It’s a mess. What do we know? Not very much. And less than we knew, less than we thought we knew, when the models first came out.”63“What did they know, and when did they know it? The municipal climate litigation, the fossil-fuel industry, and the municipal bond market,” American Enterprise Institute, April 17, 2018. Archived April 23, 2018. URL:
Patrick Michaels is listed as a contributor to the upcoming release of Climate Change: The Facts 2017, a book released by the Institute for Public Affairs (IPA) and edited by Jennifer Marohasy. While investigating the authors, DeSmog noted that one of the IPA‘s listed “leading experts” involved in the book is New Zealand’s Ken Ring, who in addition to being a described “long range weather forecaster” has written “two, possibly three, books about cats” including Pawmistry: How to Read Your Cat’s Paws in 1998.64Graham Readfearn. “Australian Climate Denial Think Tank Picks Cat Author and Moonman Ken Ring as Climate Expert,” DeSmog, April 9, 2017.
According to the book description:65“Register your interest now and be the first to hear about the publication of Climate Change: The Facts 2017,” Institute of Public Affairs. Archived April 10, 2017. URL:
“Climate Change: The Facts 2017 brings together contributions on the latest climate science from some of the world’s leading experts in the field including John Abbot, Sallie Baliunas, Paul Driessen, Tony Heller, Craig Idso, Clive James, Pat Michaels, Jo Nova, Ian Plimer, Tom Quirk, Peter Ridd, Ken Ring, Nicola Scafetta, Willie Soon, Roy Spencer, and Anthony Watts.
There are also essays by Matt Ridley, and Bjørn Lomborg on the economics of climate change, and by Simon Breheny on how the freedom to discuss climate change science is under threat.”66“Register your interest now and be the first to hear about the publication of Climate Change: The Facts 2017,” Institute of Public Affairs. Archived April 10, 2017. URL:
Prior versions of the book featured contributions from a range of prominent climate change deniers, and describes mainstream climate change research as “pseudo-science.”67Alan Moran. “Climate Change: the facts 2014,” Catallaxy Files (blog), December 16, 2014. URL:
March 23, 2017
Michaels was a speaker at the Heartland Institute‘s 12th International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC12). His keynote speech was titled “Vacating the Endangerment Finding.”68“PATRICK MICHAELS,” Archived April 7, 2017. URL:
In his speech, Michaels spoke about the need to vacate the Endangerment Finding, a piece of legislation which classified carbon dioxide as a pollutant and allowed the EPA to regulate it under the clean air act. The concluding statement of his talk was that “the endangerment finding is not based on anything close to normative science and must be vacated.”
January 2, 2017
Michaels was a guest on John Stossel’s show, “Green Tyranny,” alongside Judith Curry. The episode was titled “The Truth About Climate Change.”69“The Truth About Climate Change,” YouTube video uploaded by user “John Stossel,” January 2, 2017. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
“It will resume warming,” Michaels said on the show, “but you don’t really care if it warms a degree in the next 60 years. It warmed a degree in the last 100 years. Life epectancy doubled.” “Admit it, it’s a religion,” Michaels added later in the program.
December 12, 2016
Patrick Michaels was an attendee at a private meeting also attended by Trump’s EPA Transition team lead Myron Ebell on Capitol Hill. E&E News reported that the event was not open to the public or to the press and Ebell refused to give any details. The event was hosted by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) and held in the hearing room of the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee. The EPW committee is chaired by Senator James Inhofe who, like Trump, has described human-caused climate change as a hoax.70George Cahlink. “Trump EPA adviser Myron Ebell meets with Hill aides,” E&E News, December 12, 2016.
DeSmog reported that the event featured the “Who’s Who of Climate Science Deniers.” Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts, who spoke at the event, also wrote that the meeting was a gathering of the Cooler Heads Coalition and listed some of the participants on Facebook:71Graham Readfearn. “Donald Trump’s Aide at EPA Myron Ebell Meets with Who’s Who of Climate Science Deniers,” DeSmog, December 13, 2016. 72“Yesterday I spoke at an event for the Competitive Enterprise Institute called Cooler Heads Coalition in Washington. […]” Facebook post by Malcolm Roberts – QLD Senate – One Nation, December 13 at 6:38 pm. Archived image on file at DeSmog.

Names mentioned above included:
- Tony Heller
- Tim Ball
- Fred Singer
- Ken Haapala
- Craig Rucker
- Randy Randall
- Steve Milloy
- Marc Morano
- James Delingpole
- Chris Horner
- Myron Ebell
- Tom de Weise
- James Taylor
- Pat Michaels
- Austin Smithson
- Brandon Middleton
- Marlo Lewis
DeSmog also noted that three of the attendees—Myron Ebell, Randy Randol, and Steve Milloy—had all been part of the Global Climate Science Communications Team in the late 1990s, a group organized by the American Petroleum Institute. According to an early memo, the group said “victory will be achieved when […] Average citizens ‘understand’ (recognize) uncertainties in climate science; recognition of uncertainties becomes part of the ‘conventional wisdom’.”73“Global Climate Science Communications Plan (1998),” SourceWatch.
December 8, 2016
Patrick J. Michaels was a speaker at the “At the Crossroads III Energy and Climate Summit,” an event co-hosted by the Heritage Foundation and the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF). The event was billed as “the premier energy-and-climate policy event in America,” and attracted a range of prominent climate change deniers as well as a range of names connected to Donald Trump and his transition team. Video and choice quotes below.74“At the Crossroads III: Energy and Climate Policy Summit,” Heritage Foundation, December 8, 2016. Archived December 22, 2016. URL:
“In the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences you have an international team of authors who publishes a paper and then they add an American author to their next paper the chance that it will report a positive result doubles. This is very, very bad, science is very very sick.” [17:35]
“Probably the best solution is to do nothing, because doing nothing is doing something.” [20:52]
“The future belongs to the efficient, if you just get out of the way. Lesson number one, if you want to clean world, you want a vibrant economy.” [21:09]
“You properly account for the fact that the earth is getting greener, the more co2 we put in—you can see it on satellite—it is God’s getting greener Earth. If you account for all of those, what happens is the social cost of carbon becomes the social benefit of carbon.” [28:01]
“So what’s going to have to happen is the endangerment finding is going to have to be torn apart.” [29:27]
Doug Domenech, director of the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s “Fueling Freedom” project, wrote about the proceedings at The Hill. Domenech outlined the common climate change denial message shared among the speakers: “Is climate change real? Yes, it has happened in the past and will happen in the future. Is man making an impact on the climate? Perhaps but in very small ways. But the overarching consensus remains the climate change we are experiencing is by no means catastrophic.”75Doug Domenech. “Climate change: Speaking truth to power,” The Hill, December 13, 2016. Archived December 21, 2016. URL:
Speakers included:
- Brooke Rollins
- Becky Norton Dunlop
- Mike Lee
- Lamar Smith
- Pete Olson
- Gary Palmer
- James Inhofe
- Kathleen Hartnett White
- Stephen Moore
- Bud Brigham
- David Kreutzer
- Patrick J. Michaels
- Mark P. Mills
- Horace Cooper
- Patrick Forkin
- Allen Gilmer
- Dan Byers
- Nicolas Loris
- Richard Lindzen
- Willie Soon
- Andrew M. Grossman
- William Happer
- Craig Idso
- Roy Spencer
- Patrick J. Michaels
- Brooke Rollins
- Becky Norton Dunlop
- David Legates
- James Taylor
December 8, 2016
Patrick Michaels wrote an article at The Hill titled “Trump’s EPA pick will make Obama regret his environmental overreach” applauding President-elect Donald Trump’s choice of climate change denier Scott Pruitt for administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).76Patrick Michaels. “Trump’s EPA pick will make Obama regret his environmental overreach,” The Hill, December 8, 2016. Archived December 9, 2016. URL:
Michaels writes that it is a sign that the new administration “is on a clear mission not just to stop, but to reverse many of the actions of Obama’s EPA.”
He adds that the new administration is “going to have to find people willing to expose the current regime’s blatant abuse of logic in generating inflated ‘costs’ of global warming, while largely ignoring the co-benefits of fossil fuel power.” Michaels concludes that “The nomination of Scott Pruitt is further evidence that the president-elect is serious, and circumstantial evidence that the influence of Al Gore’s recent visit was of little consequence.”
June 20, 2016
Patrick J. Michaels debated at the Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture series on the topic of climate change, reports the Cato Institute. Video below:77“Patrick J. Michaels debates at the Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series on the topic of climate change hosted by the INSTITUTEsk in Bratislava,” Cato Institute, June 20, 2016. Archived October 25, 2016. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
Michaels also participated in the Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series on the topic of “Luke Warming”:78“Patrick J. Michaels participates in the Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series on the topic of ‘Luke Warming’ hosted by the INSTITUTEsk in Bratislava,” Cato Institute, June 20, 2016. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
May 2, 2016
Patrick Michaels was listed among “Key Scientists” appearing in Marc Morano‘s movie, Climate Hustle. The full list included the following:79“Background on Key Scientists Appearing in Climate Hustle” (PDF), Archived .pdf on file at Desmog.
- Robert Giegengack
- Judith Curry
- Richard Tol
- Caleb Rossiter
- Ivar Giaever
- Roy Spencer
- Daniel B. Botkin
- Patrick Moore
- Don J. Easterbrook
- Robert M. Carter
- John Theon
- Dennis Rancourt
- William M. Briggs
- Roger Pielke Sr.
