This DeSmog investigative series covers the various attacks on solar energy and other renewable energy sources that have faced attacks and misinformation campaigns launched by fossil fuel interests, electric utilities and other vested interests who don’t want decentralized energy to take hold in the United States and elsewhere.
Examples of these “war on solar” attacks include state-level lobbying and legislative efforts to undermine rooftop solar access to the grid, net metering, production tax credits, renewable portfolio standards and other policy solutions designed to expand public interest in democratized electricity distribution and access.
The war on solar has been launched by groups including the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the Koch Brothers, Duke Energy, the Heartland Institute and other fossil fuel interests and front groups. High-profile individuals involved directly or indirectly in waging this war on solar include Warren Buffett, Bjorn Lomborg, Matt Ridley, Robert Bryce, Steve Milloy and others.
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