American Petroleum Institute

American Petroleum Institute (API)


Based in Washington DC, the American Petroleum Institute (API) is the largest trade association for the oil and gas industry, representing over 600 corporate members โ€œfrom the largest major oil company to the smallest of independents, come from all segments of the industry.โ€ The API says its mission is to โ€œinfluence public policy in support of a strong, viable U.S. oil and natural gas industry.โ€ API describes itself as โ€œthe only national trade association that represents all aspects of Americaโ€™s oil and natural gas industry.โ€1“API Overview and Mission,โ€ The American Petroleum Institute. Archived August 10, 2015. Archive URL:

API was initially established on March 20, 1919 in New York City and moved to Washington DC in late 1969. According to its website, API โ€œspeak[s] for the oil and natural gas industry to the public, Congress and the Executive Branch, state governments and the media. We negotiate with regulatory agencies, represent the industry in legal proceedings, participate in coalitions and work in partnership with other associations to achieve our membersโ€™ public policy goals.โ€2โ€œAPI History,โ€ The American Petroleum Institute. Archived August 10, 2015. Archive URL: 3“API Overview and Mission,โ€ The American Petroleum Institute. Archived August 10, 2015. Archive URL:

ExxonSecrets reports that API has funded organizations that oppose regulations aimed at combating global warming including the Cato Institute and Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE). API is also a member of the National Wetlands Coalition, a group suggesting government regulation on wetlands are โ€œburdensome and ineffective regulations on private property.โ€ According to Sourcewatch, The National Wetlands coalition has been relatively inactive since the 1990s, but was made up of a group of about 60 municipal associations, utilities and major industrial concerns, such as Exxon, Texaco and Kerr-McGee.4Mark Dowie. โ€œGreens Outgunned,โ€ Earth Island Journal, Vol 10. No. 2 (Spring 1995). Archived January 13, 2004. Archive URL: ExxonSecrets Factsheet: American Petroleum Institute. 5โ€œNational Wetlands Coalition,โ€ SourceWatch. Accessed March 9, 2016.

API Promoted โ€œUncertaintyโ€ about Climate Change

A 1998 Communications Plan, obtained by the New York Times and reported on at Greenpeace, suggests that API was actively working to promote โ€œuncertaintyโ€ about climate change science and links to fossil fuels. According to the document, โ€œvictory will be achieved when [โ€ฆ] Average citizens ‘understand’ (recognize) uncertainties in climate science; recognition of uncertainties becomes part of the ‘conventional wisdom’โ€6โ€œDenial and Deception: A Chronicle of ExxonMobilโ€™s Efforts to Corrupt the Debate on Global Warmingโ€ (PDF) Greenpeace, May, 2007. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

โ€œUnless ‘climate change’ becomes a non-issue, meaning that the Kyoto proposal is defeated and there are no further initiatives to thwart the threat of climate change, there may be no moment when we can declare victory for our efforts. It will be necessary to establish measurements for the science effort to track progress toward achieving the goal and strategic success,โ€ the document reads.

InsideClimate News reports that API also knew of climate change as early as 1982.7Neela Banerjee. โ€œOil Industry Group’s Own Report Shows Early Knowledge of Climate Impacts,โ€ InsideClimate News, February 5, 2016. Archived March 9, 2016. Archive URL: A Columbia University report titled โ€œClimate Models and CO2 Warming, A Selective Review and Summaryโ€ (PDFcommissioned by the institute in 1982, cautioned that global warming โ€œcan have serious consequences for man’s comfort and survival.โ€8โ€œClimate Models and CO2 Warming, A Selective Review and Summaryโ€ (PDF), American Petroleum Institute. Retrieved from Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

Koch Ties & Cooperation

While Koch Industries is not known to be a member of API, as reported in the funding section below, API has donated a total of $139,000 to Americans for Prosperity, the astroturf tea party group founded by billionaire David Koch.9โ€œAmerican Petroleum Institute,โ€ Conservative Transparency. Data retrieved June 6, 2017.

Koch interests often align with those of API, and Koch-aligned groups often engage in lobbying on behalf for the same oil-and-gas-friendly legislation as API. For example, API joined in when trade associations including the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM), the latter which represents Koch Industries, BP, and Exxon Mobil among others, joined together to work as โ€œone unified voiceโ€ to combat 21 young plaintiffs suing for stronger action on climate change.10Jesse Prentice-Dunn. โ€œMajor lobbying groups join Koch-backed effort to allow more natural gas waste on public lands,โ€ Medium, February 9, 2017. Archived August 7, 2019. URL: 11โ€œBig oil lines up to battle kids in climate court case,โ€ Climate Home, January 15, 2016. Archived March 9, 2016. Archive URL:

โ€œTime Is Running Outโ€ โ€” API

Long before API‘s coordinated plans to promote uncertainty, in 1965, President Johnsonโ€™s Science Advisory Committee published of a report titled โ€œRestoring the Quality of Our Environment.โ€ Then-API-president Frank Ikard described that report at an oil industry conference, DeSmog reported:12Sharon Kelly. โ€œ‘Time is Running Out,’ American Petroleum Institute Chief Said in 1965 Speech on Climate Change,โ€ DeSmog, November 20, 2018.

โ€œThis report unquestionably will fan emotions, raise fears, and bring demand for action,โ€ Ikard told the audience, as he described research into climate change caused by fossil fuels.

โ€œThe substance of the report is that there is still time to save the world’s peoples from the catastrophic consequence of pollution, but time is running out.โ€

According to excerpts of Ikard’s speech, published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature, Ikhard said:13โ€œEarly oil industry knowledge of CO2 and global warming,โ€ Nature Climate Change (2018).

โ€œOne of the most important predictions of the report is that carbon dioxide is being added to the Earth’s atmosphere by the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas at such a rate that by the year 2000 the heat balance will be so modified as possibly to cause marked changes in climate beyond local or even national efforts.โ€

According to the Nature letter from Stanford historian Benamin Franta, API itself had funded research reaching  similar conclusions. For example, in 1954, a California Institute of Technology geochemist sent the API a research proposal reporting that fossil fuels caused carbon dioxide (CO2) levels to rise roughly five percent since 1854.14โ€œEarly oil industry knowledge of CO2 and global warming,โ€ Nature Climate Change (2018).

API accepted that research proposal and advanced it under the name โ€œProject 53โ€ but never made those results public.15โ€œEarly oil industry knowledge of CO2 and global warming,โ€ Nature Climate Change (2018).

Energy Citizens

Starting in 2009, the API led a coalition called โ€œEnergy Citizensโ€ and held rallies opposing the Waxman-Markey Climate Bill, targeting states โ€œwhose Democratic Senators aren’t strong supporters of a stringent bill, such as [โ€ฆ] Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Mark Begich of Alaska.โ€16Ian Talley, โ€œLobby Groups to Use Town Hall Tactics to Oppose Climate Bill,โ€ Wall Street Journal โ€œWashington Wireโ€ blog, August 11, 2009. Archive URL:

According to Newsweek, API asked regional companies to urge their employees to participate in planned protests. A leaked memo revealed that โ€œThe objective of these rallies is to put a human face on the impacts of unsound energy policy and to aim a loud message at [20 different] states.โ€17David Stone. โ€The Browning of Grassroots,โ€ Newsweek, August 19, 2009. Archived January 12, 2012. Archive URL:

โ€œEnergy Citizensโ€ is also supported by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), American Farm Bureau, American Highway Users Alliance, National Black Chamber of Commerce (NBCC), Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council, FreedomWorks, American Conservative Union, Americans for Tax Reform, and Council for Citizens Against Government Waste.18Alex Kaplun, โ€œ’Energy Citizens’ Take Aim at Climate Legislation,โ€ The New York Times, August 12, 2009. Archived Aug 11, 2015. Archive URL:

According toO’Dwyer’s Magazine, in a February 2010 article titled โ€œThe Politics of Climate Change,โ€

โ€œThe group has loudly protested the EPAโ€™s decision to have greenhouse gas emissions regulated under the Clean Air Act. API members include Chevron, ConocoPhillips,Exxon Mobil, GE, Halliburton and Shell.โ€19โ€œThe Politics of Climate Change,โ€ O’Dwyer’s Magazine, Feb. 2010. Archived August 11, 2015. Archive URL:

Template fliers for the โ€œEnergy Citizensโ€ rallies warned that โ€œClimate change legislation being considered in Washington will cause huge economic pain and produce little environmental gain.โ€ They additionally claimed the Waxman-Markey Climate Bill would โ€œcost 2 million American jobs, raise gasoline and diesel prices up to $4.โ€

The EPA estimated the bill would cost U.S. households โ€œabout a postage stamp a day,โ€ while the Energy Information Administration projected annual โ€œenergy bill costs could rise between $26 per household to $362 by 2020.โ€20Ian Talley, โ€œLobby Groups to Use Town Hall Tactics to Oppose Climate Bill,โ€ Washington Wire (Wall Street Journal Blog), August 11, 2009. Archived August 11, 2015.

The company Democracy, Data & Communications (DDC), wrote in a case study that it โ€œhas actively partnered with the American Petroleum Institute (API) for years, designing,
executing, and managing all facets of their key national advocacy programโ€ and was โ€œasked with creating an on-the-ground campaign focused on raising the profile of Energy Citizens in support of natural gas production from the ‘Marcellus Shale’ formation in Pennsylvania.โ€21โ€œAMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE (API)โ€”STATE-FOCUSED EXAMPLEโ€ (PDF), Archived at DeSmog.

