Global Warming Disinformation Database

Welcome to the DeSmog Climate Disinformation Research Database where you can search and browse our extensive research on the individuals and organizations that have helped to delay and distract the public and our elected leaders from taking needed action to reduce greenhouse gas pollution and fight global warming. Choose a tab below to view the lists of climate science denier individuals and organizations. 

An extensive database of individual climate deniers involved in the global warming denial industry.


DeSmog thoroughly investigates the academic and industry backgrounds of those involved in the PR spin campaigns that are confusing the public and stalling action on global warming. If there’s anyone or any organization, (i.e. scientist, self-professed “expert,” think tank, industry association, company) that you would like to see researched and reported on DeSmog, please contact us here.






Tony Abbott

John Stuart Agnew

Alexandre Aguiar

โ€‹Arun Ahluwalia

Syun-Ichi Akasofu

Ralph B. Alexander

William JR Alexander

Claude Allรจgre

Harry C. Alford

Helmut Alt

Gabriel Calzada Alvarez

Klaus F. Angerer

Bob Armstrong

Martin Armstrong

Scott Armstrong

Jerome Arnett

Ron Arnold

Edward Atkin

August Auer

Dennis Avery


Lawson R. Bader

Ronald Bailey

Steve Baker

Joe Balash

Sallie Baliunas

Timothy F. Ball (Tim Ball)

Whitney Ball

Robert C. Balling Jr.

Arron Banks

George David Banks

Steve Bannon

Jack Barrett

Joseph Bast

Michael Bastasch

Joe Bastardi

Bryan Bateman

Cody Battershill

Charles Battig

Bernard Beauzamy

Calvin Beisner

Larry Bell

David Bellamy

Tim Benson

Richard Berman

David Bernhardt

James Bethell

Roger Bezdek

Paul Blair

Godfrey Bloom

Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen

Andrew Bolt

John Bolton

Sir Nicholas Bonsor

Christopher Booker

Donald J. Boudreaux

Alexandra Liddy Bourne

Robert L. Bradley Jr.

Jan Breslow

William Briggs

Barry Brill

Arthur C. Brooks

Robert Bryce

Reid Bryson

H. Sterling Burnett


Nigel Calder

Alan Carlin

Bob Carter

Oren Cass

Mike Catanzaro

Lord Richard Hugh Cavendish

John Charles

Paul Chesser

Christopher Chope

John R. Christy

Petr Chylek

Ian Clark

Frank Clemente

Bonner Cohen

Roger Cohen

John Coleman

Patrick (Jeff) Condon

Joseph Conklin

John Constable

Russell Cook

Amy Oliver Cooke

Horace Cooper

Paul Copper

Piers Corbyn

Roy Cordato

Vincent Courtillot

Richard S. Courtney

Kevin Cramer

Susan Crockford

Ken Cuccinelli

Walter Cunningham

Judith Curry


Joseph D’Aleo

Rupert Darwall

Edward David

David Davies

Robert E. Davis

Donn Dears

Anne Debeil

James Delingpole

David Deming

Vincent DeVito

Betsy DeVos

Peter Dietze

David Dilley

Paul Driessen

Harold Doiron

Doug Domenech

Lord Bernard Donoughue

David Douglass

Charles Drevna

John Droz

Reynald Du Berger

Geoffrey Duffy

John Dale Dunn

William A. Dunn

Freeman Dyson


Don Easterbrook

Gregg Easterbrook

Myron Ebell

Gunter Ederer

Francis Egan

Nathalie Elgrably-Lรฉvy

Matthew Elliott

Sarah Elliott

Hugh W. Ellsaesser

Gary England

Alex Epstein

Joni Ernst

Marcus D. Ernst

Willis Eschenbach

Robert H. Essenhigh

Christopher Essex

David Evans

Ray Evans

Bruce Everett

Friedrich-Karl Ewert


Nigel Farage

Peter Ferrara

Walter Fett

Chris Fink

Richard Fink

Travis Fisher

Alex Fitzsimmons

Joe Fone

Viv Forbes

Bob Foster

Philip Foster

Liam Fox

Michael Fox

Stewart Franks

Chris de Freitas

Gordon Fulks

Samuele Furfari


Dan Gainor

Evelyn Browning-Garriss

Jack N. Gerard

Lee C. Gerhard

Gerhard Gerlich

Ivar Giaever

Robert Giegengack

Rudy Giuliani

James K Glassman

Steven Goddard (Tony Heller)

Michael H. Goetz

Indur M. Goklany

Fred Goldberg

Stanley Goldenberg

Steve Goreham

Laurence Gould 

Michael Gove

C. Boyden Gray

Vincent Gray

William Gray

Kenneth Green

Kesten Green

Andrew Grossman


Ken Haapala

Keith D. Hage

Harold Hamm

Matt Hancock

Daniel Hannan

William Happer

Tom Harris

Kathleen Hartnett-White

Howard Hayden

Steven F. Hayward

Roger Helmer

David Henderson

David R Henderson

Victor Manuel Velasco Herrera

David Herro

Hugh Hewitt

Clay Higgins

John Hinderaker

Michael Hintze

Kate Hoey

Gertrud Hรถhler

Derrick Hollie

Jeffrey R. Holmstead

Brian Hooks

Art Horn

Chris Horner

Douglas V. Hoyt

Tim Huelskamp

Arthur Middleton Hughes


Anne Idsal

Craig Idso

Sherwood B. Idso

Keith Idso

Laura Ingraham

James Inhofe

Niger Innis

Roy Innis

Kiminori Itoh


Albert F. Jacobs

Jeff Jacoby

Zbigniew Jaworowski

Boris Johnson

Drew Johnson

Claes Goran Johnson

Alan Jones

Alex Jones

Daniel Jorjani


Wibjorn Karlen

William Kay

Sam Kazman

Richard Keen

Don Keiller

Michael Kelly

Todd Kendall

Phil Kerpen

Madhav Khandekar

Grant Kidwell

William Kininmonth

Charlie Kirk

Gale Klappa

Vaclav Klaus

Chip Knappenberger

Charles Koch

David Koch

Steve Koonin

Gerrit Cornelis van Kooten

Vivian Krause

David Kreutzer

George Kukla


Hans HJ Labohm

Donna Laframboise

Jim Lakely

Jeff Landry

Chris Landsea

James Lankford

Frank Lasรฉe

Nigel Lawson

Ruth Lea

Andrea Leadsom

Douglas Leahey

David Legates

Jay H. Lehr

Joe Leimkuhler

Corey Lewandowski

Bernie Lewin

Ezra Levant

Dan Lewis

Marlo Lewis, Jr.

Peter Lilley

Michael Limburg

Richard Lindzen

Gerrit van der Lingen

John Loeffler

Craig Loehle

Angela Logomasini

Simon Lomax

Bjรธrn Lomborg

Nicolas Loris

Leon Louw

Horst-Joachim Lรผdecke

Sebastian Lรผning

Anthony Lupo


Harry MacDougald

James Mahoney

Augusto Mangini

Jennifer Marohasy

Henri Masson

Mark Mathis

Ryan Maue

Amanda Maxham

Mitch McConnell

Charles D. McConnell

Alister McFarquhar

James McGrath

Steve McIntyre

Mike McKenna

Ross McKitrick

Owen McShane

Robert Mendelsohn

Rebekah Mercer

Robert Mercer

Patrick Michaels

Fred Michel

Steve Milloy

Mark P. Mills

Nick Minchin

Asmunn Moene

Annunziata Rees-Mogg

Jacob Rees-Mogg

A. Alan Moghissi

Christopher Monckton

Andrew Montford

Patrick Moore

Stephen Moore

Marc Morano

Terence Mordaunt

Nils-Axel Morner

Julian Morris

Wolfgang Mรผller

Mick Mulvaney

Robert P. Murphy

Iain Murray

Robert Murray

Tad Murty

Todd Myers


Maurice Newman

Rodney Nichols

Jeremy Nicholson

Ned Nikolov

Jacob Nordangรฅrd

Sean Noble

Bo Nordell

John Nothdurft

Joanne Nova


William O’Keefe

Oregon Petition

John O’Sullivan

Cliff Ollier

Isaac Orr


David H. Padden

Lewis Page

Fred Palmer

Albert Parker

Owen Paterson

R. Timothy Patterson

Gernot Patzelt

Mikko Paunio

George Pearson

James A. Peden

Benny Peiser

Al Pekarek

Cardinal George Pell

Mike Pence

Rick Perry

Jordan Peterson

Rachelle Peterson

Nancy Pfotenhauer

Tim Phillips

Roger Pielke Jr.

Roger Pielke Sr.

Ben Pile

Ian Plimer

Dennis Prager

Reince Priebus

Harry N.A. Priem

Mike Pompeo

Art Pope

Andreas Prokoph

Scott Pruitt

Jim Puplava

Thomas Pyle


Richard Rahn

Vijay Kumar Raina

Jim Ratcliffe

Lee Raymond

Neil Record

John Redwood

Josef H. Reichholf

Paul Reiter

Hubbel Relat

Craig Richardson

Peter Ridd

Matt Ridley

Gina Rinehart

Malcolm Roberts

Art Robinson

Norman Rogers

Brooke Rollins

Arthur Rorsch

David Rose

Caleb Rossiter

David Rothbard

Craig Rucker

Alan Rudge

Burt Rutan


Anthony J. Sadar

Nicola Scafetta

Rob Scagel

Harrison Schmitt

David Schnare

Joel Schwartz

Tom Segalstad

Naomi Seibt

Barre Seid

Jim Sensenbrenner

Frederick Seitz

Nir Shaviv

Gary D. Sharp

Michael Shellenberger

Robert C. Shoup (Bob Shoup)

Paavo Siitam

Daniel Simmons

Joanne Simpson

Shanker Singham

S. Fred Singer

Vaclav Smil

Fred L. Smith, Jr

L. Graham Smith

Lamar Smith

Mike Sommers

Willie Soon

Lawrence Solomon

James Spann

Roy Spencer

Sir James Spooner

Ronald Stein

Bret Stephens

H. Leighton Steward

Mark Steyn

Graham Stringer

John Stossel

John H. Sununu

Brian Sussman

Henrik Svensmark

Gordon E. Swaters


Tom Tanton

Roger Tattersall

George Taylor

James Taylor

Thomasz Teluk

Alexander Temerko

Hendrik Tennekes

Holger J. Thuss

Rex Tillerson

Utz Tillmann

Richard Tol

Donald Trump

David Tuerck


Fritz Vahrenholt

Brian G. Valentine

Jan Veizer

Lord Nigel Vinson

Arthur Viterito


Greg E. Walcher

James A. Wanliss

Anthony Watts

Gerd-Rainer Weber

Werner Weber

Edward Wegman

William Wehrum

Andrew Wheeler

David Whitehouse

Harry Wilkinson

Dan H. Wilks

Farris Wilks

George Will

Timothy Williams

Sammy Wilson

Wayne Winegarden

Boris Winterhalter

Bruno Wiskel

David Wojick

Joel Wood

Todd Wynn

Thomas Wysmuller


Miklรณs Zรกgoni

Karl Zeller

Heather Zichal

Antonino Zichichi

Ryan Zinke

Benjamin Zycher



DeSmogBlog thoroughly investigates the academic and industry backgrounds of those involved in the PR spin campaigns that are confusing the public and stalling action on climate change. If there is any individual or organization, ( i.e. scientist, self-professed “expert,” think tank, industry association, company) that you would like to see researched and reported on DeSmogBlog, please contact us here and we will investigate.


If you need something more quickly, please let us know and we can arrange to have the process expedited for a small fee to cover research costs.

An extensive database of organizations involved in the global warming denial industry.


DeSmog thoroughly investigates the organizations, think tanks, industry associations and astroturf groups that are misleading the public and stalling action on global warming. If there is an organization or group you would like to see researched and reported on DeSmog, please contact us here.































If there is an organization or group you would like to see researched and reported on DeSmog, please contact us here.