Manning Foundation for Democratic Education
The Manning Foundation for Democratic Education was founded in 2007 by Preston Manning, who founded the Reform Party of Canada, which would later become the Canadian Alliance Party and merge with the Progressive Conservatives to create the new Conservative Party of Canada.1“Ernest Preston Manning,” Government of Alberta, July 13, 2020. Archived February 23, 2023. Archive URL:
Preston Manning formed both the Manning Foundation for Democratic Education and the Manning Centre for Building Democracy with the stated goals of:2“About,” Manning Foundation for Democratic Education. Archived February 23, 2023. Archive URL:
“The generation of democratic and conservative intellectual capital through the support of think tanks and idea generators;
“The development of human resources for democratic political institutions and processes through education and training; and
“Networking and relationship building among the various components of the conservative movement through communications and conferencing, including organization of the Manning Networking Conference held each year in Ottawa.”
According to its website, the mission of the Manning Foundation “is to advance democracy through education and communications – in particular, by delivering courses and communications that teach students of all ages about the values, ethics, principles, opportunities, and tools of participatory democracy.”3“About,” Manning Foundation for Democratic Education. Archived February 23, 2023. Archive URL:
While not listed on its website, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) filings list the most recent directors as Clifford Fryers, Gwyn Morgan, and Pat Trottier. According to CRA data, the Gwyn Morgan and Patricia Trottier Foundation has been the largest donor to the Manning Foundation, having donated more than $1.6 million since 2012.4“Gwyn Morgan,” SourceWatch. Archived July 11, 2024. Archive URL:
Preston Manning also founded the Manning Centre for Building Democracy, now the Canada Strong and Free Network. This group advertises its goal “to support Canada’s conservative movement by networking best practices and ideas about limited government, free enterprise, individual responsibility, and a more robust civil society.”5“About,” The Canada Strong and Free Network. Archived February 23, 2023. Archive URL:
C2C Journal
As of December 2018, C2C Journal reported it “has been operating as part of the Manning Foundation for over four years” and “publishing continuously for over 11 years.”7Paul Bunner. “Good News From C2C Journal,” C2C Journal, December 3, 2018. Archived February 24, 2023. Archive URL:
In 2017, the journal’s editor, Paul Brenner, wrote:8C2C Journal Vol. 11 Issue 1 (Spring 2017). Archived March 6, 2023. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
“In 2015, after the Journal became part of the Manning Centre, we began printing a thousand copies of the spring edition for distribution at the annual Manning Centre Conference in Ottawa.”
The publication notes that its “unabashed bias favors free markets, democratic governance, and individual liberty.”9“About,” C2C Journal. Archived February 24, 2023. Archive URL:
Its list of authors includes Gwyn Morgan, also a Manning Foundation director, whose 2023 articles include one opposing Net Zero where he claimed the goal “has empowered a despicable despot named Vladimir Putin” and emphasized that “Canada simply must turn off the net-zero path or we will eventually experience a similar crisis as Europe.”10Gwyn Morgan. “Coming in 2023: A Painful Return to Energy Supply Reality,” C2C Journal, January 9, 2023. Archived February 24, 2023. Archive URL:
Morgan also advanced Vivian Krause‘s claims of a conspiracy among “foreign-funded” environmental groups to oppose fossil fuel production in Canada to the benefit of the US that led to a $3.5 million public inquiry into “anti-Alberta” energy campaigns launched by former Alberta premier Jason Kenney.11Ian Austen. “Alberta Took on Environmental Groups, but Only Proved They Did Nothing Wrong,” The New York Times, October 22, 2021. Archived February 25, 2023. Archive URL:
Morgan described Krause as a “true Canadian patriot” for her work advancing the story that US foreign-funded environmental groups supposedly influenced Canadian environmentalism.12Gwyn Morgan. “Killing the ‘Tar Sands’ with American Money and Canadian Saboteurs,” C2C Journal, March 23, 2019. Archived February 26, 2022. Archive URL:
See a complete list of C2C Journal articles as of March 2023 below. The list can be searched or sorted by title, authors, category, and date:
Stance on Climate Change
Note that while the Manning Foundation does not publicly list its stance on climate change or the other topics below, it has sponsored and run the C2C Journal, which has published a variety of opinions from its authors as below:
January 14, 2020
“Traumatizing young children by telling them the world is about to end crosses the line from eco-activism to emotional eco-terrorism,” former oil industry executive Gwyn Morgan said about efforts by Greta Thunberg to educate youths about the dangers of climate change. His article in C2C Journal was titled “Canada’s ‘Climate Crisis’ is Entirely Political.”13Gwyn Morgan. “Canada’s ‘Climate Crisis’ is Entirely Political,” C2C Journal, January 14, 2020. Archived March 6, 2023. Archive URL:
In his conclusion, Morgan claimed, “No other country has so deliberately turned itself into a climate-change martyr. And yet for all the economic, social and national unity pain inflicted, our sacrifices will have no perceptible impact on global climate change.”
May 16, 2019
“The clearest answer to the question of what we should do about climate change was offered by a man in hip waders who was filling sandbags to help with the flooding in Central Canada: adapt and mitigate,” read a pullout quote from Gwyn Morgan’s article “Choosing between Trudeau’s Election Propaganda and the Truth” in C2C Journal.14Gwyn Morgan. “Choosing between Trudeau’s Election Propaganda and the Truth,” C2C Journal, May 16, 2019. Archived November 18, 2021. Archive URL:
February 16, 2019
Former philosophy professor Grant A. Brown wrote the following in the Manning Foundation’s C2C Journal. The Journal describes Brown as “a climate change skeptic and borderline heretic”:15Grant A. Brown. “A Plan for a Catastrophe That Never Comes,” C2C Journal, February 16, 2019. Archived March 6, 2023. Archive URL:
“Climate alarmism has little to do with the radiative properties of CO2. Rather, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) scary projections derive from conjectured ‘positive feedbacks,’ mostly from water vapour, that are presumed to dangerously amplify the otherwise welcome effects of radiative warming by atmospheric CO2. But again there is no proven correlation between higher atmospheric CO2 concentrations and these hypothetical feedbacks, including moist vaporous ones.”
“I’m trained in philosophy and law, not science. But further scientific support is easily obtainable using simple key-word searches coupled with the names of prominent climate scientists such as Judith Curry, Roger Pielke Jr., Roy Spencer, John Christy, Patrick Moore, Don Easterbrook, Bjorn Lomborg, Bob Carter, Richard Lindzen or Matt Ridley.” (Hyperlinks to DeSmog profiles have been added to the names of these individuals, many of whom do not have backgrounds in climate science).
Publications on Covid
The Manning Foundation’s C2C Journal published an article opposing mandatory vaccination and promoting theories that suggested “deploying vaccines on a population-wide basis at a time when infections are running high makes the situation worse.”16Margret Kopala. “Vaccine Mandates Need to Go,” C2C Journal, February 27, 2022. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
“Universal vaccination may have seemed a reasonable response at the outset but its continued application over two years doesn’t make sense,” Margret Kopala claimed in the article.