DDC said it helped to convene two roundtable meetings with local congressional representatives for the Energy Citizens campaign, as well as get 170 letters of support published and sent to Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale Commission. According to IRS tax filings reviewed by DeSmog, API paid DDC $29.3 million for its work between 2011 and 2015, DeSmog reported.22Steve Horn. โ€œHere’s the PR Firm Behind ‘Your Energy America’ Front Group Pushing Atlantic Coast Pipeline,โ€ DeSmog, June 14, 2017.

DDC has also worked with the tobacco company Phillip Morris on a website fighting against tobacco regulation. DDC is also an Associate Member of the Edison Electric Institute (EEI), which has also paid DDC at least $1.8 million since 2012 for PR work according to the IRS.23Steve Horn. โ€œHere’s the PR Firm Behind ‘Your Energy America’ Front Group Pushing Atlantic Coast Pipeline,โ€ DeSmog, June 14, 2017.

API has released a series of print ads espousing the benefits of fossil fuels, claiming that E15 fuel would damage equipment, and linking to their project,

Anti-E15 & E85 Ads

Other Ads

Energy for Progress

January 7, 2020

On January 7, 2020, API launched a new TV and digital media campaign highlighting โ€œthe natural gas and oil industry’s leadership in reducing emissions to record low levels and supporting economic and environmental progress in local communities,โ€ according to a press release.  The campaign included the website

View a sample video below:24โ€œAPI LAUNCHES NEW NATIONAL CAMPAIGN โ€˜ENERGY FOR PROGRESSโ€™, HIGHLIGHTS U.S. ENERGY LEADERSHIP IN ANNUAL STATE OF AMERICAN ENERGY EVENTโ€ (Press Release), The American Petroleum Institute, January 7, 2020. Archived February 14, 2020.

API announced the campaign at its annual โ€œState of American Energyโ€ event, and featured a panel comprised of TV host Mike Rowe and the presidents of the Laborersโ€™ International Union of North America, the Petroleum Equipment and Services Association, and the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council.25โ€œAPI LAUNCHES NEW NATIONAL CAMPAIGN โ€˜ENERGY FOR PROGRESSโ€™, HIGHLIGHTS U.S. ENERGY LEADERSHIP IN ANNUAL STATE OF AMERICAN ENERGY EVENTโ€ (Press Release), The American Petroleum Institute, January 7, 2020. Archived February 14, 2020.

โ€œFrom Colorado and New Mexico to Ohio and Pennsylvania, natural gas and oil development is energizing economies and improving millions of lives,โ€ API President and CEO Mike Sommers said in prepared remarks.  The campaign’s key focus appears to be combatting efforts that would ban or limit fracking. Sommers declared โ€œhe future of energy is at stake, whenever people doubt the value of natural gas and oil in our daily lives.โ€26โ€œAPI LAUNCHES NEW NATIONAL CAMPAIGN โ€˜ENERGY FOR PROGRESSโ€™, HIGHLIGHTS U.S. ENERGY LEADERSHIP IN ANNUAL STATE OF AMERICAN ENERGY EVENTโ€ (Press Release), The American Petroleum Institute, January 7, 2020. Archived February 14, 2020.

The Energy for Progress website features a section on โ€œenvironmental protectionโ€ where it claims natural gas has been a key reason โ€œU.S. carbon dioxide emissions have reached their lowest levels in a generation.โ€27โ€œENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION,โ€ Energy for Progress. Archived February 18, 2020. URL:

API‘s Lobbying

API is also heavily involved in direct lobbying on behalf of the oil and gas industry, having spent over $127 million on lobbying activities since 1998, according to data collected by OpenSecrets.28โ€œAmerican Petroleum Institute,โ€ Accessed September, 2017.

Year Lobbying Expenditures
Grand Total$127,025,067

API & the American Natural Gas Alliance (ANGA) Merger

On November 18, 2015, the American Petroleum Institute and the American Natural Gas Alliance (ANGA) announced a merger to create a โ€œsingle voice promoting the industryโ€ while working under the name of the American Petroleum Institute. ANGA was founded in 2009 and is funded by natural gas producers, and has worked against federal limits on methane emissions.29Robert Grattan. โ€œOil and natural gas boosters to merge into energy lobbying behemoth,โ€ Houston Chronicle, November 18, 2015. Archived June 2, 2016. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Archive URL:

OpenSecrets reports that ANGA has spent more than $15 million on lobbying activities for the oil and gas industry since 2009:30โ€œAmerica’s Natural Gas Alliance,โ€ OpenSecrets. Accessed June 2, 2016.

YearTotal Lobbying Expenditure
Grand Total$15,180,000

Explore Offshore

The American Petroleum Institute launched its Explore Offshore project in June 2018 โ€œseeking to convince Hispanic and black communities to support the Trump administrationโ€™s proposed expansion of offshore drilling,โ€ Reuters reported.31Valerie Volcovici. โ€œBig Oil eyes U.S. minority groups to build offshore drilling support,โ€ Reuters, June 22, 2018. Archived Aug 1, 2018. URL:

โ€œWe want to build support in minority communities because the message that increasing the supply of affordable energy and good paying jobs will resonate,โ€ said Erik Milito, APIโ€™s director of Upstream and Industry Operations.

Explore Offshore describes itself as a โ€œnational coalition that supports offshore energy exploration and production to help supply affordable energy for American consumers, small businesses, and manufacturers.โ€

โ€œExplore Offshoreโ€™s mission is to unite supporters of offshore energy development and promote its benefits and its importance to our nationโ€™s economy and energy security,โ€ its website claims.

Coalition members include representatives from Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Virginia. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and a range of local affiliates are listed on its coalition page.32โ€œABOUT,โ€ Explore Offshore. Archived May 22, 2019. Archive URL:  33โ€œCoalition,โ€ Explore Offshore. Archived July 12, 2019. Archive URL:

According to Reuters, Explore Offshore has partnered with a number of black and Hispanic business groups including the Virginia, Florida and North Carolina Hispanic Chambers of Commerce and the Florida Black Chamber of Commerce and South Carolina African American Chamber of Commerce.34Valerie Volcovici. โ€œBig Oil eyes U.S. minority groups to build offshore drilling support,โ€ Reuters, June 22, 2018. Archived Aug 1, 2018. URL:

Only one African-American man, South Carolina African American Chamber of Commerce chairman Stephen Gilchrist, was involved in the group. Gilchrist reportedly โ€œcounts [Steve] Bannon as a friend.โ€ While the group identifies itself as a โ€œbipartisan coalition,โ€ its sole Democrat is Jim Webb, who has praised โ€œgallantryโ€ of Confederate soldiers and defended โ€œthe venerable Robert E. Leeโ€ according to a Politico story on Webb’s roots.35โ€œPRIVACY POLICY,โ€ Explore Offshore. Accessed Aug 1, 2018. No longer available online (website later redirected to’s privacy page). 36โ€œSteve Bannon tells black business leaders in South Carolina to demand better,โ€ The Post and Courier, November 10, 2017. Archived August 1, 2018. URL: 37David Mark. โ€œWebb’s rebel roots: An affinity for Confederacy,โ€ Politico, June 10, 2008. Archived Aug 1, 2018. URL:

July 24, 2018

Representatives from API and API‘s โ€œExplore Offshore South Carolinaโ€ attended a luncheon hosted by the SC African American Chamber of Commerce to discuss โ€œthe Economic impacts and safety of Offshore Energy.โ€38โ€œEconomic Impacts and Safety of Offshore Energy Lunch,โ€ Eventbrite. Archived August 1, 2018. URL:

May 16, 2018

Explore Offshore, a โ€œproject of the American Petroleum Instituteโ€ ran an ad campaign on Facebook promoting offshore drilling in Florida. According to Facebook’s political ad archive, the ads were removed because they lacked a โ€œPaid for byโ€ label while including political content.39โ€œABOUT,โ€ Explore Offshore. Archived May 22, 2019. Archive URL: 40โ€œArchive of Ads With Political Content: American Petroleum Institute,โ€ Facebook. Accessed May 25, 2018.

The ad text read as follows:

โ€œContrary to what the opposition wants you to believe, offshore energy exploration has occurred safely alongside marine life, commercial fishing, military activities, and tourism for decades in the Gulf.

‘Not only have these industries co-existed with energy production, but in many cases energy development has stimulated and bolstered investments, increased higher-paying jobs, and supported retail and tourism in coastal towns along the Gulf,’ Cornelia Horner, a spokeswoman with the American Petroleum Institute.

The choice is simple when you have the facts. Say yes to exploring our offshore resources in Florida.โ€

Stance on Climate Change

May 2017

In its most recent โ€œClimate and Energyโ€ primer, API claims that the use of natural gas is enough to reduce CO2 emissions, and that we should recognize โ€œthe many benefits that oil and natural gas provide our nationโ€:41โ€œClimate and Energy,โ€ API, May 2017. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

โ€œCO2 emissions from power generation in 2016 were near 30-year lows, in large part due to greater use of natural gas. And increased use of natural gas in the power generation sector has helped to reduce total  CO2 emissions to their lowest level in nearly 25 years.

โ€œThis proves that Americans do not have to make the false choice between utilizing our nationโ€™s energy resources and protecting the environment.

โ€œThe oil and gas industry considers climate change a very important issue and is engaging constructively to address this complex global challenge.

