Alan Moran
- Ph.D. Transport Economics, University of Liverpool1“About,” Regulation Economics. Archived October 12, 2021. Archive URL:
- Unspecified degree, University of Salford2“About,” Regulation Economics. Archived October 12, 2021. Archive URL:
- Unspecified degree, London School of Economics3“About,” Regulation Economics. Archived October 12, 2021. Archive URL:
Alan Moran is an economist and former employee of the Australian think tank Institute of Public Affairs (IPA), which has campaigned heavily against carbon price legislation. Moran’s personal website is called “Regulation Economics.” 4“About,” Regulation Economics. Archived October 12, 2021. Archive URL: Australian opinion writer Tristan Edis described Moran as “one of the most vociferous and long-standing opponents of renewable energy and controls on greenhouse gas emissions in this country.”5Tristan Edis. “Alan Moran dumped by IPA – a lesson for Abbott?” The Australian, August 26, 2014. Archived October 12, 2021. Archive URL: Crikey described Alan Moran and Bob Carter as “two darlings of Australia’s climate sceptic movement [who] have been dumped by their universities.”6Cathy Alexander. “Censorship? Climate sceptics culled from universities,” Crikey, July 12, 2013. Archived September 24, 2020. Archive URL:
From 1996 to 2014, Moran was the director of the “Deregulation Unit”7“People & Associates:Alan Moran,” Institute of Public Affairs. Archived August 31, 2007. Archive URL: at Institute of Public Affairs (IPA). IPA has been funded by mining magnate Gina Rineheart.8Graham Readfearn. “Billionaire Mining Magnate Gina Rinehart Revealed As Key Donor to Australian Climate Science Denial Promoter Institute of Public Affairs,” DeSmog, July 17, 2018.
The Institute of Public Affairs fired Alan Moran in 2014, stating at the time that the cause was concerns about Moran’s “social media activity,” The Australian reported. Moran had recently tweeted, “Is there ever anything but evil coming from Islam?”9Tristan Edis. “Alan Moran dumped by IPA – a lesson for Abbott?” The Australian, August 26, 2014. Archived October 12, 2021. Archive URL:
Moran is listed as a director of the Australian Environment Foundation (AEF), alongside Joanne Nova and Peter Ridd.10“OUR PEOPLE,” Australian Environment Foundation. Archived October 12, 2021. Archive URL:
Graham Readfearn, writing in The Guardian in 2018, described AEF as “an ‘environment charity’ that promotes views that wind turbines make you sick, that human-caused climate change isn’t really a thing, and that environmentalists (the other sort) are killing farmers, fisheries and the economy.”11“Graham Readfearn. “Inside the AEF, the climate denial group hosting Tony Abbott as guest speaker,” The Guardian, June 14, 2018. Archived October 13, 2021. Archive URL:
In a February 2006 speech, Australia Institute director Clive Hamilton described Moran as one of Australia’s climate change “dirty dozen”:12Clive Hamilton. “The Dirty Politics of Climate Change” (PDF), The Australia Institute, February 20, 2006. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
“As the head of the Regulatory Unit at the Institute for Public Affairs, a right-wing think tank with close ties to greenhouse sceptics, Moran’s role has been to support the Government and the fossil fuel corporations with anti-environmental opinions about climate science, the costs of emission reductions and the pitfalls of renewable energy. As a bureaucrat in the Kennett Government he played a major role in stopping, for a time, the national adoption of energy performance standards for home appliances that had been agreed by all the states. The IPA has assisted the anti-wind lobby in Victoria, a move that appears to be driven by hatred of environmentalists and a relentless scepticism about climate change.”
Alan Moran was born and educated in the United Kingdom, where he worked as a market analyst in the automobile manufacturing industry. In 1974 he moved to Australia.13“People & Associates:Alan Moran,” Institute of Public Affairs. Archived August 31, 2007. Archive URL:
According to a version of his IPA website biography archived in 2007, in Australia Alan Moran “has worked in a range of positions with the Federal Departments of Trade and Industry and Commerce. He headed up the Commonwealth’s Business Regulation Review Unit and in 1990 joined the Industry Commission. He then joined the Tasman Institute as Research Director where he worked on privatization and environmental economics, before joining the Victorian Department of Agriculture, Energy and Minerals, where he was Deputy-Secretary of Energy.”14“People & Associates:Alan Moran,” Institute of Public Affairs. Archived August 31, 2007. Archive URL:
The now-defunct Tasman Institute was a neo-liberal think tank that, over the course of various mergers, became part of the consultancy ACIL Allen in 2002.15“Welcome from our CEO,” ACIL Allen. Archived April 19, 2023. Archive URL:
Alan Moran & Tobacco
February 1998
In an article for the Institute of Public Affairs publication IPA Review titled “The Sot Weed Offensive,” Alan Moran criticized the American tobacco industry’s multi-billion dollar settlement with the U.S. government, terming “anti-smoking crusades as a new puritanism.”16Alan Moran. “The Sot Weed Offensive,” IPA Review Vol. 50. No. 2, Institute of Public Affairs, February 1998. Retrieved from Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
Under “Recent IPA Publications,” the same issue mentioned a policy analysis by Alan Moran, “Soaking the Poor: Discriminatory Taxation of Tobacco, Alcohol and Gambling,” published in December 1996 by the IPA as part of its Tax Reform Project. The blurb stated that the paper “vividly describes [the] punishing effects” of alcohol, tobacco, and gambling taxes “on low-income learners [and] critically examines the incidence and effects of these taxes and concludes that they need to be radically reformed, as part of a general reform of the tax system.”17Alan Moran. “The Sot Weed Offensive,” IPA Review Vol. 50. No. 2, Institute of Public Affairs, February 1998. Retrieved from Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
November 1997
Alan Moran was mentioned in a November 1997 letter from Mike Nahan of the Institute of Public Affairs to Bob Deards of the Tobacco Information Centre. “We are planning a number of things that will be of interest to your members,” the letter began, going on to outline Moran’s work in a third item:18[Letter from Mike Nahan to Bob Deards regarding death and sickness among Australian smokers], Institute of Public Affairs, November 14, 1997. Held by the Truth Tobacco Industry Documents collection at the University of California, San Francisco Library. UCSF Library URL:
“Alan Moran is writing a feature article for the December 1997 edition of the IPA Review. It draws from three contemporary pieces of work: the revamped ‘blue book’ prepared by ACIL on the cost & benefits of smoking, a recent article by Robert Bork defending people’s choice to smoke and the Alan’s analyses in ‘Soaking the Poor’. The article will address the issues from the viewpoint of the economics and morality of individual choice.”
The letter also mentioned that the IPA planned to publish a book titled “Science Without Sense: The Risky Business of Public Health Research” by Steven Milloy, who Nahan described as “an American public health specialist and lawyer.”
Stance on Climate Change
August 13, 2021
In a column for the Spectator, Alan Moran dismissed the findings of the recently-released Sixth Assessment Report on climate science by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC):19Alan Moran. “The IPCC buries two millennia of fluctuating temperatures,” Spectator, August 13, 2021. Archived October 14, 2021. Archive URL:
“Climate scientists have a vested interest in discovering human-induced adverse spillovers from market based economic activity. The global warming agenda, cultivated over the past 30 years, has catapulted scientists from white-coated boffins who were decidedly low on the public sector pecking order, to the arbiters of national policies with all the perks and funding this entails.”
Referring to assertions by “the world’s most distinguished and celebrated atmospheric physicist Richard Lindzen,” Moran downplayed the risks of climate change:20Alan Moran. “The IPCC buries two millennia of fluctuating temperatures,” Spectator, August 13, 2021. Archived October 14, 2021. Archive URL:
“Lindzen’s fastidious reliance on science, positions him as estimating that a (human-induced) doubling of atmospheric CO2 will mean a 1.1°C global temperature rise. On his estimates, almost all of this has already occurred and it will not markedly shift the climate’s hospitability to man, beast and flora.”
Alan Moran also quoted a tweet from Alex Epstein, in which Epstein described the IPCC as “primarily a religious and political organization that manipulates science.”
January 24, 2014
Moran wrote the following in the IPA’s publication, IPA Review:21Alan Moran. “The Heavy Cost Of Renewable Energy Requirements,” IPA Review, January 24, 2014. Archived October 12, 2021. Archive URL:
“Climate alarmists latch onto every climate catastrophe as evidence that mankind is destroying the planet. Even the recent NSW bushfires were attributed to previous emissions of carbon dioxide, with dark mutterings that Tony Abbott would exacerbate matters, in spite of the fact that the most recent IPCC report had been forced to acknowledge that there had been no increases in temperatures or extreme events over the past 10-15 years.
“Even if greenhouse gases were bringing about harmful climate change, there is nothing that Australia can do to mitigate this – 90 per cent of the world emissions are now attributable to nations which will not moderate such activity within their own domestic economies.
“With the carbon tax to be terminated, attention therefore needs to be turned to repealing the renewable requirements.”
Key Quotes
October 12, 2014
Alan Moran was a guest on the talk radio show of Michael McLaren to talk about climate change. Moran said: 22“Greenhouse,” Regulation Economics. Archived .mp3 on file at DeSmog.
“The actual cost, if the global warming were to take place along the lines foreshadowed, would be quite small. It would be like the amount over 100 years less than half a year’s growth in the world economy and even that has got a lot of things in which you’re gilding the lily and would suggest that even that’s a gross exaggeration. So, you know, this is not there’s no catastrophic outcomes likely to emerge from warming, even if it takes place.
“The point is, who knows, are the temperatures going to go up, down or sideways? Nobody knows. I mean, there is a theory attached to the increase in carbon dioxide that they would go up somewhat a little bit. That theory is not being sustained by the evidence over the past 18 years. It may well be true, the theory. But then again, if it is true, the answer is that there would be a slight increase anyway. It will only be an increase of over one and a half or two degrees centigrade. And that increase will have a trivial cost to the economies of the world. By trying to combat it, as we found out in Australia with, you know, you talked about energy poverty or we’re seeing industries disappearing because the costs have gotten too high, trying to combat it will have a catastrophic effect on the economy.”
May 31, 2013
In a piece for the IPA Review, Alan Moran criticized carbon taxes as pointless:23Alan Moran. “Burying The Truth About Global Warming,” IPA Review, Institute of Public Affairs,24 May 31, 2013. Archived October 12, 2021. Archive URL:
“Even if mankind is causing the earth to warm the carbon tax always relied on vacuous credulity, since its success assumes the rest of the world will follow Australia’s leadership.
“So what is it we know about human induced global warming? The most important emission is carbon dioxide, the atmospheric content of which has varied between 0.15 and 0.3 per cent over the past half million years. It is only harmful to humans or other animals at concentrations of over 10 per cent and life actually evolved when the atmospheric content was about 7 per cent.
“A doubling of carbon dioxide content to about 0.6 per cent is likely over the coming century. Almost all scientists agree that the main direct effect of this is to increase average global temperatures by slightly over 1°C (beyond a doubling of its share, further carbon dioxide increases have a negligible climate effect).
“Most models estimate that this is compounded by feedbacks bringing 2-4°C temperature increases. But those feedback effects are unproven and their impact may even be negative. This is at the heart of the differences between ‘warmists’ and ‘deniers’.
“Higher temperatures stemming from carbon dioxide emissions are likely to compound what most scientists speculate is a trend recovery from the cooler climate experienced during the ‘Little Ice Age’ (which ended a century and a half ago).
“Each summer brings ‘the hottest day ever’ claims for some area. Sometimes we hear ‘the coldest day ever’ claims. And many cite these occurrences and well publicised storms as proof that ‘climate change’ (the new euphemism for ‘global warming’) is taking place. But these extreme weather events turn out to be unexceptional.”
September 28, 2005
Speaking to columnist Gerard McManus of the Herald Sun, Alan Moran proposed making Australia the permanent home for the world’s nuclear waste:25Gerald McManus. “Hawke’s cash-for-waste idea,” Herald Sun, September 28, 2005. Archived October 31, 2005. Archive URL:
“Institute of Public Affairs economist Alan Moran said Australia would earn massive and steady income by offering to solve the problem of a permanent home for the world’s nuclear waste.
“‘It poses no threat, there have been no mishaps since 1944, but Australia could provide a permanent solution to other countries’ problems,’ he said.”
Key Actions
February 2021
Alan Moran appeared on Sky News Australia to discuss a net zero emissions plan. “We’ve gone through the situation where we’ve demonized coal so much and we’ve subsidized wind and solar, so much that wind and solar are now 20 percent of our supply, which plays havoc with the stability of the supply as it massively increased the costs has increased other costs,” said Moran. “In fact, the net zero is basically a continuation of this, an intensification of this, and it really runs amuck in terms of what it could do to our industry.”
June 30, 2017
Alan Moran released a report commissioned by far-right Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts to “critically assess the Finkel Final Report” on the future security of Australia’s national energy supply. In his report, which was highly critical of the Finkel report’s recommendations, Moran described his “client” Sen. Roberts as someone with “considerable business experience in coal mining, processing and transport [who] has developed a key expertise in climate change data and facts.”26Alan Moran. “The Finkel Report’s Recommendations on the Future Security of the National Electricity Market: Impacts on the Australian Economy and Australian Consumers” (PDF), Regulation Economics, June 30, 2017. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
The Finkel Report was commissioned by the energy ministers of the Coalition of Australian Governments, as an “independent review of the national electricity market to take stock of its current security and reliability and to provide advice to governments on a coordinated national reform blueprint.” Alan Finkel, Australia’s chief scientist, chaired the expert panel that conducted the review.27“Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market,” Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources. Archived October 13, 2021. Archive URL: 28Alan Finkel, Karen Moses, Chloe Munro, Terry Effeney, Mary’OKane. “Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market – Blueprint for the Future,” Commonwealth of Australia, June 1, 2017. Archived April 20, 2023. Archive URL:
Alan Moran wrote that “the Finkel proposals should be rejected and regulatory distortions on energy supply should be removed.” He suggested that Australia should “abolish the Commonwealth’s Renewable Energy Target (RET) and the subsidies” and “cease all government subsidies through the budget including guarantees to bodies like the Clean Energy Regulator and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC).”29Alan Moran. “Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market,” Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources. Archived October 13, 2021. Archive URL:
May 2017
Alan Moran was the “prime author” of a submission on climate change policies – commissioned by the Australian Environment Foundation – to the Australian Department of Environment and Energy.30Alan Moran. “SUBMISSION TO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY: 2017 REVIEW OF CLIMATE CHANGE POLICIES” (PDF), Australian Environment Foundation, May 2017. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
The submission contended that “pursuit of policies designed to supress [sic] emissions of carbon dioxide and other ‘greenhouse gases’ is severely harming the Australian economy with no compensatory environmental benefits:31Alan Moran. “SUBMISSION TO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY: 2017 REVIEW OF CLIMATE CHANGE POLICIES” (PDF), Australian Environment Foundation, May 2017. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
“The measures addressed in this submission are only some of those Australia has introduced to
pursue a meaningless and impossible goal of reducing global carbon dioxide emissions. The
measures should be rescinded at the earliest opportunity.”
Near the submission’s conclusion, Alan Moran cited work by Richard Lindzen that supposedly disproved “the notion that 97 per cent of scientists agree that dangerous global warming is taking place,” and claimed that Lindzen had proven that “there has been no increase in extreme weather events and shows that in a warmer world such events should be reduced.”
June 2015
Alan Moran was a guest speaker at the Heartland Institute‘s Tenth International Conference on Climate Change. Moran’s presentation was titled “Global Cost of Emission Restraints and Challenges Posed by Renewable Power.“32“Alan Moran, ICCC10 (Panel 10),” Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
January 12, 2015
Alan Moran, identifying himself as “chief executive officer, Regulation Economics,” made a submission33“Submissions received by the Committee,” Parliament of Australia Select Committee on Wind Turbines. Accessed October 13, 2021. to the Select Committee on Wind Turbines established by the Australian Senate. In his introduction, Moran claimed global warming had not been occurring for 15 years, citing work by Richard Lindzen:34Alan Moran. “Submission to Senate Committee on Wind Turbines,” Regulation Economics, January 12, 2015. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
“The world was warming for two centruries [sic] before human induced emissions of greenhouse gases were at a level that might influence climate and the possible augmentation these may cause is small. Moreover, the world has not shown any discernable [sic] warming for the past 15 years in spite of increased emissions of greenhouse gases.”
Moran claimed in his submission that “renewable energy, at least in its dominant form through wind turbines is not becoming relatively cheaper compared with other forms of electricity.”35Alan Moran. “Submission to Senate Committee on Wind Turbines,” Regulation Economics, January 12, 2015. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
Alan Moran also claimed that “the costs to Australia in continuing to force electricity customers to incorporate uncommercial renewable energy within their aggregate supply are considerable.”36Alan Moran. “Submission to Senate Committee on Wind Turbines,” Regulation Economics, January 12, 2015. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
Moran also testified at the hearing via teleconference, and posted the transcript on his website. “The truth is that regulations that force the spending of money and the creation of jobs in ventures that require subsidies mean less overall income and, with the wage inflexibilities which we have in Australia, fewer jobs. Capital and labour are diverted from more productive activities, and everyone except the direct recipients of the government largesse is worse off,” Moran testified.37“Transcript of Alan Moran’s testimony to the Select Committee on Wind Turbines,” January 12, 2015. Archived October 13, 2021. Archive URL:
“I would add that there is the issue about the ultimate justification for the renewable scheme, which is a means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Whatever the case may be for this, it is clearly not optimal to do it by specifying a particular means of meeting the goal in terms of renewables.”
During the hearing, there was an exchange between Alan Moran and Anne Urquhart, Senator for Tasmania, regarding Moran’s views on climate change and renewables:
Anne Urquhart: “Thanks, Dr Moran, for that opening statement. Do you disagree with the vast majority of climate scientists and global bodies that human activity is having a significant impact on climate change?”
Alan Moran: “No, I do not necessarily disagree with that, although I am reluctant to dip my foot in that water. It is not my area of expertise. I read the literature, as indeed you have, and I think most people would suggest that human activity has had some effects. The issue is what effects, whether it has been trivial or whether it has been quite substantial. It certainly has increased the amount of carbon dioxide and similar gases in the atmosphere, and there is a physics equation of this with higher levels of temperature.”
AU: “In your submission you have said that there has been no discernible warming for the past 15 years, but the UN’s World Meteorological Organization say that 13 of the hottest 14 years have occurred this century. They have also said that the last three decades have been warmer than the preceding ones. So do you disagree with those claims?”
AM: “I do not know about the first one, but the second one is probably true because the earth has been warming for about a hundred years, for reasons that have nothing to do with the greenhouse phenomena. What is certainly true—and three sources of satellite data confirm this—is that there has been no discernible warming for the last 15 or 17 years, depending on what series of data you use. I do not think that is controversial. Certainly the interpretation of that is controversial. Some say that it is simply a pause and that the heat is hiding in the deep ocean, or wherever it is, and that it will resume in the future, but certainly the evidence from all the satellite data is that there has not been a warming for the last 15 or 17 years.”
AU: “You have also argued against the RET. What role do you think renewables should
play in Australia’s economic transition as the mining boom recedes?”AM: “Zero role. Anything that renewables do—certainly as a result of subsidies—would detract
from economic growth and job creation.”
March 2014
Alan Moran was credited as editor of the 2014 edition of the IPA’s publication “Climate Change: The Facts.”38“Climate Change – The Facts 2014,” Institute of Public Affairs, March 10, 2014. Archived October 12, 2021. Archive URL: Moran contributed a chapter titled “Costing climate change” and also wrote the introduction.39Alan Moran. “Climate Change: the facts 2014,” Catallaxy Files, December 16, 2014. Archived October 31, 2016. Archive URL:
“My own chapter (Alan Moran) sets the context of the debate by examining the costs of taking action (which are considerable and massively understated by the IPCC) and any benefits of doing so (which are slender and overstated by the IPCC),” Moran wrote in the introduction. “And the chapter notes that any gains rely on the unlikely event of a comprehensive international agreement.”
October 1, 2010
Alan Moran spoke at the Heartland Institute-sponsored “Pac-Rim Conference on Climate Change” in Sydney, Australia. His speech was called, “Lower CO2 Levels: Costs, Benefits and Possibilities.” Robert (Bob) Carter, Chris de Freitas, David Evans, Jim Lakely, Barun Mitra, and Joanne Nova also spoke at the event. 40“Lower CO2 Levels: Costs, Benefits and Possibilities,” Accessed October 13, 2021. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
May 2010
Speaking on “Emissions Abatement Measures: Their Clear Costs and Unlikely Benefits.” at the Heartland Institute‘s Fourth International Conference on Climate Change, Alan Moran said the “actual cost” of climate change, “even on the adverse assumptions being made, is quite trivial.”41“Alan Moran, ICCC4,” ClimateConferences.Heartland.Org. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
Alan Moran: [00:02:45] So the storyline is that at a price of $50 a tonne of CO2, or perhaps even $100 a tonne of CO2, we can reduce emissions and stabilize companies on a global basis. $50 a tonne, of course, means doubling the cost of electricity, and for it to bring about the abatement requires quite bold assumptions, I think, involving the energy substitutes and supply flexibilities. [00:03:14]
[00:07:14] all of these estimates are basically done by economists who just take the science as given, and they more or less accept the costs of the doom laden aspects of scientific notions. Thus most of the the public statements and costs of living harp on about things like dengue fever and another long defeated disease that could only show a resurrection, as Jay Lehr said actually, with DDT could only show a resurrection if we decided that we were going to ban DDT as we have, which is allowed to resurrect malaria. And some of the now discredited cost elements that are associated with the intensification of hurricanes or lower production of food in Africa. And even things like the reduction of the the coastal areas, inundation of coastal areas. Even the IPCC has tended to downplay that so much more recent report . So that the cost benefit, the costs of the global warming, you know, relatively even at the most, the subjects are, it would cost the world plus two or minus two point five percent of GDP. [00:08:29]
[00:09:08] So what we’re actually talking about is a cost which, even on doom-laden forecasts, is about 2.5 percent of GDP at most, in the context of world GDP growing many, many times more than that, perhaps 900 percent. So, you know, in that sense, the actual cost of that of global warming, even on the adverse assumptions being made is quite trivial. [00:09:37]
Moran concluded:
[00:20:20] What we can see is that there will not be a new international carbon tax. Absolutely out of the question. The economics has fallen prey to reality, the costs involved. So it’s now time to take the offensive. And I think we’ve got to think in terms of a variation of the the peace dividend that occurred once the Soviet Union was overturned following the Cold War. That waste that was involved in armaments, et cetera, is similar to the way it’s been accompanied by the great climate scare over the past 15 years. [00:20:52]
DeSmog research on the co-sponsors of the conference found that 19 of the 65 sponsors, including Heartland itself, had received more than $40 million in funding from ExxonMobil, Koch Industries family foundations or the Scaife family foundations since 1985.42Brendan DeMelle. “Denial-a-palooza Round 4: ‘International Conference on Climate Change’ Groups Funded by Exxon, Koch Industries,” DeSmog, May 13, 2010.
March 2008
Moran was a speaker at the Heartland Institute‘s first International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC1). His talk was titled, “Economic Implications of Climate Change Measures.”43“Alan Moran, ICCC1,” ClimateConferences.Heartland.Org. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
Alan Moran: [00:06:18] “Now we had a bit of a discussion about reducing carbon dioxide emissions by other forms of fuel and of course, there’s absolutely no question about it: wind and and any other, solar is basically in a dead end, at least any technology we can think of. But nuclear isn’t.” [00:06:37]
[00:08:05] “This chart, I think, which just happens to be Australia, but other countries are pretty much the same, it really just illustrates the impossibility of meeting the emission reductions by replacing coal with nuclear […] the fact is that electricity is only about 35 percent of the CO2 equivalent emissions. So if you reduce, use it all, we don’t have anything like to the sort of levels we have been talking about to get that world per capita level two and a half tons, which is again is quartering the existing OECD level.” [00:08:50]
[00:11:52] “So we’ve seen energy costs already rising strongly in OECD countries and the likely to be self-inflicted measures to reduce emissions. But the task is sought by those who want to achieve what the diversion of avoiding catastrophic human-induced warming would require quite massive disruption. Things that we’ve never even considered before. It’ll bring an additional loss of income as we are diverted from buying things from countries and also from countries which are low cost energy sources. Of course it will retard, probably making possible the growth of the developing countries.” [00:12:39]
- Australian Environment Foundation (AEF) — Director44“OUR PEOPLE,” Australian Environment Foundation. Archived October 12, 2021. Archive URL:
- Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) — Former director of the Deregulation Unit (1996-2014)45“People & Associates:Alan Moran,” Institute of Public Affairs. Archived August 31, 2007. Archive URL:
- Heritage Foundation – Speaker at multiple Heartland-organized “International Conference on Climate Change” events
Social Media
- @alan_john_moran on Twitter
- Alan Moran on LinkedIn
- Alan Moran. “Climate change: treaties and policies in the Trump era,” Connor Court Publishing, Redland Bay QLD, Australia (2017)
- Alan Moran, ed. “Climate change: the facts,” Stockade Books, Woodsville, New Hampshire, USA (2015)
- Alan Moran. “The Legacy Of The Iron Curtain,” IPA Review, May 31, 2013
- Alan Moran. “Burying The Truth About Global Warming,” IPA Review, May 31, 2013
- Alan Moran. “Is It Possible to Have It Both Ways? – Chapter 7,” Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (2011)
- Alan Moran. “Government Warming to a Carbon Tax,” The Institute of Public Affairs Review: A Quarterly Review of Politics and Public Affairs, Vol. 64 No. 39 (2010)
- Alan Moran. “Stabilizing World CO2 Emissions – Chapter 1: A Bridge Too Far?“, Generating Electricity in a Carbon Constrained World, (2010)
- Alan Moran. “Blowhard’s Remorse,” The Institute of Public Affairs Review: A Quarterly Review of Politics and Public Affairs, Vol. 61 No. 35 (2009)
- Chris Berg, Alan Moran. “Emissions Trading: Towards the Biggest Economic Change in Australian History,” The Institute of Public Affairs Review: A Quarterly Review of Politics and Public Affairs, Vol. 60 No. 35 (2008)
- Alan Moran. “Developing Australia’s non-fossil fuel energy industry: Costs of measures targeting carbon emissions,” — Submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Industry and Resources Review of Renewable Energy in Australia, Institute of Public Affairs, June 2007
- Alan Moran. “We’re Already Hurting from Climate Change Policies,” The Institute of Public Affairs Review: A Quarterly Review of Politics and Public Affairs, Vol. 59 No. 18 (2007)
- Alan J. Moran. “Regulation of Infrastructure: its development and effects,” Melbourne: Institute of Public Affairs (2007)
- Alan Moran. “The public transport myth,” IPA Review (October 2006)
- Alan J. Moran. “The tragedy of planning: losing the great Australian dream,” Melbourne: Institute of Public Affairs (2006)
- Alan Moran. “Energy in the market: The unfounded concerns about privatised electricity,” IPA Review (December 2006)
- Alan Moran. “The Economics of Nuclear Power,” The Institute of Public Affairs Review: A Quarterly Review of Politics and Public Affairs, Vol. 57 No. 12 (2005)
- Andrew Chisholm, Alan J. Moran. “A perspective on the potential economic impacts of climate change policy in New Zealand,” Tasman Institute, Melbourne, Vic. (1994)
- Andrew Chisholm and Alan Moran, eds. “The Price of Preservation,” Melbourne : The Right Hand Corporate Communications in association with Tasman Institute (1993)
- Alan Moran, Andrew Chisholm, Michael Porter, eds. Including contributions by Peter Ackroyd et al. “Markets, resources and the environment,” North Sydney: Allen & Unwin in association with Project Tasman Institute (1991)
“Greenhouse Articles”
Alan Moran has listed more than 200 “Greenhouse Articles” on his Regulation Economics website. Note: DeSmog has not checked the veracity of the following links.
- “Green Snouts Sniff a COVID Windfall,” Quadrant Online, April 16, 2020
- “Renewables rent-seekers aren’t interested in bushfire prevention – or cheap efficient energy,” The Spectator, January 20, 2020
- “Madrid: the climate catastrophe juggernaut trundles on,” The Spectator Australia, December 20, 2019
- “Cheaper power coming? Blink and you’ll miss it if our Paris goals remain,” The Spectator Australia, December 11, 2019
- “The return of Ross Garnaut and climate nirvana?,” The Spectator, November 6, 2019
- “A Billion Reasons to Despair,” Quadrant Online, October 30, 2019
- “We should be afraid of rising fuel costs, not climate claims,” The Spectator, September 27, 2019
- “Standby for next week’s UN doomfest for climate crazies,” The Spectator, September 18, 2019
- “Another rope-seller to the hangman,” Catallaxy Files, August 13, 2019
- “Carbon reduction policies just shovelling money into a black hole,” The Australian, July 23, 2019
- “When Even Bob Brown Gets It …,” Quadrant Online, July 19, 2019
- “The Clover Moore catastrophe,” The Spectator, June 28, 2019
- “Green subsidies have sapped nation’s energy for too long,” The Australian, June 20, 2019
- “A cancerous fantasy: Australian Outlook 2019,” Catallaxy Files, June 18, 2019
- “The Huge Cost of Climate Hysteria,” Quadrant Online, April 24, 2019
- “More on the electric vehicles farce,” Catallaxy Files, April 18, 2019
- “The scare is settled? Have the climate catastrophists won?,” The Spectator Australia, March 19, 2019
- “The Green Robe of Climate Justice,” Quadrant Online, February 11, 2019
- “The Liberals’ Downhill Racers,” Quadrant Online, January 27, 2019
- “Reaping the fruits of political sabotage of the electricity industry,” Catallaxy Files, January 25, 2019
- “Banks pretend to be virtue signalling while plundering electricity consumers,” Catallaxy Files, January 21, 2019
- “The Australian Energy Regulator’s wholesale electricity market performance report,” Catallaxy Files, January 9, 2019
- “Ford’s Ontario has Nothing to Learn from Australia’s Climate Plan,” Troy Media, December 24, 2018
- “The ALP’s emission reduction dreams will strangle the economy,” Catallaxy Files, November 23, 2018
- “Labor’s energy deal: Shorten facts, but you’ll pay more,” The Spectator, November 21, 2018
- “The Diabolic Policy Dilemmas Created by Previous Energy Policies,” Catallaxy Files, November 14, 2018
- “Real people put living standards above virtue signalling on climate change,” Catallaxy Files, October 26, 2018
- “Socialism will impoverish you, but it won’t solve climate change,” The Spectator, October 25, 2018
- “Carbon taxes: many losers, some winners,” Catallaxy Files, October 10, 2018
- “The Warmists Are Starting to Sweat,” Quadrant Online, October 7, 2018
- “Wasteful investment in wind/solar has a negative value,” Catallaxy Files, October 2, 2018
- “The Bitter Fruit of a Bad Green Marriage,” Quadrant Online, September 10, 2018
- “Renewable subsidies: destroyers of low cost electricity supplies, Paper presented to the September 2018 conference: The Basic Science of a Changing Climate held in Porto,” Sep 1, 2018.
- “Australian energy policy driving us on the road to Venezuela?” Catallaxy Files, July 31, 2018
- “Is there logic in Bjorn Lomborg’s climate change proposals?” Catallaxy Files, July 15, 2018
- “Turnbull’s chosen energy supremo says wind is cheaper than coal,” Catallaxy Files, May 5, 2018
- “Emissions and the meeting of energy ministers,” Catallaxy Files, April 19, 2018
- “Energy Battlegrounds and Furphies,” Catallaxy Files, April 13, 2018
- “Australians suffer as big emitters get a greenhouse gas free pass,” The Australian, April 13, 2018
- “Frydenberg: Saviour or Suicidal?” Quadrant Online, January 5, 2018
- “Is renewable energy competitive?” Catallaxy Files, November 10, 2017
- “Opinion polls on green energy: a glass half full,” Catallaxy Files, October 31, 2017
- “End the renewables rorts now for cheap power,” The Spectator Australia, October 17, 2017
- “Labor threatens renewed land expropriation to meet greenhouse emission reductions,” Catallaxy Files, October 6, 2017
- “BHP Billiton’s ‘green activism’ comes at a price,” Herald Sun, September 28, 2017
- “Liberal, Green and ALP politicians conspire to destroy the economy,” Catallaxy Files, August 24, 2017
- “Regulations create super profits in electricity supply – will Governments move to seize these?” Catallaxy Files, July 21, 2017
- “Anti-Coal Energy Policy will Hit Living Standards,” Herald Sun, June 9, 2017
- “Energy policy: Finkel Twinkle Little Star,” Catallaxy Files, June 9, 2017
- “Make the World Great Again,” Catallaxy Files, June 1, 2017
- “Whither the Paris Climate Change Agreement?” Catallaxy Files, May 29, 2017
- “$190 carbon tax needed to meet Paris Agreement,” Catallaxy Files, March 21, 2017
- “The Paris Agreement, Trump, Turnbull and Tesla,” Catallaxy Files, March 13, 2017
- “Subsidised renewable energy: from little things bad things grow,” Catallaxy Files, February 24, 2017
- “Follow Trump: dump the renewable energy target,” The Spectator Australia, January 24, 2017
- “The Wind Has Changed,” Quadrant Online, December 08, 2016
- “Will Trump’s EPA Administrator drain the swamp or create a new one?” Catallaxy Files, November 29, 2016
- “Trump changes the global carbon policy but Liberals just snipe at ALP” Catallaxy Files, November 28, 2016
- “Trump: the ghost stalking Marrakech,” Catallaxy Files, November 16, 2016
- “Trump victory a win for coal-powered energy,” Herald Sun, November 11, 2016
- “More green energy costs to placate activists and their financiers,” Catallaxy Files, October 27, 2016
- “Queensland and Victoria seeking to feast off national economic amputation,” Catallaxy Files, October 14, 2016
- “One Good Thing About Trump…,” Quadrant Online, September 22, 2016
- “Optimism on costs of abatement from the Climate Change Authority,” Catallaxy Files, September 1, 2016
- “The Climate Change Authority: garbage in, garbage out (plus a little tampering),” The Spectator Australia, September 1, 2016
- “Another day, another piece of climate alarmism,” Catallaxy Files, August 24, 2016
- “Self Harm from Australian government management of natural resources,” Catallaxy Files, August 12, 2016
- “Revolutions, Taxes and the Coming Revolution,” Quadrant Online, August 05, 2016
- “Energy and Environment an Unhappy Marriage,” Herald Sun, July 22, 2016
- “Cairns: global warming means unbearable heat,” Catallaxy Files, June 6, 2016
- “ALP/Libs in race to wreck the economy with climate change policy consensus,” Catallaxy Files, May 30, 2016
- “Fans say cheap solar is inevitable but give us a subsidy anyway,” Catallaxy Files, May 27, 2016
- “Federal election 2016: parties clueless on cutting emissions,” The Australian, May 13, 2016
- “Buying lower living standards,” Catallaxy Files, May 6, 2016
- “Economic suicide: Australian energy policy proposals,” Catallaxy Files, April 28, 2016
- “Australian electricity policy: Armageddon or slow economic strangulation?” Catallaxy Files, April 12, 2016
- “The Climateers’ Moveable Feast,” Quadrant Online, April 12, 2016
- “Well, Tesla my fancy!“, Catallaxy Files, April 8, 2016
- “Malcolm the merchant banker creates a sub prime market in renewable energy assets,” Catallaxy Files, March 23, 2016
- “The end of the world is nigh, starvation awaits us all,” Catallaxy Files, March 3, 2016
- “Land clearing and CO2 emission controls,” Catallaxy Files, February 29, 2016
- “Carbon abatement’s snake venom: diluted but still poisonous,” Catallaxy Files, February 25, 2016
- “South Australian electricity – the state’s suicide mission,” Catallaxy Files, February 19, 2016
- “Inflicting on-going damage: the relentless green energy push,” Catallaxy Files, February 04, 2016
- “Over the cliff: the climate agreement consumated,” Catallaxy Files, December 13, 2015
- “Paris and Climate Change: approaching the crescendo,” Catallaxy Files, December 10, 2015
- “The Paris climate conference: into the second week,” Catallaxy Files, December 8, 2015
- “Climate Change in New Focus but Carbon is Costly,” Herald Sun, November 27, 2015
- “More economy-busting warming inspired measures in the pipelin,” Catallaxy Files, November 27, 2015
- “Financing the uncompetitive wind farms: Local Government is no solution,” Catallaxy Files, November 20, 2015
- “Climate Nirvana: If only all of Australia could be like the ACT,” Catallaxy Files, November 9, 2015
- “No end to the waste and propaganda in pursuit of CO2 emission abatement,” Catallaxy Files, November 2, 2015
- “Fracking: another episode in the struggle for mineral rights,” Catallaxy Files, October 28, 2015
- “Your essential Paris primer,” Quadrant Online, October 23, 2015
- “Cutting emissions beyond Paris,” Australian Financial Review, October 22, 2015
- “Greenhouse plans: more economy busting policies being cooked up,” Catallaxy Files, October 7, 2015
- “Whacking Fracking: Victorian Liberals abandon income growth,” Catallaxy Files, September 28, 2015
- “Deflating the mirage of cheap carbon credits,” Catallaxy Files, September 10, 2015
- “Australia’s Climate Change Policy Announced,” Catallaxy Files, August 12, 2015
- “Climate Change survey spin will backfire on the ALP,” Catallaxy Files, August 10, 2015
- “We cannot afford to pay for green power losers,” The Australian, July 14, 2015
- “Renewable subsidies: which is the best way to waste money?” Catallaxy Files, July 14, 2015
- “Wind farms such as these are raising electricity costs for all consumers,” Australian Financial Review, July 09, 2015
- “Climate propaganda: agitators against wealth and their friends,” Catallaxy Files, June 29, 2015
- “Grattan Institute parades its inner Bob Brown,” Catallaxy Files, June 23, 2015
- “Green energy generates big costs for little gain,” The Australian Financial Review, June 22, 2015
- “An Invitation To Be Spurned,” Published by Quadrant Online, May 28, 2015
- “The renewable scam: a never ending story,” Catallaxy Files, May 21, 2015
- “A renewable energy deal: helping to reduce incomes and jobs,” Published by Catallaxy Files, May 18, 2015
- “The renewable energy scam gets a new boost,” Catallaxy Files, May 4, 2015
- “Emission reductions affordable – not bloomin’ likely!,” Catallaxy Files, April 28, 2015
- “Garnaut re-advocates his failed policy approach,” Catallaxy Files, April 15, 2015
- “The Renewable Rort and its Friends,” Catallaxy Files, April 10, 2015
- “Fracking: another case of voter ignorance killing wealth generation,” Catallaxy Files, March 24, 2015
- “Renewable energy’s fraudulent boondoggle starts to unravel,” Catallaxy Files, March 6, 2015
- “Carbon taxes: the ALP’s gift to the Coalition,” Catallaxy Files, January 30, 2015
- “‘Greatest moral challenge of our time’ A Fizzzer,” the Herald Sun, January 23, 2015
- “Fossil-free funds not so clean-cut in long run,” the Herald Sun, December 11, 2014
- “The new protectionism: renewable energy industry’s shameless self promotion,” Catallaxy Files, December 5, 2014
- “Wind, The Greens answer to the human plague,” Catallaxy Files, November 21, 2014
- “Victorian voters face an unedifying choice when it comes to energy,” the Herald Sun, Nov 14, 2014.
- “IPCC calculations show global warming won’t be harmful if it resumes,” The Australian, October 8, 2014
- “A Modest Sceptic Boasts…and Frets,” Quadrant Online, August 1, 2014
- “Renewable energy as a means of reducing emissions fails two key tests,” Herald Sun, June 27, 2014
- “A carbonless economy comes at too high a price,” Herald Sun, May 30, 2014
- “Subsidy scam hurt the energy sector,” The Australian, May 19, 2014
- “Beware of wolves wrapped in climate change,” Herald Sun, April 4, 2014
- “Poll: Aussies won’t pay for climate schemes,” Media Release, April 1, 2014
- “Pity Those Toyota Workers, But Not A Lot,” Quadrant Online, Febrary 12, 2014
- “Renewable energy sources are just a power failure,” Australian Financial Review, January 23, 2014
- “The heavy cost of Renewable Energy Requirements,” IPA Review, January 1, 2014
- “Terminate the renewable scheme now,” The Australian, November 14, 2013
- “The Looming Disaster from Deficit Spending,” Quadrant Online, October 1, 2013
- “Scrapping the green empires,” Australian Financial Review, September 11, 2013
- “The real cost of emissions reduction,” The Australian, August 7, 2013
- “Address to the Revolt Against the Carbon Tax,” IPA Occasional Paper, August 1, 2013
- “Obama takes climate misstep,” The Australian, June 27, 2013
- “Taxes on carbon too drastic and too soon,” Herald Sun, June 13, 2013
- “Cancun can-do is a con,” Australian Financial Review, February 4, 2013
- “Heavy hand of regulators promises pain on power,” The Australian, December 24, 2012
- “Costs lost in the focus on climate,” The Australian, October 17, 2012
- “Somersaults and a belly-flop: carbon tax fails on all counts,” Australian Financial Review, August 29, 2012
- “Costly price to pay for taxes, regulations on energy,” The Herald Sun, July 27, 2012
- “Carbon tax final straw in a lethal energy plan,” Herald Sun, June 29, 2012
- “Earth Hour: the Majesty of Failure,” Catallaxy Files, April 12, 2012
- “Renewable energy rules lose traction,” Australian Financial Review, February 1, 2012
- “Household electricity prices to rise, year on year,” The Australian, December 13, 2011
- “Carbon policy sacrifices nation’s wealth,” The Australian Financial Review, October 17, 2011
- “The case against the carbon tax,” Australian Financial Review, September 8, 2011
- “Peak productivity, living standards set for carbon tax sacrifice,” The Drum, August 2, 2011
- “Suffocating the economy one tax at a time,” The Drum, July 13, 2011
- “Subsidising solar power is just plain crazy,” Herald Sun, June 24, 2011
- “Australia’s emission levels are overstated,” Industrial Electrix, June 22, 2011
- “We emit less CO2 than Combet gives us credit for,” The Australian, May 17, 2011
- “Boot-strapping on a carbon tax,” Online Opinion, April 11, 2011
- “You may not believe in climate change, but you will pay,” The Drum Unleashed, February 24, 2011
- “Energy sector wilts under government’s solar stress,” The Australian, January 25, 2011
- “DCC briefing: a farrago of spin, obfuscation and exaggeration,” The Drum Unleashed, November 4, 2010
- “Putting a price on climate change policy,” The Drum Unleashed, October 18, 2010
- “Big new tax? Kloppers can’t be serious,” The Australian, September 17, 2010
- “Climate change almost invisible in the election campaign,” The Drum Unleashed, August 09, 2010
- “Clunky approach to carbon reduction policies,” Herald Sun, August 7, 2010
- “Renewable energy comes at exorbitant price,” Herald Sun, July 24, 2010
- “Lights Out,” Quadrant Online, July 20, 2010
- “Carbon tax dated,” The Drum Unleashed, June 3, 2010
- “Climate change backflip could pay dividends,” Herald Sun, May 1, 2010
- “Climate change requiem,” ABC The Drum Unleashed, April 8, 2010
- “A turnaround on climate change,” ABC The Drum Unleashed, March 1, 2010
- “Climate target is foolhardy,” The Australian, February 18, 2010
- “Flexibility a key in emission reduction policy,” The Herald Sun, February 6, 2010
- “Lack of Global Agreement Offers a Chance to Cut Our Losses,” The Australian, January 21, 2010
- “Let he who is without climate sin…,” ABC Unleashed, December 11, 2009
- “Too much pain, too little to gain,” The Australian, Nov 25, 2009
- “Carbon emissions tax will choke economy,” The Herald Sun, Nov 14, 2009
- “Carbon tax will light a slow fuse,” The Australian, November 3, 2009
- “We need to wait for low-cost energy options,” Herald Sun, September 19, 2009
- “Off target,” ABC Unleashed, August 21, 2009
- “The Emissions Trading Scheme,” Letter to Penny Wong, August 18, 2009
- “Haste makes waste in the carbon countdown,” The Saturday Herald Sun, August 08, 2009
- “Softly, softly,” Quadrant Online, August 8, 2009
- “Green baptists lead to bootleg,” The Australian, July 28, 2009
- “G8: up in smoke,” ABC Unleashed, July 10, 2009
- “Coal’s detractors ignore hard facts,” Australian Financial Review, July 2, 2009
- “Emissions retreat just so Napoleon,” The Australian, May 6, 2009
- “Government needs face saver more than CPRS,” Herald Sun, May 2, 2009
- “Renewable energy plan just a lot of hot air,” Herald Sun, March 7, 2009
- “Greenhouse guess: tax vs. trade,” ABC Unleashed, March 2, 2009
- “Pulping reality,” ABC Unleashed, January 13, 2009
- “Dreaming of a different kind of White Paper,” Herald Sun, December 27, 2008
- “Wong right to put off our targets,” The Australian, December 02, 2008
- “Carbon copies the order of the day,” The Age, November 20, 2008
- “Climate Change: China’s approach,” Occasional Paper, November 1, 2008
- “Small voice with big ambitions,” The Age , September 26, 2008
- “Emissions Trading: Towards the biggest economic change in Australian history,” IPA Review, September 1, 2008
- “Climate mettle about to be tested,” The Australian, August 1, 2008
- “Prepare for dim, costly future,” The Age, July 4, 2008
- “Cost of carbon cuts hidden in dark plume,” Herald Sun, June 28, 2008
- “Horrendous price on the cards for greenhouse plan,” The Age, June 17, 2008
- “Why a solar system still lacks power,” The Age , May 14, 2008
- “Economic models in dark on carbon,” The Age , May 8, 2008
- “Let’s cool it in heat of great debate,” The Herald Sun, March 8, 2008
- “Despite the Bali show-and-tell, carbon targets continue to be futile,” IPA Review, March 1, 2008.
- “Mission Impossible,” Online Opinion, February 25, 2008
- “However you cut it, carbon dioxide is a fact of modern life,” The Age, February 7, 2008
- “Garret cops a bagging over eco-priorities,” The Age, January 25, 2008
- “The dangers of a pulp mill celebrity status,” The Age, September 6, 2007
- “Garrett needs to burn more midnight oil,” The Age, August 23, 2007
- “We’re already hurting from climate change policies,” IPA Review 2010, July 1, 2007
- “Go easy on regulation in carbon fight,” Australian Financial Review, May 10, 2007
- “Carbon tax or trade? It’s all academic,” The Age, March 29, 2007
- “Principles trampled underfoot,” Australian Financial Review, February 6, 2007
- “The Government’s courting of greens is starting to show,” The Age, January 18, 2007
- “All hail to the new godless religion: environmentalism,” The Age, November 24, 2006
- “Question mark over Stern treatment,” The Herald Sun, November 4, 2006
- “Alarm on global warming just a load of hot air,” The Age, September 8, 2006
- “Wind in sails of a new chorus of claims,” Australian Financial Review, April 27, 2006
- “Some holes in the greenhouse debate,” Australian Financial Review, April 18, 2006
- “Quixotic tax tilting at windmills,” The Age, February 3, 2006
- “Cool down on warming,” Herald Sun, January 14, 2006
- “Wind subsidies stifle economic growth,” Australian Financial Review, November 17, 2005
- “Carbon taxes: an expensive solution for Australia,” Online Opinion, June 24, 2005
- “The high cost of Green fear,” The Herald Sun, June 24, 2005
- “Hunter the big loser in carbon-trading move,” Newcastle Herald, April 13, 2005
- “Carbon quotas pose threat,” The Herald Sun, April 9, 2005
- “The earth’s power and might,” Online Opinion, January 20, 2005
- “Cost of Kyoto is still rising,” Herald Sun, December 11, 2004
- “Emission Controls Just Hot Air,” Australian Financial Review, December 2, 2004
- “Planned Growth a Proven Failure,” Australian Financial Review, May 31, 2004
- “Flaws in anti-FTA Stand,” Australian Financial Review, May 25, 2004
- “Green ‘Truth’ Just a Load of Hot Air,” Courier Mail, October 1, 2003
- “No Answer in the Wind,” Herald Sun, February 22, 2003
- “States Bark Up the Wrong Tree on Kyoto,” Australian Financial Review, January 29, 2003
- “Green Power Riddled by Perilous Politics and Specious Economics,” The Age, November 18, 2002
- “Climate Case not Proved,” Herald Sun, August 24, 2002
- “Power Without Reason,” Herald Sun, June 1, 2002
- “Can development be environmentally sustainable?” On Line Opinion, March 1, 2002
- “Green Power Will Cost Us,” Herald Sun, October 13, 2001
- “Will the Greens Close Down New Zealand?” IPA Review, September 1, 2001
- “Bush Gives Howard a Green Light,” Australian Financial Review, April 2, 2001
- “Greenhouse tax would galvanise fuel industry,” Australian Financial Review, September 16, 1999
- “Trade may pay a high price for green activism,” The Age, July 8, 1996
Other Resources
- “Alan Moran” profile on SourceWatch
- 1“About,” Regulation Economics. Archived October 12, 2021. Archive URL:
- 2“About,” Regulation Economics. Archived October 12, 2021. Archive URL:
- 3“About,” Regulation Economics. Archived October 12, 2021. Archive URL:
- 4“About,” Regulation Economics. Archived October 12, 2021. Archive URL:
- 5Tristan Edis. “Alan Moran dumped by IPA – a lesson for Abbott?” The Australian, August 26, 2014. Archived October 12, 2021. Archive URL:
- 6Cathy Alexander. “Censorship? Climate sceptics culled from universities,” Crikey, July 12, 2013. Archived September 24, 2020. Archive URL:
- 7“People & Associates:Alan Moran,” Institute of Public Affairs. Archived August 31, 2007. Archive URL:
- 8Graham Readfearn. “Billionaire Mining Magnate Gina Rinehart Revealed As Key Donor to Australian Climate Science Denial Promoter Institute of Public Affairs,” DeSmog, July 17, 2018.
- 9Tristan Edis. “Alan Moran dumped by IPA – a lesson for Abbott?” The Australian, August 26, 2014. Archived October 12, 2021. Archive URL:
- 10“OUR PEOPLE,” Australian Environment Foundation. Archived October 12, 2021. Archive URL:
- 11“Graham Readfearn. “Inside the AEF, the climate denial group hosting Tony Abbott as guest speaker,” The Guardian, June 14, 2018. Archived October 13, 2021. Archive URL:
- 12Clive Hamilton. “The Dirty Politics of Climate Change” (PDF), The Australia Institute, February 20, 2006. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 13“People & Associates:Alan Moran,” Institute of Public Affairs. Archived August 31, 2007. Archive URL:
- 14“People & Associates:Alan Moran,” Institute of Public Affairs. Archived August 31, 2007. Archive URL:
- 15“Welcome from our CEO,” ACIL Allen. Archived April 19, 2023. Archive URL:
- 16Alan Moran. “The Sot Weed Offensive,” IPA Review Vol. 50. No. 2, Institute of Public Affairs, February 1998. Retrieved from Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 17Alan Moran. “The Sot Weed Offensive,” IPA Review Vol. 50. No. 2, Institute of Public Affairs, February 1998. Retrieved from Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 18[Letter from Mike Nahan to Bob Deards regarding death and sickness among Australian smokers], Institute of Public Affairs, November 14, 1997. Held by the Truth Tobacco Industry Documents collection at the University of California, San Francisco Library. UCSF Library URL:
- 19Alan Moran. “The IPCC buries two millennia of fluctuating temperatures,” Spectator, August 13, 2021. Archived October 14, 2021. Archive URL:
- 20Alan Moran. “The IPCC buries two millennia of fluctuating temperatures,” Spectator, August 13, 2021. Archived October 14, 2021. Archive URL:
- 21Alan Moran. “The Heavy Cost Of Renewable Energy Requirements,” IPA Review, January 24, 2014. Archived October 12, 2021. Archive URL:
- 22“Greenhouse,” Regulation Economics. Archived .mp3 on file at DeSmog.
- 23Alan Moran. “Burying The Truth About Global Warming,” IPA Review,
- 24May 31, 2013. Archived October 12, 2021. Archive URL:
- 25Gerald McManus. “Hawke’s cash-for-waste idea,” Herald Sun, September 28, 2005. Archived October 31, 2005. Archive URL:
- 26Alan Moran. “The Finkel Report’s Recommendations on the Future Security of the National Electricity Market: Impacts on the Australian Economy and Australian Consumers” (PDF), Regulation Economics, June 30, 2017. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 27“Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market,” Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources. Archived October 13, 2021. Archive URL:
- 28Alan Finkel, Karen Moses, Chloe Munro, Terry Effeney, Mary’OKane. “Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market – Blueprint for the Future,” Commonwealth of Australia, June 1, 2017. Archived April 20, 2023. Archive URL:
- 29Alan Moran. “Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market,” Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources. Archived October 13, 2021. Archive URL:
- 30Alan Moran. “SUBMISSION TO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY: 2017 REVIEW OF CLIMATE CHANGE POLICIES” (PDF), Australian Environment Foundation, May 2017. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 31Alan Moran. “SUBMISSION TO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY: 2017 REVIEW OF CLIMATE CHANGE POLICIES” (PDF), Australian Environment Foundation, May 2017. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 32“Alan Moran, ICCC10 (Panel 10),” Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
- 33“Submissions received by the Committee,” Parliament of Australia Select Committee on Wind Turbines. Accessed October 13, 2021.
- 34Alan Moran. “Submission to Senate Committee on Wind Turbines,” Regulation Economics, January 12, 2015. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 35Alan Moran. “Submission to Senate Committee on Wind Turbines,” Regulation Economics, January 12, 2015. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 36Alan Moran. “Submission to Senate Committee on Wind Turbines,” Regulation Economics, January 12, 2015. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 37“Transcript of Alan Moran’s testimony to the Select Committee on Wind Turbines,” January 12, 2015. Archived October 13, 2021. Archive URL:
- 38“Climate Change – The Facts 2014,” Institute of Public Affairs, March 10, 2014. Archived October 12, 2021. Archive URL:
- 39Alan Moran. “Climate Change: the facts 2014,” Catallaxy Files, December 16, 2014. Archived October 31, 2016. Archive URL:
- 40“Lower CO2 Levels: Costs, Benefits and Possibilities,” Accessed October 13, 2021. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
- 41“Alan Moran, ICCC4,” ClimateConferences.Heartland.Org. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
- 42Brendan DeMelle. “Denial-a-palooza Round 4: ‘International Conference on Climate Change’ Groups Funded by Exxon, Koch Industries,” DeSmog, May 13, 2010.
- 43“Alan Moran, ICCC1,” ClimateConferences.Heartland.Org. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
- 44“OUR PEOPLE,” Australian Environment Foundation. Archived October 12, 2021. Archive URL:
- 45“People & Associates:Alan Moran,” Institute of Public Affairs. Archived August 31, 2007. Archive URL: