Donner Canadian Foundation

Donner Canadian Foundation


The Donner Canadian Foundation is a non-profit philanthropic organization. It was established in 1950 by steel industrialist William H. Donner.1History of the Foundation,” Donner Canadian Foundation. Archived July 27, 2022. Archive URL:

According to the InfluenceWatch project, there are currently six descendants of Donner on the foundation’s nine-person board. The Donner family also controls the U.S.-based William H. Donner Foundation, which has been known for its grants to right-wing advocacy organizations.2William H. Donner Foundation,” Influence Watch. Accessed July 2022.

The late Allan Gotlieb was a chairman of the Donner Canadian Foundation, as well as founder and director of the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise (CDFE), chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and the executive director of the Second Amendment Foundation.

Stance on Climate Change

The Donner Canadian Foundation has funded groups that promote climate change skepticism, including the Fraser Institute and the Frontier Centre for Public Policy.


The following information is based on DeSmog’s review of publicly available tax forms. Listed donees are a subset of notable organizations.

View the attached spreadsheet for a list of all recipients and additional information on the Donner Canadian Foundation’s funding by year (.xlsx).

Key Recipients

RecipientSum of contribution
Fraser Institute$5,072,721
University of Delaware$1,405,517
Montreal Economic Institute$1,401,943
Macdonald-Laurier Institute / L’Institut Macdonald-Laurier$1,329,441
C.D. Howe Institute$1,303,076
Stanford University$1,237,034
Atlantic Institute for Market Studies$1,007,500
Frontier Centre for Public Policy$989,288
Canadian Constitution Foundation$970,743
Institute for Liberal Studies$211,133
Energy Probe Research Foundation (Urban Renaissance Institute)$140,000
Breakout Educational Network$130,000
Canadian Ditchley Foundation$127,500
Medaille College$98,500
Mackenzie Institute$85,000
University of Guelph$70,000
Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms$62,741
York University$60,000
Canada West Foundation$40,000
Dept. of Economics, State University of New York, Binghamton$36,200
Focus on the Family (Canada) Association$10,000
Grand Total$15,859,337

All Recipients

*Scroll right to view all years and totals

990 Forms

Key People

Board of Governors


Contact & Address

According to the Donner Canadian Foundation website, the group’s contact information is:3Contact,” Donner Canadian Foundation. Archived July 27, 2022. Archive URL:

Donner Canadian Foundation
8 Prince Arthur Avenue, 3rd Floor
Toronto, ON M5R 1A9

Telephone: 416-920-6400
Fax: 416-920-5577

Social Media

  • N/A

Other Resources


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