United States climate policy must recognize the vital role of petroleum products in modern society, and the many benefits that oil and natural gas provide our nation and the world.โ€

API offered a similar statement on its website.42โ€œClimate Change,โ€ American Petroleum Institute. Archived March 9, 2016. Archive URL:


An archived version of the American Petroleum Institute website admits that โ€œemissions from [energy] production and use may be helping to warm our planet by enhancing the natural greenhouse effect of the atmosphere. Thatโ€™s why oil and gas companies are also working to reduce their greenhouse emissions.โ€43โ€œClimate Change,โ€ American Petroleum Institute. Archived July 25, 2015. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Archive URL:

A November 2015 โ€œClimate and Energy Primerโ€ (PDF) released by API suggests there are โ€œuncertaintiesโ€ with regards to climate change, however still suggests it is a serious problem:44โ€œClimate Change and Energyโ€ (PDF), American Petroleum Institute, November 2015. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

โ€œWhile we rely on them for most of our energy and will likely do so for years to come, as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) notes: ‘Scientists are certain that human activities are changing the composition of the atmosphere, and that increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases will change the planetโ€™s climate. However, they are not sure by how much it will change, at what rate it will change, or what the exact effects will be.’ Despite these uncertainties it is clear that climate change is a serious problem that requires research for solutions and effective policies that allow us to meet our energy needs while protecting the environment. That’s why oil and gas companies are working to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.โ€


API‘s 1998 โ€Global Climate Science Communications Planโ€ (PDF), reported by the New York Times and authored by the American Petroleum Institute’s Joe Walker, revealed the institute’s stance on climate change.

According to the plan, โ€œvictory will be achieved whenโ€:45โ€œDenial and Deception: A Chronicle of ExxonMobilโ€™s Efforts to Corrupt the Debate on Global Warmingโ€ (PDF) Greenpeace, May, 2007. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

  • Average citizens โ€œunderstandโ€ (recognize) uncertainties in climate science; recognition of uncertainties becomes part of the โ€œconventional wisdomโ€
  • Media โ€œunderstandsโ€ (recognizes) uncertainties in climate science
  • Media coverage reflects balance on climate science and recognition of the validity of viewpoints that challenge the current โ€œconventional wisdomโ€
  • Industry senior leadership understands uncertainties in climate science, making them stronger ambassadors to those who shape climate policy
  • Those promoting the Kyoto treaty on the basis of extant science appear to be out of touch with reality.โ€

Under the heading โ€œClimate Reality,โ€ the document continues:

โ€œUnless ‘climate change’ becomes a non-issue, meaning that the Kyoto proposal is defeated and there are no further initiatives to thwart the threat of climate change, there may be do moment when we can declare victory for our efforts. It will be necessary to establish measurements for the science effort to track progress toward achieving the goal and strategic success.โ€


InsideClimate News reports that the American Petroleum Institute knew of climate change as early as 1982: A Columbia University report titled โ€œClimate Models and CO2 Warming, A Selective Review and Summaryโ€ (PDF) commissioned by the American Petroleum Institute in 1982, cautioned that global warming โ€œcan have serious consequences for man’s comfort and survival.โ€46Neela Banerjee. โ€œOil Industry Group’s Own Report Shows Early Knowledge of Climate Impacts,โ€ InsideClimate News, February 5, 2016. Archived March 9, 2016. Archive URL: 47โ€œClimate Models and CO2 Warming, A Selective Review and Summaryโ€ (PDF), American Petroleum Institute. Retrieved from Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

American Petroleum Institute Funding (As Donor)

There are 374 transactions on record for the American Petroleum Institute as a Donor in the Conservative Transparency Database. Note that not all of the following funding values have been confirmed by DeSmog.48โ€œAmerican Petroleum Institute,โ€ Conservative Transparency. Data retrieved June 6, 2017.

View the attached spreadsheet for further details on the American Petroleum Institute’s funding by year (.xlsx).

Oil and Natural Gas Industry Labor Management Committee$3,597,648
Citizens to Protect Pennsylvania$2,851,500
National Association of Manufacturers$2,026,150
2012 Tampa Bay Host Committee$2,022,473
Coloradans for Responsible Reform$1,544,481
Ground Water Protection Council$1,440,800
Independent Petroleum Association of America$1,387,356
American Chemistry Council$1,232,000
Health Effects Institute$910,000
Cleveland 2016 Host Committee Inc.$900,000
State Review of Oil and Natural Gas Environmental Regulations$775,000
Business Industry Political Action Committee$775,000
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute$772,500
Americans for Tax Reform$740,000
Rebuilding Together$706,812
University of Connecticut$700,531
Philadelphia 2016 Host Committee$700,000
Republican Governors Association$630,000
IHS Global$625,000
University of California Davis$622,490
Democratic Governors Association$555,000
American Council for Capital Formation$535,000
Business Institute for Political Analysis$525,000
University of Colorado$455,133
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation$445,000
Plumbers & Pipefitters$440,500
Coalition for American Jobs$412,969
Energy Policy Research Foundation$375,000
Consumer Energy Alliance$332,500
Ohio Oil & Gas Energy Education Program$306,000
America’s Wetland Foundation$300,000
Raise the Bar Protect Our Constitution$300,000
Environmental Council of the States$256,750
60 Plus Association$253,000
National Ocean Policy Coalition$250,000
American Action Network$250,000
Building and Construction Trades Department AFLCIO$245,000
Maine Energy Marketers Association$240,000
US Chamber of Commerce$236,500
Franklin-Hamilton Inc.$235,000
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$229,500
The Keystone Center$220,500
Coloradans for a Stable Economy$200,000
George Mason University Foundation$200,000
Republican State Leadership Committee$200,000
Energy Equipment and Infrastructure Alliance$200,000
National Academy of Sciences$200,000
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation$165,500
Pipeline Research Council$162,500
Stanford University$160,000
Institute for Energy Research$160,000
Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies$152,500
Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council$150,000
Republican Attorneys General Association$150,000
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research$150,000
Americans for Prosperity$139,000
Petroleum Association of Wyoming$130,000
Congressional Black Caucus Institute$125,000
Montana Department of Environmental Quality$117,274
University of Massachusetts Dept of Microbiology$117,000
Greater North Dakota Chamber of Commerce$107,193
Association for Environmental Health and Sciences$106,000
American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers$105,000
Ground Water Research & Education Foundation$105,000
National Foreign Trade Council$101,000
National Retail Federation$100,000
Alliance to Save Energy$100,000
Friends of the House 2016 LLC$100,000
Michigan State University$100,000
National Taxpayers Union$100,000
American Legislative Exchange Council$98,000
National Black Chamber of Commerce$97,500
Clemson University$95,000
University of California Berkeley$94,402
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign$93,900
North Carolina State University$93,135
United States Association for Energy Economics$92,500
100 Black Men of America$90,000
US News and World Report – US News Stem Solutions$85,000
National Conference of State Legislatures$84,000
Independent Petroleum Association of Mountain States$81,000
Northwestern University School of Law$80,000
LNG Allies$80,000
Common Ground Alliance$80,000
Rutgers University$80,000
Capitol Hill Publishing Corp.$79,500
International Conservation Caucus Foundation$75,000
The Foreign Policy Group$75,000
Offshore Energy Center$75,000
Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute$75,000
National Council for Air and Stream Improvement$75,000
Utility Air Regulatory Group$75,000
National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners$71,800
Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility$71,750
Nebraska Ethanol Board$71,212
Congressional Black Caucus Policy & Leadership Institute$70,000
American Association of Blacks in Energy$70,000
Tri-State Bird Rescue and Research$68,500
American Conservative Union$66,000
A Wider Circle$60,000
United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce$60,000
American GI Forum of the United States$60,000
Sustainable Remediation Forum$60,000
James Madison Institute$60,000
National Newspaper Publishers Association$57,500
The National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development$55,000
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation$52,500
University of Tulsa$52,353
University of Oklahoma$52,194
Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation$51,000
National Journal Group$50,000
Western Governors’ Association$50,000
Texas State Society of Washington DC$50,000
Hispanic Alliance for Progress/Prosperity Institute$50,000
National Industrial Sand Association$50,000
American Legion$50,000
NM Association Conservative District$50,000
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences$50,000
Council of Great Lakes Governors$50,000
Citizens Against Government Waste$50,000
Rice University$50,000
Michigan Chamber PAC II$50,000
Nicholls State University$45,000
Western States Air Resources Council$45,000
Coordinating Research Council$45,000
National Petrochemical & Refiners Association$45,000
The Bryce Harlow Foundation$42,500
Council of State Governments$41,000
Northwestern University$40,000
Saj Media (Greater Wilmington Business Journal)$40,000
Third Way$40,000
National Conference of Black Mayors$40,000
Annapolis Center for Science-Based Public Policy$40,000
Consensus Building Institute$40,000
Formula Sports Group$40,000
NALEO Educational Fund$40,000
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)$39,951
University of Rochester$38,695
American Council on Science and Health$37,500
Mahoning County Democratic Party$37,500
Pennsylvania Independent Oil and Gas Association$37,500
University of New Hampshire$36,000
Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment$35,000
National Urban League$35,000
Wright State University$35,000
University of Houston – Clear Lake$34,000
Radio Television Digital News Association$31,000
Federal Water Quality Coalition (Barnes & Thornburg)$31,000
Conservative Political Action Conference$31,000
Washington Press Club Foundation$30,285
Taxpayers for Common Sense$30,000
Coastal America Foundation$30,000
The Tax Foundation$30,000
Illinois Institute of Technology$30,000
Virginia Chamber of Commerce$30,000
Fund for Peace$30,000
Ohio Democratic Party$30,000
University of California$30,000
Resources First Foundation$30,000
North Carolina Agricultural Foundation$28,000
Western Michigan University$28,000
American Tort Reform Association$25,100
Mercatus Center$25,000
Tread Lightly Inc.$25,000
Competitive Enterprise Institute$25,000
Jefferson Island Club$25,000
FTI Consulting$25,000
Battelle Memorial Institute$25,000
National Association of Hispanic Publications$25,000
Consortium of Catholic Academies of the Archdiocese of Washington$25,000
PGA Foundation$25,000
The Ripon Society$25,000
Arizona State University$25,000
Democratic Attorneys General Association$25,000
Heartland Institute$25,000
Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies$25,000
American Highway Users Alliance$25,000
Bloomberg Finance LP$25,000
National Association of Wholesaler Distributors (LIFO Coalition)$25,000
University of Vermont$25,000
Western Business Roundtable$25,000
Southern Christian Leadership Conference$25,000
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers$25,000
Southern Republican Leadership Conference South Carolina$25,000
American Forest and Paper Association$21,700
Nebraska Ethanol Industry Coalition$20,212
National Foundation for Women Legislators$20,000
Illinois AFLCIO$20,000
HM&C Center Stage LLC$20,000
Fund for American Studies$20,000
New Mexico Community Capital$20,000
University of Texas at Arlington$20,000
Community Leaders of America$20,000
Virginia Foundation for Research & Economic Education$20,000
Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce$20,000
Carbon Sequestration Council$20,000
Edison Electric Institute$18,500
American Institute of Chemical Engineers$17,500
North American Metals Council$17,000
Everybody Wins! DC$16,400
US Conference of Mayors$15,000
The National Center for American Indian Enterprise$15,000
New York Academy of Sciences$15,000
Nevada State AFLCIO$15,000
Board of Hispanic Caucus Chairs$15,000
Bryce Harlow Foundation$15,000
NCSL Foundation for State Legislatures$15,000
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars$15,000
Professional Dairy Managers of Pennsylvania$15,000
Foreign Policy Association$15,000
The Corbett Cawley Inaugural Committee$15,000
Flag Credit Union$15,000
National Board of Professional Teaching Standards$15,000
Metro Denver Economic Development Corp$12,500
Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry Education Foundation$12,500
The Economic Club of Washington DC$12,000
The George Washington University$12,000
Public Lands Advocacy$11,000
Center for Legislative Energy and Environmental Research$10,785
Scientific Consulting Group$10,500
Foundation for American Communications$10,000
Virginia Sustainable Building Network$10,000
Institute for Policy Innovation$10,000
California Climate Action Registry$10,000
Montana Economic Developers Association$10,000
National Chamber Foundation$10,000
Unlocking Potential$10,000
National Association of Black Journalists$10,000
Center for Excellence in Education$10,000
Mahoning County Republican Party$10,000
The Horinko Group$10,000
Centennial Institute$10,000
Conference Group$10,000
Citizens for Sound Conservation$10,000
Congressional Award Foundation$10,000
Abate of Illinois$10,000
National Association of Energy Officials$10,000
Committee for Economic Development$10,000
Ohio Republican Party$10,000
Freedom Foundation of Minnesota$10,000
Jobs for America’s Graduates$10,000
A Better Missouri Nixon for Governor$10,000
Republican Governors Public Policy Committee$10,000
Council of State Chambers (COSC)$10,000
Kasich-Taylor New Day Inaugural Committee$10,000
Stop Oil Seeps California$10,000
University of Alaska Foundation$10,000
Federal Recycling and Remediation Coalition (Barnes & Thornburg)$10,000
Ohioans For Change$10,000
Volta Live Inc.$10,000
Latitude LLC$10,000
Texas Oil and Gas Association$10,000
Alliance for Consumer Education$10,000
Indiana Works$10,000
Hydrogen Sulfide Coalition$10,000
Gulf of Mexico Alliance$10,000
National Endangered Species Act Reform Coalition$10,000
Science Spark$10,000
Colorado State University$10,000
Rockwood Labor Club$7,500
Women’s Energy Network of Houston$7,500
New Jersey Lawsuit Reform Alliance$7,500
Illinois Legislative Black Caucus Foundation$7,500
Missouri Petroleum Marketers & Convenience Store Association$7,500
Climate Action Reserves$7,500
Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs$6,511
University of Texas at Austin$6,500
Hart Energy Publishing LLP$6,500
Waterfall Foundation$6,000
Ohio Oil & Gas Association$6,000
San Antonio Hispanic Chamber$6,000
Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors$6,000
American Society for Testing and Materials$6,000
New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce$5,500
Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry$5,333
Utilities Telecom Council$5,100
National Conference of State Societies$5,000
Hispanic College Fund$5,000
Meridian International$5,000
Aspen Institute$5,000
American Oil & Gas Historical Society$5,000
National Association of Neighborhoods$5,000
Grand Total$43,446,878