- Walter Cunningham
- Patrick J. Michaels
- Lord Christopher Monckton
- Anthony Watts
- Leighton Steward
- Philip Stott
- Will Happer
Marc Morano’s Climate Hustle was released in U.S. theatres on May 2, 2016. Bill Nye described it as “not in our national interest and the world’s interest.”80“‘Climate Hustle’ debuts as skeptics take on global-warming ‘consensus’,” The Washington Times, May 1, 2016. Archived August 26, 2016. URL:
The film was produced by the Committee for Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) and CDRCommunications.81“Background on Climate Hustle Host and Producers,” Archived .pdf on file at Desmog. As noted at DeSmog‘s project,, CFACT has received funding from ExxonMobil, Chevron, as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars from foundations associated with Richard Mellon Scaife. CFACT has also received at least $7.8 million in “dark money” through DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund.82Homepage, URL:
CDR Communications was behind the 2010 video by the Cornwall Alliance titled Resisting the Green Dragon, which claimed environmentalism was a “false religion” and a “global government” power grab. Chris Rogers of CDR Communictions is also chairman of The James Partnership, the umbrella arm that includes the Cornwall Alliance as one of its projects and pays the salary of Calvin Beisner, Cornwall’s founder and spokesperson.83Graham Readfearn. “The Evangelical Christian Climate Deniers Behind Marc Morano’s Climate Hustle Documentary,” Desmog, November 19, 2015.
Climate Hustle initially premiered on December 7, 2015 in Paris, France during the COP21 United Nations summit on climate change.84Matthew Kasper, “Climate Hustle, Latest Global Warming Denial Documentary, Set For World Premiere In Paris During COP21,” Republic Report, November 13, 2015. URL: 85“Climate Hustle,” SourceWatch, accessed November 14, 2015. URL:
“We are putting together what I think is the most comprehensive, unique, entertaining and humorous climate documentary that has ever been done or attempted,” Morano had said before the film was released.86Graham Readfearn. “Marc Morano’s Climate Hustle Film Set For Paris Premiere With Same Old Denial Myths,” DeSmog, November 12, 2015.
“The reason that this is a unique film,” Morano has said, “is that we are going for a pop culture-friendly… sarcastic approach and we actually give both sides in this movie.”
In an interview with Ezra Levant, Morano said:
“I am not interviewing a lot of the main climate sceptical scientists because I feel like they have been interviewed by many other people and their stories have been told. I am trying to find another layer of scientist whose stories have not been out there yet. You will see a lot of new names in this.”87Graham Readfearn. “Marc Morano’s Climate Hustle Film Set For Paris Premiere With Same Old Denial Myths,” DeSmog, November 12, 2015.
See a preview of the film below:
At the Paris premier of the film, reporters from Desmog and the Irish Times were denied entrance after having their RSVPs accepted days earlier.88Graham Readfearn. “The Fakery of the Paris ‘Red Carpet’ Premiere of Marc Morano’s Climate Hustle Film,” DeSmog, December 30, 2015.
January 24, 2016
Patrick Michaels published an op-ed at the Wall Street Journal, titled “The Climate Snow Job” where he claims that the NOAA manipulated data to make it look like the planet is warming faster than it is:
“NOAA‘s alteration of its measurement standard and other changes produced a result that could have been predicted: a marginally significant warming trend in the data over the past several years, erasing the temperature plateau that vexed climate alarmists have found difficult to explain. Yet the increase remains far below what had been expected,” Michaels writes.89Patrick J. Michaels. “The Climate Snow Job,” Wall Street Journal, January 24, 2016. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
Michaels also suggests that temperatures in 2015, while still being “the highest average surface temperature in the 160-year global history since reliable records started being available,” had a “de minimis” effect on the global economy.
Ten scientists at Climate Feedback reviewed Michaels’ claims, and concluded that “The article misleads readers with a series of sweeping claims about distinct aspects of climate science and the implications of global warming for the global economy. Most of the article is devoted to casting doubt over the accuracy of the global temperature record. The author uses detailed technical descriptions to distract readers from the inaccuracies of the article, which involve cherry-picking data to support multiple unsubstantiated and discredited claims.”90“Analysis of Patrick Michaels’ ‘The Climate Snow Job‘,” Climate Feedback, January 24, 2016. Archived February 4, 2015. URL:
Emmanuel Vincent, who holds a PhD in climate science, writes in LiveScience that “[Michaels’s] essay ignores the preponderance of evidence that now leads businesses, economists, and even the recent World Economic Forum to recognize climate change as one of the top sources of financial risk.”91Emmanuel Vincent. “’Climate Snow Job’? Scientists Respond to Attack on Evidence (Op-Ed),” LiveScience, January 29, 2016. Archived February 4, 2016. URL:
July 22, 2015
Patrick Michaels testified in front of the House Natural Resources Committee hearing on “An Analysis of the Obama Administration’s Social Cost of Carbon.” During questioning from Rep. Alan Lowenthal (D-CA), Michaels confirms that he served as a “member scientist” for the tobacco industry front group The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASCC).92“House Committee on Natural Resources Oversight Hearing on An Analysis of the Obama Administration’s Social Cost of Carbon,” July 22, 2015. URL:
June 23, 2015
Patrick Michaels participated in a panel discussion hosted by the Heritage Foundation as part of an event titled “The Social Cost of Carbon: A Controversial Tool for Misguided Policy.” The event was moderated by David Kreutzer and featured Climate Change deniers Jim Inhofe and Marlo Lewis, Jr. Video below.93“Social Cost of Carbon: A Controversial Tool for Misguided Policy,” The Heritage Foundation, June 23, 2015. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog. Archived January 2, 2017. URL:
June 11-12, 2015
Patrick Michaels was a speaker on Panel 1: “Climate Science,” at the Heartland Institute’s Tenth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC10) in Washington, D.C., with Willie Soon and David Legates.94“Speakers,” Heartland Institute. Archived June 30, 2015. URL:
View Patrick Michaels’ Panel 1 presentation at the Heartland Institute’s ICCC10, below:95“Panel 1: Climate Science with Willie Soon, Ph.D., David Legates, Ph.D., and Patrick Michaels, Ph.D.,” Heartland Institute, June 11, 2015. Archived July 16, 2015.
March 2015
Patrick Michaels is one of several climate change skeptics cc’d on an email from S. Fred Singer in hopes of countering the documentary film “Merchants of Doubt,” which exposes the network of climate change skeptics and deniers trying to delay legislative action on climate change.96Katherine Bagley. “Leaked Email Reveals Who’s Who List of Climate Denialists,” InsideClimate News, March 12, 2015. URL:
The October, 2014 email was leaked to journalists before the documentary was released. “Can I sue for damages?” Singer asked in the email. “Can we get an injunction against the documentary?”
InsideClimate News reports in their article “Leaked Email Reveals Who’s Who List of Climate Denialists,” how “Many of those copied on the email thread, such as Singer and communications specialist Steven Milloy, have financial ties to the tobacco, chemical, and oil and gas industries and have worked to defend them since the 1990s.”97Katherine Bagley. “Leaked Email Reveals Who’s Who List of Climate Denialists,” InsideClimate News, March 12, 2015. URL:
InsideClimate News also documented all those who were cc’d on the email, including the following skeptics and groups:
- Ron Arnold
- Timothy Ball
- Joseph “Joe” Bast
- Joe Bastardi
- Michael Bastasch
- William Briggs
- Russell Cook
- Judith Curry
- Joe D’Aleo
- James Delingpole
- David Paul Driessen
- James Enstrom
- Steve Goddard
- Pierre Gosselin
- Greenie Watch
- William Happer
- Jim Lakely
- Patrick J. Michaels
- Steven J. Milloy
- Christopher Monckton
- Marc Morano
- Joanne Nova
- Roger Pielke Sr. (Or Roger Pielke Jr. – Unclear in Email)
- Thomas P. Sheahen
- S. Fred Singer
- Wei-Hock (Willie) Soon
- Roy Spencer
- James Taylor
- Anthony Watts
DeSmogBlog covered the emails here: “Merchants of Doubt Film Debuts, Textbook Denial Attack Campaign Led By Fred Singer Ensues” and DeSmogBlog also archived a full copy of the Singer email thread (PDF).
December 2014
Patrick Michaels is a contributor to the book Climate Change: The Facts published by the Institute of Public Affairs and featuring “22 essays on the science, politics and economics of the climate change debate.” The Institute of Public Affairs, while not revealing most of its funders, is known to have received funding from mining magnate Gina Rinehart and at least one major tobacco company.98“Institute of Public Affairs,” SourceWatch. Accessed May 27, 2015. URL:
The book includes essays and articles from a range of climate change skeptics, with contributors including the following:
- Alan Moran
- Andrew Bolt
- Anthony Watts
- Bernard Lewin
- Christopher Essex
- Donna Laframboise
- Garth W. Paltridge
- Ian Plimer
- J. Scott Armstrong
- James Delingpole
- Jennifer Marohasy
- Joanne Nova
- John Abbot
- Kesten Green
- Mark Steyn
- Nigel Lawson
- Patrick J. Michaels
- Richard S. Lindzen
- Robert M. Carter
- Ross McKitrick
- Rupert Darwall
- Stewart Franks
- Willie Soon
According to Editor Alan Moran in a post at Catallaxy Files blog on Climate Change: the facts 2014, Patrick Michaels “examines the contrast between the predictions of the IPCC and outcomes. And he details and demolishes the manifold excuses for this put forward by Obama adviser, formerly a Club of Rome alarmist, John Holdren, and other IPCC faithful.”99Alan Moran. “Climate Change: the facts 2014,” Catallaxy Files (blog), December 16, 2014. URL:
July 7–9, 2014
Patrick Michaels was a speaker at the Heartland Institute’s Ninth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC9) in Las Vegas, Nevada.100“Return of Climate Denial-a-Palooza: Heartland Institute Hitches Anti-Science Wagon to Vegas FreedomFest,” DeSmog, July 7, 2014. Archived July 14, 2014.
DeSmogBlog has done in-depth research on the other speakers and sponsors from Heartland’s ICCC9.101“Brendan DeMelle. “Return of Climate Denial-a-Palooza: Heartland Institute Hitches Anti-Science Wagon to Vegas FreedomFest,” DeSmog, July 7, 2014.
August 22, 2013
Patrick Michaels co-published a report with Paul C. “Chip” Knappenberger entitled, “IPCC Chooses Option No. 3.“102Patrick J. Michaels. “IPCC Choose Option No. 3,” Cato Institute, August 22, 2013. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
“Option No. 3,” references an earlier report written by Michaels, in Cato At Liberty, stating one of the IPCC‘s options is to mislead policy makers and the rest of the word with AR5. This was “the door” they were betting on.103Patrick J. Michaels. “IPCC Choose Option No. 3,” Cato Institute, August 22, 2013. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
January 17, 2013
Patrick Michaels published a piece in The Washington Times which asserts that “there has been no significant warming trend since the fall of 1996,” and that “it’s a pretty good bet that we are going to go nearly a quarter of a century without warming.”104“MICHAELS: Global warming apocalypse canceled,” The Washington Times, January 17, 2013. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
Michaels’ article was published at the same time as a Washington Times editorial which similarly asserts that “There has been no appreciable warming since 1998.” The editorial cites a recent paper by renowned climate scientist James E. Hansen, producing just one statement from Hansen’s report as evidence: “The 5-year mean global temperature has been flat for a decade which we interpret as a combination of natural variability and a slowdown in the growth rate of the net climate forcing.”105“EDITORIAL: Global warming takes a vacation,” The Washington Times, January 17, 2013. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
Based on this statement, the paper claims that “Mr. Hansen has just acknowledged more than the lack of warming. His words confirm nature, not mankind, played the decisive role in directing global temperatures over the past 10 years.” A number of other climate change skeptics have already pointed to this statement as an “admission” that they were right all along.106David Whitehouse. “JAMES HANSEN ADMITS GLOBAL TEMPERATURE STANDSTILL IS REAL,” The Observatory, January 17, 2013. URL:
This is just one statement from Hansen’s actual report (PDF). If one were to read further, they would discover that the assertion of “no appreciable warming” is not necessarily supported (emphasis added):107J. Hansen, M. Sato, R. Ruedy. “Global Temperature Update Through 2012 (PDF),” January 15, 2013. Retrieved from
“These short-term global fluctuations are associated principally with natural oscillations of tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures summarized in the Nino index in the lower part of the figure. 2012 is nominally the 9th warmest year, but it is indistinguishable in rank with several other years, as shown by the error estimate for comparing nearby years. Note that the 10 warmest years in the record all occurred since 1998.
The long-term warming trend, including continual warming since the mid-1970s, has been conclusively associated with the predominant global climate forcing, human-made greenhouse gases, which began to grow substantially early in the 20th century. The approximate stand-still of global temperature during 1940-1975 is generally attributed to an approximate balance of aerosol cooling and greenhouse gas warming during a period of rapid growth of fossil fuel use with little control on particulate air pollution […]”
October 2012
Authors of a 2009 US Federal Advisory Committee report Global Climate Change Impacts on the United States criticised the Cato Institute for producing a document using near identical cover images and layout to their own report in a “deceptive and misleading way.” In a statement, members of the federally-funded US Global Change Research Program, which produced the original report, said they were “dismayed” by the Cato Institute’s effort:108“Statement on the Cato Institute ADDENDUM Report,” University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. Archived October 25. 2016. URL:
“The Cato report is in no way an addendum to our 2009 report. It is not an update, explanation, or supplement by the authors of the original report. Rather, it is a completely separate document lacking rigorous scientific analysis and review,” the original report authors write.
“The authors of the Cato Institute report say that their report has more references than our report, but this is a meaningless distinction that does not reflect relative thoroughness. Our 2009 report was intentionally written to be accessible to a general audience and, consequently, cited only the most authoritative and comprehensive sources. The Cato Institute report includes numerous citations of marginal relevance and excludes or misrepresents key publications that, in fact, contradict its interpretations.”
Michaels was the editor-in-chief of the Cato Institute report, titled ADDENDUM: Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States. The addendum concluded climate change was a “minor overlay” on US society and that sea level rise would be “easily adapted to.”109“Addendum: Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States” (PDF), Center for the Study of Science, Cato Institute. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
The Cato report accused the authors of the original report of “systematic bias,” claiming they had made the climate change problem appear worse than it really was in order to sustain further research income.The Cato report is in no way an addendum to our 2009 report. It is not an update, explanation, or supplement by the authors of the original report. Rather, it is a completely separate document lacking rigorous scientific analysis and review.
In a report on The Daily Climate, John Abraham, an associate professor at the University of Saint Thomas in Minnesota, said of the Cato report:110“Fake ‘addendum’ by libertarian group tries to undo federal climate report,” The Daily Climate, October 23, 2012. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
It’s not an addendum. It’s a counterfeit. It’s a continued effort to kick the can down the road: A steady drip, drip, drip of fake reports by false scientists to create a false sense of debate.
May 21–23, 2012
Patrick Michaels was a speaker at the Heartland Institute‘s 7th International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC7).111“Speakers,” 7th International Conference on Climate Change. Archived May 31, 2012. URL:
DeSmogBlog researched the co-sponsors behind Heartland’s ICCC7 and found that they had collectively received over $67 million from ExxonMobil, the Koch Brothers and the conservative Scaife family foundations.112Brendan DeMelle. “Heartland Denial-a-Palooza Sponsors Have Received $67 Million From ExxonMobil, Koch and Scaife Foundations,” DeSmog, May 22, 2012.
At the time, Heartland’s president Joe Bast revealed at the end of the conference that the Institute has no plans for future ICCCs. This could be in part due to the defections of corporate sponsors following Heartland’s unsuccessful Unabomber billboard campaign and the unintended release of their confidential documents. Heartland’s ICCCs, nevertheless, have continued.
June 30–July 1, 2011
Michaels was a speaker at the Heartland Institute’s Sixth International Conference on Climate Change. His speech was titled “Hotheads, Lukewarmers, History, and the Future.” Video below.113“Patrick Michaels, ICCC6,” International Conference on Climate Change. Archived .mp4 on file at Desmog. 114“Patrick J. Michaels,” International Conference on Climate Change ( November 12, 2011. URL:
November, 2010
Patrick Michaels testified on Climate Change to the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment at the United States House of Representatives on November 17, 2010. Michaels listed four objectives for his testimony:115“Testimony of Patrick J. Michaels on Climate Change,” November 17, 2010. Republished by the Cato Institute. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
“1) Demonstration that the rate greenhouse-related warming is clearly below the mean of climate forecasts from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that are based upon changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations that are closest to what is actually being observed,
2) demonstration that the Finding of Endangerment from greenhouse gases by the Environmental Protection Agency is based upon a very dubious and critical assumption,
3) demonstration that the definition of science as a public good induces certain biases that substantially devalue efforts to synthesize science, such as those undertaken by the IPCC and the U.S. Climate Change Science Program (CCSP), and
4) demonstration that there is substantial discontent with governmental and intergovernmental syntheses of climate change and with policies passed by this House of Representatives.”
According to an analysis by climate scientist Benjamin Santer (PDF), Michaels’ testimony that human GHG emissions caused less than half of the warming since 1950 was not credible.116“A probabilistic quantification of the anthropogenic component of twentieth century global warming” (PDF), Clim. Dyn., published online November 8, 2012. Archived .pdf on file at Desmog.
August 15, 2010
During a CNN interview with Fareed Zakaria, Michael’s admitted that up to 40% of his work is funded by the fossil fuel industry.117“Pat Michaels admits: ’40 percent’ of funding comes from big oil,” YouTube video uploaded by user “climatebrad,” August 15, 2010. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
June 2, 2009
Speaker at the Heartland Institute’s Third International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC3).118“Patrick J. Michaels,” International Conference on Climate Change ( November 12, 2011. URL:
The conference’s theme was “Climate Change: Scientific Debate and Economic Analysis” to reflect Heartland’s belief that that “scientific debate is not over,” and it was designed to “call attention to widespread dissent to the asserted ‘consensus’ on various aspects of climate change and global warming.”
February 12, 2009
Patrick Michaels testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Energy and Environment during their hearing, “The Climate Crisis: National Security, Public Health, and Economic Threats.”119“Subcommittee on Energy and Environment Testimony,” World Climate Report, February 13, 2009. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
According to the World Climate Report, “Dr. MIchaels’ general message was that the recent behavior of global temperatures is starting to push the (lower) bounds of climate models’ expectations of such behavior and that if the current slowdown in the rate of global warming continues for much longer, we must start to question the reliability of climate projections of the future state of our climate.”
Patrick Michaels Participated in the “Climate Chains” video along with fellow climate change skeptics Myron Ebell, Marlo Lewis, Chris Horner, and Todd Wynn. The video claims that “One of the greatest threats to freedom and prosperity in America is climate change legislation.” The video was organized by the Cascade Policy Institute.120“About the Experts,” Archived April 1, 2010. URL:
March 2–4, 2008
Patrick Michaels was a speaker at the Heartland Institute’s First International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC1).121“Patrick J. Michaels,” International Conference on Climate Change ( November 12, 2011. URL: 122“Patrick Michaels, Keynote, ICCC1,” International Conferences on Climate Change. Archived .mp4 on file at Desmog.
According to conference’s invitation letter, “The purpose of the conference is to generate international media attention to the fact that many scientists believe forecasts of rapid warming and catastrophic events are not supported by sound science, and that expensive campaigns to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are not necessary or cost-effective”(emphasis added).