The Manning Foundation’s C2C Journal also cited the Great Barrington Declaration, put forward by the conservative think tank American Institute for Economic Research, that promoted herd immunity as a COVID response. The Guardian reported that the declaration also included fake signatures.17Margret Kopala. “Vaccine Mandates Need to Go,” C2C Journal, February 27, 2022. Archived March 4, 2023. Archive URL:,18“Herd immunity letter signed by fake experts including ‘Dr Johnny Bananas,’” The Guardian, October 20, 2020. Archived June 12, 2024. Archive URL:
“According to The Great Barrington Declaration, authored by distinguished scholars in infectious diseases and public health, protection of the vulnerable should be the priority. We now know that these include the frail elderly with comorbidities, but also the obese, including obese children, the immunocompromised and the racialized, whose needs for vitamin D are particularly high.”19Margret Kopala. “Vaccine Mandates Need to Go,” C2C Journal, February 27, 2022. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
Preston Manning wrote an article in C2C Journal questioning the “role of science in shaping public policy,” including Covid response:20“Determining the Role of Science in Shaping Public Policy,” C2C Journal, December 10, 2022. Archived March 4, 2023. Archive URL:
Manning, who Alberta premier Danielle Smith later appointed to lead an “inquiry” into the province’s Covid response,21“Preston Manning wrote a fictional inquiry ‘report’ into COVID. Now he’s doing it for real,” National Post, January 28, 2023. Archived March 3, 2023. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
“[D]oes clear and abundant evidence exist that our health authorities thoroughly tested and verified the hypotheses that wearing of masks, social distancing and related ‘non-pharmaceutical interventions,’ followed by the mandating of specified vaccinations, would as claimed protect Canadians from Covid-19?”
“Apparently, very little evidence of this kind exists, but the explanation offered by our governments and health authorities is that they were responding to an urgent and immediate crisis and that there was no time for the direct and time-consuming application of the scientific method to verify the efficacy of the health protection measures proposed.”
“[W]here is the scientific evidence that the health benefits resulting from the adoption of these measures would outweigh the psychological, social, economic and medical harms created by them?” Manning added, criticizing the government’s choice of “the life sciences – biology, microbiology and especially the medical sciences such as virology, epidemiology, immunology and genetics.”
“But what about other highly relevant scientific disciplines such as psychology, sociology and economics?” he asked (emphasis in original).
“Were economists specifically asked what might be the consequences of business and workplace lockdowns on employment, incomes, supply chains and GDP? And where is the scientific evidence that the health benefits resulting from the adoption of these measures would outweigh the psychological, social, economic and medical harms created by them?”
“[U]pon deeper examination, might it not be found that this focus on the medical sciences was too narrow? While there is evidence that the authorities consulted experts in virology, epidemiology, immunology, and to some extent genetics with respect to the mRNA vaccines, little evidence appears to exist that advice from the broader range of medical science was sought.”
In the article, Manning refers to an imaginary “panel of our most distinguished scientists” who would evaluate COVID-19 actions.
“It would therefore not be surprising if our scientific panel identifying the minimal requirements for a public policy to be truly science-based added the requirement that such a policy must respect and enhance individual freedom to the maximum extent possible. In other words, limiting people’s liberties in the name of science cannot be ‘following science.'”
In a final point, Manning concluded: “Our politicians, civil servants, media communicators and legislative caucuses must be better equipped to more ably and effectively ‘bring science to bear’ on public policy, while also appreciating the limitations of science as an exclusive guide to policy development and implementation.”
Manning Foundation board member Gwyn Morgan also wrote several articles opposing COVID restrictions in C2C Journal:
“Governments must immediately declare that the lockdowns will not be reinstated,” Morgan wrote in a set of suggestions in a June 2020 article titled “The Lockdown Contrarians Were Right.”22Gwyn Morgan. “The Lockdown Contrarians Were Right,“ C2C Journal, June 10, 2020. Archived November 29, 2022. Archive URL:
“Open the secondary schools. There have been zero deaths of children under age 16 in Canada,” he added. “Don’t leave pandemic response measures solely in the hands of Chief Medical Officers.”
“There’s little point to sweeping measures that over-protect the entire population against a single virus if the resulting damage is so severe that the nation in its weakened state can’t cope with future crises, whether those are health-related or otherwise. For such crises will surely occur,” he concluded.
Peter Shawn Taylor commented in 2020 at C2C Journal: “[W]e should be prepared to lock down public health officials whenever they start acting in ways that threaten the economy, society or our freedoms as democratic citizens. After all, they didn’t hesitate to do the same thing to us.”23Peter Shawn Taylor. “Why We May Need to Lock Down Public Health Officials,” C2C Journal, June 30, 2020. Archived March 7, 2023. Archive URL:
Publications on Environmentalism
March 2, 2022
C2C Journal has produced several articles critical of the environmental movement. For example, author Martin Grünn wrote in a piece titled “A Darker Shade of Green: What’s Behind the Inexorable Rise of Environmentalism”: 24Martin Grünn. “A Darker Shade of Green: What’s Behind the Inexorable Rise of Environmentalism,” C2C Journal, March 2, 2022. Archived March 1, 2023. Archive URL:
“Calling environmentalism an ersatz religion may be overdone these days. But only because it’s such an accurate observation about a movement that demands absolute faith, expounds ineffable mysteries and warns of a terrifying Apocalypse,” the article’s description noted.
Author Martin Grünn described the goal of transitioning away from fossil fuels as “concerning”:
“Equally concerning is the movement’s apparent natural immunity to facts, such as the unswerving commitment to ‘renewable’ energy despite its clear inability to replace traditional sources. Numerous multi-billion-dollar failures in the ‘transition’ away from traditional power supplies – from Spain to Ontario to South Australia – are simply shrugged off, tax- and rate-payers be damned. Damned to sit in the cold and dark that is,” he wrote.
Grünn described the label of “watermelon” for environmentalists as “apt,” using Germany as an example:
“German environmentalism and even nature worship was prevalent on both the political left and right, but German Greens (as elsewhere) are leftists. The label ‘watermelon party’ – green on the outside, red on the inside – is apt.”
Grünn also promoted Vivian Krause’s research and suggested her claims deserved more coverage. Still, he did not mention the conclusion of the report that there was no evidence of wrongdoing:25Lisa Johnson. “No evidence of wrongdoing found in Allan inquiry report into ‘anti-Alberta’ campaigns.
Author of the article,” Edmonton Journal, October 22, 2021. Archived January 28, 2024. Archive URL:
“When it comes to foreign funding of green activism and opposition to our resource development, however, there’s been little coverage, let alone media sleuthing. Alberta’s investigation into foreign interference was relentlessly criticized and derided and called a waste of money. Yet the recent Allan Report, despite its low-key language and various caveats, confirmed the central charge of foreign meddling on the scale reported by Krause and Lyman, concluding that ‘there are large amounts of foreign funding flowing into Canada’ with the goal of influencing public policy on resource development.”26Martin Grünn. “A Darker Shade of Green: What’s Behind the Inexorable Rise of Environmentalism,” C2C Journal, March 2, 2022. Archived March 1, 2023. Archive URL:
Publications on Residential Schools & First Nations Issues
C2C Journal has published several articles on residential schools. One article, for example, claims “the current narrative to be sorely lacking in facts and other reliable evidence.”27“Jawbones, Gophers and Tainted Milk: What Do We Really Know About Missing Children at Canada’s Residential Schools?” C2C Journal, February 28, 2023. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
“Subjecting allegations of gravesites, serendipitous jawbones or accusations of murder by poisoned milk to the unblinking rigour of science, logic and archival proof is not ‘heartless cynicism,’ as some critics claim. It is a necessary process to ensure Canadian public policy and opinion based on the basis of facts and reliable evidence, rather than rumour and hearsay,” Hymie Rubenstein and Tom Flanagan wrote in C2C Journal.