990 Forms

Key People

The following is based on publicly available 990 forms and website data via the Internet Archive, reviewed by DeSmog.

View the attached spreadsheet for additional information and sources for American Petroleum Institute people by year (.xlsx).

API Leadership Team

*Jack Gerard announced on January 24, 2018 that he would step down as API‘s president.49Steven Mufson. โ€œJack Gerard to step down as head of powerful American Petroleum Institute,โ€ The Washington Post, January 17, 2018. Archived January 25, 2018. URL:

Key Past Leadership

Other People


February 7, 2022

A coalition of industry groups including API filed an Amicus Brief in support of a lawsuit to protect Enbridgeโ€™s Line 5 Pipeline in Michigan.56Brad Kramer. “Energy Industry Coalition Supports Litigation to Keep Line 5 Pipeline Flowing,” North American Energy Pipelines, February 7, 2022. Archived January 29, 2023. Archive URL:

In 2020, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer sued to shut down the aging pipeline, citing โ€œan unacceptable risk of a catastrophic oil spill in the Great Lakes.โ€57(Press Release). “Governor Whitmer Takes Action to Shut Down the Line 5 Dual Pipelines through the Straits of Mackinac After a Reasonable Transition Period to Protect the State’s Energy Needs,Governor Gretchen Whitmer, November 13, 2020. Archived April 9, 2023. Archive URL:



March 25, 2021

API announced in a press release that it would endorse a โ€œcarbon price policy.โ€60(Press Release). “API Outlines Path For Low-Carbon Future In New Climate Action Framework,” American Petroleum Institute, March 25, 2021. Archive URL:

โ€œConfronting the challenge of climate change and building a lower-carbon future will require a combination of government policies, industry initiatives and continuous innovation,โ€ API President and CEO Mike Sommers said. 

However, as noted at InfluenceMap, this announcement “needs to be viewed in the wider context of the organizationโ€™s long history of opposing effective action on climate change.”61(Press Release). “American Petroleum Instituteโ€™s newly announced โ€˜carbon priceโ€™ policy,” Influencemap via Mailchimp. Archive URL:

โ€œA statement of theoretical support for a market-based carbon price is a long way from agreeing to what will likely need to be strong, binding rules to limit fossil fuel usage & methane emission,โ€ said InfluenceMap Executive Director Dylan Tanner.
โ€œAs with all positive-sounding, top-line statements weโ€™ve seen from fossil fuel interests recently, the focus needs to be on details and actions โ€“ not just the rhetoric.
โ€œCarbon pricing is, after all, a broad concept.
โ€œEmbracing carbon pricing does not necessarily translate into support for effective climate policy until there is a specific piece of legislation or regulation to implement a price.โ€62(Press Release). “American Petroleum Instituteโ€™s newly announced โ€˜carbon priceโ€™ policy,” Influencemap via Mailchimp. Archive URL:

InfluenceMap highlighted a number of examples over the prior months of “APIโ€™s oppositional approach to proposed climate policy” such as API’s CEO Mike Sommers’ comment in a January 2021 American Energy Keynote Speech where he said scaling back fossil fuel development would  be the “surest way to bring (economic) recovery to a stop.”63(Press Release). “American Petroleum Instituteโ€™s newly announced โ€˜carbon priceโ€™ policy,” Influencemap via Mailchimp. Archive URL:

API described the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement as “aggressive” in January 2021. In November of 2020, API CEO Mike Sommers promised to fight back against the Biden Administration with every tool at its disposal” if they tried to limit oil and gas development on federal lands.64(Press Release). “American Petroleum Instituteโ€™s newly announced โ€˜carbon priceโ€™ policy,” Influencemap via Mailchimp. Archive URL:

As noted at The Washington Post, environment and climate groups expressed doubts that API’s draft endorsement was significant.65Steven Mufson. “Top oil and gas lobbying group close to backing a carbon tax,” The Washington Post, March 2, 2021. Archive URL:

Maya Golden-Krasner, deputy director of the Center for Biological Diversityโ€™s Climate Law Institute, said โ€œthe APIโ€™s move would be little more than a public relations ploy, and the Biden administration shouldnโ€™t be taking policy cues from the standard pollutersโ€™ playbook.โ€ Golden-Krasner added that a โ€œinstead of letting producers buy their way out of climate accountability, we need strong regulations to keep fossil fuels in the ground.โ€66Steven Mufson. “Top oil and gas lobbying group close to backing a carbon tax,” The Washington Post, March 2, 2021. Archive URL:

However, The Washington Post noted “APIโ€™s biggest members have long been betting on carbon pricing and the likelihood that climate regulation would one day be adopted.”67Steven Mufson. “Top oil and gas lobbying group close to backing a carbon tax,” The Washington Post, March 2, 2021. Archive URL:

Oil giant Total, which vowed to combat climate change, quit API, saying it no longer represented its positions or interests.68Steven Mufson. “Top oil and gas lobbying group close to backing a carbon tax,” The Washington Post, March 2, 2021. Archive URL:

According to the Wall Street Journal, Sommers claimed the decision reflected a change in circumstances since API’s past opposition to carbon pricing.69Timothy Puko. “Oil Lobby Backs Climate Action Plan,” The Wall Street Journal, March 25, 2021. Archive URL:

โ€œAs things have continued to evolve, we know that more needs to be done,โ€ Mr. Sommers said. โ€œWe also know that climate change is real and we need to do more to address one of the marquee issues of our time.โ€

January 26, 2021

Following an announcement from newly-elected US President Joe Biden outlining executive orders for fossil fuel industry, including achieving a carbon-free power sector by 2035, API responded with claims that โ€œRestricting natural gas and oil development on federal lands and waters risks hundreds of thousands of jobs and billions in government revenue for education and conservation programs.โ€ API released OnLocation analysis claiming, โ€œU.S. energy leadership could be at stake if a federal leasing and development ban is enacted,โ€ that โ€œNearly 1 million jobs could be lost by 2022,โ€ among other claims.70โ€œRestricting natural gas and oil development on federal lands and waters risks hundreds of thousands of jobs and billions in government revenue for education and conservation programs,โ€ tweet by @APIenergy, January 26, 2021. Archived.png on file at Desmog. 71โ€œFACT SHEET: President Biden Takes Executive Actions to Tackle the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, Create Jobs, and Restore Scientific Integrity Across Federal Government,โ€ The White House, January 27, 2021. Archived February 11, 2021. URL: 72โ€œA Federal Leasing And Development Ban Threatens Americaโ€™s Energy Security And Economic Growth, Undermines Environmental Progress,โ€ American Petroleum Institute. Archived February 14, 2021. Archive URL:

July 13, 2020

API removed โ€œenergyโ€ from its logo, and introduced a new red, blue and gray logo E&E News reported.73Edward Klump. โ€œAPI dials back ‘energy’ branding,โ€ E&E News, July 14, 2020. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

โ€œAs part of our logo redesign, we conducted research that found policymakers and global standards customers already had a strong association between API and energy and knew without noting the word that we were standard bearers for policies that support access to affordable, reliable and cleaner energy while providing safety and sustainability standards and certifications around the world,โ€ API said in a statement to E&E News.74Edward Klump. โ€œAPI dials back ‘energy’ branding,โ€ E&E News, July 14, 2020. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

E&E news noted that the change echoed a recent rebranding by the Texas-based Vistra Energy Corp. which also announced a switch to Vista Corp, saying energy is โ€œmost commonly used to refer to the petroleum/oil and gas sector, of which we are not a part.โ€75Edward Klump. โ€œAPI dials back ‘energy’ branding,โ€ E&E News, July 14, 2020. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

Earlier in 2020, API also began using the phrase โ€œnatural gas and oilโ€ rather than โ€œoil and gas.โ€76Edward Klump. โ€œAPI dials back ‘energy’ branding,โ€ E&E News, July 14, 2020. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

According to API, the new logo reflects โ€œour industryโ€™s laser-focus on the future, innovation and the evolving role of natural gas and oil in taking us on the journey.โ€

โ€œIn the 12 years since API last updated its brand, the U.S. shale revolution โ€“ enabled by hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling โ€“ has elevated the importance of our domestic natural gas and oil resources,โ€ API wrote on its blog.77Megan Bloomgren. โ€œNew Logo Reflects APIโ€™s Future Focus, Collaborative Path To Finding Solutions,โ€œ American Petroleum Institute, July 13, 2020. Archived July 31, 2020. Archive URL:

June 24โ€“25, 2020

API was highlighted in a lawsuit from the Minnesota Attorney General’s office that also called out Exxon Mobil Corporation, ExxonMobil Oil Corporation, Koch Industries, Inc., and the Koch-owned Flint Hills Resources LP and Flint Hills Resources Pine Bend for allegedly misleading consumers about climate change.78Dana Drugmand. โ€œMinnesota Attorney General Sues Exxon, Koch and API for Climate Deception,โ€ DeSmog, June 24, 2020.

โ€œWhen corporations and trade associations break the law and hurt Minnesotans, itโ€™s my job and my duty to hold them accountable. The fraud, deceptive advertising, and other violations of Minnesota state law and common law that the lawsuit shows they perpetrated have harmed Minnesotansโ€™ health and our stateโ€™s environment, infrastructure, and economy,โ€ said Attorney General Keith Ellison, as reported in the AG office press release.79(Press Release). โ€œAG Ellison sues ExxonMobil, Koch Industries & American Petroleum Institute for deceiving, defrauding Minnesotans about climate change,โ€ The Office of Minnesota Attorney, June 24, 2020. Archived June 25, 2020. Archive URL:

โ€œPreviously unknown internal documents were recently discovered that confirm that Defendants well understood the devastating effects that their products would cause to the climate, including Minnesota, dating back to the 1970s and 1980s. But Defendants did not ever disclose to the publicโ€”or to Minnesotansโ€”their actual knowledge that would confirm the very science they sought to undermine. Instead, Defendants, both directly and through proxies, engaged in a public-relations campaign that was not only false, but also highly effective. This campaign was intended to, and did, target and influence the public, and consumers, including in Minnesota,โ€ the lawsuit reads.80โ€œState of Minnesota, by its Attorney General, Keith Ellison Vs. American Petroleum Institute et alโ€ (PDF), State of Minnesota County of Ramsey, District Court Second Judicial District. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

Discussing API‘s role:

โ€œAPI has been a member of at least five organizations that have promoted disinformation about fossil-fuel products to consumers, including the Global Climate Coalition, Partnership for a Better Energy Future, Coalition for American Jobs, Alliance for Energy and Economic Growth, and Alliance for Climate Strategies. These front groups were formed to provide climate disinformation and advocacy from a seemingly objective source, when, in fact, they were financed and controlled by ExxonMobil and other sellers of fossil-fuel products. Defendants benefited from the spread of this disinformation.โ€

On Koch, the lawsuit suggests that the company is liable for the various actions of its numerous subsidiaries involved in the manufacturing, refining, and distribution of petroleum products. It also notes:

โ€œKoch also supports numerous foundations including the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, the David H. Koch Charitable Foundation, the Koch Institute, and the Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation. Koch expects the foundations that it supports to fund groups that further its financial interests. Koch constructively controls how the foundations that it supports direct their philanthropic activities.โ€

It also notes that, like numerous other oil companies, โ€œKoch also understood climate-change science, the connection to sales of its fossil fuel products, and the potential for catastrophic consequences before the science was widely understood by the general public.โ€

It highlights what appeared to be a coordinated effort by companies including Koch to โ€œcombat climate change ‘alarmists’ through a campaign focused on science, information dissemination, and politics.โ€ It highlights a 2006 memo from the Intermountain Rural Electric Association that outlined how Koch Industries was working with other large corporations including the Competitive Enterprise Institute, Southern Company, American Electric Power (AEP), and National Association of Manufacturers (NAM).

Shortly after, the D.C. Attorney General’s Office joined in a similar lawsuit against BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, and Shell. The lawsuit alleges the four largest investor-owned oil and gas companies violated the Districtโ€™s Consumer Protection Procedures Act by promoting and selling fossil fuel products contributing to global warming, while knowing about the harmful consequences since at least the 1950s.81Dana Drugmand. โ€œDC Is the Latest to Sue Exxon and Big Oil for Climate Disinformation Campaigns,โ€ DeSmog, June 25, 2020.

The lawsuit highlights the industry’s use of fake grassroots groups, such as the Advancement of Sound Science Coalition, which started out as a front group for tobacco giant Philip Morris in 1993. This group had transitioned to become the Advancement of Sound Science Center in 1997 and was run out of the home of climate science denier Steve Milloy, who most recently worked in public relations for coal company Murray Energy, before being disbanded.82Dana Drugmand. โ€œDC Is the Latest to Sue Exxon and Big Oil for Climate Disinformation Campaigns,โ€ DeSmog, June 25, 2020.

According to a press release from the D.C. Attorney Generalโ€™s Office, โ€œThe [oil] companies not only employed the Advancement of Sound Science Coalition โ€” a fake grassroots citizen group created by Big Tobacco as part of the industryโ€™s misinformation campaign โ€” they also funded and promoted some of the same scientists hired by tobacco companies. These scientists disputed the conclusions of climate researchers, despite not having any training in climate science themselves.โ€83(Press Release). โ€œAG Racine Sues Exxon Mobil, BP, Chevron, and Shell for Misleading Consumers About the Role Fossil Fuels Play in Climate Change,โ€ Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia, June 25, 2020. Archived June 25, 2020. Archive URL:

โ€œFor decades, these oil and gas companies spent millions to mislead consumers and discredit climate science in pursuit of profits,โ€ said AG Racine. โ€œThe defendants violated the Districtโ€™s consumer protection law by concealing the fact that using fossil fuels threatens the health of District residents and the environment. OAG filed this suit to end these disinformation campaigns and to hold these companies accountable for their deceptive practices.