July, 2007
Patrick Michaels stated in an affidavit to a Vermont court that he is withdrawing from a case in which he was to be an expert witness to avoid having to disclose the funders of New Hope Environmental Services Inc., a company he solely owns. In the case, car makers were trying to block legislation limiting greenhouse gas emissions from the auto industry.123“AFFIDAVIT OF DR. PATRICK J. MICHAELS” (PDF), United States District Court for the District of Vermont. Docket Nos. 02:05-CV-302 and CV-304. Retrieved from SourceWatch. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
In the affidavit, Michaels states his company is “a consultancy whose mission is to publicize findings on climate change and scientific and social perspectives that may not otherwise appear in the popular literature or media.” Michaels stated:124“AFFIDAVIT OF DR. PATRICK J. MICHAELS” (PDF), United States District Court for the District of Vermont. Docket Nos. 02:05-CV-302 and CV-304. Retrieved from SourceWatch. Archived .pdf on file at Desmog.
Public disclosure of a company’s funding of New Hope and its employees has already caused considerable financial loss to New Hope. For example, in 2006 Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association, Inc., an electric utility, had requested that its support of $50,000 to New Hope be held confidential. After this support was inadvertently made public by another New Hope client, Tri-State informed me that it would no longer support New Hope because of adverse publicity. Also, in 2006, when a $100,000 contract between New Hope and electric utility Intermountain Rural Electric Association to synthesize and research new findings on global warming became public knowledge, a public campaign was initiated to change the composition of the board of directors so that there would be no additional funding. That campaign was successful, as Intermountain has not provided further funding.125“AFFIDAVIT OF DR. PATRICK J. MICHAELS” (PDF), United States District Court for the District of Vermont. Docket Nos. 02:05-CV-302 and CV-304. Retrieved from SourceWatch. Archived .pdf on file at Desmog.
May 2, 2007
Patrick Michaels was an “Expert” on Appeared on Glenn Beck’s special “Exposed: The Climate of Fear” (PDF). Beck promised the program would present the “other side of the climate debate that you don’t hear anywhere.” Media Transparency recorded a list of falsehoods that were propagated by the program.126“Exposed: Glenn Beck’s Climate of Distortion,” Media Transparency, May 8, 2007. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
March 8, 2007
Michaels appeared in The Great Global Warming Swindle along with other prominent climate change skeptics such as Tim Ball, Roy Spencer, Fred Singer and others.
The Great Global Warming Swindle received critical response from the scientific community, including a letter to ABC signed by thirty-seven British Scientists that claimed:127“The Great Global Warming Swindle: open letter to Martin Durkin from 37 signatories (April 2007),” April 24, 2007. Republished by Climate of Denial. URL:
“the misrepresentations of facts and views, both of which occur in your programme, are so serious that repeat broadcasts of the programme, without amendment, are not in the public interest. In view of the seriousness of climate change as an issue, it is crucial that public debate about it is balanced and well-informed.”
An interview between ABC Australia’s Tony Jones and the film’s director Martin Durkin also brought the film’s validity and scientific accuracy into question.128“LATELINE PRESENTER TONY JONES INTERVIEWS MARTIN DURKIN” (PDF), archived at Desmog.
January 2007
A report by the Union of Concerned Scientists titled “Smoke, Mirrors and Hot Air: how ExxonMobil uses big tobacco to manufacture uncertainty on climate science,” found that in the preceding years, Patrick Michaels had been connected to at least 11 think-tanks and groups that had received money from ExxonMobil, many of which had gone on to sow doubt about human-induced global warming.129“Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air” (PDF), Union of Concerned Scientists, January, 2007. Archived.pdf on file at Desmog.
July 17 – 19, 2006
Michaels attended the International Conference on Global Warming and the Next Ice Age which convenes every five years, with the most recent (PDF) being in 2006 (which included an extensive workshop on “climate prediction uncertainties”).130“The Second International Conference on Global warming and the Next Ice Age” (PDF), Accessed January, 2012, from Zender Group Webserver.
Organizer Petr Chylek claims its purpose is to “promote open discussion” regarding climate issues. The conference suggests that global warming is a natural process and possibly even “a blessing.”131“The First International Conference on Global Warming and The Next Ice Age,” Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
Other climate skeptics who have attended the conference include Fred Singer, Chris De Freitas, Roger Pielke Sr., and Ross McKitrick.
July 17, 2006
DeSmogBlog and ABC News uncovered a leaked memo written by the president of the Intermountain Rural Electrical Association that linked to Patrick Michaels’ consulting firm.132Ross Gelbspan. “‘Vampire Memo’ Reveals Coal Industry Plan for Massive Propaganda Blitz,” DeSmog, July 27, 2006.
In the memo, Stan Lewandowski, General Manager of IREA discusses a coordinated campaign by Koch Industries, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, Michaels, and other key groups to push back against “alarmism” on climate change: (emphasis added)133.IREA Letter (PDF), July 17, 2006. retrieved from The Public Interest Network. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
“There are other groups that are interested in the issue of global warming and the concerns about its costs. Koch Industries is working with other large corporations, including AEP and the Southern Company, on possibly financing a film that would counteract An Inconvenient Truth. Koch has also decided to finance a coalition that very likely will be administered through the National Association of Manufacturers. The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) has been running two ads in ten states that were financed by General Motors and the Ford Motor Company. CEI has a director on climate change and other employees working on the issue. We have met with Koch, CEI and Dr. Michaels, and they meet among themselves periodically to discuss their activities.”
The memo shows that New Hope Environmental Services received $100,000 from the IREA and “other electrical cooperatives” in the past. Controversy ensued, with the Virginia governor’s office voicing its concern over Michaels use of the title of “state climatologist.” The following from the Richmond Times-Dispatch:134Judd Legum. “Virginia Asks Global Warming Skeptic To Stop Calling Himself ‘State Climatologist’,” ThinkProgress, August 21, 2006. URL:
“The governor’s office has sent a letter to the University of Virginia requesting that Patrick J. Michaels not use his title of state climatologist when conducting his private consulting business.
The state is concerned that the U.Va. professor’s controversial views on global warming could be mistaken for the state’s views…The governor’s office has repeatedly said that Michaels does not represent the state with his opinions about global warming.”
The Washington Post reports:135Juliet Eilperin and David A. Fahrenthold. “Climatologist Draws Heat From Critics,” The Washington Post, September 17, 2006. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
“Michaels, a professor at the University of Virginia, also moonlights as one of the country’s most aggressive and, in some circles, most reviled skeptics about the scientific consensus on climate change. It was that role that landed Michaels in the center of a small controversy in Richmond last month, when the administration of Gov. Timothy M. Kaine (D) asked him to be clear that he is not speaking for the state when discussing issues such as global warming.”
August 19, 2002
Patrick Michaels appeared on CNN‘s “Capital Gang,” arguing against the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol and that global warming, if it is happening, could be beneficial.136“Pat Michaels Is Interviewed for CNN’s “Capital Gang” (transcript),” Cato Institute, August 19, 2002. URL:
December 31, 1998
Patrick Michaels published a study entitled “Long Hot Year: Latest Science Debunks Global Warming Hysteria” as part of the Cato Institute’s “Policy Analysis” series.137Patrick Michaels. “Long Hot Year: Latest Science Debunks Global Warming Hysteria,” Cato Institute’s Policy Analysis No. 329 (December 31, 1998). Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
Michaels appeared in the short film “The Greening of Planet Earth Continues,” funded in part by the Western Fuels Association.
“People have to understand that the entire global climate change hysteria is driven by computer models; it is not driven by reality,” Michaels said in the film. “Reality is not warming up like those models said it would.”
The film includes statements such as: “Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. Carbon dioxide is a nutrient – a very important nutrient, perhaps the most important.”138“Patrick Michaels’ 30 Years of Climate Denial,” Climate Investigations Center, October 1, 2018. Archived October 23, 2018. URL:
July 15, 1997
Michaels was in a debate with Alan Robock139“‘Global Warming Conference: “Must We Act Now To Avert a Climate Catastrophe?’ (Debate),“ Competitive Enterprise Institute, July 15, 1997. Archived November 27, 2002. URL: on “the implications are of current climate science, and whether or not we need to act right now” (PDF) moderated by Ben Wattenberg of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).140“Robock” (PDF), Competitive Enterprise Institute. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
Michaels points satellite data, claiming that “ you see it’s really not global warming, obviously […] In fact, because there is a net statistically significant cooling of the whole record, it almost looks to me, as a scientist, like what’s really going on here is the planet has remained in the slight cooling phase that it was in since World War II […]”
In conclusion, Michaels finished with what he described as “a little one-minute diatribe on how federal climatologists don’t really tell you the truth, and how your government is trying to mislead you.”
Before Robock started on his portion of the debate, Wattenberg asks Michaels “I’m working under the general proposition, Pat, that your answer to the question, must we act now to avert a climate catastrophe is no.” Michaels confirms that his answer is “No.”
May 1995
Patrick Michaels was one of several expert witnesses who testified on behalf of the Western Fuels Assocaition in St. Paul, Minnesota, to determine the environmental cost of coal burning by state power plants.141Ross Gelbspan. “The Heat is On:The warming of the world’s climate sparks a blaze of denial,” Harper’s Magazine, December, 1995. Archived February 25, 2016 from URL:
Experts provided written testimony (document id 183819 and 183820 [“Dear Dr. Haar,” Doherty Rumble & Butler, March 15, 1995. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.], [“Curriculum Vita” (PDF), March 6, 1995. Archived .pdf on file at Desmog.]) and verbal testimony, about which Ross Gelbspan’sThe Heat Is On (1995) is a key source.142Ross Gelbspan. “The Heat is On:The warming of the world’s climate sparks a blaze of denial,” Harper’s Magazine, December, 1995. Archived February 25, 2016 from URL:
Patrick Michaels helped The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition develop a set of “five guiding scientific principles” aimed at “offering federal and state government a yardstick against which to measure science in public policy.” Michaels is listed in a TASSC newsletter as a “member scientist” who had helped to draft the guidelines.143“TASSC Poll of Scientists Shows: Public Confidence Erodes; Science Used to Fill Political Agenda,” The Catalyst, Vol. 1, Fall 1994. Retrieved from Truth Tobacco Industry Documents (Bates Number : TI16460138-TI16460143.) Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
TASSC was a front group created in 1993 by specialist crisis PR company APCO Worldwide and cigarette firm Philip Morris to fight tobacco legislation and discredit science linking smoking to health concerns.
Patrick Michaels lended “expert” advice on the impacts of global warming to a public relations campaign conceived and funded by a coalition of coal companies and electric utilities. The campaign, under the title “Information Council on the Environment,” aimed to “reposition global warming as theory (not fact).”144Graham Readfearn. “The Campaigns That Tried To Break The Climate Science Consensus,” DeSmog, June 6, 2013.
Western Fuels Association and The Southern Company joined utilities association Edison Electric Institute to develop the campaign.145Graham Readfearn. “The Campaigns That Tried To Break The Climate Science Consensus,” DeSmog, June 6, 2013.
Michaels was to be one of three members of a science advisory panel to lend credibility to the campaign and would make broadcast media appearances, do interviews and provide his signature to a letter sent to members of the public who had responded to the campaign.146Graham Readfearn. “The Campaigns That Tried To Break The Climate Science Consensus,” DeSmog, June 6, 2013.
Patrick Michaels was invited to present lectures before the Western Fuels Association and the Edison Electric Institute.
The same year, he received $40,000 from Cyprus Minerals, a large mining concern known to contribute funding to climate change science deniers.147“1990 Patrick Michaels Curriculum Vitae,” ClimateFiles. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- Competitive Enterprise Institute — Former Senior fellow in the Center for Energy and Environment.148“Patrick J. Michaels,” Competitive Enterprise Institute. Archived September 6, 2019. URL:
- The George C Marshall Institute — “Expert” and “Visiting Scientist” (1996 – 2007).149“Patrick Michaels CV Plain Text File-Climate Change Guide/Skeptics and Contrarians,” Society of Environmental Journalists. Archived July 16, 2011. URL: 150“Dr. Patrick J. Michaels,” George C. Marshall Institute. Archived June 14, 2006. URL:
- Cato Institute — Former “Expert” and “Senior Fellow in Environmental Studies.”151“Patrick J. Michaels: Senior Fellow in Environmental Studies,” Cato Institute. Archived October 25, 2016. URL: 152“Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air” (PDF), Union of Concerned Scientists, January, 2007. Archived.pdf on file at Desmog.
- Heritage Foundation — Former Policy Expert and lecturer in 1992 and 2006. 153“Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air” (PDF), Union of Concerned Scientists, January, 2007. Archived.pdf on file at DeSmog. 154“Patrick Michaels CV Plain Text File-Climate Change Guide/Skeptics and Contrarians,” Society of Environmental Journalists. Archived July 16, 2011. URL:
- The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASSC) — Past “Supporter”155“The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASSC) Supporters List,” June 3-, 1993. Archived at Legacy Tobacco Documents Library February 1, 2002. and “member scientist.” The TASSC is now defunct.156“TASSC Issues ‘5 Guiding Scientific Principles,’ The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition. Retrieved from Truth Tobacco Industry Documents (Bates Number : 190204222-190204224). Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) — Former Member, “Advisory Board.”157“CFACT Board of Advisors,” Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- Greening Earth Society (GES) — Former “Scientific Advisor.” (GES is now defunct).158“Scientific Advisors,” Greening Earth Society. Archived October 21, 2001. URL:
- American Council on Science and Health — “Science Advisor.”159“Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air” (PDF), Union of Concerned Scientists, January, 2007. Archived.pdf on file at DeSmog.
- American Legislative Exchange Council — Former Report Author.160“Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air” (PDF), Union of Concerned Scientists, January, 2007. Archived.pdf on file at DeSmog.
- Consumer Alert — Former Advisory Council Member.161“Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air” (PDF), Union of Concerned Scientists, January, 2007. Archived.pdf on file at DeSmog.
- Tech Central Station — Former Science Roundtable Member.162“Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air” (PDF), Union of Concerned Scientists, January, 2007. Archived.pdf on file at DeSmog.
- Weidenbaum Center — Former Study Author.163“Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air” (PDF), Union of Concerned Scientists, January, 2007. Archived.pdf on file at DeSmog.
- CO2 Coalition — Former Member, Advisory Committee.164“About,” Co2Coalition. Archived September 4, 2015. URL:
- Galileo Movement — Former “Independent Adviser.”165“Who We Are,” Galileo Movement. Archived September 24, 2016. Archive. is URL:
- Australian Taxpayer Alliance — Former Member, Academic Advisory Board. “Chief Scientific Adviser” to the affiliated website www.StopGillard’sCarbonTax.Com.166“7th International Conference on Climate Change,” Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance, May 12, 2012. Archived October 26, 2012. URL:
- The European Science and Environmental Forum (ESEF – Now Defunct) — Former “Academic Member.”167“Environmental Tobacco Smoke Revisited: The reliability of the evidence for risk of lung cancer and cardiovascular disease.” Working paper produced by the European Science and Environment Forum, March 1998. Michaels is listed as an “academic member” of ESEF on pg. 30.
Social Media
- @CEI_Michaels on Twitter.
Michaels published numerous research papers in peer-reviewed journals in the area of climate. Michaels has co-published many of his studies with well known climate skeptics. He was co-published numerous papers with Paul C. Knappenberger, Robert E. Davis, David Douglass, and S. Fred Singer.
Some of Michaels’s papers were published in Climate Research journal around the time that climate skeptic Chris de Freitas was serving as one of the journal’s editors. Half of the journal’s editors resigned over poor quality control in mid-2003.168“Skeptics Prefer Pal Review Over Peer Review: Chris de Freitas, Pat Michaels And Their Pals, 1997-2003,” Desmog, November 30, 2011.
Additionally, he has published some of his papers in the journal Energy and Environment, run by climate skeptic Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen. Christiansen has described (PDF) her journal as a place for skeptics to go when their papers are rejected by more mainstream science journals.169Paul D. Thacker. “Skeptics get a journal” (PDF), Environmental Science & Technology Online, August 31, 2005. Republished by RealClimate.
For example:
- Robert E. Davis, Paul C. Knappenberger, Patrick J. Michaels, Wendy M. Novicoff. “Seasonality of climate–human mortality relationships in US cities and impacts of climate change” (PDF), Climate Research, Vol. 26 (April 19, 2004).
- Paul C. Knappenberger, Patrick J. Michaels, Robert E. Davis. “Nature of observed temperature changes across the United States during the 20th century,” Climate Research, Vol. 17, No. 1 (July 4, 2001).
- Patrick J. Michaels, Paul C. Knappenberger, and Robert E. Davis. “Sea-surface temperatures and tropical cyclones in the Atlantic basin” (PDF), Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 33 (May, 2006).
- Patrick J. Michaels, Paul C. Knappenberger, Oliver W. Frauenfeld, Robert E. Davis. “Trends in precipitation on the wettest days of the year across the contiguous USA,” International Journal of Climatology, Volume 24, Issue 15 (December 2004), pages 1873–1882.
- David H. Douglass, Benjamin D. Pearson, S. Fred Singer, Paul C. Knappenberger, Patrick J. Michaels. “Disparity of tropospheric and surface temperature trends: New evidence,” Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 31 (2004).
- Patrick J. Michaels. “Evidence for ‘publication Bias’ Concerning Global Warming in Science and Nature,” Energy & Environment, Vol. 19, No. 2 (March, 2008).
Sample Forbes Articles by Patrick Michaels
- The Rise And Fall Of Earth Day, A Day No One Notices Anymore – Apr 22, 2014
- Obamacare For Lunch – Apr 11, 2014
- Global Warming Scientists Scrap Real Science, Bow Before President Obama Instead – Mar 27, 2014
- Will The Overselling Of Global Warming Lead To A New Scientific Dark Age? – Feb 03, 2014
- The Latest Epidemic To Infect The Scientific Community? Bad Science – Jan 09, 2014
- Global Warming Activism: Another Year, Another U.N. Flop – Nov 24, 2013
- Supertyphoon Haiyan Brings Lots Of Sound And Fury, Little Scientific Information – Nov 12, 2013
- Climate Change And Natural Gas Combine To Reduce U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emissions – Oct 29, 2013
- The Public Demonization Of Bisphenol-A: I Smell A Rat – Oct 10, 2013
- When It Comes To The Truth About Drug Addiction Scientists Are ‘Breaking Bad’ – Sep 20, 2013
- High School Science Discredits The New York Times’ Latest Global Warming Whopper – Aug 29, 2013
- Why Everything You Know About Cancer And The Environment Is Wrong – Aug 13, 2013
- Reduce U.S. Carbon Emissions To Zero, And The Temperature Decrease By 2100 Will Be Undetectable – Jul 25, 2013
- The Carbon Tax: Washington’s Latest Bad Idea, Oddly Shepherded By Republicans – Jul 05, 2013
- If Tesla Would Stop Selling Cars, We’d All Save Some Money – May 27, 2013
- A Dangerous Storm Brews As Washington Mixes Weather And Politics – Apr 28, 2013
- The Climate Horror Picture Show, Brought To You By Dodgy Science – Apr 18, 2013
- Countdown To Climate Change: It’s Only 297 Years Away! – Apr 01, 2013
- The Anatomy Of D.C.’s Snowstorm Forecast Bust: When Good Science And Good People Go Wrong – Mar 10, 2013
- Asymetric Coverage Of Climate Science Fools Very Few, and It’s Not the Koch Brothers’ Fault – Mar 01, 2013
- Mother Nature To Keystone Pipeline Protesters: Chill Out! – Feb 15, 2013
- In D.C .,’Skip The Bag, Save The River’ Is Making Us All Sick – Jan 23, 2013
- 2012 Was The Warmest Year In U.S. Temperature History – Barely – Jan 03, 2013
- The UN‘s Global Warming Forecasts Are Performing Very, Very Badly – Dec 18, 2012
- It’s The Holiday Season, And Global Warming Hype Is Filling The Air – Nov 30, 2012
- For Al Gore, The Lack Of Any Increase In Hurricanes Related To Global Warming Is An Inconvenient Truth – Nov 04, 2012
- Why Do We Fear The Harmless While Irrationally Putting Ourselves In Harm’s Way? – Oct 25, 2012
- Public Misperception Of Climate Change Is A Function Of Too Much Tv – Oct 16, 2012
- Notwithstanding GM‘s Protests, No One Wants The Chevy Volt – Sep 19, 2012
- Climate Change Alarmists Can’t Seem To Buy A Major Hurricane – Aug 31, 2012
- President Obama Should Heed Mayor Daley’s Words, And Stop Backing Losers – Aug 09, 2012
- A Hungry World Population? Oh Well, Let Them Eat Ethanol! – Jul 22, 2012
- Associated Press On Global Warming: No Fact Checks, Please! – Jul 08, 2012
- The Silver Lining In the SCOTUS Ruling? A Restrained EPA – Jun 29, 2012
- Correcting The EPA‘s Record On Global Warming And Climate Change – Jun 22, 2012
- Guided By Questionable Science, The Epa Seeks To “Necessarily Bankrupt” The People – Jun 17, 2012
- With Scientists Predicting The Worlds End (Again), The Un Rattles Its Cup – Jun 08, 2012
- With Alaska’s Pebble Partnership, The Epa Waves The Precaution Flag – May 24, 2012
- Mitt Romney Completely Misreads The Hopes And Dreams Of Youth Voters – May 03, 2012
- Will Mitt Romney Recycle George W. Bush’s Global Warming Fiasco? – Apr 26, 2012
- Celebrating Earth Day: Is Another Half Acid Apocalypse On The Way? – Apr 20, 2012
- The Dinosaur Media Prematurely Buries Climate Warming Skeptics – Again – Apr 08, 2012
- Can Republicans Play The Climate Alarmist Green Card? – Apr 02, 2012
- Climate Science From The Onion? – Mar 19, 2012
- Maybe It Should Be Called The Chevrolet ‘Vote’ – Mar 08, 2012
- The Environmental Protection Agency Vs. Hybrid Cars? – Mar 02, 2012
- Training Academic Foxes To Guard The Policy Henhouse – Feb 26, 2012
- An Unsettling Week For Global Warming’s ‘Settled Science’ – Feb 10, 2012
- What Happens When You Rub Two Climatologists Together? – Feb 03, 2012
- Watts Up? Who Killed Climated Change? – Jan 27, 2012
- The Great Renewable Energy Scam: Is There A Change In The Wind? – Jan 19, 2012
- Is Global Warming A Bipolar Disorder? – Jan 05, 2012
- Energy And Fracking Misinformation From Our Friends At NASA – Dec 16, 2011
- Hey Newt: Get Off Of The Couch! – Dec 09, 2011
- Climategate II: An Open Letter To The Director Of The National Center For Atmospheric Research – Dec 02, 2011
- Throwing Cold Water On The U.N.’s Fat Tail – Nov 14, 2011
- Honey, They Shrunk The Climate Science! – Nov 07, 2011
- Keep This Bit Of News On The QT: The Earth Is Round!!! – Oct 28, 2011
- The Great Green Energy Crack-Up – Oct 21, 2011
- Debunking The Phony Beliefs Of The Modern Green Movement – Oct 13, 2011
- The EPA‘s Endangerment Finding Is Very Endangered – Sep 30, 2011
- The Lessons Of Solyndra: Green Swans, Opportunity Cost And Fast Neutrinos – Sep 27, 2011
- The EPA To The Greens: So Sue Us! – Sep 19, 2011
- Get Real: Hurricane Irene Should Be Renamed “Hurricane Hype” – Aug 26, 2011
- Chevy Volt: Flagship Model Of The Government-Industrial Complex – Aug 19, 2011
- Placing A Grade On Al Gore’s “B.S.” Speech – Aug 12, 2011
- Global Warming Gomorrah In Hell: Welcome To Washington! – Aug 05, 2011
- Drowning Polar Bears And The Return Of Ursus Bogus – Jul 29, 2011
- When Mr. Heat Comes To Washington – Jul 21, 2011
- Why Hasn’t The Earth Warmed In Nearly 15 Years? – Jul 15, 2011
- Big Science, Big Government – Jul 08, 2011
- Global Warming And Global Food Security – Jun 30, 2011
- Peer Review And ‘Pal Review’ In Climate Science – Jun 16, 2011
- Fewer French Fried: The Paradox Of Urban (And Global) Warming – Jun 10, 2011
- Bringing Some Empirical Sense To All The Hurricane Hype – Jun 03, 2011
- The Great Tornadoes Of 2011 Put In Perspective – May 26, 2011
- Sound Fury, And The Policy Of Climate Change – May 19, 2011
- The Environmental Protection Agency Comes-A-Copper – May 12, 2011
- China Talks A Green Line While The U.S. Walks One – May 06, 2011
- Global Warming Flatliners – Apr 28, 2011
- Voodoo Economics? How About Voodoo Climate Science? – Apr 21, 2011
- Draconian Energy Regulation Will Never Die – Apr 14, 2011
- Global Warming: Hotheads, Flatliners, And Lukewarmers Part One – Apr 07, 2011
- Chevrolet: Where Federal Subsidies Run Deep – Mar 31, 2011
Other Resources
- ExxonSecrets Factsheet: Patrick J. Michaels. URL:
- “Patrick J. Michaels,” SourceWatch Profile. URL:
Profile image Patrick Michaels speaking at the Heartland Institute’s 12th International Conference on Climate Change, screenshot via YouTube.
- 1“Patrick Michaels CV Plain Text File-Climate Change Guide/Skeptics and Contrarians,” Society of Environmental Journalists. Archived July 16, 2011. URL:
- 2“Patrick Michaels CV Plain Text File-Climate Change Guide/Skeptics and Contrarians,” Society of Environmental Journalists. Archived July 16, 2011. URL:
- 3“Patrick Michaels CV Plain Text File-Climate Change Guide/Skeptics and Contrarians,” Society of Environmental Journalists. Archived July 16, 2011. URL:
- 4“Patrick J. Michaels: Senior Fellow in Environmental Studies,” Cato Institute. Archived October 25, 2016.
- 5Emily Langer. “Patrick Michaels, outspoken climate change contrarian, dies at 72,” Washington Post, July 19, 2022. Archive URL:
- 6“Patrick J. Michaels: Senior Fellow in Environmental Studies,” Cato Institute. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- 7“Cato closes its climate shop; Pat Michaels is out,” E&E News, May 29, 2019. Archived May 30, 2019. URL:
- 8“Scientist: Global Warming Evidence, Claims Exaggerated,” Fox News, February 25, 2009. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- 9“Patrick J. Michaels,” Competitive Enterprise Institute. Archived September 6, 2019. URL:
- 10“Contributor: Patrick Michaels,” Forbes. URL:
- 11Kate Sheppard. “Most Credible Climate Skeptic Not So Credible After All,” Mother Jones, February 26, 2010. URL:
- 12IREA Letter (PDF), July 17, 2006. retrieved from The Public Interest Network. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 13Scott Waldman. “Former Cato climate critic lands at pro-CO2 group,” ClimateWire, August 5, 2019. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 14“Green Mountain Chrysler Plymouth Dodge Jeep, et al. Plantiffs v. George crombie, et al. Defendants, Greenpeace, Inc. Intervenor” (PDF), United States District Court (District of Vermont) Case 2:05-cv-00302-wks, Document 521-4 (Filed 07/06/2007), Docket Nos. 02:25-CV-302, 02:05-CV-305 (Consolidated). Retrieved from
- 15“New Hope Environmental Services,” SourceWatch. URL:
- 16“Subscription Information,” Archived April 18, 1997. URL:
- 17Bob Burton. “The Cato Institute’s Generous Funding of Patrick Michaels,” PRWatch, May 24, 2009. URL:
- 18“Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASSC) Supporters List,” June 30, 1993. Bates Number 2024233615/3618.
- 19“Environmental Tobacco Smoke Revisited: The reliability of the evidence for risk of lung cancer and cardiovascular disease.” Working paper produced by the European Science and Environment Forum, March 1998. Michaels is listed as an “academic member” of ESEF on pg. 30.
- 20Brad Johnson. “Cato’s Pat Michaels admits 40 percent of funding comes from big oil,” ThinkProgress, August 16, 2010. URL:
- 21“Part 3 – At the Crossroads III: Energy and Climate Policy Summit,” YouTube video uploaded by user The Heritage Foundation, December 9, 2016. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
- 22Patrick J. Michaels. “The Climate Snow Job,” Wall Street Journal, January 24, 2016. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- 23“Live with Climate Change,” USA Today, February 2, 2007. Republished by the Cato Institute. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- 24“Dr. Patrick Michaels on the truth about global warming,” Fox News, October 22, 2018. Archived October 24, 2018. URL:
- 25“Part 3 – At the Crossroads III: Energy and Climate Policy Summit,” YouTube video uploaded by user The Heritage Foundation, December 9, 2016. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
- 26Patrick Michaels. “Trump’s EPA pick will make Obama regret his environmental overreach,” The Hill, December 8, 2016. Archived December 9, 2016. URL:
- 27Patrick J. Michaels. “If the Pope Wants to Have a Truly Moral Climate-Change Debate, Here Are a Few Ideas,” The National Review, April 27, 2015. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- 28Patrick Michaels, “Obama’s cold political calculus on global warming,” The Washington Times, June 3, 2014. Archived June 11, 2014. URL:
- 29Patrick J. Michaels. “IPCC Choose Option No. 3,” Cato Institute, August 22, 2013. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- 30Patrick J. Michaels. “IPCC Ar5 is in Real Trouble, Cato Institute, July 26, 2013. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- 31“Is the Sky Really Falling? A Review of Recent Global Warming Scare Stories,” Cato Institute, Policy Analysis no. 576 (August 23, 2006). Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- 32“Win The Kyoto Fight, Save Your Money,” Virginia Viewpoint, May 1, 2001 (No. 2001-2). Archived February 6, 2016. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmogBlog. URL:
- 33“Win The Kyoto Fight, Save Your Money,” Virginia Viewpoint, May 1, 2001 (No. 2001-2). Archived February 6, 2016. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmogBlog. URL:
- 34Climate Hustle 2: Rise of the Climate Monarchy. CFACT/ CDR Communications, Inc., 2020
- 35Mat Hope. “These Climate Science Deniers are Spreading Misinformation about the Australian Bushfires,” DeSmog, January 9, 2020.
- 36Patrick Michaels & Myron Ebell. “Australian wildfires were caused by humans, not climate change,” Washington Examiner, January 8, 2020. Archived January 15, 2020. URL:
- 37Mat Hope. “These Climate Science Deniers are Spreading Misinformation about the Australian Bushfires,” DeSmog, January 9, 2020.
- 38“Climate Challenge: Bright Lights, Big City … Bigger Debate,” Heartland Institute, September 13, 2019. Archived September 13, 2019. URL: Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
- 39“Climate Challenge: Bright Lights, Big City … Bigger Debate,” Heartland Institute, September 13, 2019. Archived September 13, 2019. URL: Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
- 40Jenni Fink. “Georgetown College Republicans Host Rebuttal to Climate Forum Featuring 2020 Candidates,” Newsweek, September 19, 2019. Archived September 19, 2019. URL:
- 41“Climate Forum: A Rebuttal,” Facebook, September 19, 2019. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 42“Climate Forum: A Rebuttal,” Facebook, September 19, 2019. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 43Riley Rogerson. “College Republicans’ Climate Forum Rebuttal Met With Protests,” The Hoya, September 20, 2019. Archived September 25, 2019. URL:
- 44Annemarie Cuccia, Sarah Watson. “Protesters Disrupt Rebuttal to Climate Change Forum,” The Georgetown Voice, September 19, 2019. Archived September 20, 2019. URL:
- 45Scott Waldman. “Former Cato climate critic lands at pro-CO2 group,” ClimateWire, August 5, 2019. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 46Scott Waldman. “Former Cato climate critic lands at pro-CO2 group,” ClimateWire, August 5, 2019. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 47“Cato closes its climate shop; Pat Michaels is out,” E&E News, May 29, 2019. Archived May 30, 2019. URL:
- 48“Cato closes its climate shop; Pat Michaels is out,” E&E News, May 29, 2019. Archived May 30, 2019. URL:
- 49“Does the grass get greener when a ‘lukewarmer’ is in your backyard?,”, March 22, 2019. Archived March 22, 2019. URL:
- 50“Does the grass get greener when a ‘lukewarmer’ is in your backyard?,”, March 22, 2019. Archived March 22, 2019. URL:
- 51“Does the grass get greener when a ‘lukewarmer’ is in your backyard?,”, March 22, 2019. Archived March 22, 2019. URL:
- 52“Dr. Patrick Michaels on the truth about global warming,” Fox News, October 22, 2018. Archived October 24, 2018. URL:
- 53“Patrick Michaels’ 30 Years of Climate Denial,” Climate Investigations Center, October 1, 2018. Archived October 23, 2018. URL:
- 54Patrick Michaels and Ryan Maue. “Thirty Years On, How Well Do Global Warming Predictions Stand Up?” Wall Street Journal, June 21, 2018. URL:
- 55Dana Nuccitelli. “30 years later, deniers are still lying about Hansen’s amazing global warming prediction,” The Guardian, June 25, 2018. Archived June 27, 2018. URL:
- 56“Surrealism in the IIE,” Climate Change and Economy, May 29, 2018. Archived June 7, 2018. URL:
- 57“Surrealism in the IIE,” Climate Change and Economy, May 29, 2018. Archived June 7, 2018. URL:
- 58“Part 5 – At the Crossroads III: Energy and Climate Policy Summit,” YouTube video uploaded by user The Heritage Foundation, December 9, 2016. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
- 59“Surrealism in the IIE,” Climate Change and Economy, May 29, 2018. Archived June 7, 2018. URL:
- 60“Some More Insensitivity about Global Warming,” Cato Institute, April 25, 2018. Archived April 27, 2018. URL:
- 61“What did they know, and when did they know it? The municipal climate litigation, the fossil-fuel industry, and the municipal bond market,” American Enterprise Institute, April 17, 2018. Archived April 23, 2018. URL:
- 62“What did they know, and when did they know it? The municipal climate litigation, the fossil-fuel industry, and the municipal bond market,” American Enterprise Institute, April 17, 2018. Archived April 23, 2018. URL:
- 63“What did they know, and when did they know it? The municipal climate litigation, the fossil-fuel industry, and the municipal bond market,” American Enterprise Institute, April 17, 2018. Archived April 23, 2018. URL:
- 64Graham Readfearn. “Australian Climate Denial Think Tank Picks Cat Author and Moonman Ken Ring as Climate Expert,” DeSmog, April 9, 2017.
- 65“Register your interest now and be the first to hear about the publication of Climate Change: The Facts 2017,” Institute of Public Affairs. Archived April 10, 2017. URL:
- 66“Register your interest now and be the first to hear about the publication of Climate Change: The Facts 2017,” Institute of Public Affairs. Archived April 10, 2017. URL:
- 67Alan Moran. “Climate Change: the facts 2014,” Catallaxy Files (blog), December 16, 2014. URL:
- 68“PATRICK MICHAELS,” Archived April 7, 2017. URL:
- 69“The Truth About Climate Change,” YouTube video uploaded by user “John Stossel,” January 2, 2017. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
- 70George Cahlink. “Trump EPA adviser Myron Ebell meets with Hill aides,” E&E News, December 12, 2016.
- 71Graham Readfearn. “Donald Trump’s Aide at EPA Myron Ebell Meets with Who’s Who of Climate Science Deniers,” DeSmog, December 13, 2016.
- 72“Yesterday I spoke at an event for the Competitive Enterprise Institute called Cooler Heads Coalition in Washington. […]” Facebook post by Malcolm Roberts – QLD Senate – One Nation, December 13 at 6:38 pm. Archived image on file at DeSmog.
- 73“Global Climate Science Communications Plan (1998),” SourceWatch.
- 74“At the Crossroads III: Energy and Climate Policy Summit,” Heritage Foundation, December 8, 2016. Archived December 22, 2016. URL:
- 75Doug Domenech. “Climate change: Speaking truth to power,” The Hill, December 13, 2016. Archived December 21, 2016. URL:
- 76Patrick Michaels. “Trump’s EPA pick will make Obama regret his environmental overreach,” The Hill, December 8, 2016. Archived December 9, 2016. URL:
- 77“Patrick J. Michaels debates at the Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series on the topic of climate change hosted by the INSTITUTEsk in Bratislava,” Cato Institute, June 20, 2016. Archived October 25, 2016. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
- 78“Patrick J. Michaels participates in the Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series on the topic of ‘Luke Warming’ hosted by the INSTITUTEsk in Bratislava,” Cato Institute, June 20, 2016. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
- 79“Background on Key Scientists Appearing in Climate Hustle” (PDF), Archived .pdf on file at Desmog.
- 80“‘Climate Hustle’ debuts as skeptics take on global-warming ‘consensus’,” The Washington Times, May 1, 2016. Archived August 26, 2016. URL:
- 81“Background on Climate Hustle Host and Producers,” Archived .pdf on file at Desmog.
- 82Homepage, URL:
- 83Graham Readfearn. “The Evangelical Christian Climate Deniers Behind Marc Morano’s Climate Hustle Documentary,” Desmog, November 19, 2015.
- 84Matthew Kasper, “Climate Hustle, Latest Global Warming Denial Documentary, Set For World Premiere In Paris During COP21,” Republic Report, November 13, 2015. URL:
- 85“Climate Hustle,” SourceWatch, accessed November 14, 2015. URL:
- 86Graham Readfearn. “Marc Morano’s Climate Hustle Film Set For Paris Premiere With Same Old Denial Myths,” DeSmog, November 12, 2015.
- 87Graham Readfearn. “Marc Morano’s Climate Hustle Film Set For Paris Premiere With Same Old Denial Myths,” DeSmog, November 12, 2015.
- 88Graham Readfearn. “The Fakery of the Paris ‘Red Carpet’ Premiere of Marc Morano’s Climate Hustle Film,” DeSmog, December 30, 2015.
- 89Patrick J. Michaels. “The Climate Snow Job,” Wall Street Journal, January 24, 2016. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- 90“Analysis of Patrick Michaels’ ‘The Climate Snow Job‘,” Climate Feedback, January 24, 2016. Archived February 4, 2015. URL:
- 91Emmanuel Vincent. “’Climate Snow Job’? Scientists Respond to Attack on Evidence (Op-Ed),” LiveScience, January 29, 2016. Archived February 4, 2016. URL:
- 92
- 93“Social Cost of Carbon: A Controversial Tool for Misguided Policy,” The Heritage Foundation, June 23, 2015. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog. Archived January 2, 2017. URL:
- 94“Speakers,” Heartland Institute. Archived June 30, 2015. URL:
- 95“Panel 1: Climate Science with Willie Soon, Ph.D., David Legates, Ph.D., and Patrick Michaels, Ph.D.,” Heartland Institute, June 11, 2015. Archived July 16, 2015.
- 96Katherine Bagley. “Leaked Email Reveals Who’s Who List of Climate Denialists,” InsideClimate News, March 12, 2015. URL:
- 97Katherine Bagley. “Leaked Email Reveals Who’s Who List of Climate Denialists,” InsideClimate News, March 12, 2015. URL:
- 98“Institute of Public Affairs,” SourceWatch. Accessed May 27, 2015. URL:
- 99Alan Moran. “Climate Change: the facts 2014,” Catallaxy Files (blog), December 16, 2014. URL:
- 100“Return of Climate Denial-a-Palooza: Heartland Institute Hitches Anti-Science Wagon to Vegas FreedomFest,” DeSmog, July 7, 2014. Archived July 14, 2014.
- 101“Brendan DeMelle. “Return of Climate Denial-a-Palooza: Heartland Institute Hitches Anti-Science Wagon to Vegas FreedomFest,” DeSmog, July 7, 2014.
- 102Patrick J. Michaels. “IPCC Choose Option No. 3,” Cato Institute, August 22, 2013. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- 103Patrick J. Michaels. “IPCC Choose Option No. 3,” Cato Institute, August 22, 2013. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- 104“MICHAELS: Global warming apocalypse canceled,” The Washington Times, January 17, 2013. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- 105“EDITORIAL: Global warming takes a vacation,” The Washington Times, January 17, 2013. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- 106David Whitehouse. “JAMES HANSEN ADMITS GLOBAL TEMPERATURE STANDSTILL IS REAL,” The Observatory, January 17, 2013. URL:
- 107J. Hansen, M. Sato, R. Ruedy. “Global Temperature Update Through 2012 (PDF),” January 15, 2013. Retrieved from
- 108“Statement on the Cato Institute ADDENDUM Report,” University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. Archived October 25. 2016. URL:
- 109“Addendum: Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States” (PDF), Center for the Study of Science, Cato Institute. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 110“Fake ‘addendum’ by libertarian group tries to undo federal climate report,” The Daily Climate, October 23, 2012. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- 111“Speakers,” 7th International Conference on Climate Change. Archived May 31, 2012. URL:
- 112Brendan DeMelle. “Heartland Denial-a-Palooza Sponsors Have Received $67 Million From ExxonMobil, Koch and Scaife Foundations,” DeSmog, May 22, 2012.
- 113“Patrick Michaels, ICCC6,” International Conference on Climate Change. Archived .mp4 on file at Desmog.
- 114“Patrick J. Michaels,” International Conference on Climate Change ( November 12, 2011. URL:
- 115“Testimony of Patrick J. Michaels on Climate Change,” November 17, 2010. Republished by the Cato Institute. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- 116“A probabilistic quantification of the anthropogenic component of twentieth century global warming” (PDF), Clim. Dyn., published online November 8, 2012. Archived .pdf on file at Desmog.
- 117“Pat Michaels admits: ’40 percent’ of funding comes from big oil,” YouTube video uploaded by user “climatebrad,” August 15, 2010. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
- 118“Patrick J. Michaels,” International Conference on Climate Change ( November 12, 2011. URL:
- 119“Subcommittee on Energy and Environment Testimony,” World Climate Report, February 13, 2009. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- 120“About the Experts,” Archived April 1, 2010. URL:
- 121“Patrick J. Michaels,” International Conference on Climate Change ( November 12, 2011. URL:
- 122“Patrick Michaels, Keynote, ICCC1,” International Conferences on Climate Change. Archived .mp4 on file at Desmog.
- 123“AFFIDAVIT OF DR. PATRICK J. MICHAELS” (PDF), United States District Court for the District of Vermont. Docket Nos. 02:05-CV-302 and CV-304. Retrieved from SourceWatch. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 124“AFFIDAVIT OF DR. PATRICK J. MICHAELS” (PDF), United States District Court for the District of Vermont. Docket Nos. 02:05-CV-302 and CV-304. Retrieved from SourceWatch. Archived .pdf on file at Desmog.
- 125“AFFIDAVIT OF DR. PATRICK J. MICHAELS” (PDF), United States District Court for the District of Vermont. Docket Nos. 02:05-CV-302 and CV-304. Retrieved from SourceWatch. Archived .pdf on file at Desmog.
- 126“Exposed: Glenn Beck’s Climate of Distortion,” Media Transparency, May 8, 2007. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- 127“The Great Global Warming Swindle: open letter to Martin Durkin from 37 signatories (April 2007),” April 24, 2007. Republished by Climate of Denial. URL:
- 129“Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air” (PDF), Union of Concerned Scientists, January, 2007. Archived.pdf on file at Desmog.
- 130“The Second International Conference on Global warming and the Next Ice Age” (PDF), Accessed January, 2012, from Zender Group Webserver.
- 131“The First International Conference on Global Warming and The Next Ice Age,” Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- 132Ross Gelbspan. “‘Vampire Memo’ Reveals Coal Industry Plan for Massive Propaganda Blitz,” DeSmog, July 27, 2006.
- 133.IREA Letter (PDF), July 17, 2006. retrieved from The Public Interest Network. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 134Judd Legum. “Virginia Asks Global Warming Skeptic To Stop Calling Himself ‘State Climatologist’,” ThinkProgress, August 21, 2006. URL:
- 135Juliet Eilperin and David A. Fahrenthold. “Climatologist Draws Heat From Critics,” The Washington Post, September 17, 2006. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- 136“Pat Michaels Is Interviewed for CNN’s “Capital Gang” (transcript),” Cato Institute, August 19, 2002. URL:
- 137Patrick Michaels. “Long Hot Year: Latest Science Debunks Global Warming Hysteria,” Cato Institute’s Policy Analysis No. 329 (December 31, 1998). Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- 138“Patrick Michaels’ 30 Years of Climate Denial,” Climate Investigations Center, October 1, 2018. Archived October 23, 2018. URL:
- 139“‘Global Warming Conference: “Must We Act Now To Avert a Climate Catastrophe?’ (Debate),“ Competitive Enterprise Institute, July 15, 1997. Archived November 27, 2002. URL:
- 140“Robock” (PDF), Competitive Enterprise Institute. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 141Ross Gelbspan. “The Heat is On:The warming of the world’s climate sparks a blaze of denial,” Harper’s Magazine, December, 1995. Archived February 25, 2016 from URL:
- 142Ross Gelbspan. “The Heat is On:The warming of the world’s climate sparks a blaze of denial,” Harper’s Magazine, December, 1995. Archived February 25, 2016 from URL:
- 143“TASSC Poll of Scientists Shows: Public Confidence Erodes; Science Used to Fill Political Agenda,” The Catalyst, Vol. 1, Fall 1994. Retrieved from Truth Tobacco Industry Documents (Bates Number : TI16460138-TI16460143.) Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 144Graham Readfearn. “The Campaigns That Tried To Break The Climate Science Consensus,” DeSmog, June 6, 2013.
- 145Graham Readfearn. “The Campaigns That Tried To Break The Climate Science Consensus,” DeSmog, June 6, 2013.
- 146Graham Readfearn. “The Campaigns That Tried To Break The Climate Science Consensus,” DeSmog, June 6, 2013.
- 147“1990 Patrick Michaels Curriculum Vitae,” ClimateFiles. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 148“Patrick J. Michaels,” Competitive Enterprise Institute. Archived September 6, 2019. URL:
- 149“Patrick Michaels CV Plain Text File-Climate Change Guide/Skeptics and Contrarians,” Society of Environmental Journalists. Archived July 16, 2011. URL:
- 150“Dr. Patrick J. Michaels,” George C. Marshall Institute. Archived June 14, 2006. URL:
- 151“Patrick J. Michaels: Senior Fellow in Environmental Studies,” Cato Institute. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- 152“Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air” (PDF), Union of Concerned Scientists, January, 2007. Archived.pdf on file at Desmog.
- 153“Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air” (PDF), Union of Concerned Scientists, January, 2007. Archived.pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 154“Patrick Michaels CV Plain Text File-Climate Change Guide/Skeptics and Contrarians,” Society of Environmental Journalists. Archived July 16, 2011. URL:
- 155“The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASSC) Supporters List,” June 3-, 1993. Archived at Legacy Tobacco Documents Library February 1, 2002.
- 156“TASSC Issues ‘5 Guiding Scientific Principles,’ The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition. Retrieved from Truth Tobacco Industry Documents (Bates Number : 190204222-190204224). Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 157“CFACT Board of Advisors,” Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. Archived October 25, 2016. URL:
- 158“Scientific Advisors,” Greening Earth Society. Archived October 21, 2001. URL:
- 159“Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air” (PDF), Union of Concerned Scientists, January, 2007. Archived.pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 160“Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air” (PDF), Union of Concerned Scientists, January, 2007. Archived.pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 161“Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air” (PDF), Union of Concerned Scientists, January, 2007. Archived.pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 162“Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air” (PDF), Union of Concerned Scientists, January, 2007. Archived.pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 163“Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air” (PDF), Union of Concerned Scientists, January, 2007. Archived.pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 164“About,” Co2Coalition. Archived September 4, 2015. URL:
- 165“Who We Are,” Galileo Movement. Archived September 24, 2016. Archive. is URL:
- 166“7th International Conference on Climate Change,” Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance, May 12, 2012. Archived October 26, 2012. URL:
- 167“Environmental Tobacco Smoke Revisited: The reliability of the evidence for risk of lung cancer and cardiovascular disease.” Working paper produced by the European Science and Environment Forum, March 1998. Michaels is listed as an “academic member” of ESEF on pg. 30.
- 168“Skeptics Prefer Pal Review Over Peer Review: Chris de Freitas, Pat Michaels And Their Pals, 1997-2003,” Desmog, November 30, 2011.
- 169Paul D. Thacker. “Skeptics get a journal” (PDF), Environmental Science & Technology Online, August 31, 2005. Republished by RealClimate.