They concluded, “There is a more complete, balanced and fact-filled story waiting to be told about Canada’s residential schools. But it will take plenty of research and hard work to uncover amid the current preference for obfuscation, innuendo and slander.”
University of Calgary professor emeritus Tom Flanagan, one of the co-authors of that piece, also co-wrote an article in The Dorchester Review titled “The False Narrative of Residential School Burials.”28Tom Flanagan and Brian Giesbrecht. “The False Narrative of Residential School Burials,” The Dorchester Review, March 1, 2022. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
He also wrote a book published by the Fraser Institute titled The Wealth of First Nations.29Peter Shawn Taylor. “Adam Smith Meets Big Bear,” C2C Journal, April 6, 2019. Archived March 30, 2023. Archive URL:
Below are some additional articles on First Nations issues at C2C Journal with sample quotes:
Hymie Rubenstein. “What Really Caused the James Smith Cree Nation Stabbings?,” C2C Journal, December 15, 2022.30Hymie Rubenstein. “What Really Caused the James Smith Cree Nation Stabbings?,” C2C Journal, December 15, 2022. Archived July 8, 2024. Archive URL:
“What caused the killings at James Smith Cree Nation wasn’t centuries-old trauma. It was a criminal justice system that puts Indigenous communities at risk by failing to sentence violent criminals appropriately and then releasing them too soon.”
Hymie Rubenstein. “Digging for the Truth about Canada’s Residential School Graves: Part One,” C2C Journal, August 7, 2021.31Hymie Rubenstein. “Digging for the Truth about Canada’s Residential School Graves: Part One,” C2C Journal, August 7, 2021. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
“Victims can never be allowed to control any criminal investigation, regardless of how much sympathy they may engender. All Canadians deserve to participate in the search for truth, particular given the serious allegations of genocide and other misdeeds made against our whole society.”
Hymie Rubenstein. “Digging for the Truth about Canada’s Residential Schools Graves: Part Two,” C2C Journal, August 25, 2021.32Hymie Rubenstein. “Digging for the Truth about Canada’s Residential Schools Graves: Part Two,” C2C Journal, August 25, 2021. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
“Part One of this three-part series considered the evidence supporting horrific claims made about the unmarked graves recently found at former Indian Residential Schools across Canada. Upon closer investigation, many of these allegations turned out to be exaggerated, unproven or simply wrong.”
Hymie Rubenstein. “The myth of indigenous utopia,” November 8, 2017.33Hymie Rubenstein. “The myth of indigenous utopia,” C2C Journal, November 8, 2017. Archived November 11, 2017. Archive URL:
“Warts and all, no country has ever done more for its indigenous people. And Professor [Niigaan] Sinclair’s haughty claims to aboriginal moral superiority over European savagery have no foundation in Canadian history.”
Gwyn Morgan. “Where’s the Veto for Common Sense?” C2C Journal, February 4, 2020.34Gwyn Morgan. “Where’s the Veto for Common Sense?,” C2C Journal, February 4, 2020. Archived June 16, 2020. Archive URL:
“The melodrama of endless litigation must not be allowed to continue. But what is the Trudeau government doing to improve the process of gaining Aboriginal consent? Absolutely nothing. In fact, it has compounded the problem by adopting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP). UNDRIP requires ‘free, prior and informed consent’ regarding ‘legislative or administrative measures that may affect Indigenous peoples, including approval of any project affecting their lands or territories and other resources.’
“If followed, this amounts to an aboriginal veto over nearly any development, and an at-times-tiny minority-within-a-minority would be able to nix projects that other Indigenous groups favoured.”
Brian Giesbrecht. “An Endless Cycle of Despair,” C2C Journal, January 31, 2020.35Brian Giesbrecht. “An Endless Cycle of Despair,” C2C Journal, January 31, 2020. Archived July 10, 2024. Archive URL:
“[B]laming colonialism or other past injustices is a triumph of the victim narrative that will put more Indigenous children at risk.”
Brian Giesbrecht. “The Battle for the Bruce,” C2C Journal, July 13, 2019.36Brian Giesbrecht. “The Battle for the Bruce,” C2C Journal, July 13, 2019. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
“As difficult as it may be to conceive, however, the prospect of handing over a massive swath of popular public lands along with a fabulous sum of money to a local Indigenous population of approximately 1,500 is not the greatest threat this case poses to Canada. At the risk of running out of superlatives, this particular land claim threatens far greater damage by striking at the very foundation of the Canadian system of private property ownership.”
Hymie Rubenstein. “What’s in a Word?” C2C Journal, June 17, 2019.37Hymie Rubenstein. “What’s in a Word?” C2C Journal, June 17, 2019. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
The following is from C2C Journal‘s article summary: “Precision of language is critical in government documents. Take the report on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW), which claimed “Indigenous women and girls now make up almost 25 percent of homicide victims.” It turns out the Statistics Canada report on which this claim was based indicates that 25 percent of female homicide victims were Indigenous women, a much smaller number. If the MMIW report’s authors can’t even transcribe a simple government statistic, what business have they bandying about the charge of ‘genocide?'”
Rubenstein wrote in the article:
“As immeasurably tragic as every single murder is, the numbers in question are orders of magnitude smaller than any genocide ever documented.”
“[R]adical genocide scholars, influenced by both anti-scientific post-modernism and person-centred victimology studies, have so expanded the notion of genocide as to include any real or alleged action that its presumed targets claim qualify as such.”
“The MMIWG inquiry’s expansion of genocide to cover the tragic murder and disappearance of 1,200 Indigenous women and girls is not merely a canard; it is a falsehood. An outrageous and disingenuous falsehood. One could almost describe it as an Indigenous-style blood libel. Why, then, was it employed by the Inquiry’s commissioners? Given that the Final Report adds nothing to what was learned from 98 previous reports since at least 1907 about the extent, nature, and causes of the issue, it seems likely there was a need for a shock-and-awe doublespeak term to grab public attention while demanding more public money for, among other things, more public inquiries.
“This wasteful $92 million Inquiry and the enormous ‘Indian Industry’ it is part of has surely done the former and will continue to press for the latter. The Supplementary Report’s legal opinion makes the financial motivation crystal-clear: ‘Under international law, Canada has a duty to redress the [genocidal] harm it caused and to provide restitution, compensation and satisfaction to Indigenous peoples.'”
Peter Shawn Taylor. “Adam Smith Meets Big Bear,” C2C Journal, April 6, 2019.38Peter Shawn Taylor. “Adam Smith Meets Big Bear,” C2C Journal, April 6, 2019. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
“First Nations such as Fort McKay have been able to effect real, positive change in the lives of their people by fully engaging with the outside economy. As such, every obstructed pipeline, mine or coastal terminal represents a lost opportunity for other native communities to improve their living standards. This is why forward-thinking native leaders are now speaking out about the dangers of obstructionism and the importance of own-source revenues. Engagement with the broader economy is far more rewarding that attempting to hold it at bay.”
Peter Shawn Taylor. “The Teepee of Babel,” C2C Journal, December 30, 2018.39Peter Shawn Taylor. “The Teepee of Babel,” C2C Journal, December 30, 2018. Archived March 23, 2023. Archive URL:
“That the normally pragmatic and frugal-minded [Don] Drummond accepts the need to spend enormous sums in perpetuity pursuing a wholly undefined and unbounded effort to revive dozens of already-abandoned native languages may be seen as evidence of how sentiment, rather than science or evidence, has taken control of the Indigenous language debate.”