March 20, 2020

The Independent reported the American Petroleum Institute had been accused of โ€œwildly inflatingโ€ job numbers in the fracking industry. The report by Food & Water Watch concluded API had inflated the numbers in โ€œa clear attempt to defend the economically struggling industry that is linked to air, water and climate pollution.โ€84Louise Boyle. โ€œPro-fracking group is ‘wildly inflating’ job numbers, environmental campaigners claim,โ€ Independent, March 20, 2020. Archived April 9, 2020. Archive URL: 85โ€œPhantom Jobs: Fracking Job Creation Numbers Donโ€™t Add Upโ€ (PDF)Food & Water Watch, March 20, 2020. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

The API had released a report claiming that more than 7.5 million jobs would be at risk from a fracking ban with 26,000 in Pennsylvania where the fracking industry is a key election issue. The new analysis from Food & Water Watch found that data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) on fracking differed significantly from API‘s numbers, and counts 636,000 total jobs, and 26,000 in Pennsylvania.86โ€œAmerica’s Progress at Risk: An Economic Analysis of a Ban on Fracking and Federal Leasing for Natural Gas and Oil Developmentโ€ (PDF), American Petroleum Institute, 2020. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

FWW Research Director Alison Grass said: โ€œItโ€™s more important than ever to accurately assess how many workers are employed in the oil and gas fracking industries. For years, the industry has concocted wildly inflated employment numbers in an effort to blunt criticism of the toll that fracking has taken on our air, water, and climate.87Louise Boyle. โ€œPro-fracking group is ‘wildly inflating’ job numbers, environmental campaigners claim,โ€ Independent, March 20, 2020. Archived April 9, 2020. Archive URL:

โ€œOur analysis offers convincing evidence that employment benefits of fracking have been overhyped to manipulate the public and policymakers. Frackers have been far more effective at creating illusions than jobs.โ€88Louise Boyle. โ€œPro-fracking group is ‘wildly inflating’ job numbers, environmental campaigners claim,โ€ Independent, March 20, 2020. Archived April 9, 2020. Archive URL:

December 9, 2019

The Consumer Energy Alliance announced on its Facebook page that API had become an official member. One month after posting the news, the announcement had received one โ€˜like.โ€™89โ€œWe’re pleased to announce our newest member, The American Petroleum Institute, we look forward to working with you! #MemberMonday,โ€ Facebook post by Consumer Energy Alliance, December 9, 2019. Archived January 10, 2020. URL:

September 9, 2019

API launched a series of ads on its YouTube channel touting emissions reductions by natural gas and oil companies. According to an API spokesman, the ads were produced to โ€œprovide balance to the energy debate as Congress returns and the presidential primary continues.โ€90Josh Siegel, Abby Smith. โ€œDaily on Energy: Trumpโ€™s vulnerability to oil attack on Saudi Arabia,โ€ Washington Examiner, September 16, 2019. Archived September 17, 2019. URL:

One of the videos, titled โ€œWeโ€™re On It,โ€ declared that Americaโ€™s natural gas and oil companies were โ€œleading the world in cutting greenhouse gas emissions to their lowest levels in a generation.โ€91โ€œWeโ€™re On It,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user The American Petroleum Institute on September 9, 2019. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

The ads were also being run on television, radio, in airports, and on billboards in Washington D.C. and New York. API claimed to be spending more than $1 million dollars on the campaign.92Josh Siegel, Abby Smith. โ€œDaily on Energy: Trumpโ€™s vulnerability to oil attack on Saudi Arabia,โ€ Washington Examiner, September 16, 2019. Archived September 17, 2019. URL:

September 13, 2017

API CEO Jack Gerard told reporters that while he takes climate change โ€œseriously,โ€ further deregulation is still necessary, for the economy to โ€œreally grow and flourish,โ€ E&E News reported.93โ€œStorms shouldn’t halt Trump deregulation efforts โ€” API chief,โ€ E&E News, September 13, 2017. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

โ€œWhat we don’t support is unnecessary, redundant, costly regulations that provide no benefit to society, yet cost industry a lot,โ€ Gerard said. โ€œOur emissions of carbon are down to a 30-year low. That was brought to us primarily by cleaner-burning, fuel-efficient natural gas,โ€ he said. โ€œSo when you put all that in context, I think we need to look at that holistically, but I think the deregulatory agenda needs to continue.โ€94โ€œStorms shouldn’t halt Trump deregulation efforts โ€” API chief,โ€ E&E News, September 13, 2017. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

February 22โ€“25, 2017

The American Petroleum Institute was an exhibitor at the 2017 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), among a range of other conservative and pro-industry groups.95โ€œCPAC 2017 Sponsors,โ€ Archived March 6, 2017. URL:

February 5, 2017

API launched a new advertising campaign called Power Past Impossible to tout the uses of oil and natural gas. They released one of their ads during Super Bowl 51 (see video below).  According to The Hill, API estimated that the ad would have reached an estimated 110 million people.96Timothy Cama. โ€œOil lobby targets consumers in new campaign,โ€ The Hill, February 6, 2017. Archived February 18, 2017. URL:

API plans to run the ad for several years in different media. They also launched a website,, as part of their campaign.

โ€œPower Past Impossible is the next step in APIโ€™s long-running effort to create energy awareness,โ€ API‘s president, Jack Gerard, told reporters.97Timothy Cama. โ€œOil lobby targets consumers in new campaign,โ€ The Hill, February 6, 2017. Archived February 18, 2017. URL:

โ€œThe Power Past Impossible campaign features a few of the countless products and technological advances made possible from natural gas and oil, from life-saving medical devices to cosmetics to drug stores, from plastics in our toys to cell phones to 3D printers,โ€ Gerard said.98Timothy Cama. โ€œOil lobby targets consumers in new campaign,โ€ The Hill, February 6, 2017. Archived February 18, 2017. URL:

The Hill reported that Gerard said that while deregulation wasn’t the primary focus of the campaign, it tied in nicely.99Timothy Cama. โ€œOil lobby targets consumers in new campaign,โ€ The Hill, February 6, 2017. Archived February 18, 2017. URL:

โ€œThose regulatory burdens, when theyโ€™re unnecessary or duplicative, add costs that make us less competitive,โ€ he said.

โ€œWe support appropriate regulation. We believe regulation has a role. What we need to do is fix it so itโ€™s smart, commonsense regulation.”

The API campaign also features a number of additional videos on a Power Past Impossible YouTube channel.100Timothy Cama. โ€œOil lobby targets consumers in new campaign,โ€ The Hill, February 6, 2017. Archived February 18, 2017. URL:

June 8, 2016

API Director of Upstream and Industry Operations Erik Milito claimed that government reports have already proven hydraulic fracturing (fracking) to be safe. Milito points to an EPA report that, while it did conclude that fracking could potentially impact drinking water, had also said it did not find โ€œevidence that these mechanisms have led to widespread, systemic impacts on drinking water resources in the United States.โ€101Asha Glover. โ€œAPI: Even EPA Said Fracking Is Safe,โ€ Morning Consult, June 8, 2016. Archived June 22, 2016. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Archive URL:

โ€œHydraulic fracturing is being done safely under the strong environmental stewardship of state regulators and industry best practices,โ€ Milito said. โ€œYet, since releasing the report, the EPA continues to face a barrage of politically based attacks attempting to tamper with scientific conclusions.โ€102Asha Glover. โ€œAPI: Even EPA Said Fracking Is Safe,โ€ Morning Consult, June 8, 2016. Archived June 22, 2016. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Archive URL:

Notably, the EPA report that Milito links to includes a prominent notice which describes it as a โ€œdraft report,โ€ of which peer review would begin in the first quarter of 2015.103โ€œU.S. EPA. Assessment of the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas on Drinking Water Resources (External Review Draft),โ€ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-15/047, 2015. Archived June 22, 2016. Archive URL: 104โ€œPeer Review Plan (PDF), Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

โ€œThis assessment provides a review and synthesis of available information concerning the potential impacts of hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas on drinking water resources in the United States. This is a draft report that has been made available for public comment and shared with the EPA Science Advisory Board for expert peer review.โ€105โ€œU.S. EPA. Assessment of the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas on Drinking Water Resources (External Review Draft),โ€ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-15/047, 2015. Archived June 22, 2016. Archive URL:

June 2016

The American Petroleum Institute (API) was among organizations named in a Massachusetts subpoena looking for communications between ExxonMobil and organizations denying climate change, reports The Washington Times.106Valerie Richardson. โ€œExxon fights Mass. AGโ€™s โ€˜politicalโ€™ probe into climate change dissent,โ€ The Washington Times, June 15, 2016. Archived June 24, 2016. Archive URL:

Organizations named in the Massachusetts subpoena include the following:107Valerie Richardson. โ€œExxon fights Mass. AGโ€™s โ€˜politicalโ€™ probe into climate change dissent,โ€ The Washington Times, June 15, 2016. Archived June 24, 2016. Archive URL:

This latest inquiry by Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey is one in a series of investigations into what ExxonMobil knew about climate change and when, started by a coalition of attorneys general in the US.108Ben Jervey. โ€œState Investigations Into What Exxon Knew Double, and Exxon Gets Defensive,โ€ Desmog, April 1, 2016.

May 23, 2016

The American Petroleum Institute released a statement celebrating the passage of the FY17 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in the U.S. House of Representatives which would revise Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) export provisions.109Jessica Limardo. โ€œAmerican Petroleum Institute welcomes FY17 National Defense Authorization Act,โ€ DailyEnergyInsider, May 23, 2016. Archived April 7, 2021. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Archive URL:

โ€œU.S. LNG exports will create American jobs, significantly strengthen the global energy marketplace, and bolster our strategic alliances,โ€ API Executive Vice President Louis Finkel said. โ€œTodayโ€™s action by the U.S. House of Representatives to approve LNG exports provisions as part of the defense authorization bill further cements the critical role U.S. energy plays at home and abroad.

โ€œItโ€™s time for our nation to fully embrace the vast economic and geopolitical opportunities unleashed by the energy renaissance. U.S. LNG exports ensure that consumers across the globe have access to stable, diverse energy supplies, protect Americaโ€™s role as a global energy leader, further enhance national security in the homeland and help our allies break dependence on nations that use their energy resources as a political weapon.โ€110Jessica Limardo. โ€œAmerican Petroleum Institute welcomes FY17 National Defense Authorization Act,โ€ DailyEnergyInsider, May 23, 2016. Archived April 7, 2021. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Archive URL:

March 2016

A group of 21 kids and teenagers (including those as young as eight years old) are suing the US government and the fossil fuel industry over climate inaction, appearing in an Oregon courtroom on March 9.111Zoรซ Carpenter. โ€21 Kids Are Suing President Obama Over Climate Inaction,โ€ The Nation, March 9, 2016. Archived March 9, 2016. Archive URL: 112โ€œBig oil lines up to battle kids in climate court case,โ€ Climate Home, January 15, 2016. Archived March 9, 2016. Archive URL:

โ€œIt may sound like a long shot, but fossil fuel industry groups are taking the lawsuit seriously,โ€The Nation writes.113Zoรซ Carpenter. โ€21 Kids Are Suing President Obama Over Climate Inaction,โ€ The Nation, March 9, 2016. Archived March 9, 2016. Archive URL:

In November, lobbyists representing ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron, Koch Industries, and energy companies petitioned the judge for permission to join the case alongside the government, the American Petroleum Institute, the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers, and the National Association of Manufacturers. The groups called the case โ€œextraordinary,โ€ and asked the court to dismiss the case.114Zoรซ Carpenter. โ€21 Kids Are Suing President Obama Over Climate Inaction,โ€ The Nation, March 9, 2016. Archived March 9, 2016. Archive URL: 115โ€œBig oil lines up to battle kids in climate court case,โ€ Climate Home, January 15, 2016. Archived March 9, 2016. Archive URL:

Among those suing the US government:

โ€œNathaniel, a teenager from Fairbanks whose asthma has worsened with the wildfires that now sweep across Alaska each summer; Alex, whose family farm in Oregon has been parched by record heat waves and drought; Journey, a member of the Yankton Sioux Tribe living in Hawaii, whose family fled from flooding in 2012; and Levi, an 8 year old who lives on a low-lying barrier island in Florida that is already grappling with sea level rise.โ€116Zoรซ Carpenter. โ€21 Kids Are Suing President Obama Over Climate Inaction,โ€ The Nation, March 9, 2016. Archived March 9, 2016. Archive URL:

July 2015

The American Petroleum Institute has pushed to remove the crude oil export ban in the U.S. Jack Gerard, API President and CEO, said in a press conference โ€œblocking trade in crude oil harms consumers when they fill up, it harms the economy, it inflates the trade deficit, it limits job creation, and it undermines Americaโ€™s ability to protect our allies.โ€

The conference also featured EnCana Corporation President and CEO Doug Suttles, who they reported would be giving a โ€œfirsthand account of the North American Energy renaissance and why allowing crude exports is imperative to continuing our momentum.โ€117โ€œPress Conference Call on Crude Oil Exports with Jack Gerard and Encana CEO Doug Suttles,โ€ American Petroleum Institute. Archived August 11, 2015. Archive URL:

The Congress Blog reports just a few risks of lifting the ban, including a huge increase in dangerous rail traffic:118David Turnbull. โ€œLift the ban, cook the climate,โ€ Congress Blog (, July 23, 2015. Archived August 11, 2015. Archive URL:

โ€œ[T]he hazardous increases in oil production that could come with the removal or weakening of the crude export ban presents much greater dangers that simply cannot be ignored. Everyday, dangerous fracking wells, sprawling rail lines carrying so-called ‘bomb trains’ and a network of leaking pipelines threaten our communities with spills and explosions with far-too-frequent regularity. If the highest estimates of increased oil production are realized, eliminating the crude oil export ban could lead to as much as a doubling of crude-by-rail traffic from todayโ€™s already perilous levels.โ€

May 2015

As of July, 2015, there had been six accidents involving oil trains where tank cars derailed and were punctured and oil was spilled since the beginning of the year. In the first five, there were also fires and explosions.119Justin Mikulka. โ€œMost Recent Oil Train Accidents and Spills Involved โ€˜Saferโ€™ CPC-1232 Tank Cars,โ€ DeSmog, July 23, 2015.

All six oil train derailments involved new 1232 model train cars that the American Petroleum Institute is suing to keep on the tracks longer than existing timelines presented in the new oil-by-rail regulations.120Jad Mouawad. โ€œOil Industry Asks Court to Block Rail Transport Safety Rules,โ€ New York Times, May 12, 2015. Archive URL:

As reported in the New York Times, API has โ€œlong argued that forcing oil producers and shippers to use newer tank cars and replace older models would impose high costs on the industry and lead to a shortfall in tank car capacity.โ€

Their petition would challenge the government’s timeline to upgrade/retrofit older tank cars with newer safety features to prevent spills and derailments in the future. It also challenges a requirement that tank cars be equipped with new electronic braking systems or be faced with operational restrictions.

February 2015

The American Petroleum Institute released an updated โ€œPrimerโ€ (PDF) on Hydraulic Fracturing, bearing the same title as their previous reports (โ€œHydraulic Fracturing: Unlocking America’s Natural Gas Resourcesโ€). According to the report, Fracturing is โ€œlargely responsible for changing Americaโ€™s energy narrative from one of limited options to one of nearly limitless plenty.โ€

API makes the claim that โ€œThere are zero confirmed cases of groundwater contaminationโ€ due to hydraulic fracturing. They also divert blame of earthquakes caused by fracturing, citing studies that found it was โ€œimpossible to say with a high degree of certainty whether or not these earthquakes were triggered by natural means or by the nearby hydraulic-fracturing operation.โ€ According to API, Fracturing is a โ€œSafe, proven technology.โ€

Since the API‘s Report, the Environmental Protection Agency has released a long-awaited draft of its assessment of fracking’s impact on drinking water. The EPA fracking assessment found that fracking indeed contaminates drinking water: โ€œFrom our assessment, we conclude there are above and below ground mechanisms by which hydraulic fracturing activities have the potential to impact drinking water resources,โ€ the EPA wrote.121Sharon Kelly. โ€œEPA Study: Fracking Puts Drinking Water Supplies at Risk of Contamination,โ€ DeSmog, June 4, 2015.

October 2013

API launched a campaign in South Portland with the goal of influencing a referendum to ban tar sands in the area. The referendum was the result of local activists gathering almost 4,000 signatures in their city of about 25,000 to get the issue on the ballot.

API backed a professionally run public relations, voter outreach and get-out-the-vote effort to urge citizens to vote against the referendum. In mailings and open letters to the residents of South Portland, the campaign claimed that there were no plans to bring tar sands to South Portland.122Justin Mikulka. โ€œMaine Residents Fight American Petroleum Institute Lobbyists Over Ban on Tar Sands Shipments,โ€ DeSmog, July 21, 2014.

One stated (emphasis added):

โ€œSome of you may be concerned about tar sands, which may have prompted you to sign a Waterfront Protection Ordinance petition. But the ordinance is not about tar sands.โ€

In addition to suggesting the referendum was unrelated to tar sands, they claimed the ordinance would shut down the portโ€™s existing oil operations and cost local people their jobs.

According to a June, 2014 report by the Environment Maine Research and Policy Centre titled โ€œInside the Big Oil Playbook: (PDF) the API spent over $750,000 to defeat the ballot measure (which was defeated by fewer than 200 votes).123โ€œInside the Big Oil Playbookโ€ (PDF), Environment Maine Research & Policy Center, June 2014. Archived August 11, 2015. 124Ben Jervey. โ€œSouth Portland Tar Sands Pipeline Defeat: Big Oil Outspends Local Grassroots 6-to-1,โ€ DeSmog, November 8, 2013.

December 16, 2011

Jack Gerard spoke at a press briefing teleconference on oil sands where he criticized President Obama’s decision to delay the Keystone XL project.

He claimed that Obama’s decision was โ€œdriven by politicsโ€ and that environmental studies had already found that there would be โ€œno significant impacts’ on the environmentโ€ by the pipeline.125Bill Bush. โ€œBriefing stresses importance of Keystone XL to national security,โ€ American Petroleum Institute, December 16, 2011. Archived August 11, 2015. Archive URL:

July 19, 2010

The API released a โ€œprimerโ€ (PDF) on hydraulic fracturing (fracking) that concludes (based on two studies) that there has been โ€œno instance of groundwater contamination from hydraulic fracturing,โ€ and that there were โ€œno significant environmental risks as a result of proper hydraulic fracturing.โ€126โ€œHydraulic Fracturing: Unlocking Americaโ€™s Natural Gas Resourcesโ€ (PDF)American Petroleum Institute, July 19, 2011. Archived November 16, 2010.

DeSmogBlog investigated the environmental impacts of fracking and came to a different conclusion: It is becoming increasingly clear that the unconventional gas boom is happening too fast, too recklessly and with insufficient concern for the potential cumulative impacts on our most critical resources โ€“ clean air, safe drinking water and a stable climate.

API spent $1.9 million in the third quarter to lobby the federal government on hydraulic fracturing as well as other issues including offshore oil drilling, and clean water and air standards.127AP. โ€œPetroleum group spent $1.9M on lobbying in 3Q,โ€, December 15, 2011. Archived August 11, 2015. Archive URL:

April 2009

API sent a letter to members of Congress critical of the Obama administration:

โ€œThe US oil and natural gas industry has the expertise and technology to produce the energy we need to fuel economic growth, create jobs, generate significant revenues for local, state and federal governments, and bolster our national security. However, our companies cannot do so if held back by harmful, counter-productive taxes and are restricted from access to domestic oil and natural gas resources that the country urgently needs. โ€ฆ If imposed, these taxes and fees could have a debilitating effect on our economy, when our nation can least afford it. They would reduce investment in new energy supplies, meaning less energy produced for American consumers. We cannot tax our way out of our energy problems.โ€Noah Brenner, โ€œAPI slaps administration on policy,โ€ Upstream, April 6, 2009. Archive URL:

April 20, 2009

API protested the Environmental Protection Agency’s finding that greenhouse gas emissions endangered public health and could be regulated under the Clean Air Act.

Jack Gerard of API concluded that โ€œThe Clean Air Act was created to address local and regional air pollution, not the emission of carbon dioxide and other global greenhouse gases,โ€ as reported in the Oil & Gas Journal.128Nick Snow, โ€œEPA issues proposed endangerment finding on GHGs,โ€ Oil & Gas Journal, April 20, 2009. Archived August 11, 2015. Archive URL:

November 2008

In response to the November 2008 election of Barack Obama as President and Joe Biden as Vice-president, API released a statement in the name of their CEO, Jack Gerard, saying:

โ€œThe American people have spoken loud and clear that they want politicians to put aside partisan bickeringโ€ฆ . The oil and natural gas industry stands ready to help put America’s vast energy resources to good use, strengthening our nation’s economy and energy security, and providing good jobs for Americans across the country.”129โ€œAPI: Oil, gas industry will work with new administration,โ€œ Oil & Gas Journal, November 5, 2008. Archived August 11, 2015. Archive URL:

Gerard earlier criticized Obama’s platform, saying โ€œObama’s plan to impose a windfall-profits tax on oil companies would harm one of the few industries that are thrivingโ€ in the economic crisis.130Daniel Whitten. โ€œObama May Put Renewable-Energy Plan Ahead of Climate Package,โ€ Bloomberg, November 5, 2008. Archived September 11, 2014. URL: 131Edward John Craig. โ€œA New Day for Planet Gore,โ€ National Review, November 5, 2008. Archived March 9, 2016. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Archive URL:

January 31, 2003

API partially funded a controversial paper (PDF) authored by climate change skeptics Willie Soon and Sallie Baliunas that comes to the conclusion that the climate hasn’t changed in the last 2000 years.132Willie Soon and Sallie Baliunas. โ€œProxy climatic and environmental changes of the past 1000 yearsโ€ (PDF)Climate Research, Vol. 23 (January 21, 2003), P. 89-110. Archived August 11, 2015.

The study, published in Energy & Environment, notes that many parts of the world showed medieval warming that exceeded the warming observed in the 20th century.133(Press Release). โ€œ20th Century Climate Not So Hot,โ€ Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, March 31, 2003. Archived August 11, 2015. Archive URL:

March 21, 2002

The API produced a 16-minute video titled โ€œFuel-less: you can’t be cool without fuel,โ€ which was distributed through the National Science Teachers Association. The film starts with the line โ€œyou’re not going to believe this, but everything everything I have that’s really cool comes from oil!โ€134โ€œFuel-less,โ€ Clasroom Energ. Archived August 11, 2015. URL:

The video was also available on the API-owned website The website describes its aim as to provide teachers and students with materials on โ€œthe vital role of oil and natural gas in modern life.โ€ According to a WHOIS lookup, the domain for Classroom Energy was registered by the American Petroleum Institute on March 21, 2002.135โ€œAbout Us,โ€ Classroom Energy! Archived August 11, 2015. Archive URL:

An API memo leaked to the media in 1998 explained API‘s plan to target schools:
โ€œInforming teachers/students about uncertainties in climate science will begin to erect barriers against further efforts to impose Kyoto-like measures in the future.โ€136Laurie David. โ€œScience a la Joe Camel,โ€ The Washington Post, November 26, 2006. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Archive URL: now redirects to

Early 1998

As reported by the New York Times, the American Petroleum Institute developed a communications plan to challenge climate change science. A small group met including representatives from Exxonmobil, Chevron, the Southern Company (a large US coal company), the American Petroleum Institute and others from a variety of conservative think tanks including the George C Marshall Institute, Frontiers of Freedom, the Advancement of Sound Science Coalition and the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow โ€” Many of which have received significant funding from the fossil fuel industry.137โ€œDealing in Doubt: The Climate Denial Industry and Climate Scienceโ€ (PDF), Greenpeace. Archived August 10, 2015.

The plan they drew up, leaked to Greenpeace (view documents here), proposed:

โ€˜โ€ฆa national media relations programme to inform the media about uncertainties in climate science; to generate national, regional and local media on the scientific uncertainties and thereby educate and inform the public, stimulating them to raise questions with policymakers.โ€™ The plan would roll out up to and beyond the UNFCCC meeting (COP4) later that year in Buenos Aires.

According to the plan, โ€œVictory will be achievedโ€ when:

  • โ€œAverage citizens understand (recognize) uncertainties in climate science; recognition of uncertainties
  • becomes part of the โ€˜conventional wisdomโ€™
  • Media ‘understands (recognizes) uncertainties in climate science
  • Those promoting the Kyoto treaty on the basis of extant science appear to be out of touch with reality.โ€

Part of the strategy was to co-ordinate โ€œa complete scientific critique of the IPCC research and its conclusionsโ€ and to enable decision makers to raise โ€œsuch serious questions about the Kyoto treatyโ€™s scientific underpinnings that American policy makers not only will refuse to endorse it, they will seek to prevent progress towards implementation at the Buenos Aires meeting in November, or through other way.โ€

They would also recruit and train five โ€œindependent scientists,โ€ described as โ€œnew facesโ€ฆ without a long history of visibility in the climate debateโ€ who would participate in media outreach with the aim to โ€œmaximise the impact of scientific views consistent with ours, with Congress, the media and other key audiencesโ€ as well as specifically targeting students and teachers in order to โ€œerect a barrier against further efforts to impose Kyoto-like measures in the future.โ€


API and the Oil Industry Information Committee sponsored a cartoon titled โ€œDestination Earthโ€ to promote the petroleum industry. According to the National Film Preservation Foundation, the film is a โ€œScience-fiction-influenced cartoon sponsored by petroleum producers to lionize their industry and promote free enterprise.โ€138โ€œDestination Earth (1956),โ€ National Film Preservation Foundation. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

Destination Earth Sponsored by API

In the cartoon, according to the Film Preservation Society description, โ€’Colonel Cosmic,’ an astronaut from the totalitarian planet Mars, flies to Earth, where he discovers cheap oil and the market economy. Returning home, he leads a revolution and frees Martian entrepreneurs to begin oil exploration, start small businesses, and lead the planet out of economic stagnation.โ€ The cartoon played at New Yorkโ€™s Paramount Theatre before being distributed more widely.139โ€œDestination Earth (1956),โ€ National Film Preservation Foundation. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

American Petroleum Institute Contact & Location

The address and phone number for the American Petroleum Institute (API) was as follows as of May, 2016: 140โ€œContact,โ€ American Petroleum Institute. Archived May 20, 2016. Archive URL:

1220 L Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20005-4070

Phone 202-682-8000

Virginia Energy Citizens

The American Petroleum Institute (API) is a sponsor of Virginia Energy Citizens, a group describing itself as a grassroots coalition.

Virginia Energy Citizens’ state coordinator Miles Morin attended the July 2015 meeting of the Northern Virginia Tea Party where he was originally billed as speaking on how โ€œthe radical environmental movement poses a serious threat to our freedoms, our property.โ€ The online initiation was later revised to read how Morin would speak on how to tell โ€œlocal, state and federal officials why you support pro-energy policies.โ€141Isaac Arnsdorf. โ€œSmall Tea Party Meeting Has a Special Guest: Big Oil,โ€ Bloomberg Politics, August 10, 2015. Archive URL:

Craig Holman, the government affairs lobbyist for Public Citizen, a Washington-based watchdog group, described API‘s relationship with Virginia Energy Citizens. He says lobbyists and paid consultants are now not only shaping public opinion with advertising, but also attended meetings and passing themselves off as grassroots activists (a โ€œnewโ€ strategy):

โ€œThat’s clearly deceptive,โ€ Holman said. โ€œNot only are they trying to deceive the Tea Party activists, they’ll also be deceiving Congress at the same time.โ€142Isaac Arnsdorf. โ€œSmall Tea Party Meeting Has a Special Guest: Big Oil,โ€ Bloomberg Politics, August 10, 2015. Archive URL:

Classroom Energy!

Website run by API to inform teachers and students of the โ€œvital role of oil and natural gas in modern life.โ€

API Members

The American Petroleum Institute’s members include major oil, gas, and coal companies.143โ€œAPI Member Companies,โ€ American Petroleum Institute. Archived March 9, 2016. Archive URL:

API has reported over 1,500 member organizations since 2006. View the attached spreadsheet for a complete list of the American Petroleum Institute’s members year over year (.xlsx).

You can also search the list below, or sort by any column:

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