“In fact, there is good academic evidence that cataloguing and recording for archival purposes may be the best that can be hoped for the majority of Canada’s Indigenous languages.”
“Accepting the utility of a modern dominant language is not an exercise in cultural homogenization or linguistic colonialism. It is simply recognition of the tremendous benefits arising from barrier-free communication via a common language.”
“Attempting to fulfil the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action on Indigenous languages by permitting a host of new quasi-official languages few people can speak or by embarking on a doomed experiment to revive dying languages on reserves may be the latest attempt at expiating white guilt over the legacy of the residential schools system. But that doesn’t mean it’s a wise use of resources, time or effort.”
Josh Dehaas. “You Call This ‘Healing’?” C2C Journal, December 3, 2018.40Josh Dehaas. “You Call This Healing?” C2C Journal, December 3, 2018. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
“The increasingly disproportionate representation of Aboriginal Canadians in crime and the penal system is a social tragedy and a serious public safety issue. The solutions attempted to date appear to be exacerbating the problem, yet Ottawa seems determined to double down on them. The McClintic story and controversy should give politicians and Corrections officials pause to reconsider the path they’re on.”
Rodney A. Clifton. “My Life in Two Indian Residential Schools,” C2C Journal, September 5, 2022.41Rodney A. Clifton. “My Life in Two Indian Residential Schools,” C2C Journal, September 5, 2022. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
“As a result of my experience and personal observation, I have great difficulty believing that hundreds, let alone thousands, of children died at residential schools and were buried in schoolyards without proper funerals or official documentation. (I remain prepared to change my mind if shown compelling evidence.)”
Rodney A. Clifton’s profile at the Fraser Institute describes him as a “Professor of Sociology of Education at the University of Manitoba.”42“Rodney A. Clifton,” Fraser Institute. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
Robert McBain and Peter Shawn Taylor. “The Real Cost of Bad History,” C2C Journal, May 28, 2019.43Robert MacBain and Peter Shawn Taylor. “The Real Cost of Bad History,” C2C Journal, May 28, 2019. Archived March 4, 2023. Archive URL:
“The notion that historical treaties should not be read as written − as clear and final land surrender agreements – but instead as opportunities to explore new and inventive forms of ‘land-sharing’ among natives and settlers has become a popular political narrative. It has no basis in fact or history,” authors Robert MacBain and Peter Shawn Taylor wrote.
In a video introducing the article, Peter Shawn Taylor commented:
“Canadians have had to put up with a lot of bad history lately. We’ve seen statues ripped down, buildings renamed, and historical reputations destroyed as the resulted of a biased and misleading view of Canada’s colonial past.
“Although such smears against our history entail a significant cultural loss in terms of understanding who we are and where we’ve come from, a recent court case threatens to do much greater damage to Canadian society at large.”44“The Real Cost of Bad History – C2C Journal,” YouTube video uploaded by user “C2C Journal,” June 4, 2019. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
Manning Foundation as Recipient
Below are the top nonprofit donors to the Manning Foundation, based on data from the CRA, with the most recent data reviewed by DeSmog as of 2021.
View the attached spreadsheet for additional details on Manning Foundation funding by year (.xlsx).
Manning Foundation as Donor
According to data from the CRA, for the fiscal period ending December 21, 2021, the Manning Foundation made the following grants:45“T3010 Registered Charity Information Return: MANNING FOUNDATION FOR DEMOCRATIC EDUCATION (Fiscal period January 01, 2021 to December 31, 2021)” Government of Canada. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
Donee | Amount | | $24,142 |
Institut Economique de Montreal (Montreal Economic Institute) | $7,500 |
Key People
Troy Lanigan has served as the Manning Foundation’s president since 2019. He also serves as CEO and founder of, and on the board of the Institute for Liberal Studies.46“Troy Lanigan,” Manning Foundation. Archived January 10, 2025. Archive URL:
His history includes various roles with the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF), including 10 years serving as its president. He has worked as the National Education Director for the US-based Leadership Institute.47“Troy Lanigan,” Manning Foundation. Archived January 10, 2025. Archive URL:
He is a member of the Atlas Network’s Council of Mentors.48“Troy Lanigan,” Manning Foundation. Archived January 10, 2025. Archive URL:
The following is based on data from the CRA, reviewed by DeSmog.
Dates are based on the best available information: Where “appointed date” or “ceased date” was unavailable, the CRA displayed directors based on the fiscal year appearing in the filings.
View the attached spreadsheet for additional information on Manning Foundation directors year over year (.xlsx).
Clifford H Fryers
According to his profile at Manning’s other nonprofit, the Canada Strong & Free Network, Clifford (Cliff) Fryers “played an active role in the creation and development of the Reform Party of Canada, serving in a variety of national organizational and fundraising capacities.”49“CLIFF FRYERS,” Canada Strong & Free Network. Archived March 6, 2023. Archive URL:
He was chief of staff to Preston Manning while Manning was Leader of the Official Opposition from June 1997 to June 2000. Fryers is chairman of the board of the Manning Foundation and a director at the Canada Strong and Free Network (formerly Manning Centre), which he helped found.50“CLIFF FRYERS,” Canada Strong & Free Network. Archived March 6, 2023. Archive URL:
Gwyn Morgan
Gwyn Morgan is a retired oil executive. He founded EnCana corporation and served as its CEO from April 2002 to December 2005 and then as its executive vice chairman until 2006. His wife, Patricia Trottier, also serves on the Manning Foundation board.51“Gwyn Morgan,” The Globe and Mail, undated. Archived March 1, 2023. Archive URL:
EnCana was the largest energy company in Canada52“EnCana to split in two with oil at record highs,” Reuters, May 11, 2008. Archived March 1, 2023. Archive URL: before it moved most of its operations to the U.S. in 2020 and rebranded as Ovintiv.53“Doug Suttles transforms ‘headquarter-less’ Encana with $7.7-billion deal to buy Newfield,” Financial Post, November 1, 2018. Archived May 26, 2023. Archive URL: 54(Press Release). “Encana Completes Reorganization and Establishes Corporate Domicile in the U.S.” Ovintiv, January 24, 2020. Archived March 1, 2023. Archive URL: A merger of PanCanadian Energy Corporation and Alberta Energy Company Ltd. created EnCana in 2002.55“Our History,” Encana. Archived June 25, 2014. Archive URL:
Morgan served as a director and chairman of SNC-Lavalin56Nicolas Van Praet. “SNC-Lavalin chairman Morgan to retire as new directors proposed,” Financial Post, April 4, 2013. Archived March 1, 2023. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. when the company faced a corruption scandal.57Gwyn Morgan. “Lessons I learned from SNC-Lavalin’s woes,” The Globe and Mail, July 26, 2013. Archived March 1, 2023. Archive URL:
He has also served as a director of several other groups, including the American Petroleum Institute,58“Gwyn Morgan,” Canada’s Outstanding CEO of the Year, 2005. Archived February 15, 2019. Archive URL: Fraser Institute, HSBC59“Gywn Morgan,” University of Alberta, undated. Archived March 1, 2023. Archive URL: Rio Tinto, PanCanadian Energy, Alberta Energy, Lafarge North America, and others.60“What the SNC board may have known about the firm’s dealings in Libya — like the office safe with $10M cash,” CBC News, April 15, 2019. Archived March 2, 2023. Archive URL:
In 2005, he was described as the “loudest voice in the oil patch trying to shout down the Kyoto Accord.”61“The Power 25,” The Globe and Mail, October 27, 2005. Archived March 1, 2023. Archive URL:
Pat Trottier
Patricia (Pat) Trottier is married to Gwyn Morgan and serves as the president of the Gwyn Morgan and Patricia Trottier Foundation, while Morgan serves as its CEO and chairperson. Their foundation has provided millions to various conservative groups in Canada.62“Gwyn Morgan,” The Globe and Mail, undated. Archived March 1, 2023. Archive URL:
Preston E Manning
Preston Manning founded the Reform Party of Canada, which would later become the Canadian Alliance Party and merge with the Progressive Conservatives to create the new Conservative Party of Canada.63“Ernest Preston Manning,” Government of Alberta, July 13, 2020. Archived February 23, 2023. Archive URL:
He also founded the Manning Centre for Building Democracy, now the Canada Strong and Free Network. This group advertises its goal “to support Canada’s conservative movement by networking best practices and ideas pertaining to limited government, free enterprise, individual responsibility and a more robust civil society.”64“About,” The Canada Strong and Free Network. Archived February 23, 2023. Archive URL:
Manning is a fellow of the Fraser Institute and the Canada West Foundation, among other groups.65“Preston Manning,” Fraser Institute. Archived March 6, 2023. Archive URL:
Michael Binnion
Michael Binnion is the president and founding shareholder of the oil and gas production company Questerre Energy, based in Quebec. He is also the board chair of the Canada Strong and Free Network.66“MICHAEL BINNION,” Canada Strong & Free Network. Archived March 6, 2023. Archive URL:
He has held positions with several other oil and energy companies. He was president and CEO of Flowing Energy Corp and later its chairman. He was a founder and director of Magnus Energy Inc. until 2007. He also serves as chairman of High Arctic Energy Services, Inc.67“MICHAEL BINNION,” Canada Strong & Free Network. Archived March 6, 2023. Archive URL:
Nigel Wright
Canada Strong & Free Network’s website lists Nigel S. Wright as a “Partner.” According to that profile, Wright “served as the thirteenth Chief of Staff of the Office of the Prime Minister of Canada, from September 2010 to May 2013, and is a Managing Director in the London office of Onex Corporation.”68“PARTNER: Nigel Wright,” Canada Strong & Free Network. Archived March 6, 2023. Archive URL:
According to his profile at Onex, Wright is also a director of the Fraser Institute, the Macdonald-Laurier Institute, and has served as a director of Policy Exchange among other groups.69“Nigel Wright,” Onex. Archived June 30, 2024. Archive URL:
Rick M Anderson
Earnscliffe Strategies previously listed Rick Anderson as principal, where his since-removed profile noted he has “served on several boards of directors, including directorships of the Canadian Internet Registration Authority, Manning Centre for Building Democracy, Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation, and the Federation of Mutual Fund Dealers. He is a director of the Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association and and a member of C.D. Howe Institute’s Energy Policy Council and the Public Policy Forum’s Canadian Commission on Democratic Expression.”70“Rick Anderson,” Earnscliffe Strategies. Archived November 12, 2021. Archive URL:
In a June 2022 interview, the host introduced Anderson as a former chief of staff to Preston Manning.71“Rick Anderson | Canadian Politics June 2022,” YouTube video uploaded by user “Brian Crombie,” June 27, 2022. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog. He headed the Reform Party in the 1990s.72“How a political evolution led one long-time strategist to become ‘post-partisan,'” CBC, February 14, 2020. Archived March 7, 2023. Archive URL:
Nicholas Offord
Nicholas Offord is president and founder of the Offord Group, “a strategic advisory alternative to charities with a focus on capacity building.”73“Nicholas Offord,” CASE. Archived August 29, 2024. Archive URL:
Michel Kelly-Gagnon
Michel Kelly-Gagnon is president, CEO, and director of the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI),74“Author: Michel Kelly-Gagnon,” MEI. Archived March 7, 2023. Archive URL: a group described as a “kind of Fraser Institute in Quebec.”75“Montreal Economic Institute continues move from Quebec’s fringe by recruiting former finance minister Joe Oliver,” Financial Post, March 9, 2016. Archived August 30, 2024. Archive URL:
He is a senior fellow with the Atlas Network, which once listed MEI as a partner.76“Global Directory: Canada,” Atlas Network. Archived January 23, 2021. Archive URL:
SourceWatch describes the Atlas Network as “the Johnny Appleseed of antiregulation groups” that is “on a mission to populate the world with new ‘free market’ voices” and “litter the world with free-market think-tanks.”77“Atlas Network,” SourceWatch. Archived August 14, 2024. Archive URL:
He has also been a board member of the John Dobson Foundation, “which supports the teaching of entrepreneurial and free enterprise thinking to the general public.”78“Author: Michel Kelly-Gagnon,” MEI. Archived March 7, 2023. Archive URL:
Leah Costello
Leah Costello is the founder of the Curious Mind Group of Companies, and her profile describes her as an “event host, writer, and media commentator based in West Vancouver.”79“Board of Directors,” Manning Centre. Archived March 5, 2016. Archive URL:
Ken Carter
A Ken Carter has sat on the Manning Centre board; however, Manning Centre staff have declined to answer whether it is the same Ken Carter who previously rented out a building to the Manning Centre.80David J. Climenhaga. “Wherever there’s Alberta unite-the-right chatter, Preston Manning’s name keeps popping up,”, February 29, 2016. Archived March 7, 2023. Archive URL:
A wealthy Calgary businessman named Ken Carter who is worth an estimated $80M,81“Calgary judge recuses herself over connection to millionaire accused of harassment,” CBC News, August 18, 2018. Archived March 7, 2023. Archive URL: was convicted in a corruption scheme82Ina Sidhu. “Warrant issued for Calgary millionaire convicted in cop corruption scheme,” CTV News, August 30, 2024. Archived March 6, 2023. Archive URL: involving a custody battle and handed a three-year prison sentence.83Meghan Grant. “48 hours to surrender: Businessman and former Calgary cop must begin serving prison time,” CBC News, March 7, 2023. Archived March 7, 2023. Archive URL: DeSmog has not confirmed this is the same Ken Carter who sat on the Manning Foundation board.
Andrea Manning-Kroon
Andrea Manning-Kroon is the granddaughter of Muriel Aileen Manning. According to her obituary initially published in the Edmonton Journal, Preston Manning was Muriel’s youngest son.84“Muriel Manning” Edmonton Journal, April 25, 2006 – retrieved from Archived August 30, 2024. Archive URL: The Canadian Law List listed Andrea Manning-Kroon as the president and senior research lawyer for Westerlea Research Corporation in Calgary, Alberta.85“Andrea E. Manning-Kroon,” Canadian Law List. Archived March 7, 2023. Archive URL: According to her LinkedIn, she was previously a lawyer for Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP.86“Andrea Manning-Kroon,” LinkedIn. Accessed March 2023. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
Ken Craig
DeSmog has not verified a Ken Craig with direct connections to the Manning Foundation or Centre.
Mark McKenna
A person named Mark McKenna has served as president of Walton Global Investments, a real estate development company that has had developments in Calgary, Alberta. DeSmog has not verified this is the same Mark McKenna who served on the Manning Foundation board.87“THE FUTURE OF REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS IN THE TRUMP ERA,” TIMC. Archived March 7, 2023, Archive URL: Note that Blair Nixon below, who has served as executive vice president at Walton Global Investments, also lists himself as a director of the Manning Foundation.
Blair Nixon
Blair Nixon, executive vice president at Walton Global Investments, has also listed himself as a director of the Manning Foundation since 2008 on his LinkedIn. Nixon also lists himself as a partner of Felesky Flynn LLP.88“Blair Nixon,” LinkedIn. Accessed March 2023. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
Thompson MacDonald
The press in Canada has described Thompson MacDonald as “former premier Ralph Klein’s one-time media strategist”89The Canadian Press. “Alberta public forum strives to unite the right in bid against NDP,” CBC News, April 4, 2016. Archived March 7, 2023. Archive URL: and as a “former television journalist and public relations consultant who had advised Alberta Premier Ralph Klein in the past.”90Brian Laghi. “Alliance council explodes in anger,” The Globe and Mail, May 26, 2001. Archived March 7, 2023. Archive URL: Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
Reginald L Peterson
DeSmog has not verified a Reginald Peterson with direct connections to the Manning Foundation or Centre.
Michael Gibney
DeSmog has not verified a Michael Gibney with direct connections to the Manning Foundation or Centre.
Glen Murray
Pending further investigation.
October 28, 2021
While the $3.5 million public inquiry into “anti-Alberta” energy campaigns91“Alberta Took on Environmental Groups, but Only Proved They Did Nothing Wrong,” The New York Times, October 22, 2021. Archived June 21, 2024. Archive URL: found no evidence of wrongdoing92Lisa Johnson. “No evidence of wrongdoing found in Allan inquiry report into ‘anti-Alberta’ campaigns,” Edmonton Journal, October 22, 2021. Archived August 30, 2024. Archive URL: by environmental groups, accounting firm Deloitte also identified 11 of Canada’s largest conservative/market-oriented organizations as part of the investigation.93“Anti-Alberta Inquiry Redacted Details About Millions of Dollars in Foreign Funding to Right-Wing Groups,” PressProgress, October 28, 2021. Archived May 27, 2024. Archived URL:
The public inquiry redacted the names in the main report and outlined 11 groups in the appendix. The Manning Foundation appeared on the list.94“Anti-Alberta Inquiry Redacted Details About Millions of Dollars in Foreign Funding to Right-Wing Groups,” PressProgress, October 28, 2021. Archived May 27, 2024. Archived URL:
May 2015
The C2C Journal, with the Manning Foundation listed as a sponsor, reportedly released an e-mail blast comparing the Alberta election to “a refugee camp in Ethiopia,” PressProgress reported.95“Charity linked to Manning Centre compares African refugee camp to Alberta in partisan e-mail,” PressProgress, May 18, 2015. Archived March 7, 2023. Archive URL:
Related Organizations
Canada Strong and Free Network (Former Manning Centre)
C2C Journal — An online publication listed as a “partner” of the Manning Foundation.96Paul Bunner. “Good News From C2C Journal,” C2C Journal, December 3, 2018. Archived February 24, 2023. Archive URL:
The Manning Foundation lists the following groups on its website on a page titled “Partners.” Apart from their listing on the website, the nature of the Manning Foundation’s association with these groups is not detailed:97“Archives: Partners,” Manning Foundation, Archived March 7, 2023. Pagination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. Archive URL:
- Peter & Joanne Brown Foundation
- Canada’s Energy Citizens
- Vaccine Choice Canada98“Vaccine Choice Canada,” Wikipedia. Archived August 26, 2024. Archived URL:
- Vaping Industry Trade Association (VITA)
- Greenfield Global
- International Climate Science Coalition – Canada
- Canadian Medical Association
- DoorDash
- Christian Heritage Party
- Morgan Construction
- The Linda Frum & Howard Sokolowski Charitable Foundation
- Global Public Affairs
- Western Standard
- True North
- Conservateur
- Rights4Vapers
- Wellington Advocacy
- Institute for Liberal Studies
- Alberta Counsel
- Coalition of Concerned Manufacturers and Businesses of Canada (CCMBC)99“Group Funded By Oil Industry Pushed Memes Attacking Public Health Orders In Alberta Separatist Groups,” PressProgress, January 20, 2021. Archived May 19, 2024. Archived URL:
- We Need a Law
- McDaniel
- Teck Resources100“Teck,” SourceWatch. Archived August 30, 2024. Archived URL:
- Property Rights Alliance
- Leadership Institute
- Canada Strong and Free Network
- Fairness Alberta
- Alberta Institute
- Canadians for Affordable Energy (CAE)
- Project Confederation
- IDUL The Global Alliance of the Center Right
- Atlas Network
- The Wire Report
- Truth and Consequences
- Freeze It For Them
- Melcor
- Canadians for a Responsible Recovery
- The News Forum
- Coril
- Canzuk International
- C2C Journal
- Generation Screwed
- Alberta Victory Fund
- Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
- Earnscliffe101“Earnscliffe Strategy Group,” SourceWatch. Archived September 11, 2015. Archived URL:
- Weibe Family
- Gwyn Morgan & Patricia Trottier
- Proof Strategies
- Janssen102“Johnson & Johnson,” SourceWatch. Archived May 2, 2024. Archived URL:
- Universe Machine Corporation
- iPolitics
- Amgen103“Amgen,” SourceWatch. Archived May 2, 2024. Archived URL:
- Canadian Energy Centre
- Crestview Strategy
- Canadian Credit Union Association
- Buffalo Project
- Shaping Canada’s Future
- Hill Times
- The Wusyk Financial Group
- Bennett Jones LLP
- Canada Growth Council
- Maple Leaf Strategies
- Frontier Centre for Public Policy
- Crease Harman LLP
- Canadian Taxpayers Federation
- Frontline Centre
- Carleton University
- Sun Life Financial
- Suncor104“Suncor,” SourceWatch. Archived April 30, 2024. Archived URL:
- Summa Strategies
- Scotiabank
- MDA Corp
- Enterprise
- Canadian National Railway105“CN (Canadian National Railroad),” SourceWatch. Archived March 22, 2023. Archived URL:
- Chemistry Industry Association of Canada
- Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
- Beer Canada
- Coca-Cola Canada106“Coca-Cola Company,” SourceWatch. Archived June 27, 2024. Archived URL:
- Manulife
- Telus107“Telus,” SourceWatch. Archived December 21, 2022. Archived URL:
- Canadian Nuclear Association108“Canadian Nuclear Association,” SourceWatch. Archived June 28, 2018. Archived URL:
- Canadian Real Estate Association
- Bruce Power
- Amazon
- TD Bank
- Mastercard109“Mastercard,” SourceWatch. Archived June 20, 2021. Archived URL:
- Canadian Bankers Association
- AstraZeneca110“AstraZeneca,” SourceWatch. Archived November 28, 2023. Archived URL:
- Air Canada
- Meta
- Insurance Bureau of Canada
- H&R Block111“H&R Block,” SourceWatch. Archived September 13, 2015. Archived URL:
- Enbridge112“Enbridge,” SourceWatch. Archived April 26, 2024. Archived URL:
- Labatt
- Modern Miracle Network
- Intuit
- Shaping Alberta’s Future
Contact & Address
The Manning Foundation listed the following address on its website as of 2023:113“Contact,” Manning Foundation. Archived February 22, 2023. Archive URL:
Google Maps shows that address as a UPS Store.
The Manning Foundation lists the address of Warnock Kraft Anderson Lawyers & Notaries in its charity details at the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA):114“MANNING FOUNDATION FOR DEMOCRATIC EDUCATION,” Government of Canada. Archived March 6, 2023. Archive URL: 115“Business Profile for Warnock Kraft Anderson Lawyers & Notaries,” Better Business Bureau. Archived March 6, 2023. Archive URL:
225 1 Ave NW
Airdrie, AB T4B 2M8
Social Media
Manning Foundation
- @manningfoundation2081 on YouTube
C2C Journal
Other Resources
- Andrew Nikiforuk. “The Gwyn Morgan File: Rise of a Shale Gas Baron,” The Tyee, March 17, 2011.
- Nick Fillmore. “From fracking to SNC-Lavalin: The truth about corporate kingpin Gwyn Morgan,”, April 17, 2013.
- 1“Ernest Preston Manning,” Government of Alberta, July 13, 2020. Archived February 23, 2023. Archive URL:
- 2“About,” Manning Foundation for Democratic Education. Archived February 23, 2023. Archive URL:
- 3“About,” Manning Foundation for Democratic Education. Archived February 23, 2023. Archive URL:
- 4
- 5“About,” The Canada Strong and Free Network. Archived February 23, 2023. Archive URL:
- 6“C2C Journal: About Us,” C2C Journal. Archived August 1, 2024. Archived URL:
- 7Paul Bunner. “Good News From C2C Journal,” C2C Journal, December 3, 2018. Archived February 24, 2023. Archive URL:
- 8C2C Journal Vol. 11 Issue 1 (Spring 2017). Archived March 6, 2023. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 9“About,” C2C Journal. Archived February 24, 2023. Archive URL:
- 10Gwyn Morgan. “Coming in 2023: A Painful Return to Energy Supply Reality,” C2C Journal, January 9, 2023. Archived February 24, 2023. Archive URL:
- 11Ian Austen. “Alberta Took on Environmental Groups, but Only Proved They Did Nothing Wrong,” The New York Times, October 22, 2021. Archived February 25, 2023. Archive URL:
- 12Gwyn Morgan. “Killing the ‘Tar Sands’ with American Money and Canadian Saboteurs,” C2C Journal, March 23, 2019. Archived February 26, 2022. Archive URL:
- 13Gwyn Morgan. “Canada’s ‘Climate Crisis’ is Entirely Political,” C2C Journal, January 14, 2020. Archived March 6, 2023. Archive URL:
- 14Gwyn Morgan. “Choosing between Trudeau’s Election Propaganda and the Truth,” C2C Journal, May 16, 2019. Archived November 18, 2021. Archive URL:
- 15Grant A. Brown. “A Plan for a Catastrophe That Never Comes,” C2C Journal, February 16, 2019. Archived March 6, 2023. Archive URL:
- 16Margret Kopala. “Vaccine Mandates Need to Go,” C2C Journal, February 27, 2022. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
- 17Margret Kopala. “Vaccine Mandates Need to Go,” C2C Journal, February 27, 2022. Archived March 4, 2023. Archive URL:
- 18“Herd immunity letter signed by fake experts including ‘Dr Johnny Bananas,’” The Guardian, October 20, 2020. Archived June 12, 2024. Archive URL:
- 19Margret Kopala. “Vaccine Mandates Need to Go,” C2C Journal, February 27, 2022. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
- 20“Determining the Role of Science in Shaping Public Policy,” C2C Journal, December 10, 2022. Archived March 4, 2023. Archive URL:
- 21“Preston Manning wrote a fictional inquiry ‘report’ into COVID. Now he’s doing it for real,” National Post, January 28, 2023. Archived March 3, 2023. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 22Gwyn Morgan. “The Lockdown Contrarians Were Right,“ C2C Journal, June 10, 2020. Archived November 29, 2022. Archive URL:
- 23Peter Shawn Taylor. “Why We May Need to Lock Down Public Health Officials,” C2C Journal, June 30, 2020. Archived March 7, 2023. Archive URL:
- 24Martin Grünn. “A Darker Shade of Green: What’s Behind the Inexorable Rise of Environmentalism,” C2C Journal, March 2, 2022. Archived March 1, 2023. Archive URL:
- 25Lisa Johnson. “No evidence of wrongdoing found in Allan inquiry report into ‘anti-Alberta’ campaigns.
Author of the article,” Edmonton Journal, October 22, 2021. Archived January 28, 2024. Archive URL: - 26Martin Grünn. “A Darker Shade of Green: What’s Behind the Inexorable Rise of Environmentalism,” C2C Journal, March 2, 2022. Archived March 1, 2023. Archive URL:
- 27“Jawbones, Gophers and Tainted Milk: What Do We Really Know About Missing Children at Canada’s Residential Schools?” C2C Journal, February 28, 2023. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
- 28Tom Flanagan and Brian Giesbrecht. “The False Narrative of Residential School Burials,” The Dorchester Review, March 1, 2022. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
- 29Peter Shawn Taylor. “Adam Smith Meets Big Bear,” C2C Journal, April 6, 2019. Archived March 30, 2023. Archive URL:
- 30Hymie Rubenstein. “What Really Caused the James Smith Cree Nation Stabbings?,” C2C Journal, December 15, 2022. Archived July 8, 2024. Archive URL:
- 31Hymie Rubenstein. “Digging for the Truth about Canada’s Residential School Graves: Part One,” C2C Journal, August 7, 2021. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
- 32Hymie Rubenstein. “Digging for the Truth about Canada’s Residential Schools Graves: Part Two,” C2C Journal, August 25, 2021. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
- 33Hymie Rubenstein. “The myth of indigenous utopia,” C2C Journal, November 8, 2017. Archived November 11, 2017. Archive URL:
- 34Gwyn Morgan. “Where’s the Veto for Common Sense?,” C2C Journal, February 4, 2020. Archived June 16, 2020. Archive URL:
- 35Brian Giesbrecht. “An Endless Cycle of Despair,” C2C Journal, January 31, 2020. Archived July 10, 2024. Archive URL:
- 36Brian Giesbrecht. “The Battle for the Bruce,” C2C Journal, July 13, 2019. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
- 37Hymie Rubenstein. “What’s in a Word?” C2C Journal, June 17, 2019. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
- 38Peter Shawn Taylor. “Adam Smith Meets Big Bear,” C2C Journal, April 6, 2019. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
- 39Peter Shawn Taylor. “The Teepee of Babel,” C2C Journal, December 30, 2018. Archived March 23, 2023. Archive URL:
- 40Josh Dehaas. “You Call This Healing?” C2C Journal, December 3, 2018. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
- 41Rodney A. Clifton. “My Life in Two Indian Residential Schools,” C2C Journal, September 5, 2022. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
- 42“Rodney A. Clifton,” Fraser Institute. Archived March 3, 2023. Archive URL:
- 43Robert MacBain and Peter Shawn Taylor. “The Real Cost of Bad History,” C2C Journal, May 28, 2019. Archived March 4, 2023. Archive URL:
- 44“The Real Cost of Bad History – C2C Journal,” YouTube video uploaded by user “C2C Journal,” June 4, 2019. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
- 45“T3010 Registered Charity Information Return: MANNING FOUNDATION FOR DEMOCRATIC EDUCATION (Fiscal period January 01, 2021 to December 31, 2021)” Government of Canada. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 46“Troy Lanigan,” Manning Foundation. Archived January 10, 2025. Archive URL:
- 47“Troy Lanigan,” Manning Foundation. Archived January 10, 2025. Archive URL:
- 48“Troy Lanigan,” Manning Foundation. Archived January 10, 2025. Archive URL:
- 49“CLIFF FRYERS,” Canada Strong & Free Network. Archived March 6, 2023. Archive URL:
- 50“CLIFF FRYERS,” Canada Strong & Free Network. Archived March 6, 2023. Archive URL:
- 51“Gwyn Morgan,” The Globe and Mail, undated. Archived March 1, 2023. Archive URL:
- 52“EnCana to split in two with oil at record highs,” Reuters, May 11, 2008. Archived March 1, 2023. Archive URL:
- 53“Doug Suttles transforms ‘headquarter-less’ Encana with $7.7-billion deal to buy Newfield,” Financial Post, November 1, 2018. Archived May 26, 2023. Archive URL:
- 54(Press Release). “Encana Completes Reorganization and Establishes Corporate Domicile in the U.S.” Ovintiv, January 24, 2020. Archived March 1, 2023. Archive URL:
- 55“Our History,” Encana. Archived June 25, 2014. Archive URL:
- 56Nicolas Van Praet. “SNC-Lavalin chairman Morgan to retire as new directors proposed,” Financial Post, April 4, 2013. Archived March 1, 2023. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 57Gwyn Morgan. “Lessons I learned from SNC-Lavalin’s woes,” The Globe and Mail, July 26, 2013. Archived March 1, 2023. Archive URL:
- 58“Gwyn Morgan,” Canada’s Outstanding CEO of the Year, 2005. Archived February 15, 2019. Archive URL:
- 59“Gywn Morgan,” University of Alberta, undated. Archived March 1, 2023. Archive URL:
- 60“What the SNC board may have known about the firm’s dealings in Libya — like the office safe with $10M cash,” CBC News, April 15, 2019. Archived March 2, 2023. Archive URL:
- 61“The Power 25,” The Globe and Mail, October 27, 2005. Archived March 1, 2023. Archive URL:
- 62“Gwyn Morgan,” The Globe and Mail, undated. Archived March 1, 2023. Archive URL:
- 63“Ernest Preston Manning,” Government of Alberta, July 13, 2020. Archived February 23, 2023. Archive URL:
- 64“About,” The Canada Strong and Free Network. Archived February 23, 2023. Archive URL:
- 65“Preston Manning,” Fraser Institute. Archived March 6, 2023. Archive URL:
- 66“MICHAEL BINNION,” Canada Strong & Free Network. Archived March 6, 2023. Archive URL:
- 67“MICHAEL BINNION,” Canada Strong & Free Network. Archived March 6, 2023. Archive URL:
- 68“PARTNER: Nigel Wright,” Canada Strong & Free Network. Archived March 6, 2023. Archive URL:
- 69“Nigel Wright,” Onex. Archived June 30, 2024. Archive URL:
- 70“Rick Anderson,” Earnscliffe Strategies. Archived November 12, 2021. Archive URL:
- 71“Rick Anderson | Canadian Politics June 2022,” YouTube video uploaded by user “Brian Crombie,” June 27, 2022. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
- 72“How a political evolution led one long-time strategist to become ‘post-partisan,'” CBC, February 14, 2020. Archived March 7, 2023. Archive URL:
- 73“Nicholas Offord,” CASE. Archived August 29, 2024. Archive URL:
- 74“Author: Michel Kelly-Gagnon,” MEI. Archived March 7, 2023. Archive URL:
- 75“Montreal Economic Institute continues move from Quebec’s fringe by recruiting former finance minister Joe Oliver,” Financial Post, March 9, 2016. Archived August 30, 2024. Archive URL:
- 76“Global Directory: Canada,” Atlas Network. Archived January 23, 2021. Archive URL:
- 77“Atlas Network,” SourceWatch. Archived August 14, 2024. Archive URL:
- 78“Author: Michel Kelly-Gagnon,” MEI. Archived March 7, 2023. Archive URL:
- 79“Board of Directors,” Manning Centre. Archived March 5, 2016. Archive URL:
- 80David J. Climenhaga. “Wherever there’s Alberta unite-the-right chatter, Preston Manning’s name keeps popping up,”, February 29, 2016. Archived March 7, 2023. Archive URL:
- 81“Calgary judge recuses herself over connection to millionaire accused of harassment,” CBC News, August 18, 2018. Archived March 7, 2023. Archive URL:
- 82Ina Sidhu. “Warrant issued for Calgary millionaire convicted in cop corruption scheme,” CTV News, August 30, 2024. Archived March 6, 2023. Archive URL:
- 83Meghan Grant. “48 hours to surrender: Businessman and former Calgary cop must begin serving prison time,” CBC News, March 7, 2023. Archived March 7, 2023. Archive URL:
- 84“Muriel Manning” Edmonton Journal, April 25, 2006 – retrieved from Archived August 30, 2024. Archive URL:
- 85“Andrea E. Manning-Kroon,” Canadian Law List. Archived March 7, 2023. Archive URL:
- 86“Andrea Manning-Kroon,” LinkedIn. Accessed March 2023. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 88“Blair Nixon,” LinkedIn. Accessed March 2023. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 89The Canadian Press. “Alberta public forum strives to unite the right in bid against NDP,” CBC News, April 4, 2016. Archived March 7, 2023. Archive URL:
- 90Brian Laghi. “Alliance council explodes in anger,” The Globe and Mail, May 26, 2001. Archived March 7, 2023. Archive URL: Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
- 91“Alberta Took on Environmental Groups, but Only Proved They Did Nothing Wrong,” The New York Times, October 22, 2021. Archived June 21, 2024. Archive URL:
- 92Lisa Johnson. “No evidence of wrongdoing found in Allan inquiry report into ‘anti-Alberta’ campaigns,” Edmonton Journal, October 22, 2021. Archived August 30, 2024. Archive URL:
- 93“Anti-Alberta Inquiry Redacted Details About Millions of Dollars in Foreign Funding to Right-Wing Groups,” PressProgress, October 28, 2021. Archived May 27, 2024. Archived URL:
- 94“Anti-Alberta Inquiry Redacted Details About Millions of Dollars in Foreign Funding to Right-Wing Groups,” PressProgress, October 28, 2021. Archived May 27, 2024. Archived URL:
- 95“Charity linked to Manning Centre compares African refugee camp to Alberta in partisan e-mail,” PressProgress, May 18, 2015. Archived March 7, 2023. Archive URL:
- 96Paul Bunner. “Good News From C2C Journal,” C2C Journal, December 3, 2018. Archived February 24, 2023. Archive URL:
- 97
- 98“Vaccine Choice Canada,” Wikipedia. Archived August 26, 2024. Archived URL:
- 99“Group Funded By Oil Industry Pushed Memes Attacking Public Health Orders In Alberta Separatist Groups,” PressProgress, January 20, 2021. Archived May 19, 2024. Archived URL:
- 100
- 101“Earnscliffe Strategy Group,” SourceWatch. Archived September 11, 2015. Archived URL:
- 102
- 103
- 104
- 105“CN (Canadian National Railroad),” SourceWatch. Archived March 22, 2023. Archived URL:
- 106
- 107
- 108“Canadian Nuclear Association,” SourceWatch. Archived June 28, 2018. Archived URL:
- 109
- 110
- 111
- 112
- 113“Contact,” Manning Foundation. Archived February 22, 2023. Archive URL:
- 114“MANNING FOUNDATION FOR DEMOCRATIC EDUCATION,” Government of Canada. Archived March 6, 2023. Archive URL:
- 115“Business Profile for Warnock Kraft Anderson Lawyers & Notaries,” Better Business Bureau. Archived March 6, 2023. Archive URL: